- added #205 ability to change rectangle color.
- Fixed bug #201 - problem with comparing totally different pictures.
- Include rectangles in ImageComparisonResult.
- The resolved bug with 0.0 in differencePercent
- improved and added missing tests.
- Fixed bug #180 - problem with ImageComparisonUtil.readFromResources method.
- added the ability to ignore some percent of differences for comparison.
- added option to fill rectangles(167 issue)
- refactored drawRectangles method due to SRP.
- optimized isDifferentPixels to improve algorithm.
- moved to Apache License 2.0
- removed Point and used java.awt.Point instead
- added Gradle.yml for GitHub actions
- removed commandLine usage
- renamed ComparisonResult to ImageComparisonResult
- renamed ComparisonState to ImageComparisonState
- added own RuntimeException for wrapping checked exception
- added Gitter chat for communication.
- Fixed bug #134: If image is different in a line in 1 px, ComparisonState is always MATCH
- Fixed bug #136: deepCopy method throws IllegalArgumentException on shared BufferedImage
- added GitHub workflow to the project.
- Added option to get the pixels difference percentage between images in case of SIZE_MISMATCH.
- Fixed NPE for default run from commandLine(#131)
- Added configuration part to README.md.
- Added ability to change pixel tolerance.
- Improved algorithm to make it faster.
- Improved JavaDocs.
- Researched JPEG images, all work as expected.
- Fixed bug #113: RED (not equals) and GREEN (ignored) areas are not shown at result image at the same time
Added the ability to draw excluded areas on the result image. Rectangles with the differences drawing RED color. Rectangles of the excluded areas - GREEN color.
Fixed root problem on the algorithm.
Added returning
for setters in ImageComparison and ComparisonResult. -
renamed image1 => expected and image2 => actual.
Added writeResultTo() for ComparisonResult.
- Fixed #98: Ignored area was not actually ignored.
Added ComparisonResult as a returning value for comparing. It contains:
expected(ex image1)
actual(ex image2)
ComparisonState, with conditions MATCH, MISMATCH, SIZE_MISMATCH
Result image, only if ComparisonState is MISMATCH. When it is MATCH or SIZE_MISMATCH no needs to create result image.
added minimalRectangleSize and maximalRectangleCount(sorted by rectangle size).
Added more tests to cover more test cases.
Refactored CommandLineUsage, moved main() method to separated class.
Added ExcludedAreas functionality, which helps to exclude some parts of the image.
Added ability to customize rectangle line width.
Moved the main method from Image Comparison to own class.
Made non-static threshold field.
Added Code of Conduct and Contributing pages.
Added Point model.
- Added publishing to JCenter
fixed bug #11(finally!!)
fixed bug #43
- fixed bug #21
- use as a library
The program in Java that compares any 2 images and shows the differences visually by drawing rectangles.*
Implementation is using only standard core language and platform features, no 3rd party libraries and plagiarized code is permitted.
Pixels (with the same coordinates in two images) can be visually similar, but have different values of RGB. We are only consider 2 pixels to be "different" if the difference between them is more than 10%.
The output of the comparison is a copy of one of the images image with differences outlined with red rectangles as shown below.
No third party libraries and borrowed code are not using.