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76 lines (60 loc) · 3.58 KB



  • People love traveling independently
  • People are making ethical choices in food, fashion
  • People want to bring travel in line with their sustainable values
  • Travellers lack resources to make informed environment-friendly choices


A website that lets the users find and add reviews on places they have visited, and rating them based on a few questionnaires that we designed to help us determine the sustainability factors and key features of places!

User journey

Travellers open the website to search for places that they can travel to while seeing their sustainability factor, which will help them feel good about their travel choices.

User stories

  • As a user, I can land on SitSpot's landing page so that I can find out more information about the platform and see if it is right for me.

    • Name: Sitspot
    • logo
    • Tagline
    • Values
    • Menu
    • Link to 'about us'
    • images of inspirational places (Katia, please provide images)
  • As a user, I can find the About Us/FAQs so that I am clear about the process.

  • As a user, I can find out more about sustainable travel so that I can be more informed about the criteria that SitSpot uses to rate companies.

  • As a user I am incentivized to write reviews so that I feel like I am part of the solution.

  • As a user, I have access to a dashboard so that I have access to the most important parts of the functionality of the site.

    • The user sees a prominent button to add a review
    • The user can search
  • As a user, I can add a review for a company so that I can support a business that I believe in.

  • As a user, I can check if a Sitspot is already listed the search page so that my review can be associated with other existing reviews

    • If a SitSpot exists, my review gets added to an existing SitSpot page
    • If a SitSpot does not exists, my review generates a new SitSpot page
  • As a user, I am prompted to fill out a comprehensive review of an accommodation, restaurant or business so that I can support a business that I believe in

    • Form always includes 4 separate pages (Basics including photo upload, Sustainability Factor, Magical Factor, Written Review)
  • As a user, I can upload images so that I can provide others with a more visual representation of the SitSpot.

  • As a user I can go back to see my answers before submitting my recommendation.

  • As a user, I can see a progress bar so that I know where I am in the process.

  • As a user, I am reminded of the incentive for filling out the review and am provided with words of encouragement so that I feel motivated to continue through the process As a user, I can search the database so that I find businesses which align with my values

  • Location (country, city)

  • Tags

  • Type (eat, shop, stay)

  • Input

As a user, I can see an individual SitSpot page so that I can have a more in-depth look at that company.

  • Name
  • Location
  • Pictures
  • Over review synopsis
  • Individual reviews
  • Tags

As a user, I want to insert my basic info once, and then use my alias to identify myself for this app, basic info include:

  • First name
  • Age
  • Location

As a user, I can see where many SitSpots in an area are so that I can better plan my trip. (stretch)

Running this project locally:

You actually can't because of the many integration reasons of Typeform and Airtable, if u try to connect an airtable, and use the available typeforms, you will add into our airtable.


Team lead: Amin Al Akhsham @aminalakhsham

  • Sajeda Ismail @SajedaIsmail
  • Mossa Dababesh @mossa-Sammer
  • Asem Abu Musameh @asem1789
  • Imad Shatali @amoodaa