Fajar BOT v1.0.0
Update Breaking Changes, check !fb command
(no longer use dots for commands)
Welcome to join in and feel free to contribute
Click this link to add a bot to your server.
- Jokes Bapak-Bapak
- Waktu sholat
- Al-Qur'an
- Search Engine
- Translate
- Migrate from Heroku to fly.io
!fb jokes
= Get one random joke.!fb env
= Check environment.!fb sholat
= COMING SOON!!.!fb search
= Search Engine use google.com.!fb translate-langlist
= List supported language.!fb translate-codelang <language>
= Examine the language code.!fb translate
= COMING SOON!!.!fb ping
= test ping.!fb pong
= test ping.!fb intro
= About this bot.!fb contribute
= Link Repository.
curl https://discordapp.com/api/v7/gateway/bot -H "Authorization: Bot <token>"