- add appropriates imports from stdlib in all scripts
- make sure that every script is python valide: run python .. --lint for all scripts
- add tests/pyccel/ast/test_parallel.py to travis
- in Variable, rank should be a property that uses shape?
- improve dotprint for our ast objects
- remove fprint from ast classes (see numpyext)
- move all numpy objects to numpyext
- check the correctness of pure function
- lapack run_tests is not working anymore
- zeros_like is not copying attribut data
- scatter.py not working anymore
- improve ValuedVariable
- Del for a list of variables
- add --fflags to pyccel command.
- implement StopIteration as a class in stdlib
- metavars: modules, module_name
- improve assignable for value in AssignStmt
- improve function headers
- improve AugAssign (improve it like what has been done for Assign)
- add precision, double complex
- improve debug mode and verbosity in parser and syntax
- check error messages (and exceptions in syntax) and improve their treatments
- eval statement
- Expression of strings
- Expression of booleans
- add is_compatible_header for functions
- stencil and vector must use Variable and be of any datatype
- upate clone method of Variable
- cleaning: PointerVariable, AllocatableVariable, Variable, IndexedVariable, IndexedElement
- private variables if name is of the form _name, in fcode we should add a prefix p_name. The used prefix should be given as an argument of doprint in codegen
- Matrix is not printed correctly (must check what is done in Sympy)
- improve namespace property. For the moment, we only create the definition for FunctionHeader (if not MethodHeaded)
- in fcode: use self._get_statement for every statement and be careful to comments (and omp pragmas)
- improve debug mode and verbosity in fcode and codegen
- code inlining
- private variables if name is of the form _name, in fcode we should add a prefix p_name. The used prefix should be given as an argument of doprint in codegen
- in load_extension: need to improve the use of dep_libs (ex BLAS_LIBRARIES, LAPACK_LIBRARIES)
- improve print for strings (remove ")
- inheritence
- Cart 3d
- iterators
- communication, reduction, etc
- in get_with_clauses and get_for_clauses, we must be careful about args and kwargs for the __init__ call
- check valid values for clause arguments
- pyccel output_dir (for temporary files) should be .pyccel for pyccel extensions
- procedure interfaces
- HDF5