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Booting Utility for Laravel custom Packages


  • Bootraiser saves you all the boilerplate required for a Laravel package.
  • Bootraiser can be easily integrated into existing packages.
  • Bootraiser is completely based on laravel
  • no “extra-magic” packages necessary

If you write your own Laravel packages, parts of your package usually have to be booted in Laravel.

This can sometimes cost an unnecessary amount of time.

Filefabrik-Bootraiser provides you with all important Laravel boot methods immediately and without much configuration effort. It is also quite cool if the Laravel “publish” methods are supported so that views|translations|packageConfig overrides can be published later.

current state is "dev". there are no tests. but they are under construction


composer require filefabrik/bootraiser

If you only want to use Bootraiser during development, integrate the bootraiser package with:

composer require filefabrik/bootraiser --dev

Then please remember to implement your own boot mechanisms or copy the boot mechanisms you need from the Bootraiser-Trait into your YourPackageServiceProvider

Modify your YourPackageServiceProvider.php

Then go to your provider file, which is usually under:


YourPackageServiceProvider.php file looks like this:


namespace YourCompanyVendor\YourPackage\Providers;

use Filefabrik\Bootraiser\WithBootraiser;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;

class YourPackageServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    // insert this Magic Trait :)
    use WithBootraiser;

    public function register()

    public function boot(): void
       // parts to boot if they are already exists in your code 
       $bootParts = [
            // 3rd Party package
        /* Easy boot utility. You can replace all the booted service/parts with your own*/

  1. To use Bootraiser, use WithBootraiser; must be included.

  2. Then which components you want to boot with Bootraiser as an Array.

Note: You can enter all parts as boot parts. Bootraiser only boots the parts that are actually in your package.

Split Bootraiser Boot process

Subdivide the boot process with boot raiser if needed.

public function boot(): void
       // parts to boot if they are already exists in your code 
       $bootParts = [
        /* Easy boot utility. You can replace all the booted service/parts with your own*/
        * your custom boot stuff
       // boot the rest if need 
       $bootParts2 = [
            // 3rd Party package

The following boot mechanisms are available to you:

boot Routes



boot Migrations (publish migrations into Laravel migration directory)

Offers migration files for publishing packages/your-package/database/migrations/*

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=your-package-migrations


integrate Migrations without publishing

It is not necessary to publish the migration files of the package. Bootraiser can make the migrations available for each package individually in the command php artisan migrate:status

To do this, place the following snippet in your register or boot method

 public function register(){

without integrating Migrations


with integrate Migrations


boot Translations (Language-Files)


php artisan vendor:publish --tag=your-package-translations

boot Views (blade) and View Components

  • loadViews
  • publish your blade files for overrides if need
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=your-package-views
  • register your package to view components


boot Commands

Boot your commands if any are existing, and if you handle laravel at the moment with cli



boot Config


php artisan vendor:publish --tag=your-package-packageConfig

packageConfig is singular!

will output to packageConfig/your-package.php or with custom $bootraiserPackage->setGroupName('cooler') to packageConfig/cooler.php

register Config

please see under Advanced usage for a little bit more functionality

boot Livewire

If you create your own Livewire views, Livewire is also supported and booted.

  • blade directory: packages/your-package/resource/views/livewire/*
  • Livewire Component Directory packages/your-package/src/Livewire/

boot livewire will support the dotted namespaces (will also work without the paxsy generator)



Booting Livewire will also be displayed in Laravel's debug-bar


note: Laravel Debug-Bar can be installed via

composer install barryvdh/laravel-debugbar --dev

A note on vendor:publish --tag=“your-package”-views|translations|migrations

If your package name is too long or cumbersome to create a memorable group name, simply set a different identifier for the group names


Now all your publish tag options will look like --tag=cooler-views

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=cooler-views

command bootraiser:seed

The bootraiser:seed command gets a menu with Bootraiser:

php artisan bootraiser:seed


Choose a seeder that you would like to perform


So that you can execute database seeders for packages, the db:seed command has been extended by the following options.

--main database Seeders

All DatabaseSeeder.php they are tracked by Bootraiser will be executed --main


php artisan bootraiser:seed --main

With the --main flag all DatabaseSeeder are executed in DatabaseSeeder.php.

For example, all executed DatabaseSeeders:

The Laravel Application Seeder

  • ~./database/seeders/DatabaseSeeder.php

And for packages they are using bootraiser:

  • ~./packages/my-package/database/seeders/DatabaseSeeder.php
  • ~./app-paxsy/another-package/database/seeders/DatabaseSeeder.php


Advanced usage

If you want to make your packageConfig publishable, you would also have to adapt the YourServiceProvider::register() as follows

While using in YourServiceProvider the register(), and boot() methods use a better the following Schema:


namespace YourCompanyVendor\YourPackage\Providers;

use Filefabrik\Bootraiser\WithBootraiser;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;

class YourPackageServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    // insert this Magic Trait :)
    use WithBootraiser;    
    public function register()

    public function boot(): void
       // parts to boot if they are already exists in your code 
        // parts to boot if they are already exists in your code 
       $bootParts = [   
        /* Easy boot utility. You can replace all the booted service/parts with your own*/
        * your custom boot stuff
       // boot the rest if need 
       $bootParts2 = [
            // 3rd Party package



Bootraiser handles also package events by the following conventions.

  • the Package must contain under /src/Providers/ a service provider which extends the Laravel EventServiceProvider Class
  • Insert "Filefabrik\\BootraiserDemo\\Providers\\BootraiserDemoEventServiceProvider" into the Package composer.json
BootraiserDemoEventServiceProvider EventServiceProvider

namespace Filefabrik\BootraiserDemo\Providers;

use Filefabrik\Bootraiser\WithBootraiserEvent;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Support\Providers\EventServiceProvider;

class BootraiserDemoEventServiceProvider extends EventServiceProvider
    // Magic for Events
    use WithBootraiserEvent;

    public function register()
        // call parent::register() is mandatory!
package composer.json
"extra": {
        "laravel": {
            "providers": [

Remember to run the Laravel Host composer.json

composer update


  • for each vendor/package using bootraiser gives the ability to show all publish-tags within the package used/enabled. So developers' Documentation of the package can be written easier. Something like this:
php artisan bootraiser:show {packagename}
  • If there are many own custom packages, maybe it is good to allow caching the bootraiser booting-parts. So the discovering/booting/registering of own packages will be faster in live-environments.
  • In conjunction with caching, enable or disable a package from caching. The reason is, you are developing in the specific package, other packages are not under development.
  • for env.testing the migrations should be available to the testing database but not to be published.

todo reflection command to show which laravel-components are inside such as seeder or livewire or or or. todo default database seeder in a package is the class DatabaseSeeder from there the method db:seed has to be run todo with explizit class name, the explizit class will be run todo with flag --package or and with a class in the package directory todo describe db seeder (with "") php artisan db:seed "\DemoPackage\TryCommandOptions\Database\Seeders\MySeeder" php artisan db:seed --class="\DemoPackage\TryCommandOptions\Database\Seeders\MySeeder"

  • todo migrations
  • own migrations such as bootraiser:migrate
  • display packages migrations, allow refresh with paths from selecting. with display the console command. during package development, table migrations are often changed
  • bootraiser should become a "once" method with them EventServiceProvider or FancyServiceProvider cannot call the same "booting" command again
  • a global config outside the package with this, developers are able to disable or enable "boot" methods they are hardcoded in the package.
  • split load migrations from publishing migrations