diff --git a/src/FSharp.Analyzers/FSharp.Analyzers.fsproj b/src/FSharp.Analyzers/FSharp.Analyzers.fsproj
index 148a851..82f2e1e 100644
--- a/src/FSharp.Analyzers/FSharp.Analyzers.fsproj
+++ b/src/FSharp.Analyzers/FSharp.Analyzers.fsproj
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
diff --git a/src/FSharp.Analyzers/JsonSerializerOptionsAnalyzer.fs b/src/FSharp.Analyzers/JsonSerializerOptionsAnalyzer.fs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2583da4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/FSharp.Analyzers/JsonSerializerOptionsAnalyzer.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+namespace ``G-Research``.FSharp.Analyzers
+open System
+open FSharp.Analyzers.SDK
+open FSharp.Compiler.Symbols
+open FSharp.Compiler.Text
+open FSharp.Compiler.Symbols.FSharpExprPatterns
+open TASTCollection
+module JsonSerializerOptionsAnalyzer =
+ []
+ let Code = "GRA-JSONOPTS-001"
+ []
+ let jsonSerializerOptionsAnalyzer : Analyzer =
+ fun ctx ->
+ async {
+ let state = ResizeArray ()
+ let namesToWarnAbount =
+ set
+ [
+ "System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Deserialize"
+ "System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.DeserializeAsync"
+ "System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.DeserializeAsyncEnumerable"
+ "System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize"
+ "System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.SerializeAsync"
+ "System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.SerializeToDocument"
+ "System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.SerializeToElement"
+ "System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.SerializeToNode"
+ "System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.SerializeToUtf8Bytes"
+ ]
+ let handler : Handler =
+ let callHandler (range : range) (m : FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue) (args : FSharpExpr list) =
+ let name = String.Join (".", m.DeclaringEntity.Value.FullName, m.DisplayName)
+ let assemblyName = "System.Text.Json"
+ let containsSerOptsCtorCall =
+ args
+ |> List.exists (
+ function
+ | NewObject (objType, _, _) when
+ objType.FullName = "System.Text.Json.JsonSerializerOptions"
+ && objType.Assembly.SimpleName = assemblyName
+ ->
+ true
+ | _ -> false
+ )
+ if
+ m.Assembly.SimpleName = assemblyName
+ && Set.contains name namesToWarnAbount
+ && containsSerOptsCtorCall
+ then
+ state.Add range
+ Handler.CallHandler callHandler
+ match ctx.TypedTree with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some typedTree -> typedTree.Declarations |> List.iter (visitDeclaration handler)
+ return
+ state
+ |> Seq.map (fun r ->
+ {
+ Type = "JsonSerializerOptions analyzer"
+ Message = "JsonSerializerOptions instances should be cached."
+ Code = Code
+ Severity = Warning
+ Range = r
+ Fixes = []
+ }
+ )
+ |> Seq.toList
+ }
diff --git a/src/FSharp.Analyzers/TASTCollection.fs b/src/FSharp.Analyzers/TASTCollection.fs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..637f063
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/FSharp.Analyzers/TASTCollection.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+namespace ``G-Research``.FSharp.Analyzers
+module TASTCollection =
+ open FSharp.Compiler.Symbols
+ open FSharp.Compiler.Text
+ open FSharp.Compiler.Symbols.FSharpExprPatterns
