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A simple ASP.NET Core middleware that intercepts and reacts to Exception. You can map specific exception types to HTTP Status Codes, use predefined handlers, or create your own.

You can throw an exception from anywhere in your codebase and ExceptionMapper will handle it according to your specifications. This makes it a breeze to uniformize exception handling in a REST API.

All the handlers are iterated through, in order, so you can build a pipeline to handle exceptions where multiple handlers have a single responsibility. For example, you could have handlers that respond to certain exception types, then one or more fallback handlers that react only if no previous handler handled the exception.

Finally, there is a serializer that converts handled exceptions to JSON, in the format of your choice, making your API linear between endpoints and exception types without much effort. The default serializer converts the errors to Problem Details for HTTP APIs.

How to install

Add a reference to the ForEvolve.ExceptionMapper NuGet package:

dotnet add package ForEvolve.ExceptionMapper

You can take a look at the samples/WebApiSample project for a working example.

Getting started

You must register the services, optionally configure/register handlers, and use the middleware that catches exceptions (and that handles the logic).


// Add the dependencies to the container

// Register the middleware


public class Startup
    public Startup(IConfiguration configuration)
        Configuration = configuration;
    public IConfiguration Configuration { get; }

    public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
        // ...
        // ...
    public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
        app.UseExceptionMapper(); // Register the middleware

Extending the existing exception

An easy way to manage your custom exceptions is to inherit from the ones that are already mapped. For example, you could create and throw the following DroidNotFoundException and ExceptionMapper will associate it with a 404 Not Found status code because it inherits from NotFoundException:

public class DroidNotFoundException : NotFoundException
    public DroidNotFoundException()
        : base("These aren't the droids we're looking for.")

Mapping Exception types to status code

If you do not want or can't inherit the provided exceptions, you can map any Exception types to a specific status code, like this:

builder.AddExceptionMapper(builder =>

public class ImATeapotException : Exception

Creating a custom exception handler

If the previous options are not enough to handle your use case, you can implement a custom exception handler. To do so, you can inherit from the ExceptionHandler<TException> or implement the IExceptionHandler interface. Then you must register it using the AddExceptionHandler extension method.

Let's start by creating an exception:

public class MyForbiddenException : Exception { /* Omitted implementation */ }

Then create the handler:

public class MyForbiddenExceptionHandler : ExceptionHandler<MyForbiddenException>
    public override int StatusCode => StatusCodes.Status403Forbidden;

Finally, you must register it:

builder.AddExceptionMapper(builder =>

Updating the type URI

You can customize the type property of the problem details object by configuring the ApiBehaviorOptions object, like this:

    .Configure<ApiBehaviorOptions>(options =>
        options.ClientErrorMapping.Add(StatusCodes.Status409Conflict, new ClientErrorData
            Link = "https://localhost:8828/Status409Conflict", // This is taken into account because the middleware do not set any link by default.
            Title = "This will not be displayed." // Not taken into account because the middleware sets the title to the Exception.Message value.

If using MVC the mappings should be registered so you may want to modify the data instead:

    .Configure<ApiBehaviorOptions>(options =>
        options.ClientErrorMapping[StatusCodes.Status409Conflict].Link = "https://localhost:8828/Status409Conflict";

Common Exceptions

ExceptionMapper implements different common exceptions and their handlers, like the following maps (namespace ForEvolve.ExceptionMapper):

// Common client exceptions

// .NET exceptions

// Common server exceptions

Fallback handler

ExceptionMapper also comes with a fallback handler that converts unhandled exceptions to 500 InternalServerError. This is an opt-out feature, configured by the FallbackExceptionHandlerOptions.

You can also configure the FallbackExceptionHandlerOptions like the following or under the ExceptionMapper:FallbackExceptionHandler key in your settings:

services.Configure<FallbackExceptionHandlerOptions>(options =>
    options.Strategy = FallbackStrategy.Handle;

Serialization (Json)

ExceptionMapper provides a default implementation of the IExceptionSerializer interface that serializes exceptions as ProblemDetails. When targetting .NET 7+, ExceptionMapper uses the IProblemDetailsService interface from ASP.NET Core.

If you want to customize the default serializer, you can configure the ProblemDetailsSerializationOptions class, like this:

builder.Services.Configure<ProblemDetailsSerializationOptions>(options =>
    options.SerializeExceptions = false;
    options.DisplayDebugInformation = (ExceptionHandlingContext ctx) =>
        return true;
        return false;

You can also customize the options from the appsettings.json file:

    "ExceptionMapper": {
        "ProblemDetailsSerialization": {
            "SerializeExceptions": false

Note that the serializer displays the debug information when in development. Use the DisplayDebugInformation function to display the debug info in other environments, like staging or production.

