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Read Only REST API documentation

Justin Brubaker edited this page Mar 29, 2023 · 11 revisions

All api requests require an api_key parameter. This api_key must be listed in the config.yml file to allow access to the api.

GET /api/v1/readonly/events/heats/scoreboards - [DEPRECIATED] Returns the exact lines from a spectators scoreboard.

GET /api/v1/readonly/tracks/ - Returns the total number of tracks as well as a list of all track command names.

GET /api/v1/readonly/track/:trackname - Returns extensive details about the given :trackname

GET /api/v1/readonly/player/:uuid - Returns the TPlayer data for the given UUID.

GET api/v1/readonly/events/runningheats/ - Returns an array of running heats. Each heat contains the live scoreboard information for that heat.

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