diff --git a/Tests/NewPlatform.Flexberry.ORM.ODataService.Tests/CRUD/BatchTest.cs b/Tests/NewPlatform.Flexberry.ORM.ODataService.Tests/CRUD/BatchTest.cs
index c0de8995..8dc8960e 100644
--- a/Tests/NewPlatform.Flexberry.ORM.ODataService.Tests/CRUD/BatchTest.cs
+++ b/Tests/NewPlatform.Flexberry.ORM.ODataService.Tests/CRUD/BatchTest.cs
@@ -1,255 +1,260 @@
-namespace NewPlatform.Flexberry.ORM.ODataService.Tests.CRUD.Update
- using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.Linq;
- using System.Net;
- using System.Net.Http;
- using ICSSoft.STORMNET;
- using ICSSoft.STORMNET.Business.LINQProvider;
- using ICSSoft.STORMNET.KeyGen;
- using NewPlatform.Flexberry.ORM.ODataService.Tests.Extensions;
- using NewPlatform.Flexberry.ORM.ODataService.Tests.Helpers;
- using Xunit;
- using View = ICSSoft.STORMNET.View;
- ///
- /// The class of tests for CRUD operations at Batch form.
- /// There are extra batch tests at .
- ///
- public class BatchTest : BaseODataServiceIntegratedTest
- {
- ///
- /// Default constructor.
- ///
- /// Factory for application.
- /// Output for debug information.
- public BatchTest(CustomWebApplicationFactory factory, Xunit.Abstractions.ITestOutputHelper output)
- : base(factory, output)
- {
- }
- ///
- /// Test batch update of master-class with class at the same time.
- /// It checks that dataobject cache is not crashed.
- /// There are a master and object with link to master at batch request. Master is the first at the batch request. The link between object and master is not changed.
- /// It is necessary that during batch processing master stay the same and is not overwriten.
- ///
- [Fact]
- public void UpdateMasterAndClassTest()
- {
- ActODataService(args =>
- {
- // Arrange.
- string[] porodaPropertiesNames =
- {
- Information.ExtractPropertyPath<Порода>(x => x.__PrimaryKey),
- Information.ExtractPropertyPath<Порода>(x => x.Название),
- };
- string[] koshkaPropertiesNames =
- {
- Information.ExtractPropertyPath<Кошка>(x => x.__PrimaryKey),
- Information.ExtractPropertyPath<Кошка>(x => x.Кличка),
- };
- View porodaDynamicView = new View(new ViewAttribute("porodaDynamicView", porodaPropertiesNames), typeof(Порода));
- View koshkaDynamicView = new View(new ViewAttribute("koshkaDynamicView", koshkaPropertiesNames), typeof(Кошка));
- const string InitialName = "Initial";
- const string OtherName = "Other";
- Порода poroda = new Порода() { Название = InitialName };
- Кошка koshka = new Кошка() { Кличка = InitialName, Порода = poroda};
- args.DataService.UpdateObject(koshka);
- Порода poroda1 = args.DataService.Query<Порода>(porodaDynamicView).FirstOrDefault(x => x.__PrimaryKey == poroda.__PrimaryKey);
- Кошка koshka1 = args.DataService.Query<Кошка>(koshkaDynamicView).FirstOrDefault(x => x.__PrimaryKey == koshka.__PrimaryKey);
- Assert.NotNull(poroda1);
- Assert.NotNull(koshka1);
- poroda.Название = OtherName;
- koshka.Кличка = OtherName;
- string requestJsonDatakoshka = koshka.ToJson(koshkaDynamicView, args.Token.Model);
- DataObjectDictionary objJsonKoshka = DataObjectDictionary.Parse(requestJsonDatakoshka, koshkaDynamicView, args.Token.Model);
- objJsonKoshka.Add(
- $"{nameof(Кошка.Порода)}@odata.bind",
- string.Format(
- "{0}({1})",
- args.Token.Model.GetEdmEntitySet(typeof(Порода)).Name,
- ((KeyGuid)poroda.__PrimaryKey).Guid.ToString("D")));
- requestJsonDatakoshka = objJsonKoshka.Serialize();
- const string baseUrl = "http://localhost/odata";
- string[] changesets = new[] // Важно, чтобы сначала шёл мастер, потом объект, имеющий на него ссылку.
