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Customize Font Awesome

Geremia Taglialatela edited this page Mar 23, 2016 · 29 revisions

Font Awesome receives dozens of new requests every day. Some of them will eventually be included, others will not. Popularity is one of the factors taken into account, but it is not the only one.

So, if you need a new icon in a short while, or you need a comprehensive set of icons (e.g., a set of weather icons to build a forecast application) our suggestion is to customize Font Awesome.

The Easy Way

There are some wonderful online services which allows you to customize Font Awesome, like:

Pick up the one which better fits your needs.

The Hard Way

Note that you may need commercial software

  1. Fork the repository. You need a properly configured development environment
  2. Hack with the .otf file. Here it is a guide you can follow: The making of Octicons
  3. Share your fork with the Font Awesome community. Check for open issues that are related to your fork and share your repository

New styles

If you don't need new icons but have special needs for your stylesheet, please consider a custom build based on .less or .scss versions.