layout | permalink | title | id | image | parallax |
gold |
/team/ |
The Steppe Gold Team |
team |
/images/backgrounds/landscape_mound.jpg |
/images/backgrounds/excavated.jpg |
{% assign rows = | divided_by: 2.0 | ceil %}
{% for i in (1..rows) %}
{% assign offset = forloop.index0 | times: 2 %}
{% assign sorted = | sort:"order" %}
{% for author in sorted limit:2 offset:offset %}
{% capture contributors %}
## Contributors
{: .text-info .display-5 .mt-3}
{% endcapture %}
{% if author.job-title %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<p class="text-info">{{ author.content | strip_html | truncatewords: 20}}</p>
{% endfor %}
{::options parse_block_html="true" /}
Joanna Dobson
Professor Emerita Claudia Chang, Sweet Briar College
Professor Laerke Recht
Prof Peter Stewart, Oxford University
[Professor Tim Williams](International Centre for Silk Roads Archaeology & Heritage, Central Asian Archaeological Landscape (CAAL)), University College London
Dr Gai Jorayev, University College London
Dr Prajakti Kalra, University of Cambridge
Dr Miljana Radivojevic, University College London