+ type Handler = | CallHandler of (range -> FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue -> FSharpExpr list -> unit)
+ let rec visitExpr (handler : Handler) (e : FSharpExpr) =
+ match e with
+ | AddressOf lvalueExpr -> visitExpr handler lvalueExpr
+ | AddressSet (lvalueExpr, rvalueExpr) ->
+ visitExpr handler lvalueExpr
+ visitExpr handler rvalueExpr
+ | Application (funcExpr, _typeArgs, argExprs) ->
+ visitExpr handler funcExpr
+ visitExprs handler argExprs
+ | Call (objExprOpt, memberOrFunc, _typeArgs1, _typeArgs2, argExprs) ->
+ match handler with
+ | CallHandler f -> f e.Range memberOrFunc argExprs
+ visitObjArg handler objExprOpt
+ visitExprs handler argExprs
+ | Coerce (_targetType, inpExpr) -> visitExpr handler inpExpr
+ | FastIntegerForLoop (startExpr, limitExpr, consumeExpr, _isUp, _debugPointAtFor, _debugPointAtInOrTo) ->
+ visitExpr handler startExpr
+ visitExpr handler limitExpr
+ visitExpr handler consumeExpr
+ | ILAsm (_asmCode, _typeArgs, argExprs) -> visitExprs handler argExprs
+ | ILFieldGet (objExprOpt, _fieldType, _fieldName) -> visitObjArg handler objExprOpt
+ | ILFieldSet (objExprOpt, _fieldType, _fieldName, _valueExpr) -> visitObjArg handler objExprOpt
+ | IfThenElse (guardExpr, thenExpr, elseExpr) ->
+ visitExpr handler guardExpr
+ visitExpr handler thenExpr
+ visitExpr handler elseExpr
+ | Lambda (_lambdaVar, bodyExpr) -> visitExpr handler bodyExpr
+ | Let ((_bindingVar, bindingExpr, _debugPointAtBinding), bodyExpr) ->
+ visitExpr handler bindingExpr
+ visitExpr handler bodyExpr
+ | LetRec (recursiveBindings, bodyExpr) ->
+ let recursiveBindings' =
+ recursiveBindings |> List.map (fun (mfv, expr, _dp) -> (mfv, expr))
+ List.iter (snd >> visitExpr handler) recursiveBindings'
+ visitExpr handler bodyExpr
+ | NewArray (_arrayType, argExprs) -> visitExprs handler argExprs
+ | NewDelegate (_delegateType, delegateBodyExpr) -> visitExpr handler delegateBodyExpr
+ | NewObject (_objType, _typeArgs, argExprs) -> visitExprs handler argExprs
+ | NewRecord (_recordType, argExprs) -> visitExprs handler argExprs
+ | NewTuple (_tupleType, argExprs) -> visitExprs handler argExprs
+ | NewUnionCase (_unionType, _unionCase, argExprs) -> visitExprs handler argExprs
+ | Quote quotedExpr -> visitExpr handler quotedExpr
+ | FSharpFieldGet (objExprOpt, _recordOrClassType, _fieldInfo) -> visitObjArg handler objExprOpt
+ | FSharpFieldSet (objExprOpt, _recordOrClassType, _fieldInfo, argExpr) ->
+ visitObjArg handler objExprOpt
+ visitExpr handler argExpr
+ | Sequential (firstExpr, secondExpr) ->
+ visitExpr handler firstExpr
+ visitExpr handler secondExpr
+ | TryFinally (bodyExpr, finalizeExpr, _debugPointAtTry, _debugPointAtFinally) ->
+ visitExpr handler bodyExpr
+ visitExpr handler finalizeExpr
+ | TryWith (bodyExpr, _, _, _catchVar, catchExpr, _debugPointAtTry, _debugPointAtWith) ->
+ visitExpr handler bodyExpr
+ visitExpr handler catchExpr
+ | TupleGet (_tupleType, _tupleElemIndex, tupleExpr) -> visitExpr handler tupleExpr
+ | DecisionTree (decisionExpr, decisionTargets) ->
+ visitExpr handler decisionExpr
+ List.iter (snd >> visitExpr handler) decisionTargets
+ | DecisionTreeSuccess (_decisionTargetIdx, decisionTargetExprs) -> visitExprs handler decisionTargetExprs
+ | TypeLambda (_genericParam, bodyExpr) -> visitExpr handler bodyExpr
