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Bio-Plastic Recipes |
25ml glycerol
100ml vinegar
600 ml water
45.5 grams cornflour
5 grams agar
Method : dissolve 300ml of cold water with sieved cornflour, then dissolve the agar in 300ml of hot water, combine. Add all other ingredients ( half of our recipe we put guar gum in, 3 grams in total)into and put it on the stove on a medium to high heat, stir continuisely. Once boiled , keep on stove for 10mins then pour into molds.
25mL Glycerol
100mL Vinegar (white)
600mL Water
5 grams Agar
45.5 grams Custard Powder
Method: use 400ml of water and pour into a pot, add agar, vinegar,glycerol. Put on the medium to high heat and wait till it overflows with lots of bubbles do this for about 10mins.Now dissolve custard powder in cold water (200ml) add to the pot. Simmer until combined and has started to boil then pour into molds. Let them dry naturally for a day then put into oven on low (about 20 degrees) and let it dry.
NOTE: -We recommend you dissolve the agar ( in hot water)and custard powder (in cold water) seperately before combining together and with the rest of the ingredients.
-Also because it is custard powder it will have a weird yellow tinge. Super weird looking and not that appealing. We are lookin at just taking away the custard powder option and just sticking with cornflour.
^ final result for custard actual turned out really well. Dosen't stick together and dosen't break when touched.
100mL vinegar (white)
25mL glycerol 100% BP (decrese due to reading online about recipe calling for 1% solution of glycerol)
97g cornflour
220 grams biosplastic mix
10 grams plywood shaving from the shopbot
NOTE: -Might have worked better if we had soaked the wood prior.This recipe cracked a lot and became very delicate.
555 grams bioplastic mix
45 grams plywood shaving from the shopbot
NOTE: -A lot stronger,however is more of a wood composite then a bio plastic. Our best sample for this one was when we clamped two halves together then let dry in oven then about a day later opened it and let it dry with one side off ( in the oven on low for 2days, flipping mid way to dry evenly) this process made it keep form better and dry flat.
22 grams bioplastic mix
3 grams wax shavings from CNC mill
Method: Make a bioplastic mix and add your wax shavings, pour into a mold. Will dry within 1-2 days at about 20 degrees in a oven.
NOTE: -Super weird material, not worth trialing as it did'nt show that much potential. Just made the wax shavings stick together.
700mL water
100mL vinegar (white)
50mL glycerol 100% BP
97 g Cornflour
NOTE: -Some pieces harden quicker then others. Still hasn't completely dried. More potential in testing this recipe than the first. With some tweaking it could potentially become a lot more workable.
240 ml of cold water
2 Tbsp agar flakes
14g glycerol 100% BP
NOTE: -Is a very wet mixture and did'nt dry properly.Broke easily. In this recipe we did use alot of agar so the mixture became very soft.