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113 lines (85 loc) · 5.07 KB

UnPAC the hash


ID: 0xFF-0299-UnPAC_the_hash-Win

OS: WindowsEndpoint, WindowsServer

FP Rate: Low


Tactic Technique Subtechnique Technique Name
TA0005 - Defense Evasion T1550 003 Use Alternate Authentication Material - Pass the Ticket
TA0006 - Credential Access T1558 002 Steal or Forge Kerberos Tickets - Silver Ticket

Utilized Data Sources

Log Provider Event ID Event Name ATT&CK Data Source ATT&CK Data Component
SecurityEvents 4769 Active Directory Active Directory Credential Request

Technical description of the attack

This query looks for an attack that allows an attacker with a valid TGT token for a certain account, to obtain the NTLM hash for that account. Such an account may either be a user account or a machine account. The TGT can, for example, be obtained by authenticating with a certificate instead of with username and password.

Permission required to execute the technique


Detection description

This query works by identifying TGS requests with KDC options that don't occur in normal AD environments. This detection looks for TGS requests where the KDC options Renewable, Forwardable, Renewable_ok and Enc_tkt_in_skey are set. This combination of options is unique for Certipy, Rubeus and Kekeo. More tools inspired by the implementation of these tools likely use the same options. The detection checks the presense of these 4 options, regardless which other options are set.


Rubeus and Certipy also set the Canonicalize options, besides the earlier mentioned options. Since we want our coverage to be as broad as possible, we don't check for this KDC option. However, if this detection gives too many false positives in an environment, you can consider to check for the presence of Canonicalize as well.

False Positives

No false positives observed.

Suggested Response Actions

Consider the account for which this rule triggered compromised. An attacker has access to the NTLM hash. For compromised machine accounts, it's unlikely that an attacker would be able to crack it. However, an attacker can use this hash to create local admin passwords for that machine at will. For a normal user account which triggers this rule, consider the account compromised and stop using the account. Consider the ups and downs of keeping the account active vs blocking the account. The latter is usually a sufficient sign to an attacker that he/she has been caught. Choose strategically whether you want to share this insight with an attacker.

Detection Blind Spots

Other tools with similar behavior, but less KDC options set, might slip through this rule. We haven't researched what the minimum set of KDC options is required to receive the correct information to unPAC-the-hash.



Language: Kusto

Platform: Sentinel


let timeframe = 2*1h;
let RuleId = "0299";
let DedupFields = dynamic(["TimeGenerated"]);
let forwardable = binary_shift_left(1, 30);
let renewable = binary_shift_left(1, 23);
let renewable_ok = binary_shift_left(1, 4);
let enctik = binary_shift_left(1, 3);
let krbflags = binary_or(forwardable, binary_or(renewable, binary_or(renewable_ok, binary_or(enctik, 0))));
| where ingestion_time() >= ago(timeframe)
| where EventID == 4769
| extend ticketOptions = toint(extract("<Data Name=\"TicketOptions\">(.*?)</Data>", 1, EventData))
| extend TargetUserName = extract("<Data Name=\"TargetUserName\">(.*?)@.*?</Data>", 1, EventData)
| extend ServiceName = extract("<Data Name=\"ServiceName\">(.*?)</Data>", 1, EventData)
| where ServiceName =~ TargetUserName // Requirement for getting the NT hash with U2U. This makes the KDC encrypt the NT hash with the key in the TGT.
| where binary_and(ticketOptions, krbflags) == krbflags
// Begin environment-specific filter.
// End environment-specific filter.
// Begin de-duplication logic.
| extend DedupFieldValues=pack_all()
| mv-apply e=DedupFields to typeof(string) on (
    extend DedupValue=DedupFieldValues[tostring(e)]
    | order by e // Sorting is required to ensure make_list is deterministic.
    | summarize DedupValues=make_list(DedupValue)
| extend DedupEntity=strcat_array(DedupValues, "|")
| project-away DedupFieldValues, DedupValues
| join kind=leftanti (
    | where AlertName has RuleId and ProviderName has "ASI"
    | where TimeGenerated >= ago(timeframe)
    | extend DedupEntity = tostring(parse_json(tostring(parse_json(ExtendedProperties)["Custom Details"])).DedupEntity[0])
    | project DedupEntity
) on DedupEntity
// End de-duplication logic.

Version History

Version Date Impact Notes
1.0 2022-06-17 major Initial version.