- {
- CreateChangeset(
- $"{baseUrl}/{args.Token.Model.GetEdmEntitySet(typeof(Порода)).Name}",
- poroda.ToJson(porodaDynamicView, args.Token.Model),
- poroda),
- CreateChangeset(
- $"{baseUrl}/{args.Token.Model.GetEdmEntitySet(typeof(Кошка)).Name}",
- requestJsonDatakoshka,
- koshka),
- };
- // Act.
- HttpRequestMessage batchRequest = CreateBatchRequest(baseUrl, changesets);
- using (HttpResponseMessage response = args.HttpClient.SendAsync(batchRequest).Result)
- {
- // Assert.
- CheckODataBatchResponseStatusCode(response, new HttpStatusCode[] { HttpStatusCode.OK, HttpStatusCode.OK });
- Порода poroda2 = args.DataService.Query<Порода>(porodaDynamicView).FirstOrDefault(x => x.__PrimaryKey == poroda.__PrimaryKey);
- Кошка koshka2 = args.DataService.Query<Кошка>(koshkaDynamicView).FirstOrDefault(x => x.__PrimaryKey == koshka.__PrimaryKey);
- Assert.NotNull(poroda2);
- Assert.NotNull(koshka2);
- Assert.Equal(OtherName, poroda2.Название);
- Assert.Equal(OtherName, koshka2.Кличка);
- }
- });
- }
- ///
- /// Test batch update with inheritance.
- /// It checks that dataobject cache is not crashed.
- /// There are classes A, its detail B, that has descendant C. During class A loading its details are loaded too, but details are loaded by View of class B, while details are of class C.
- /// Thus there are objects of type C at the cache while they are loaded by properties of class B only. That's why the state of details is LightLoaded.
- /// It is necessary to post-load only propertues that are not loaded before (loaded properties can be changed).
- ///
- [Fact]
- public void UpdateWithInheritanceAndDetailsTest()
- {
- ActODataService(args =>
- {
- // Arrange.
- const string InitialName = "Initial";
- const string OtherName = "Other";
- TestConfiguration testConfiguration = new TestConfiguration() { Name = InitialName };
- FirstLevel first = new FirstLevel() { Name = InitialName, TestConfiguration = testConfiguration };
- TestClass second1 = new TestClass { Name = InitialName, FirstLevel = first };
- TestAssociation second2 = new TestAssociation { Name = InitialName, FirstLevel = first, SecondLevel1 = second1 };
- ThirdLevel third = new ThirdLevel { Name = InitialName, TestClass = second1 };
- DataObject[] updateObjects = new DataObject[] { testConfiguration, first, second1, second2, third };
- args.DataService.UpdateObjects(ref updateObjects);
- second2.Name = OtherName; // Изменение значения детейла одного типа, который имеет мастеровую ссылку на детейл второго типа (второй тип имеет детейл собственный).
- ThirdLevel third2 = new ThirdLevel { Name = OtherName, TestClass = second1 }; // Добавление детейлов в детейл второго типа.
