PCBot is a internet connected printer that helps you with electronics.
You can chat with it and ask to print a breaboard circuit layout or ask for other assistance in building your electronic project.
PCBot is based on Intel Edison hosting a Telegram bot written in python connected to a thermal printer.
- Full-scale breadboard paper templates: put them on top of the breadboard and stick the componets through the paper.
- Common electronic components and modules pinouts: you won’t need anymore to bring your laptop next to the solder station or go crazy with multiple datasheet tabs on your browser.
- Just a print any image: if you don’t find a component or a breadboard just send an image URL to the PCBot printer.
Share your breadboard template and help us grow the images database!
Install the following libraries with pip:
pip install telegram
pip install urllib
Run the software:
python PCBot.py
Find a complete tutorial here