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Welcome to Taqueria! This quickstart guide will teach you the fundamentals of using Taqueria in 10 minutes by going through the process of running some basic tasks in Taqueria from the CLI

What you will accomplish:

  • Initialize a new Taqueria project
  • Install plugins for LIGO, Flextesa, and Taquito
  • Compile a LIGO smart contract
  • Start a local Flextesa sandbox
  • Originate the compiled smart contract to the sandbox


To successfully use Taqueria, you must ensure that:

  • The Taqueria CLI has been installed and is available in your $PATH
  • Docker v0.8 or later is installed and currently running
  • Node.js v16.3 or later

Starting a Taqueria Project

To start using Taqueria on a project, the project directory must be initialized by Taqueria. This process creates a hidden directory ./.taq inside the project directory that contains the configuration and state files required by Taqueria, and ensures the required directories /contracts and /artifacts have been created

Taqueria provides the command init which will create a new directory with the correct structure and configuration. To create a new Taqueria project called my-first-project, run the command:

taq init my-first-project

:::caution If a project has already been initialized, Taqueria will not re-initialize the project, but will still return a success message. This will be fixed in an upcoming release :::

Working with Plugins

Now that the project has been properly initialized, plugins can be installed to provide support for specific functionality such as compilation, smart contract origination, or sandbox environments

Plugins are installed using the taq install command which appears in the command list once a project is initialized. You can view the list of commands available in the current project contexts by running taq --help from the CLI:

❯ taq --help
taq <command>

  taq init [projectDir]           Initialize a new project
  taq opt-in                      Opt-in to sharing anonymous usage analytics
  taq opt-out                     Opt-out of sharing anonymous usage analytics
  taq install <pluginName>        Install a plugin
  taq uninstall <pluginName>      Uninstall a plugin
  taq add-contract <sourceFile>   Add a contract to the contract registry
  taq rm-contract <contractName>  Remove a contract from the contract registry
  taq list-contracts              List registered contracts

Available Plugins

name pluginName description
LIGO @taqueria/plugin-ligo A compiler for the LIGO smart contract language
SmartPy @taqueria/plugin-smartpy A compiler for the SmartPy contract language
Flextesa @taqueria/plugin-flextesa A sandbox test network running Tezos Flextesa
Taquito @taqueria/plugin-taquito A front-end Tezos framework used to originate
Contract Types @taqueria/plugin-contract-types A type generator that produces TS types from Michelson code
Tezos Client @taqueria/plugin-tezos-client Interacts with a Tezos node, providing simulation and type checking
Jest @taqueria/plugin-jest A Jest plugin for testing smart contracts
IPFS Pinata @taqueria/plugin-ipfs-pinata Uploads files to IPFS via Pinata

Working with LIGO Smart Contracts

To add support for the LIGO smart contract language, install the LIGO plugin by running:

taq install @taqueria/plugin-ligo

Once installed the plugin provides a template to easily create and register a boilerplate LIGO contract using the taq create contract task.

If you already have contracts written and want to compile them you will just need to register them with the taq add-contract <sourceFile> task.

Finally the plugin provides the task taq compile which will look for any registered LIGO contracts in the /contracts directory and compile them to Michelson .tz files in the /artifacts directory.

To demonstrate this, create and register a new LIGO contract called counter.jsligo by running:

taq create contract counter.jsligo

This will create a new LIGO file called counter.jsligo, populate it with a boilerplate contract and register it with Taqueria

You can see that the contract has been registered by running:

taq list-contracts

Taqueria will output that a contract has been registered:

│ Name           │ Source File    │ Last Known Hash │
│ counter.jsligo │ counter.jsligo │ 5737454d        │

Open the created file counter.jsligo in the /contracts directory

You should see the following:

type storage = int;

type parameter =
  ["Increment", int]
| ["Decrement", int]
| ["Reset"];

type ret = [list<operation>, storage];

// Two entrypoints

const add = ([store, delta] : [storage, int]) : storage => store + delta;
const sub = ([store, delta] : [storage, int]) : storage => store - delta;