+ | TypeTest (_ty, inpExpr) -> visitExpr handler inpExpr
+ | UnionCaseSet (unionExpr, _unionType, _unionCase, _unionCaseField, valueExpr) ->
+ visitExpr handler unionExpr
+ visitExpr handler valueExpr
+ | UnionCaseGet (unionExpr, _unionType, _unionCase, _unionCaseField) -> visitExpr handler unionExpr
+ | UnionCaseTest (unionExpr, _unionType, _unionCase) -> visitExpr handler unionExpr
+ | UnionCaseTag (unionExpr, _unionType) -> visitExpr handler unionExpr
+ | ObjectExpr (_objType, baseCallExpr, overrides, interfaceImplementations) ->
+ visitExpr handler baseCallExpr
+ List.iter (visitObjMember handler) overrides
+ List.iter (snd >> List.iter (visitObjMember handler)) interfaceImplementations
+ | TraitCall (_sourceTypes, _traitName, _typeArgs, _typeInstantiation, _argTypes, argExprs) ->
+ visitExprs handler argExprs
+ | ValueSet (_valToSet, valueExpr) -> visitExpr handler valueExpr
+ | WhileLoop (guardExpr, bodyExpr, _debugPointAtWhile) ->
+ visitExpr handler guardExpr
+ visitExpr handler bodyExpr
+ | BaseValue _baseType -> ()
+ | DefaultValue _defaultType -> ()
+ | ThisValue _thisType -> ()
+ | Const (_constValueObj, _constType) -> ()
+ | Value _valueToGet -> ()
+ | _ -> ()
+ and visitExprs f exprs = List.iter (visitExpr f) exprs
+ and visitObjArg f objOpt = Option.iter (visitExpr f) objOpt
+ and visitObjMember f memb = visitExpr f memb.Body
+ let rec visitDeclaration f d =
+ match d with
+ | FSharpImplementationFileDeclaration.Entity (_e, subDecls) ->
+ for subDecl in subDecls do
+ visitDeclaration f subDecl
+ | FSharpImplementationFileDeclaration.MemberOrFunctionOrValue (_v, _vs, e) -> visitExpr f e
+ | FSharpImplementationFileDeclaration.InitAction e -> visitExpr f e
diff --git a/tests/FSharp.Analyzers.Tests/FSharp.Analyzers.Tests.fsproj b/tests/FSharp.Analyzers.Tests/FSharp.Analyzers.Tests.fsproj
index cfe24d9..4795f5d 100644
--- a/tests/FSharp.Analyzers.Tests/FSharp.Analyzers.Tests.fsproj
+++ b/tests/FSharp.Analyzers.Tests/FSharp.Analyzers.Tests.fsproj
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
diff --git a/tests/FSharp.Analyzers.Tests/JsonSerializerOptionsAnalyzerTests.fs b/tests/FSharp.Analyzers.Tests/JsonSerializerOptionsAnalyzerTests.fs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24c41c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/FSharp.Analyzers.Tests/JsonSerializerOptionsAnalyzerTests.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+namespace ``G-Research``.FSharp.Analyzers.Tests
+module JsonSerializerOptionsAnalyzerTests =
+ open System.Collections
+ open System.IO
+ open NUnit.Framework
+ open FSharp.Compiler.CodeAnalysis
+ open FSharp.Analyzers.SDK.Testing
+ open ``G-Research``.FSharp.Analyzers
+ open Testing
+ let mutable projectOptions : FSharpProjectOptions = FSharpProjectOptions.zero
+ []
+ let Setup () =
+ task {
+ let! options =
+ mkOptionsFromProject
+ "net7.0"
+ [
+ {
+ Name = "System.Text.Json"
+ Version = "7.0.3"
+ }
+ ]
+ projectOptions <- options
+ }
+ type TestCases() =
+ static member DataFolder = Path.Combine (__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__, "..", "data")
+ interface IEnumerable with
+ member _.GetEnumerator () : IEnumerator =
+ let jsonSerializerOptionsTests =
+ Path.Combine (TestCases.DataFolder, "jsonserializeroptions")
+ Directory.EnumerateFiles (jsonSerializerOptionsTests, "*.fs")
