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109 lines (81 loc) · 6.49 KB

File metadata and controls

109 lines (81 loc) · 6.49 KB

Unsigned Windows System Binary


ID: 0xFF-0006-Usigned-Windows-System-Binary-Win

OS: WindowsEndpoint, WindowsServer

FP Rate: Low


Tactic Technique Subtechnique Technique Name
TA0005 - Defense Evasion T1036 005 Masquerading - Match Legitimate Name or Location
TA0005 - Defense Evasion T1036 001 Masquerading - Invalid Code Signature

Utilized Data Sources

Log Provider Event ID Event Name ATT&CK Data Source ATT&CK Data Component
MicrosoftThreatProtection ProcessCreated Process Process Creation

Technical description of the attack

This query searches for invocations of a number of commonly used and signed Windows binaries. It then finds invocations of these binaries where they are not properly signed.

Permission required to execute the technique


Detection description

Attackers might alter system binaries to modify the binaries' behavior.



False Positives

In case a legitimate software package uses a file name that is the same as that of a known system binary, this rule may trigger.

Suggested Response Actions

Investigate why the device contains an altered version of a system binary.

Detection Blind Spots

None expected.



Language: Kusto

Platform: M365 Security


let timeframe = 2*1h;
let default_global_prevalence = 0;
let signedSystemFiles = dynamic(["aitstatic.exe", "ApplicationFrameHost.exe", "ApplyTrustOffline.exe", "AppVClient.exe", "AppVDllSurrogate.exe", "AppVNice.exe", "AppVShNotify.exe", "audiodg.exe", "AuthHost.exe", "backgroundTaskHost.exe", "bcdedit.exe", "bdeunlock.exe", "BioIso.exe", "bootsect.exe", "browser_broker.exe", "CameraSettingsUIHost.exe", "CastSrv.exe", "CExecSvc.exe", "changepk.exe", "ClipRenew.exe", "ClipUp.exe", "CloudExperienceHostBroker.exe", "CloudNotifications.exe", "cmdiag.exe", "CompatTelRunner.exe", "consent.exe", "convertvhd.exe", "CredentialEnrollmentManager.exe", "CredentialUIBroker.exe", "csrss.exe", "DataExchangeHost.exe", "DeviceCensus.exe", "Dism.exe", "DisplaySwitch.exe", "dllhost.exe", "DTUHandler.exe", "easinvoker.exe", "ErgonomicKBNotificationService.exe", "fontdrvhost.exe", "FsIso.exe", "fsutil.exe", "GenValObj.exe", "hcsdiag.exe", "hvax64.exe", "hvc.exe", "hvix64.exe", "hvsievaluator.exe", "hvsimgr.exe", "hvsirdpclient.exe", "hvsirpcd.exe", "HvsiSettingsWorker.exe", "iotstartup.exe", "LicensingUI.exe", "LockAppHost.exe", "LockScreenContentServer.exe", "LsaIso.exe", "lsass.exe", "mavinject.exe", "mfpmp.exe", "MRT.exe", "MusNotifyIcon.exe", "NDKPing.exe", "NgcIso.exe", "nmbind.exe", "nmscrub.exe", "ntoskrnl.exe", "nvspinfo.exe", "OpenWith.exe", "PasswordOnWakeSettingFlyout.exe", "phoneactivate.exe", "PickerHost.exe", "PktMon.exe", "ProximityUxHost.exe", "prproc.exe", "ResetEngine.exe", "RuntimeBroker.exe", "ScriptRunner.exe", "securekernel.exe", "SecurityHealthHost.exe", "SecurityHealthService.exe", "services.exe", "sessionmsg.exe", "SettingSyncHost.exe", "SgrmBroker.exe", "SgrmLpac.exe", "SIHClient.exe", "SlideToShutDown.exe", "smss.exe", "SndVol.exe", "spaceman.exe", "sppsvc.exe", "svchost.exe", "SyncAppvPublishingServer.exe", "SysResetErr.exe", "systemreset.exe", "SystemSettingsAdminFlows.exe", "SystemSettingsBroker.exe", "SystemSettingsRemoveDevice.exe", "taskhostw.exe", "Taskmgr.exe", "tcblaunch.exe", "ttdinject.exe", "tttracer.exe", "ucsvc.exe", "upfc.exe", "UserAccountBroker.exe", "verifier.exe", "vmcompute.exe", "VmComputeAgent.exe", "vmms.exe", "vmplatformca.exe", "vmsp.exe", "vmwp.exe", "wcsetupagent.exe", "WerFault.exe", "WerFaultSecure.exe", "wermgr.exe", "wifitask.exe", "wimserv.exe", "wininit.exe", "winload.exe", "winresume.exe", "wkspbroker.exe", "wlrmdr.exe", "WpcMon.exe", "wuauclt.exe", "WUDFCompanionHost.exe", "WWAHost.exe", "AdtAgent.exe", "appverif.exe", "iaStorAfsNative.exe", "iaStorAfsService.exe", "MCU.exe", "", "MpSigStub.exe", "RtkAudUService64.exe", "TsWpfWrp.exe"]);
let uniqueHashes = materialize(
    | where ingestion_time() >= ago(timeframe)
    | where ActionType =~ "ProcessCreated"
    | where FileName in~ (signedSystemFiles) and not(isempty(SHA1))
    // Begin environment-specific filter.
    // End environment-specific filter.
    // FileProfile is case sensistive and works on lower-case hashes
    | extend SHA1=tolower(SHA1)
    | summarize  MachineCount=dcount(DeviceId) by SHA1
let unsignedHashes = materialize(
    // Take 1000 of the most unique hashes as files with high prevelance are very likely to be signed in a legit manner.
    | top 1000 by MachineCount asc
    // FileProfile is case-sensitive and works on lower-case hashes.
    | extend SHA1=tolower(SHA1)
    | invoke FileProfile(SHA1, 1000)
    | where not(ProfileAvailability =~ "Error")
    | where IsCertificateValid != 1 or (IsRootSignerMicrosoft != 1 and coalesce(GlobalPrevalence,default_global_prevalence) < 200)
    | where not(SignatureState =~ "Unknown" and coalesce(GlobalPrevalence,default_global_prevalence) > 30000) // Workaround for a bug in MDE that reports some valid MS signed files as 'Unknown'.
| where ingestion_time() >= ago(timeframe)
| where ActionType =~ "ProcessCreated"
| where SHA1 in~ ((unsignedHashes | project SHA1)) // This is for performance improvement.
| join kind=inner unsignedHashes on SHA1
| summarize arg_min(Timestamp, *) by DeviceId, FolderPath // Show only the first invocation per device.

Version History

Version Date Impact Notes
1.6 2024-06-28 minor Modified the usage of FileProfile to exclude results if the call to the FileProfile API has failed.
1.5 2024-06-06 minor Added a filter for "ProcessCreated" actiontype, as MDE is rolling out other actiontypes as well.
1.4 2023-01-03 minor Lowered the case of hashes that are fed to the FileProfile function due to case sensitivity.
1.3 2022-11-01 minor Use default_global_prevalence variable to allow customizing handling of empty GlobalPrevalence
1.2 2022-02-22 minor Use ingestion_time for event selection and include de-duplication logic.
1.1 2021-10-28 minor Add workaround for false positive in MDE.
1.0 2021-03-19 major Initial version.