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File metadata and controls

201 lines (145 loc) · 14.6 KB


Xtraktr is a Ruby on Rails application with Bootstrap 3, Devise authorization and the most commonly used gems already installed and ready to go.

Current Versions

Look at the Gemfile for a complete list.

  • Ruby 2.3.4
  • Rails 3.2.22
  • Bootstrap 3
  • Capistrano 2.12
  • Devise 2.0.4
  • Paperclip 3.4.0
  • Unicorn 4.8.3
  • Mongoid 3.1.6


  • git
  • rbenv - to install and manage Ruby versions
  • Ruby 2.3.4 - only tested on 2.3.4
  • nginx - for staging/production server
  • mongo db - for document database (install instructions here)
  • R - for processing data files (sudo apt-get install r-base)
  • ElasticSearch - is a search server based on Lucene (install instructions here)
  • JRE - elasticsearch require java to be installed (install instructions here, here2)

Environment variables You will need the following Environment Variables set.

  • APPLICATION_FROM_EMAIL - email address to send all emails from
  • APPLICATION_FROM_PWD - password of above email address
  • APPLICATION_ERROR_TO_EMAIL - email address to send application errors to
  • DEV_FACEBOOK_APP_ID - Facebook is one of the options for logging in to the system and you must have an app account created under facebook developers. This key is for use on development/testing sites. This key stores the application id. (optional)
  • DEV_FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET - This key stores the facebook application secret for development/testing sites. (optional)
  • XTRATKR_FACEBOOK_APP_ID - Facebook is one of the options for logging in to the system and you must have an app account created under facebook developers. This key is for use on production sites. This key stores the application id. (optional)
  • XTRATKR_FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET - This key stores the facebook application secret for production sites. (optional)
  • XTRAKTR_ADDTHIS_PROFILE_ID - ID of addthis profile for Xtraktr app
  • XTRAKTR_ADDTHIS_PROFILE_ID_DEV - ID of addthis profile for Xtraktr staging app

After you add environment variables, do the following in order for your application to be able to see the values:

  • on a dev machine - reboot your computer
  • on a server:
    • in console type in 'source /etc/environment'
    • logout of the server and close all terminal windows
    • log back into server and stop/start nginx and unicorn


The application comes ready to work with two language site translations: Georgian and English. You can add more languages by adding more locale translation files to the /config/locales/ folder. The template file at /app/views/layouts/application.html.erb is setup to show all available languages. Please read the Rails I18n for information on how to use translations throughout your application.

In order for the application to know which language to use for the site translations, the /config/routes.rb file has been updated to force a the locale of the language to be at the beginning of the URL. For instance, /en/admin/users instead of /admin/users. If the URL does not include a language locale, the default locale that is set in /config/application.rb will be used. In the routes file, there is a 'scope ":locale"' statement. All routes statements that you enter by hand or that are created when you run rails g scaffold must be contained within this scope statement (all scaffold statements add routes to the top of the file so you will have to move them by hand).


The application uses Devise to manage authentication for the system. In /db/migrate is a file that will create the users table that you will need to use Devise authentication. Simply run rake db:migrate to create the table.

By default, no users are in the table. In order to create a user, it is best to do the following from the terminal:

rails c
User.create(:email => '___', :password => '___', :role => 99)

You can fill in the appropriate email and password above.

By default, the application comes with two roles: User and Admin. The roles are set in the /app/models/user.rb file using a hash called ROLES: ROLES = {:user => 0, :admin => 99}. You can add more roles as your application requires. When new users are created and no role is defined, the user is assigned the User role by default.

The roles are setup to use inheritance. This means that if your application has a requirement that a user has the role of User, a user with the role of Admin will also be allowed access. The /app/models/user.rb file has a method called 'role?' that compares the current user's role to what is required and if the user's role is >= the required role, the user will be granted access. You can see this in action by looking at the top of /app/controllers/admin_controller.rb. This code says that the user can only continue if they are an Admin.

By default, no login link appears on the site. You can add one if you want with a link like:

link_to(t('helpers.links.sign_in2'), new_user_session_path)

You can also access the login page by using one of the following urls

  • /users/login
  • /admin - going to this page will redirect you to the login screen and after login send you to the admin page

There is a users admin section that is provided in the application that allows you to manage users. If you created your user account with the Admin role, you will see a link to the Admin Section in the top-right corner of the header when you click on your nickname.

Omniauth (facebook) Login

Omniauth login allows users to login in with 3rd party systems like facebook or twitter. This application has facebook login built in by default, but is turned off by default. If you want to use facebook for logging in, do the following:

Deployment with Capistrano

Capistrano is used to deploy the application to a staging and production enviornment.