+ |> Seq.map (fun f ->
+ let fileName = Path.GetRelativePath (TestCases.DataFolder, f)
+ [| fileName :> obj |]
+ )
+ |> fun s -> s.GetEnumerator ()
+ [)>]
+ let JsonSerializerOptionsTests (fileName : string) =
+ task {
+ let dataFolder = TestCases.DataFolder
+ let fileName = Path.Combine (dataFolder, fileName)
+ let! messages =
+ File.ReadAllText fileName
+ |> getContext projectOptions
+ |> JsonSerializerOptionsAnalyzer.jsonSerializerOptionsAnalyzer
+ do! assertExpected fileName messages
+ }
diff --git a/tests/data/jsonserializeroptions/Deserialize call with ctor.fs b/tests/data/jsonserializeroptions/Deserialize call with ctor.fs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5a9d23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/jsonserializeroptions/Deserialize call with ctor.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+module M
+open System.Text.Json
+let f (json: string) (jsonStream: System.IO.Stream) =
+ let _ = JsonSerializer.Deserialize(json, JsonSerializerOptions ())
+ let _ = JsonSerializer.DeserializeAsync(jsonStream, JsonSerializerOptions ())
+ let _ = JsonSerializer.DeserializeAsyncEnumerable(jsonStream, JsonSerializerOptions ())
+ ()
diff --git a/tests/data/jsonserializeroptions/Deserialize call with ctor.fs.expected b/tests/data/jsonserializeroptions/Deserialize call with ctor.fs.expected
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec7df68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/jsonserializeroptions/Deserialize call with ctor.fs.expected
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+GRA-JSONOPTS-001 | Warning | (6,12 - 6,78) | JsonSerializerOptions instances should be cached.
+GRA-JSONOPTS-001 | Warning | (7,12 - 7,89) | JsonSerializerOptions instances should be cached.
+GRA-JSONOPTS-001 | Warning | (8,12 - 8,99) | JsonSerializerOptions instances should be cached.
diff --git a/tests/data/jsonserializeroptions/Deserialize calls with new ctor.fs b/tests/data/jsonserializeroptions/Deserialize calls with new ctor.fs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60e5ab8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/jsonserializeroptions/Deserialize calls with new ctor.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+module M
+open System.Text.Json
+let f (json: string) (jsonStream: System.IO.Stream) =
+ let _ = JsonSerializer.Deserialize(json, new JsonSerializerOptions ())
+ let _ = JsonSerializer.DeserializeAsync(jsonStream, new JsonSerializerOptions ())
+ let _ = JsonSerializer.DeserializeAsyncEnumerable(jsonStream, new JsonSerializerOptions ())
+ ()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/data/jsonserializeroptions/Deserialize calls with new ctor.fs.expected b/tests/data/jsonserializeroptions/Deserialize calls with new ctor.fs.expected
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac9f895
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/jsonserializeroptions/Deserialize calls with new ctor.fs.expected
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+GRA-JSONOPTS-001 | Warning | (6,12 - 6,82) | JsonSerializerOptions instances should be cached.
+GRA-JSONOPTS-001 | Warning | (7,12 - 7,93) | JsonSerializerOptions instances should be cached.
+GRA-JSONOPTS-001 | Warning | (8,12 - 8,103) | JsonSerializerOptions instances should be cached.
