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- Sylvain Bouix (BWH)
- Jarett Rushmore (Boston University)
- Kyle Sunderland (Queen's University)
- Andras Lasso (Queen's University)
- Design and create a dedicated neuroanatomy segmentation module
- Adopt an approach for sulcal definition
Sulcal definition
- Load freesurfer surfaces into Slicer
- Using the white matter surfaces, draw two points in Slicer, each at the base of a sulcus
- Connect the two points with a line at the bottom of the sulcus (i.e., a minimum value)
- Assign the line to a specific sulcal identity (with it's associated ontology, and related reference files)
Implement a constraint option for markups to force them to be on a surface (i.e. model node, segmentation, or another markup)
- Custom module specific to neuroanatomical General Segmentation
- Presented a mockup module
- Most functionalities are already in Segment Editor
- Plan is to modify the design to poptimize speed
- Presented real-time histogram generation
- New functionalities for Surface Assisted Cortical Parcellation
- Identified requirements to draw lines in sulcal pits
- Presented the underlying principles for cortical parcellation (cortical ribbon is being parcellted using a combination of fiducial landmarks representing a set of planes and sulcal lines)