- string[] firstPropertiesNames =
- {
- Information.ExtractPropertyPath(x => x.__PrimaryKey),
- Information.ExtractPropertyPath(x => x.Name),
- };
- View firstLevelDynamicView = new View(new ViewAttribute("firstLevelDynamicView", firstPropertiesNames), typeof(FirstLevel));
- string[] second1PropertiesNames =
- {
- Information.ExtractPropertyPath(x => x.__PrimaryKey),
- Information.ExtractPropertyPath(x => x.Name),
- };
- View second1DynamicView = new View(new ViewAttribute("second1DynamicView", second1PropertiesNames), typeof(TestClass));
- string[] second2PropertiesNames =
- {
- Information.ExtractPropertyPath(x => x.__PrimaryKey),
- Information.ExtractPropertyPath(x => x.Name),
- };
- View second2DynamicView = new View(new ViewAttribute("second2DynamicView", second2PropertiesNames), typeof(TestAssociation));
- string[] thirdPropertiesNames =
- {
- Information.ExtractPropertyPath(x => x.__PrimaryKey),
- Information.ExtractPropertyPath(x => x.Name),
- };
- View thirdLevelDynamicView = new View(new ViewAttribute("thirdDynamicView", thirdPropertiesNames), typeof(ThirdLevel));
- // Операция изменения детейла второго типа (он попадает в батч-запрос как агрегатор к добавляемому детейлу второго уровня).
- string requestJsonDataSecond1 = second1.ToJson(second1DynamicView, args.Token.Model);
- DataObjectDictionary objJsonSecond1 = DataObjectDictionary.Parse(requestJsonDataSecond1, second1DynamicView, args.Token.Model);
- objJsonSecond1.Add( // Добавляется ссылка на агрегатор.
- $"{nameof(TestClass.FirstLevel)}@odata.bind",
- string.Format("{0}({1})", args.Token.Model.GetEdmEntitySet(typeof(FirstLevel)).Name, ((KeyGuid)first.__PrimaryKey).Guid.ToString("D")));
- requestJsonDataSecond1 = objJsonSecond1.Serialize();
- // Операция вставки детейла второго уровня.
- string requestJsonDataThird2 = third2.ToJson(thirdLevelDynamicView, args.Token.Model);
- DataObjectDictionary objJsonThird2 = DataObjectDictionary.Parse(requestJsonDataThird2, thirdLevelDynamicView, args.Token.Model);
- objJsonThird2.Add( // Добавляется ссылка на агрегатор.
- $"{nameof(ThirdLevel.TestClass)}@odata.bind",
- string.Format("{0}({1})", args.Token.Model.GetEdmEntitySet(typeof(TestClass)).Name, ((KeyGuid)second1.__PrimaryKey).Guid.ToString("D")));
- requestJsonDataThird2 = objJsonThird2.Serialize();
- // Операция изменения детейла первого типа.
- string requestJsonDataSecond2 = second2.ToJson(second2DynamicView, args.Token.Model);
- DataObjectDictionary objJsonSecond2 = DataObjectDictionary.Parse(requestJsonDataSecond2, second2DynamicView, args.Token.Model);
- objJsonSecond2.Add( // Добавляется ссылка на агрегатор.
- $"{nameof(TestAssociation.FirstLevel)}@odata.bind",
- string.Format("{0}({1})", args.Token.Model.GetEdmEntitySet(typeof(FirstLevel)).Name, ((KeyGuid)first.__PrimaryKey).Guid.ToString("D")));
- objJsonSecond2.Add( // Добавляется ссылка мастеровая на другой детейл.
- $"{nameof(TestAssociation.SecondLevel1)}@odata.bind",
- string.Format("{0}({1})", args.Token.Model.GetEdmEntitySet(typeof(TestClass)).Name, ((KeyGuid)second1.__PrimaryKey).Guid.ToString("D")));
- requestJsonDataSecond2 = objJsonSecond2.Serialize();
- const string baseUrl = "http://localhost/odata";
- string[] changesets = new[]
- {
- CreateChangeset(
- $"{baseUrl}/{args.Token.Model.GetEdmEntitySet(typeof(TestClass)).Name}",
- requestJsonDataSecond1,
- second1),
- CreateChangeset(
- $"{baseUrl}/{args.Token.Model.GetEdmEntitySet(typeof(ThirdLevel)).Name}",
- requestJsonDataThird2,
- third2),
- CreateChangeset(
- $"{baseUrl}/{args.Token.Model.GetEdmEntitySet(typeof(TestAssociation)).Name}",
- requestJsonDataSecond2,
- second2),
- };
- HttpRequestMessage batchRequest = CreateBatchRequest(baseUrl, changesets);
- // Код для удобства отлавливания исключений.