The config file at /config/deploy.rb is the basic setup for capistrano deploying. The file is set up to:

  • deploy to multiple environments, default is staging
  • only keep the last 2 releases
  • only compile and send the assets if the assets have changed

To setup the config files for the staging and production server, look in the /config/deploy folder. The staging.rb and production.rb files contain the variables that are needed for deployment (server user name, server folder location, github project name, etc).

Within the /config/deploy folder are folders for each server you can deploy to (staging and production) that contain more configuration.

  • nginx.conf
    • update this file with the application and user variables you set in the staging.rb/production.rb file
    • server name - root url to site
    • timeout length - default is 30 seconds
  • unicorn.rb
    • update this file with the application and user variables you set in the staging.rb/production.rb file
    • port number - each application on the server must have a unique port number, run 'netstat -anltp | grep "LISTEN"' to see which ports are being used
    • timeout length - default is 30 seconds
    • number of worker processes - default is 2
    • update this file with the application and user variables you set in the staging.rb/production.rb file

The staging environment is set as the default so if you run 'cap deploy' the application will be deployed to the staging server. Use 'cap production deploy' to deploy to the production server.

Helpful Additions/Tools

Latin <-> Georgian

Transparency International Georgia created a ruby script to convert Georgian text into it's Latin equivalent letters, or vice-versa. The script is located at /config/initializers/latinize.rb. To convert Georgian text, do the following: 'გამარჯობათ'.latinize. To convert Latin text, do the following: 'hello'.georgianize.


Many times Rails parameters contain boolean values, but they are read in as string. /config/initializers/to_bool.rb provides a to_bool function to Strings that will convert a string value to a boolean value.


TinyMCE is a javascript library for creating textarea boxes with rich-text editing controls. This application uses the (tinymce-rails gem)[] to make the process of using the library a little more integrated into rails.

To configure which controls are available in the rich-text editor, edit the file located at /config/tinymce.yml.

To add the tinymce editor to a textarea control, do the following:

  • add the following to the top of the form page:

    <%= tinymce_assets %>
    <%= tinymce %>
  • add the class 'tinymce' to the textarea box

To render the text that is saved use the following (assuming content has the text):

simple_format_no_tags(content, {}, {sanitize: false})

Sending Emails

The application is setup to send email using Google SMTP. You can view/edit these settings at /config/initializers/gmail.rb.

Emails in Development Mode

Mailcatcher is a helpful gem in development mode for catching all emails that your application sends, whether they be error message emails, feedback emails, etc and showing them in a web interface instead of actually sending them to the intended users. Simply run mailcatcher at the command line and then go to to see the emails that are sent. You will be able to see the html and text version of the emails.

Exception Notifications

Exception Notification is a gem that is wonderful at catching errors that occur in your application and sending you emails to let you know about it. You can customize the email settings (i.e., subject, to email, from email, etc) by going to /config/environments and updating the appropriate file. Look at the bottom of the file to see the default settings that come in this application. You can customize what type of exceptions you want to be notified about by editing the code at the bottom of /app/controllers/application_controller.rb.


Gon is a gem that lets you set varaibles in your controllers and have them be accessible in javascript.

jQuery DataTables

DataTables turns a boring table of data into one that can be sorted, searched and paginated. The user admin page uses DataTables with ajax calls. The following files are used for this:

To create your own datatables, simply copy and paste these files and tweak as necessary.

Also, the translation of the DataTable interface into Georgian is located at /public/datatable_ka.txt. If the page is in Georgian, this file path is set in a variable in /app/controllers/application_controller.rb under the method initialize_gon.


Unicorn is a Rails server that this application is setup to use in staging and production environments.

Maintenance Mode

The nginx config file located at /config/deploy/staging/nginx.conf and /config/deploy/production/nginx.conf is setup to look for a file in the /public folder called maintenance.html. If this file is found, the file will automatically be shown instead of processing whatever request the user is asking for.

In the /public folder, there is a file called maintenance_disabled.html. This file is a plain html file that is setup to have a similar look as the /app/views/layout/application.html.erb. The content of this file is a simple message to the user indicating that the site is down and for how long.

To turn on maintenance mode, either rename the file and deploy or simply rename the file on the server.

To turn off maintenance mode, either rename the file to anything other than maintenance.html and deploy or simply renmae the file on the server.

To use as start of new project

This is a short description on how to use this repo as the start of a new project.

  • On your machine, in projects folder, create folder for new project

  • cd into folder and run:

  • the new project does not need to include all of the git history from the bootstrap starter project. So do the following to start git over from scratch:

    • rm -rf .git
    • git init
    • git add -A
    • git commit -am ‘_________’
  • push new project to repo for first time

    • go to github and copy the clone url for the new project
    • run:
      • git remote add origin [clone url here]
      • git push -u origin master
  • Custom vendor scripts

    • bootstrap-select.min.js
      • default for showIcon to false = !1
      • find check-mark and comment whole span tag that wraps it