- WikiNER (Nothman: PER, ORG, LOC, MISC, NON, DAB)
- SoNaR (Desmet and Hoste: PER, ORG, LOC, PRO, EVE, MISC, subtypes? literal/metonymical)
NER is no priority at the moment.
UPOS uit CoNLL shared tasks
From the Sonar documentation:
All data in the 500K subset were annotated with semantic roles following the PropBank approach (Palmer, Gildea, and Kingsbury, 2005). Semantic roles are indicated at clause level and a distinction is made between a predicate and its arguments. The predicate is the semantic head of a sentence and in the case of SoNaR this is always a verb. The arguments are elements related by this predicate. Besides these two elements, modifiers, which add additional semantic information, are also labeled. The guidelines followed were developed during the D-Coi project (Trapman and Monachesi, 2006).
Because of the close link between semantic and syntactic analysis we start all semantic annotation from the manually verified syntactic trees of the Lassy Klein corpus. For the semantic role annotation task the propbank labels are added as additional attributes to the Alpino-xml trees.
Counting the pb tags in the Sonar1 dataset, ie. all xml files in SoNaRCorpus_NC_1.2/SONAR1/SRL/SONAR_1_SRL/MANUAL500
pb | count |
Arg0 | 18323 |
Arg1 (space) | 1 |
Arg1 | 31536 |
Arg2 | 7079 |
Arg3 | 506 |
Arg4 | 601 |
Arg5 | 2 |
ArgM-ADV | 5155 |
ArgM-CAU | 1590 |
ArgM-DIR | 556 |
ArgM-DIS | 5342 |
ArgM-EXT | 922 |
ArgM-LOC | 6777 |
ArgM=MNR | 1 |
ArgM-MNR | 4904 |
ArgM-MOD | 5931 |
ArgM-NEG | 2947 |
ArgM-PNC | 1803 |
ArgM-PRD | 1164 |
ArgM-REC | 1205 |
ArgM-STR | 5 |
ArgM-TMP | 10097 |
come.01 | 2 |
correspond.02 | 1 |
decide.01 | 1 |
die.01 | 1 |
Dunno | 1 |
envisage.01 | 1 |
get.03 | 2 |
grasp.01 | 1 |
keep.01 | 1 |
make.01 | 2 |
pin.01 | 1 |
present.01 | 1 |
rel | 36978 |
shame.01 | 1 |
start.01 | 2 |
SYNT | 368 |
Some small corrections:
- the Arg1 with extra space
- the ArgM=MNR
- replace the 10s of frames with the generic 'rel'
- remove the SYNT sentences, these have 'mismatch in syntactic structure'
CoNLL-UD format
- SoNaR
- Corea
find out what is useful/needed