Property names

To change the way the property names are serialized, you can configure the JsonOptions and change the PropertyNamingPolicy property.

.NET 8+

builder.Services.ConfigureHttpJsonOptions(options => {
    options.SerializerOptions.PropertyNamingPolicy = JsonNamingPolicy.SnakeCaseUpper;

.NET 6 and .NET 7

builder.Services.Configure<JsonOptions>(options => {
    options.JsonSerializerOptions.PropertyNamingPolicy = JsonNamingPolicy.CamelCase;

Dictionary keys

For .NET 7+ projects, ExceptionMapper sets the DictionaryKeyPolicy property to the PropertyNamingPolicy property value, so dictionaries are serialized the same way as the normal properties.

Ensuring a property is not serialized

If your custom exception has properties that should not be serialized, you can mark them with the [JsonIgnore] attribute, like the following and the serializer will ignore them:

public class MyForbiddenException : Exception
    public MyForbiddenException()
        : base("Accessing this resource is forbidden.")


    public string CustomProperty1 => "Lorem Ipsum 1";

    public string CustomProperty2 => "Lorem Ipsum 2";

Creating your own serializer

If you want to replace the default serializer, implement the IExceptionSerializer and register it with the container, before calling AddExceptionMapper:

services.AddSingleton<IExceptionSerializer, MySerializationHandler>();


The package follows semantic versioning and uses Nerdbank.GitVersioning to automatically version packages based on git commits.


Prerelease packages are packaged code not yet merged to the main branch. The prerelease CI builds are packaged and hosted at, thanks to their "Open Source" subscription.

Release notes


Version 3 of ExceptionMapper is a major rewrite that simplifies the codebase and usage of the library. Here are a few important changes:

  • Add support to .NET 7 and .NET 8.
  • Remove transitive dependency on JSON.NET (Newtonsoft.Json).
  • Drop support for .NET Standard 2.0 because ExceptionMapper depends on the HttpContext class which requires a <FrameworkReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.App" /> which is not compatible with netstandard2.0.
  • Merge all assemblies in ForEvolve.ExceptionMapper but ForEvolve.ExceptionMapper.Scrutor and removed ForEvolve.ExceptionMapper.Scrutor altogether.
  • Replace the AddMvcCore call by registering a copy of the DefaultProblemDetailsFactory using a TryAddSingleton call, so you must register your custom ProblemDetailsFactory implementation before AddExceptionMapper. The good news is, if you are using a custom factory, the ProblemDetailsSerializationHandler will use it!

    Removing the copy of the DefaultProblemDetailsFactory class could be resolved by dotnet/aspnetcore#49982

  • Calling AddExceptionMapper() now registers the common exceptions and the serializer automatically.
  • The Order property was removed from the IExceptionHandler interface. The system uses the registration order instead.
  • The interface now leverages a serializer implementing the IExceptionSerializer interface. The serializer no longer implements the IExceptionHandler interface.
  • By default, ProblemDetailsSerializationOptions is bound to the section ExceptionMapper:ProblemDetailsSerialization and FallbackExceptionHandlerOptions is bound to the section ExceptionMapper:FallbackExceptionHandler.

Breaking changes .NET 7+

  • Remove the ContentType and JsonSerializerOptions properties from the ProblemDetailsSerializationOptions class (ForEvolve.ExceptionMapper.Serialization.Json).
  • The ProblemDetailsSerializationHandler class now leverages the IProblemDetailsService interface to write the ProblemDetails object to the response stream instead of serializing it with the JsonSerializer, relinquishing the control of the process to .NET.
  • The ProblemDetailsSerializationHandler leverages the JsonOptions class to ensure the names are formatted according to the PropertyNamingPolicy object. The default is camelCase.
  • ExceptionMapper sets the DictionaryKeyPolicy property to the PropertyNamingPolicy property value so dictionaries are serialized the same way as the normal properties.

2.0 (deprecated)

  • Drop .NET Core 3.1 support
  • Add support for .NET 6.0

1.1 (deprecated)

  • Add a handler that serializes exceptions to ProblemDetails (JSON)
  • Add the ForEvolve.ExceptionMapper.Serialization.Json project

1.0 (deprecated)

  • Initial release (not yet released).

Found a bug or have a feature request?

Please open an issue and be as clear as possible; see How to contribute? for more information.

How to contribute?

If you would like to contribute to the project, first, thank you for your interest, and please read Contributing to ForEvolve open source projects for more information.

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Also, please read the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct that applies to all ForEvolve repositories.