- args.Token.Events.CallbackAfterInternalServerError = (Exception exception, ref HttpStatusCode code) =>
- {
- Exception currentException = exception;
- while (currentException != null)
- {
- currentException = currentException.InnerException;
- }
- return exception;
- };
- // Act.
- using (HttpResponseMessage response = args.HttpClient.SendAsync(batchRequest).Result)
- {
- // Assert.
- CheckODataBatchResponseStatusCode(response, new HttpStatusCode[] { HttpStatusCode.OK, HttpStatusCode.Created, HttpStatusCode.OK });
- string[] thirdPropertiesNames2 =
- {
- Information.ExtractPropertyPath(x => x.__PrimaryKey),
- Information.ExtractPropertyPath(x => x.Name),
- Information.ExtractPropertyPath(x => x.TestClass),
- };
- View thirdLevelDynamicView2 = new View(new ViewAttribute("thirdDynamicView2", thirdPropertiesNames2), typeof(ThirdLevel));
- List thirdLevelList = args.DataService.Query(thirdLevelDynamicView2).Where(x => x.TestClass.__PrimaryKey == second1.__PrimaryKey).ToList();
- Assert.NotNull(thirdLevelList);
- Assert.True(thirdLevelList.Any());
- Assert.Equal(2, thirdLevelList.Count);
- TestAssociation checkAssociation = args.DataService.Query(second2DynamicView).FirstOrDefault(x => x.__PrimaryKey == second2.__PrimaryKey);
- Assert.NotNull(checkAssociation);
- Assert.Equal(OtherName, checkAssociation.Name);
- }
- });
- }
- }
+namespace NewPlatform.Flexberry.ORM.ODataService.Tests.CRUD.Update
+ using System;
+ using System.Collections.Generic;
+ using System.Linq;
+ using System.Net;
+ using System.Net.Http;
+ using ICSSoft.STORMNET;
+ using ICSSoft.STORMNET.Business.LINQProvider;
+ using ICSSoft.STORMNET.KeyGen;
+ using NewPlatform.Flexberry.ORM.ODataService.Tests.Extensions;
+ using NewPlatform.Flexberry.ORM.ODataService.Tests.Helpers;
+ using Xunit;
+ using View = ICSSoft.STORMNET.View;
+ ///
+ /// The class of tests for CRUD operations at Batch form.
+ /// There are extra batch tests at .
+ ///
+ public class BatchTest : BaseODataServiceIntegratedTest
+ public class BatchTest : BaseODataServiceIntegratedTest
+ {
+ ///
+ /// Default constructor.
+ ///
+ /// Factory for application.
+ /// Output for debug information.
+ public BatchTest(CustomWebApplicationFactory factory, Xunit.Abstractions.ITestOutputHelper output)
+ : base(factory, output)
+ {
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test batch update of master-class with class at the same time.
+ /// It checks that dataobject cache is not crashed.
+ /// There are a master and object with link to master at batch request. Master is the first at the batch request. The link between object and master is not changed.
+ /// It is necessary that during batch processing master stay the same and is not overwriten.
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void UpdateMasterAndClassTest()
+ {
+ ActODataService(args =>
+ {
+ // Arrange.
