- Updated ai for:
- iskander, lancelot, medusa, hassan
- Updated and fixed some textures
- Adjusted attack range for some attacks
- Update attributes of servants
- Update stats of various items
- Add a ranged attack for gilles
- Add magic attack attribute. Only few servants make use of that
- Updated various translation stuff
- Start of combat update. Other servants will follow
- Updated artoria, gilgamesh, emiya, cuchulainn, gilles (missing nobel phantasm)
- Rest will follow
- Update dependencies
- Update pegasus model
- Changed ids of various things like items
- Add corruption render layer to lancelot items
- Updated gate of babylon and babylon weapons rendering
- Rewrite how servants and players are handled in grailwar which should fix missing servants
- Its possible now (e.g. via spawn egg) to spawn an owned servant without joining a grailwar
They need a command seal item to be controlled in that case.
- Its possible now (e.g. via spawn egg) to spawn an owned servant without joining a grailwar
- Rewrite grail loot to use codecs
- Add command spell command
/fate command_spell
to give/take command spells - Add ui for spawnegg. Replacing the need to rename a spawnegg
- Forge: Fixing problems with capability loading on player clone
- Fix player owned servants not chunk loading
- Fix emiyas bow missing texture
- Fix owned servants not tracked client side when out of render distance
- Fix servant names being rendered in fabric
- Emiyas blades are now rendered as dual weapons
- Fix some problems with tags
- Fix medeas beam sometimes at wrong location
- Fix heracles and medeas unkown texture
- Fix heracles staying sideways after death
- Fix emiya not shooting when using the bow
- Fix emiyas bow using wrong model
- Fix projectile prot calculation
- Fix player servant sometimes not loading
- 1.18 and release