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Starting with Vim/Neovim

If you are completely new to Vim or Neovim, focus on Vim motions.

  • Run vimtutor if it's installed on your system and learn the basics. Otherwise, open Vim and type :help to get started.

After Starting

  • :help <topic> is pretty useful.
  • Check out this cheatsheet by potatokuka as a reference for common actions you may do.
  • In general, search "how to your question vim".
  • Don't be afraid of :help vimrc to change some default behaviors.

Most simple configuration setup for beginners

minimalist / without plugins

init.lua (Neovim)

Create ~/.config/nvim/init.lua folders and files (:help vimrc for all other possible locations) if not created, then add the following lines and customize these to your hearts content:

-- this is a comment in lua
this is a

local o = vim.o -- short for vim.opt; possibly might behave diff in some cases = true -- :set number, true or false
o.rnu = true -- relativenumber

-- four spaced tabbing
o.tabstop = 4
o.softtabstop = 4
o.shiftwidth = 4
o.expandtab = true
o.smartindent = true

o.termguicolors = true  -- color support
o.ignorecase = true -- ignores case when searching, etc.
-- below line: cursor is always 6 lines away from top or bottom of your window
o.scrolloff = 6
o.colorcolumn = "80"
o.swapfile = false -- don't use swap files

o.shellslash = true -- On Windows, this will use '/' instead of the default '\'

Learn more about Neovim + Lua here: :help lua-guide. If your neovim is too old, check out nanotee/nvim-lua-guide: A guide to using Lua in Neovim. Newest guide online: Lua-guide - Neovim docs

Lua vs Vimscript:

  • Thanks to LuaJIT (based on Lua 5.1), this is generally about 10x faster than vimscript8. vimscript9 might be much closer in speed to LuaJIT. Take benchmarks with a grain of salt though.
  • Lua is a skill that can be used outside of Vimscript. Vimscript is stuck in Vim world. If you go deeper into the language, you probably should learn some Vimscript and Vim API to use Lua in Neovim though.
  • It's worth noting that Neovim is backwards compatible with vimscript8 and not vimscript9.
init.lua but less minimalist (Neovim)

This example has a transparent theme, Telescope, comment.nvim, leader key, and keymaps. This will work on Windows, Linux, and likely macOS as well.

-- Note: Git Bash doesn't work with :term (at least on nvim)

--- Set
local o = vim.o = true
o.rnu = true
o.acd = true

-- four spaced tabbing
o.tabstop = 4
o.softtabstop = 4
o.shiftwidth = 4
o.expandtab = true
o.smartindent = true

o.termguicolors = true  -- color support
o.ignorecase = true -- ignores case when searching, etc.
-- below line: cursor is always 6 lines away from top or bottom of your window
o.scrolloff = 6
o.colorcolumn = "80"
o.linebreak = true

-- If you want to change shellslash during fresh install, do it AFTER selecting
-- something in telescope.
-- This is due to a bug with paths in plenary + set shellslash:
o.shellslash = false -- Only affects Windows: This will use '/' instead of the default '\'

--- Keymaps
vim.g.mapleader = ' '

local k = vim.keymap
k.set("n", "<leader>lo", function() vim.cmd("!love %/..") end, {desc="Run with Love2D; assuming that parent is project root folder."})
k.set("n", "<leader>,", function() vim.cmd("bro o") end, {desc=":bro o -> Telescope oldfiles"})
k.set("n", "<leader>cd", "<cmd>cd %:h<CR>", {desc="cd to current file parent (:cd %:h)"})
k.set("n", "<leader>w", "<cmd>w<CR>")
k.set("n", "<leader>t", "<cmd>winc v<CR><cmd>term<CR>")
-- If on Windows this is very useful imo over above command:
-- k.set("n", "<leader>t", "<cmd>winc v<CR><cmd>shell powershell<CR><cmd>term<CR><cmd>shell cmd<CR>")
k.set("t", "<Esc>q", [[<C-\><C-n>]]) -- this line has not been tested. might do nothing.

print("See oldfiles: <leader>,")

-- system clipboard
k.set({ "n", "v" }, "<leader>y", [["+y]])
k.set({ "n", "v" }, "<leader>p", [["+p]])
k.set("n", "<leader>x", [[ggVG"+x]], {desc="(normal mode) Cut all text to clipboard."})
k.set("v", "<leader>x", [["+x]])

-- Don't copy lines below if you don't want plugins.
--- Lazy
local lazypath = vim.fn.stdpath("data") .. "/lazy/lazy.nvim"
if not vim.loop.fs_stat(lazypath) then
    "--branch=stable", -- latest stable release

-- Lazy Plugins
local plugins = {
    'nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim', tag = '0.1.5',
    -- or                          , branch = '0.1.x',
    dependencies = { 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim' },
    config = function()
      k.del("n", "<leader>,") -- this is backup remap; telescope will break probably
      k.set("n", "<leader>,", function() vim.cmd("Telescope oldfiles") end, {desc=":bro o -> Telescope oldfiles"})
    name = 'rose-pine',
    config = function()

--      :lua vim.print(vim.api.nvim_get_color_map())
--      :Telescope highlights
      vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "Normal", { bg = "none" })
      vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "NormalFloat", { bg = "none" })

      -- Makes telescope transparent
      vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "TelescopeNormal", { bg = "none" })
      vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "NormalNC", { bg = "none" })
  { 'numToStr/Comment.nvim', opts = {} },

require("lazy").setup(plugins, {})
-- lua vim.print(vim.api.nvim_get_color_map().Brown)
init.vim (Neovim; Vim; Vi)

This is not updated much as I mostly focus on lua script lately.