diff --git a/tests/data/jsonserializeroptions/Serialize call with cached options.fs b/tests/data/jsonserializeroptions/Serialize call with cached options.fs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b08320
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/jsonserializeroptions/Serialize call with cached options.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+module M
+open System.Text.Json
+let cachedOptions = new JsonSerializerOptions ()
+let f (json: string) (jsonStream: System.IO.Stream) =
+ let _ = JsonSerializer.Serialize(json, cachedOptions)
+ let _ = JsonSerializer.SerializeAsync(jsonStream, json, cachedOptions)
+ let _ = JsonSerializer.SerializeToDocument(json, cachedOptions)
+ let _ = JsonSerializer.SerializeToElement(json, cachedOptions)
+ let _ = JsonSerializer.SerializeToNode(json, cachedOptions)
+ let _ = JsonSerializer.SerializeToUtf8Bytes(json, cachedOptions)
+ ()
diff --git a/tests/data/jsonserializeroptions/Serialize call with cached options.fs.expected b/tests/data/jsonserializeroptions/Serialize call with cached options.fs.expected
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b13789
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/jsonserializeroptions/Serialize call with cached options.fs.expected
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/tests/data/jsonserializeroptions/Serialize call with ctor.fs b/tests/data/jsonserializeroptions/Serialize call with ctor.fs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3047f2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/jsonserializeroptions/Serialize call with ctor.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+module M
+open System.Text.Json
+let f (json: string) (jsonStream: System.IO.Stream) =
+ let _ = JsonSerializer.Serialize(json, new JsonSerializerOptions ())
+ let _ = JsonSerializer.SerializeAsync(jsonStream, json, new JsonSerializerOptions ())
+ let _ = JsonSerializer.SerializeToDocument(json, new JsonSerializerOptions ())
+ let _ = JsonSerializer.SerializeToElement(json, new JsonSerializerOptions ())
+ let _ = JsonSerializer.SerializeToNode(json, new JsonSerializerOptions ())
+ let _ = JsonSerializer.SerializeToUtf8Bytes(json, new JsonSerializerOptions ())
+ ()
diff --git a/tests/data/jsonserializeroptions/Serialize call with ctor.fs.expected b/tests/data/jsonserializeroptions/Serialize call with ctor.fs.expected
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c9ae73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/jsonserializeroptions/Serialize call with ctor.fs.expected
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+GRA-JSONOPTS-001 | Warning | (6,12 - 6,80) | JsonSerializerOptions instances should be cached.
+GRA-JSONOPTS-001 | Warning | (7,12 - 7,97) | JsonSerializerOptions instances should be cached.
+GRA-JSONOPTS-001 | Warning | (8,12 - 8,90) | JsonSerializerOptions instances should be cached.
+GRA-JSONOPTS-001 | Warning | (9,12 - 9,89) | JsonSerializerOptions instances should be cached.
+GRA-JSONOPTS-001 | Warning | (10,12 - 10,86) | JsonSerializerOptions instances should be cached.
+GRA-JSONOPTS-001 | Warning | (11,12 - 11,91) | JsonSerializerOptions instances should be cached.
diff --git a/tests/data/jsonserializeroptions/Serialize calls with new ctor.fs b/tests/data/jsonserializeroptions/Serialize calls with new ctor.fs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3047f2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/jsonserializeroptions/Serialize calls with new ctor.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+module M
+open System.Text.Json
+let f (json: string) (jsonStream: System.IO.Stream) =
+ let _ = JsonSerializer.Serialize(json, new JsonSerializerOptions ())
+ let _ = JsonSerializer.SerializeAsync(jsonStream, json, new JsonSerializerOptions ())
+ let _ = JsonSerializer.SerializeToDocument(json, new JsonSerializerOptions ())
+ let _ = JsonSerializer.SerializeToElement(json, new JsonSerializerOptions ())
+ let _ = JsonSerializer.SerializeToNode(json, new JsonSerializerOptions ())
+ let _ = JsonSerializer.SerializeToUtf8Bytes(json, new JsonSerializerOptions ())
+ ()
diff --git a/tests/data/jsonserializeroptions/Serialize calls with new ctor.fs.expected b/tests/data/jsonserializeroptions/Serialize calls with new ctor.fs.expected
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c9ae73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/jsonserializeroptions/Serialize calls with new ctor.fs.expected
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+GRA-JSONOPTS-001 | Warning | (6,12 - 6,80) | JsonSerializerOptions instances should be cached.
+GRA-JSONOPTS-001 | Warning | (7,12 - 7,97) | JsonSerializerOptions instances should be cached.
+GRA-JSONOPTS-001 | Warning | (8,12 - 8,90) | JsonSerializerOptions instances should be cached.
+GRA-JSONOPTS-001 | Warning | (9,12 - 9,89) | JsonSerializerOptions instances should be cached.
+GRA-JSONOPTS-001 | Warning | (10,12 - 10,86) | JsonSerializerOptions instances should be cached.
+GRA-JSONOPTS-001 | Warning | (11,12 - 11,91) | JsonSerializerOptions instances should be cached.