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Galoy Quickstart

This folder hosts all configuration needed to run the galoy stack locally to play with or run tests against (when embedded into another project).


To open the graphql playground start docker compose and bring up the public endpoint of the oathkeeper proxy in your browser.

docker compose up -d
open http://localhost:4455/graphql


To embed galoy as a dependency, we recommend syncing this folder via vendir:

install vendir and ytt:

brew tap carvel-dev/carvel
brew install vendir ytt

follow those instructions to get a docker compose that will contain a minimal viable setup for running the Galoy stack locally

cd <path/to/your/repo>

# download the vendir configuration
curl > vendir.yml

# synchronize vendor folder
vendir sync

# set HOST_PROJECT_PATH and COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME to your environment. 
# it's not mandatory, but we're using direnv here to auto reload the env variables
echo 'export HOST_PROJECT_PATH="$(pwd)"' >> .envrc
echo 'export COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME="$(basename $PWD)"' >> .envrc
direnv allow

# launch docker
docker compose -p $(basename "$PWD") -f ./vendor/galoy-quickstart/docker-compose.yml up -d

If you want to use docker compose, you need to keep the "prefix": -p $(basename "$PWD") -f ./vendor/galoy-quickstart/docker-compose.yml You can create an alias like:

alias dp="docker compose -p $(basename "$PWD") -f ./vendor/galoy-quickstart/docker-compose.yml"
dp up -d
dp ps