If this is in init.vim file, the equivalent works in Vi, Vim, and Neovim:

" This is a comment.
" Double quote comment means it's also valid vimrc code; commented out.
" There's no difference between single and multiline comments in vim.

set nu
set relativenumber

set tabstop=4
set softtabstop=4
set shiftwidth=4
set expandtab
set smartindent

set termguicolors
set colorcolumn=80

set scrolloff=6
set colorcolumn=80
set noswapfile

"" set ai " auto indent
set tabstop

set shellslash
" i forgot if this is important
" set guicursor=""

Plugin setup

General sources

Get started with your Neovim config

One might work better for you than others.

More ideas

Neovim Installation


  • If you have scoop installed:
scoop bucket add main
scoop install main/neovim

Run this to get the latest update:

scoop update neovim

Note: You might run into dependency hell if you have both stable and nightly installed.

scoop bucket add versions
scoop install versions/neovim-nightly

Run this to get the latest update:

scoop update neovim-nightly
Alternative frontends

Scoop - Apps (neovim)


Download v0.9.0 AppImage; recommended file format to install neovim. Download link for AppImage:


# Make it executable
chmod u+x nvim.appimage && ./nvim.appimage
# ZQ out of that if it executes. If it doesn't work, you probably don't have FUSE. See

# This likely requires sudo. You may want it in `~/.local/bin` instead if that is setup. Otherwise:
mv nvim.appimage /usr/bin

# Now you can run Neovim by typing:
nvim.appimage # you probably want an alias in .bashrc so it's just nvim/nv

# If you plan to use telescope, install ripgrep as shown below.
# If using dict (<leader>zd), add dict to the list:
sudo apt install rg dict


You should probably skim and copy over what you want and don't want; make it for yourself.

pkg update && pkg upgrade
# Install neovim.
# If using telescope.nvim plugin, install (rg) ripgrep.
# If using dict, install (dictd) dict daemon.
pkg install nvim rg dictd

Neovim config installation

# clone directory tree
git clone -n --depth=1 --filter=tree:0
# Only download/checkout files from .config/nvim
cd dotfiles/ && git sparse-checkout set --no-cone .config/nvim
git checkout && cd ..

# Create ~/.config/ if it doesn't already exist
mkdir -p ~/.config
# Create a soft link to nvim directory.
ln -s ~/dotfiles/.config/nvim/ ~/.config/nvim


  • Install nerd fonts. See main (not neovim readme)
  • See :checkhealth for any other missing dependencies.


Known issues:

  • Codeium doesn't and doesn't plan to support Termux. Search for Termux in codeium issues for more info.
  • Treesitter is buggy in Termux. Will investigate.

Incomplete instructions for Treesitter: pkg install clang

You should probably install clang. I have not tested this with treesitter yet. In theory, you could substitute clang with: cc gcc clang cl zig

Lazy installation

Everything here is tested with Neovim v0.9.0 - v0.9.4 and may not work with older versions.

Note: If migrating from the previously used nvim config using packer.nvim, check :checkhealth and remove files from there.

If any new changes were made: :w

:so likely required first time but I may be wrong. Then :Lazy (or :La)

No need to source the file again. Lazy is always available with the :La command.

By design, I didn't enable auto-updating. To update all plugins, type :La update, :Lazy update, or open up lazy and press U.

Lazy config

Restart Neovim and run :Lazy to apply new changes.

Read Lazy docs for more info.

Packer installation (no longer using packer.nvim)

Note: This no longer works! Kept it here for educational purposes.

Packer installation

In packer.lua: Install packer with instructions on the web (ThePrimeagen video with timestamp)

If any new changes are made, you need to :w so Packer.nvim can see the changes.

Then: :so

If errors show up for above command, (ZQ) quit out of vim, reopen the packer.lua file in Neovim and repeat.


A screen should show up that everything installed successfully.

After all that, close and open and open up again, some errors and tips will show up. Wait for everything to install.

Codeium setup

Warning: codeium.vim is not supported in Termux and I haven't gotten it to work. There might have a workaround though. See issue 8 from here. Haven't tested codeium.nvim on Termux yet.

Note: If you don't set this up, there will be warnings or errors depending on your version of Codeium. Remove it (or comment it out) from your plugin config or set it up.

Create an account on Codeium and then type :Codeium Auth to link to your account.

If I missed anything else, create an issue and/or check out: Getting Started

Alternative ideas for config

Minimal plugin; works with classic vim too: vim-plug