+ string[] porodaPropertiesNames =
+ {
+ Information.ExtractPropertyPath<Порода>(x => x.__PrimaryKey),
+ Information.ExtractPropertyPath<Порода>(x => x.Название),
+ };
+ string[] koshkaPropertiesNames =
+ {
+ Information.ExtractPropertyPath<Кошка>(x => x.__PrimaryKey),
+ Information.ExtractPropertyPath<Кошка>(x => x.Кличка),
+ };
+ View porodaDynamicView = new View(new ViewAttribute("porodaDynamicView", porodaPropertiesNames), typeof(Порода));
+ View koshkaDynamicView = new View(new ViewAttribute("koshkaDynamicView", koshkaPropertiesNames), typeof(Кошка));
+ const string InitialName = "Initial";
+ const string OtherName = "Other";
+ Порода poroda = new Порода() { Название = InitialName };
+ Кошка koshka = new Кошка() { Кличка = InitialName, Порода = poroda};
+ args.DataService.UpdateObject(koshka);
+ Порода poroda1 = args.DataService.Query<Порода>(porodaDynamicView).FirstOrDefault(x => x.__PrimaryKey == poroda.__PrimaryKey);
+ Кошка koshka1 = args.DataService.Query<Кошка>(koshkaDynamicView).FirstOrDefault(x => x.__PrimaryKey == koshka.__PrimaryKey);
+ Assert.NotNull(poroda1);
+ Assert.NotNull(koshka1);
+ poroda.Название = OtherName;
+ koshka.Кличка = OtherName;
+ string requestJsonDatakoshka = koshka.ToJson(koshkaDynamicView, args.Token.Model);
+ DataObjectDictionary objJsonKoshka = DataObjectDictionary.Parse(requestJsonDatakoshka, koshkaDynamicView, args.Token.Model);
+ objJsonKoshka.Add(
+ $"{nameof(Кошка.Порода)}@odata.bind",
+ string.Format(
+ "{0}({1})",
+ args.Token.Model.GetEdmEntitySet(typeof(Порода)).Name,
+ ((KeyGuid)poroda.__PrimaryKey).Guid.ToString("D")));
+ requestJsonDatakoshka = objJsonKoshka.Serialize();
+ const string baseUrl = "http://localhost/odata";
+ string[] changesets = new[] // Важно, чтобы сначала шёл мастер, потом объект, имеющий на него ссылку.
+ {
+ CreateChangeset(
+ $"{baseUrl}/{args.Token.Model.GetEdmEntitySet(typeof(Порода)).Name}",
+ poroda.ToJson(porodaDynamicView, args.Token.Model),
+ poroda),
+ CreateChangeset(
+ $"{baseUrl}/{args.Token.Model.GetEdmEntitySet(typeof(Кошка)).Name}",
+ requestJsonDatakoshka,
+ koshka),
+ };
+ // Act.
+ HttpRequestMessage batchRequest = CreateBatchRequest(baseUrl, changesets);
+ using (HttpResponseMessage response = args.HttpClient.SendAsync(batchRequest).Result)
+ {
+ // Assert.
+ CheckODataBatchResponseStatusCode(response, new HttpStatusCode[] { HttpStatusCode.OK, HttpStatusCode.OK });
+ Порода poroda2 = args.DataService.Query<Порода>(porodaDynamicView).FirstOrDefault(x => x.__PrimaryKey == poroda.__PrimaryKey);
+ Кошка koshka2 = args.DataService.Query<Кошка>(koshkaDynamicView).FirstOrDefault(x => x.__PrimaryKey == koshka.__PrimaryKey);
+ Assert.NotNull(poroda2);
+ Assert.NotNull(koshka2);
+ Assert.Equal(OtherName, poroda2.Название);
+ Assert.Equal(OtherName, koshka2.Кличка);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test batch update with inheritance.
+ /// It checks that dataobject cache is not crashed.
+ /// There are classes A, its detail B, that has descendant C. During class A loading its details are loaded too, but details are loaded by View of class B, while details are of class C.
+ /// Thus there are objects of type C at the cache while they are loaded by properties of class B only. That's why the state of details is LightLoaded.
+ /// It is necessary to post-load only propertues that are not loaded before (loaded properties can be changed).
