- Investigating the Ability of CNNs to Count Visual Concepts
- Fergus Steel
- 2542391s
- Dr. Paul Siebert
Week-by-week plan for the whole project. Update this as you go along.
- Week 1 Initial Meeting, Research and Experimentation
- Week 2 Define Direction, Setup Reference Manager, Collate Related Material, Create Related (Panoptic/Segmentation/Attention) Demonstration, Complete Milestones and Timeline
- Week 3 Conduct Extensive Literature Review!
- Week 4 Draft a literature review summary, identify research gaps
- Week 5 Dataset Decisions (creating one / using one)? Preprocessing plans? Generally Select Toolset. Collate dataset, complete preprocessing (augmentation, resizing, encoding?)
- Week 6-10 Design Capsule Network, implement general code structure, get bounding box GUI working.
- Week 10 Training and Testing. Optimizations (hyperparameter tweaking), Visualizations, attention maps/density maps.
- Week 11 [PROJECT WEEK] Probably finishing incompleted milestons + benchmark performance tables (accuracy, speeed, etc.)
- Week 12 [PROJECT WEEK] Status report writing and submissions.
- Start Writing some Diss
- Week 13
- Week 14
- Week 15
- Week 16
- Week 17
- Week 19
- Week 20
- Week 21
- Week 22
- Week 23 [TERM ENDS]
- Week 24 Dissertation submission deadline and presentations.