/* Main access point that dispatches to the entrypoints according to
   the smart contract parameter. */

const main = ([action, store] : [parameter, storage]) : ret => {
 return [list([]) as list<operation>,    // No operations
 match (action, {
  Increment:(n: int) => add ([store, n]),
  Decrement:(n: int) => sub ([store, n]),
  Reset    :()  => 0})]

You can now compile this contract by running the following command from the project directory:

taq compile

Taqueria will then output a list of contracts compiled, and the artifacts created:

❯ taq compile                     
│ Contract       │ Artifact             │
│ counter.jsligo │ artifacts/ │

If you open this file (/artifacts/, you can view the raw Michelson code which will later be originated to the sandbox:

{ parameter (or (or (int %decrement) (int %increment)) (unit %reset)) ;
  storage int ;
  code { UNPAIR ;
         IF_LEFT { IF_LEFT { SWAP ; SUB } { ADD } } { DROP 2 ; PUSH int 0 } ;
         NIL operation ;
         PAIR } }

Starting a Flextesa Sandbox

The next step is to install the Flextesa plugin which provides a local Tezos sandbox network:

taq install @taqueria/plugin-flextesa

Once installed, the plugin provides three commands to start, stop, and query a sandbox:

  • taq start sandbox [sandboxName]
  • taq stop sandbox [sandboxName]
  • taq list accounts [sandboxName]

:::note Sandboxes are configured in the project's Taqueria configuration file (./.taq/config.json). Each named sandbox configuration can then be called from the CLI. By default, every Taqueria project comes pre-configured with a sandbox named local :::

Start up the sandbox named local by running:

taq start sandbox local

To confirm the sandbox is running, query the sandbox for the account information:

taq list accounts local

If successful, you will see a list of the accounts and balances specified in the config.json file that have been created on the Tezos blockchain in the sandbox:

❯ taq list accounts local
│ Account │ Balance │ Address                              │
│ bob     │ 3000 ꜩ  │ tz1aSkwEot3L2kmUvcoxzjMomb9mvBNuzFK6 │
│ alice   │ 2000 ꜩ  │ tz1VSUr8wwNhLAzempoch5d6hLRiTh8Cjcjb │
│ john    │ 4000 ꜩ  │ tz1Zwoh1QCVAvJ4sVTojMp9pLYp6Ji4NoZy6 │
│ jane    │ 5000 ꜩ  │ tz1aHUAC4oviwJuZF1EvVSvFz7cu9KMNYBph │
│ joe     │ 1000 ꜩ  │ tz1MVGjgD1YtAPwohsSfk8i3ZiT1yEGM2YXB │

Originating a Contract with Taquito

With a sandbox now running, the next step is to originate the file to the sandbox network using the Taquito plugin

First, install the plugin:

taq install @taqueria/plugin-taquito

Next, you need to configure some values for origination:

  • The initial storage for the smart contract
  • The name of the sandbox to target (by default it is pre-configured to the sandbox named local) :::note As the default configuration comes with the sandbox named local preconfigured, simply provide a value for the initial storage in the "storage" property :::

To set these values in Taqueria, navigate to the file ./.taq/config.json and locate the "environment" property. For the contract, simply need to provide an integer value for the file which looks like this:

    "environment": {
        "default": "development",
        "development": {
            "networks": [],
            "sandboxes": [
            "storage": {
                "": 42

Now you can originate the contract by running:

taq originate

This will originate all contracts in the /artifacts directory to the sandbox and return the on-chain addresses for the originated contracts. This will look something like this:

│ Contract   │ Address                              │ Destination │
│ │ KT1Ayz8qos7G4U3Jucp6QWoM7ayhbShNXcat │ local       │

Finishing Up

Congratulations! At this point, you have run through the basic usage of Taqueria

For more details on the usage of specific Taqueria tasks, you can refer to the plugin documentation which contains additional context, configuration, and usage of the many Taqueria tasks; or continue on with the getting started guides