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void UpdateWithInheritanceAndDetailsTest()
+ {
+ ActODataService(args =>
+ {
+ // Arrange.
+ const string InitialName = "Initial";
+ const string OtherName = "Other";
+ TestConfiguration testConfiguration = new TestConfiguration() { Name = InitialName };
+ FirstLevel first = new FirstLevel() { Name = InitialName, TestConfiguration = testConfiguration };
+ TestClass second1 = new TestClass { Name = InitialName, FirstLevel = first };
+ TestAssociation second2 = new TestAssociation { Name = InitialName, FirstLevel = first, SecondLevel1 = second1 };
+ ThirdLevel third = new ThirdLevel { Name = InitialName, TestClass = second1 };
+ DataObject[] updateObjects = new DataObject[] { testConfiguration, first, second1, second2, third };
+ args.DataService.UpdateObjects(ref updateObjects);
+ second2.Name = OtherName; // Изменение значения детейла одного типа, который имеет мастеровую ссылку на детейл второго типа (второй тип имеет детейл собственный).
+ ThirdLevel third2 = new ThirdLevel { Name = OtherName, TestClass = second1 }; // Добавление детейлов в детейл второго типа.
+ string[] firstPropertiesNames =
+ {
+ Information.ExtractPropertyPath(x => x.__PrimaryKey),
+ Information.ExtractPropertyPath(x => x.Name),
+ };
+ View firstLevelDynamicView = new View(new ViewAttribute("firstLevelDynamicView", firstPropertiesNames), typeof(FirstLevel));
+ string[] second1PropertiesNames =
+ {
+ Information.ExtractPropertyPath(x => x.__PrimaryKey),
+ Information.ExtractPropertyPath(x => x.Name),
+ };
+ View second1DynamicView = new View(new ViewAttribute("second1DynamicView", second1PropertiesNames), typeof(TestClass));
+ string[] second2PropertiesNames =
+ {
+ Information.ExtractPropertyPath(x => x.__PrimaryKey),
+ Information.ExtractPropertyPath(x => x.Name),
+ };
+ View second2DynamicView = new View(new ViewAttribute("second2DynamicView", second2PropertiesNames), typeof(TestAssociation));
+ string[] thirdPropertiesNames =
+ {
+ Information.ExtractPropertyPath(x => x.__PrimaryKey),
+ Information.ExtractPropertyPath(x => x.Name),
+ };
+ View thirdLevelDynamicView = new View(new ViewAttribute("thirdDynamicView", thirdPropertiesNames), typeof(ThirdLevel));
+ // Операция изменения детейла второго типа (он попадает в батч-запрос как агрегатор к добавляемому детейлу второго уровня).
+ string requestJsonDataSecond1 = second1.ToJson(second1DynamicView, args.Token.Model);
+ DataObjectDictionary objJsonSecond1 = DataObjectDictionary.Parse(requestJsonDataSecond1, second1DynamicView, args.Token.Model);
+ objJsonSecond1.Add( // Добавляется ссылка на агрегатор.
+ $"{nameof(TestClass.FirstLevel)}@odata.bind",
+ string.Format("{0}({1})", args.Token.Model.GetEdmEntitySet(typeof(FirstLevel)).Name, ((KeyGuid)first.__PrimaryKey).Guid.ToString("D")));
+ requestJsonDataSecond1 = objJsonSecond1.Serialize();
+ // Операция вставки детейла второго уровня.
+ string requestJsonDataThird2 = third2.ToJson(thirdLevelDynamicView, args.Token.Model);
+ DataObjectDictionary objJsonThird2 = DataObjectDictionary.Parse(requestJsonDataThird2, thirdLevelDynamicView, args.Token.Model);
+ objJsonThird2.Add( // Добавляется ссылка на агрегатор.
