Welcome to my Exercism Challenges repository! 🚀
This repository contains my solutions to coding challenges from Exercism - a platfrom that provides hands-on coding exercises with mentor feedback, helping developers learn new languages and improve their coding proficiency.
🏅 23 Rep for solving Java challenges - find them here
The goal is to enhance my problem-solving skills, explore different programming paradigms, and document my learning journey across multiple languages.
I update this repository as I complete new challenges. Check out the language folders for solutions and insights! Here, you'll find my solutions categorized by language and track.
│── language-1/
│ ├── challenge-1.ext
│ ├── challenge-2.ext
│── language-2/
│ ├── challenge-1.ext
│ ├── challenge-2.ext
│── ...
- Each language has its own directory.
- Each challenge includes my solution and, when applicable, explanations or alternative approaches.
This repository is a personal learning project, but feel free to fork it and use the solutions as references. If you have suggestions for improvements, feel free to open an issue!
- Exercism Profile: [Link to your Exercism Profile]