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Overly permissive security group


ID: 0xFF-0161-Overly_permissive_security_group-AWS


FP Rate: High


Tactic Technique Subtechnique Technique Name
TA0005 - Defense Evasion T1562 007 Impair Defenses - Disable or Modify Cloud Firewall

Utilized Data Sources

Log Provider Event ID Event Name ATT&CK Data Source ATT&CK Data Component
AWS AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress Cloud Service Cloud Service Modification

Technical description of the attack

This query detects someone setting a security group with inbound rules allowing or a subnet less than or equal to /16. It does it similarly with ipv6.

Permission required to execute the technique


Detection description

An attacker on AWS might want to obtain access to a machine via SSH, RDP or another management protocol. Since properly configured servers are not internet-reachable, attackers have been observed to allow-list a very large range to provide themselves access to the resource.


This rule only works for organizations which adhere to a strict policy with regards to "least privilege" access.

False Positives

This rule can trigger a significant number of false positives. It's necessary to tune this rule per organization to ensure that it matches the organization-specific modus operandi with regards to security groups.

Suggested Response Actions

Confirm if the user has indeed created an overly broad security group rule.

Detection Blind Spots

None known.



Language: Kusto

Platform: Sentinel


let timeframe = 2*1h;
let RuleId = "0161";
let DedupFields = dynamic(["TimeGenerated"]);
| where ingestion_time() >= ago(timeframe)
| where EventName =~ "AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress"
| distinct *
| extend RequestParameters=parse_json(RequestParameters)
| extend ipPermissionsItems = RequestParameters.ipPermissions.items
| mv-expand ipPermissionsItems
| mv-expand ipPermissionsItems.ipRanges.items, ipPermissionsItems.ipv6Ranges.items
| parse ipPermissionsItems_ipRanges_items.cidrIp with ipprefix:string "/" iprange:int
| parse ipPermissionsItems_ipv6Ranges_items.cidrIpv6 with ipv6prefix:string "/" ipv6range:int
| parse RequestParameters.cidrIp with cidripprefix:string "/" cidriprange:int
| where ipprefix =~ "" or iprange <= 16
  or ipv6prefix =~ "::" or ipv6range <= 64
  or cidripprefix =~ "" or cidriprange <= 16
| extend SecurityGroupId = RequestParameters.groupId
// Begin environment-specific filter.
// End environment-specific filter.
| extend UserAccount=tostring(split(UserIdentityArn, "/")[-1])
// Begin de-duplication logic.
| extend DedupFieldValues=pack_all()
| mv-apply e=DedupFields to typeof(string) on (
    extend DedupValue=DedupFieldValues[tostring(e)]
    | order by e // Sorting is required to ensure make_list is deterministic.
    | summarize DedupValues=make_list(DedupValue)
| extend DedupEntity=strcat_array(DedupValues, "|")
| project-away DedupFieldValues, DedupValues
| join kind=leftanti (
    | where AlertName has RuleId and ProviderName has "ASI"
    | where TimeGenerated >= ago(timeframe)
    | extend DedupEntity = tostring(parse_json(tostring(parse_json(ExtendedProperties)["Custom Details"])).DedupEntity[0])
    | project DedupEntity
) on DedupEntity
// End de-duplication logic.

Version History

Version Date Impact Notes
1.3 2022-08-25 minor Entity mapping added.
1.2 2022-02-22 minor Use ingestion_time for event selection and include de-duplication logic.
1.1 2022-02-01 minor Add alerting based on cidrIp as well.
1.0 2021-08-12 major Initial version.