+ $"{nameof(ThirdLevel.TestClass)}@odata.bind",
+ string.Format("{0}({1})", args.Token.Model.GetEdmEntitySet(typeof(TestClass)).Name, ((KeyGuid)second1.__PrimaryKey).Guid.ToString("D")));
+ requestJsonDataThird2 = objJsonThird2.Serialize();
+ // Операция изменения детейла первого типа.
+ string requestJsonDataSecond2 = second2.ToJson(second2DynamicView, args.Token.Model);
+ DataObjectDictionary objJsonSecond2 = DataObjectDictionary.Parse(requestJsonDataSecond2, second2DynamicView, args.Token.Model);
+ objJsonSecond2.Add( // Добавляется ссылка на агрегатор.
+ $"{nameof(TestAssociation.FirstLevel)}@odata.bind",
+ string.Format("{0}({1})", args.Token.Model.GetEdmEntitySet(typeof(FirstLevel)).Name, ((KeyGuid)first.__PrimaryKey).Guid.ToString("D")));
+ objJsonSecond2.Add( // Добавляется ссылка мастеровая на другой детейл.
+ $"{nameof(TestAssociation.SecondLevel1)}@odata.bind",
+ string.Format("{0}({1})", args.Token.Model.GetEdmEntitySet(typeof(TestClass)).Name, ((KeyGuid)second1.__PrimaryKey).Guid.ToString("D")));
+ requestJsonDataSecond2 = objJsonSecond2.Serialize();
+ const string baseUrl = "http://localhost/odata";
+ string[] changesets = new[]
+ {
+ CreateChangeset(
+ $"{baseUrl}/{args.Token.Model.GetEdmEntitySet(typeof(TestClass)).Name}",
+ requestJsonDataSecond1,
+ second1),
+ CreateChangeset(
+ $"{baseUrl}/{args.Token.Model.GetEdmEntitySet(typeof(ThirdLevel)).Name}",
+ requestJsonDataThird2,
+ third2),
+ CreateChangeset(
+ $"{baseUrl}/{args.Token.Model.GetEdmEntitySet(typeof(TestAssociation)).Name}",
+ requestJsonDataSecond2,
+ second2),
+ };
+ HttpRequestMessage batchRequest = CreateBatchRequest(baseUrl, changesets);
+ // Код для удобства отлавливания исключений.
+ args.Token.Events.CallbackAfterInternalServerError = (Exception exception, ref HttpStatusCode code) =>
+ {
+ Exception currentException = exception;
+ while (currentException != null)
+ {
+ currentException = currentException.InnerException;
+ }
+ return exception;
+ };
+ // Act.
+ using (HttpResponseMessage response = args.HttpClient.SendAsync(batchRequest).Result)
+ {
+ // Assert.
+ CheckODataBatchResponseStatusCode(response, new HttpStatusCode[] { HttpStatusCode.OK, HttpStatusCode.Created, HttpStatusCode.OK });
+ string[] thirdPropertiesNames2 =
+ {
+ Information.ExtractPropertyPath(x => x.__PrimaryKey),
+ Information.ExtractPropertyPath(x => x.Name),
+ Information.ExtractPropertyPath(x => x.TestClass),
+ };
+ View thirdLevelDynamicView2 = new View(new ViewAttribute("thirdDynamicView2", thirdPropertiesNames2), typeof(ThirdLevel));
+ List thirdLevelList = args.DataService.Query(thirdLevelDynamicView2).Where(x => x.TestClass.__PrimaryKey == second1.__PrimaryKey).ToList();
+ Assert.NotNull(thirdLevelList);
+ Assert.True(thirdLevelList.Any());
+ Assert.Equal(2, thirdLevelList.Count);
+ TestAssociation checkAssociation = args.DataService.Query(second2DynamicView).FirstOrDefault(x => x.__PrimaryKey == second2.__PrimaryKey);
+ Assert.NotNull(checkAssociation);
+ Assert.Equal(OtherName, checkAssociation.Name);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }