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235 lines (159 loc) · 8.68 KB

Build instructions

You need at least 250 Gb free space on ssd.
Zram is recommended if less 16 Gb RAM

apt install -y zram-tools
find /etc/default/zramswap -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i 's/.*PERCENT=.*/PERCENT=100/g'
systemctl restart zramswap.service

Based on official instruction from waydroid docs and lineageos wiki

Also used aosp_build for lineage 18.1 kernel and MindTheGapps for lineage 20.0

  1. Prepare for build

    git lfs install
    git config --global trailer.changeid.key "Change-Id"
    mkdir lineage-20.0
    cd lineage-20.0
    curl > ~/.local/bin/repo
    chmod a+x ~/.local/bin/repo
  2. Clone lineage vendor repo

    repo init -u -b lineage-20.0 --git-lfs
    repo sync build/make
  3. Get waydroid vendor manifest

    wget -O - | bash
  4. Mindthegapps part 1

    If you don't want it, skip to step 5

    Add block in the file: nano .repo/manifests/default.xml before the tag

    <remote name="MindTheGapps" fetch="" />
    <project path="vendor/gapps" name="vendor_gapps" remote="MindTheGapps" revision="tau" />

    Correspondence of android version and branch name can be found in build/ Switch branches until you find the right version.
    Android 13 is tau branch

  5. Sync repos

    About 200 gigabytes of data will be downloaded

    repo sync
  6. Mindthegapps part 2

    If you don't want it, skip to step 7

    Add line in the end of this file: nano device/waydroid/waydroid/

    For x86_64:

    include vendor/gapps/x86_64/

    For arm64:

    include vendor/gapps/arm64/

    Add line in the end of this file: nano device/waydroid/waydroid/

  7. Apply waydroid patches

    . build/
  8. Apply custom patches

    • Only x86_64: BoardConfig: Reland scudo native allocator for x86 devices [PR]

      curl | git -C device/waydroid/waydroid/ apply -v --index
    • [Don't use the patch is broken on lineage-20!] Add force_mouse_as_touch option. PR
      If PR is already merged, this patch is no longer needed

      curl | git -C frameworks/base/ apply -v --index
      curl | git -C frameworks/native/ apply -v --index
    • Add xmlconfig PR
      If PR is already merged, this patch is no longer needed

      curl | git -C external/mesa/ apply -v --index
      curl | git -C device/waydroid/waydroid/ apply -v
  9. Install docker Documentation

    Of course you can build images without a docker. The Dockerfile has a list of required dependencies.

  10. Copy Dockerfile


    Dockerfile based on this

  11. Build Docker imagekernel

    docker build -t waydroid-build-24.04 .

    Build arguments

    GIT_NAME: Name to use for git commits. Default: "YogSottot" GIT_EMAIL: Email to use for git commits. Default: ""
    PULL_REBASE: Perform rebase instead of merge when pulling. Default: true

    You can pass build arguments to the build command like this:

    docker build -t waydroid-build-24.04 . --build-arg GIT_NAME="John Doe" --build-arg GIT_EMAIL="" .

    If you want to use ccache, the create volume for it

    mkdir -p /mnt/ccache/lineage-20.0
    docker create -v /mnt/ccache/lineage-20.0:/ccache --name ccache-20.0 waydroid-build-24.04
  12. Build system images

    docker run -e CCACHE_DIR=/ccache --volumes-from ccache-20.0 -v $(pwd):/mnt/lineage -it waydroid-build-24.04 bash -c 'cd /mnt/lineage && ccache -M 50G && . build/ && lunch lineage_waydroid_x86_64-userdebug && make systemimage -j$(nproc --all)' 

    If you need waydroid-arm64, change lineage_waydroid_x86_64-userdebug to lineage_waydroid_arm64-userdebug.
    A full list of options is available at command lunch.

  13. Build vendor image

    docker run -e CCACHE_DIR=/ccache --volumes-from ccache-20.0 -v $(pwd):/mnt/lineage -it waydroid-build-24.04 bash -c 'cd /mnt/lineage && ccache -M 50G && . build/ && lunch lineage_waydroid_x86_64-userdebug && make vendorimage -j$(nproc --all)' 
    • If you get the error: /bin/bash: line 1: out/soong/.intermediates/prebuilts/build-tools/m4/linux_glibc_x86_64/m4: No such file or directory then do this:

      cd out/soong/.intermediates/prebuilts/build-tools/m4/linux_glibc_x86_64/
      ln -sf ../../../../../../../prebuilts/build-tools/linux-x86/bin/m4 .
      cd ../../../../../../../
    • If you get the error: ../subprojects/libarchive-3.7.2/libarchive/archive.h:101:10: fatal error: 'android_lf.h' file not found then do this [PR]:

      curl | git -C external/mesa/ apply -v --index


      rm -f external/mesa/subprojects/libarchive.wrap
    • If you get the error: xmllint.c:45:10: fatal error: 'readline/readline.h' file not found then do this:

      rm -f external/mesa/subprojects/libxml2.wrap

    Also you can create both images with a single command:

    docker run -e CCACHE_DIR=/ccache --volumes-from ccache-20.0 -v $(pwd):/mnt/lineage -it waydroid-build-24.04 bash -c 'cd /mnt/lineage && ccache -M 50G && . build/ && lunch lineage_waydroid_x86_64-userdebug && make systemimage -j$(nproc --all) && make vendorimage -j$(nproc --all)' 
  14. Convert images

    simg2img  out/target/product/waydroid_x86_64/system.img ./system.img
    simg2img  out/target/product/waydroid_x86_64/vendor.img ./vendor.img


    docker run -v $(pwd):/mnt/lineage -it waydroid-build-24.04 bash -c 'cd /mnt/lineage && simg2img  out/target/product/waydroid_x86_64/system.img ./system.img && simg2img  out/target/product/waydroid_x86_64/vendor.img ./vendor.img'
  15. Use images

    Make a backup of old images beforehand

    rsync -a /var/lib/waydroid /opt/waydroid_backups/

    If you updated from lineage-18.1, then make a backup of user-dir

    sudo rsync -a /home/user/.local/share/waydroid /home/user/.local/share/waydroid-18.1

    Your images are in current dir [lineage-20.0] (system.img / vendor.img) You can use rsync to copy images to /var/lib/waydroid/images

    rsync *.img /var/lib/waydroid/images/

    If you installed the arm translator for android 11, you need to uninstall it and install the version for 13.
    casualsnek/waydroid_script can do that for you. arm-translator for lineage 20 is currently not working correctly.