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FIB Payment SDK was created to allow you to integrate FIB as a convenient payment method within your application.

  • Initiate a transaction and let users pay through FIB apps (personal, business, corporate)
  • Get payment status
  • Cancel payments


To use this SDK on Android, the following must be addressed.

  • API level 21+.
  • Have a developer account, and provide the SDK with your account credentials such as ClientID, ClientSecret, GrantType and FIBBackend.



Add this dependency in your app's build.gradle file

dependencies {
    implementation 'iq.fib.payments:fib_payment_sdk:1.1.0'

Initializing SDK:

Step 1: Get your account credentials:

After you took required steps to get a developer account in FIB, you'll be provided with your accounts credentials ( FIBBackend, GrantType, ClientId, ClientSecret)

Step 2: Provide your credentials to the SDK:

In the root of your android project locate one if it doesn't’t exist) file and add your credentials to it.

FIBBackend = XXXX
GrantType = XXXX
ClientId = XXXX
ClientSecret = XXXX

Step 3: Provide your environment to the SDK:

In your app's build.gradle file add it.manifestPlaceholders["env_type"] = ".dev" to your defaultConfig block

android {
    compileSdk 30
    defaultConfig {
        // replace ".dev" with "" for production environment
        //.dev: means that all transactions are fake and the operations will happen in a development environment 
        //"": means that the transactions are real and the operations will happen in a production environment
      it.manifestPlaceholders["env_type"] = ".dev"


the SDK could be used in two ways:

Using provided UI:

You can use FIBButton view to do your payment operations

Add FIBButton to your layout class:


reference the button in your activity/fragment code

import com.lawrencespring.payment.widget.FIBButton

val payButton = findViewById<FIBButton>(

payment operation with FIBButton

  payButton.setOnClickListener {
    //starting payment with FIBButton

//retrieving payment status
lifecycleScope.launch {
    val state: PaymentStatus? = payButton.checkPaymentState(paymentID)

//canceling payment 
lifecycleScope.launch {

Using provided Logic with custom UI components

payment operation with PayWithFIB

import com.lawrencespring.payment.adapter.exposer.payWithFIB.PayWithFIB
import com.lawrencespring.payment.framework.exposer.payWithFIB.PaymentListener
import com.lawrencespring.payment.framework.exposer.payWithFIB.model.FIBApp
import com.lawrencespring.payment.framework.exposer.payWithFIB.PaymentStatus

val payWithFIB = PayWithFIB()

//moreThanOneApp is triggered only when multiple FIB apps are installed on the end device
//once the app is selected it could be started by using appStarter(FIBApp)
payWithFIB.addPaymentListener(object : PaymentListener {
    //availableApps: are the list of fib apps available on the end device
    //appStarted: is a callback function that's called with the app that needs to be open     
    override fun moreThanOneApp(availableApps: List<FIBApp>, appStarter: (FIBApp) -> Unit) {
        //creating a dialog that will show the available apps
        val dialog = AlertDialog.Builder(context)
        val arrayAdapter =
            ArrayAdapter<String>(context, android.R.layout.select_dialog_item)

        availableApps.forEach { arrayAdapter.add( }
        dialog.setAdapter(arrayAdapter) { _, which ->
            //passing the selected app to the callback          


//starting payment with PayWithFIB

//retrieving payment status
lifecycleScope.launch {
    val state: PaymentStatus? = payWithFIB.getPaymentState(paymentID)

//canceling payment 
lifecycleScope.launch {

The library will check if any version of FIB app is installed on the mobile device of the user and will try to proceed transaction. If more than one app are installed the user is asked to choose one of them. If no FIB is installed the user will be redirected to the Google Play Store.


This SDK also includes an option to redirect the user from the FIB appllications to your application, you can provide the applications redirect URI and everyThing will be handled for you. it is optional to have this feature, so if you provide your redirect URI, the redirection happens otherwise the FIB applications behave as they normally would.

Step 1:Add an Intent Filter to AndroidManifest.xml

In your AndroidManifest.xml file, define an intent filter to capture the custom redirect URL scheme. This will allow your app to respond when the specified URL is triggered:

   <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
   <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
   <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />

   <!-- Replace redirectLink with your desired URL structure -->
   <!-- Example redirectLink: "clientapp://" -->
       android:scheme="clientapp" />

Step 2: Include the Redirect URI in Your Backend Request

Once the intent filter is set up, simply include the custom redirect URI in your request to the First Iraqi Bank (FIB) backend. This will allow the FIB server to redirect users back to your app.


Copyright 2021 first iraqi bank, Inc.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.