Sign your .ipa and distribute ii with Dropbox or other in just 3 steps.
- Application identifier => []
- Team identifier => [TEAM_ID]
Within the folder launch the command : [COMMAND]
- Create a folder
- Save the .ipa within
- Make a shared link (we will call it IPA_SHARED_LINK) [GIF]
- Assets url => [IPA_SHARED_LINK (it looks like:]
- Bundle identifier => [com.organisation.project]
- Bundle version => [1.0.0]
- Title => [APP_NAME]
- Save the manifest.plist with the .ipa
- Make a shared link (we will call it MANIFEST_SHARED_LINK) [GIF]
- Create a link itms-services://?action=download-manifest&url=[MANIFEST_SHARED_LINK (it look likes]