Releases: GaloyMoney/charts
Releases · GaloyMoney/charts
cala-v0.1.2 Release
Miscellaneous Tasks
- Extract cala server command (#6657)
cala-v0.1.1 Release
cala-v0.1.0 Release
Bug Fixes
- Cala chart and dev (#6603)
- Values for otlp endpoint (#6602)
- Db creds for cala (#6600)
- ServerVersion -> apiVersion (#6599)
- Cala chart name (#6598)
- Cala testflight
- Set pinecone api key on api pod (#6505)
- Notifications config indents (#5974)
- Notifications config typo (#5971)
- Typo in kickoff link email reminder delay
- AccountAgeThresholdMinutes
- Enable otel svc explicitly
- Loosen kratos otel filter (#5783)
- Kratos trace filtering (#5765)
- Inject NOTIFICATIONS_ENDPOINT to history-cron (#5763)
- Bump api-keys subgraph
- Admin panel commit ref
- Novu secret in notifications (#5429)
- Lnd tls autogen helm conditional (#5384)
- Add missing NOTIFICATIONS vars
- Config update should trigger redeploy for api-keys/notifications
- Execute_import in cm
- Notification env indentation
- Notification env indentation
- Kratos log config key name
- Bria tracing port
- Config path
- Oathkeeper proxy port in consent app default
- GRAPHQL_ENDPOINT in consent deployment
- Consent tlsSecretName
- Bad service.yaml
- Use containerPort for consent app
- Add cron image
- Admin oathkeeper request fwd (#4397)
- Remove use flake from dev/.envrc
- Cronjob dealer connection error (#4245)
- This logic is now in the backend (#4236)
- Tracing config for otel in bria
- Fmt stablesats testflight
- Missing env var on cronjob spec
- Remove duplicate env vars from websocket deployment
- Missing env var name
- Image repo in galoy chart
- Only send /graphql to router (#3950)
- Remove oathkeeper from ws ingress
- Api ingress release name interpolation (#3917)
- Missing router config
- Remove supergraph / fix public enpdoint for router
- Tracing env var in galoy chart (#3769)
- Admin ingress (#3758)
- Use toYaml when injecting address list
- Add 15 min bitcoind startup probe (#3239)
- Device account config missed setting (#3236)
- Use dev daemon to provision bria (#3216)
- Api-key in bria cred in dev
- Add bria.env to exporter
- Galoy chart resource config (#3202)
- Always use bitcoind configmap checksum (#3171)
- Stablesats priceDeployment scope
- Stablesats resource scope
- Stablesats deployment
- Mempool testflight (#3133)
- Add mempool cache, change probes (#3129)
- Relax mempool probes to 4 minutes (#3120)
- Mempool allow-to-bitcoind, relax probes (#3118)
- Connect mempool to signet bitcoind (#3117)
- Remove persistence from mempool testflight (#3116)
- Add signer-encryption-key to dev (#3109)
- BitcoindCustomConfig parsing (#3074)
- Update sidecar lnd version to v0.16.2-beta (#3006)
- Remove bitcoind-onchain from ci (#3003)
- Add cm checksum to bitcoind sts label (#2987)
- Only create the network secret for bitcoind (#2981)
- Fulcrum ready during sync, add fastsync (#2962)
- Parse hook for kratos 13 (#2955)
- 502 intermittent errors (#2909)
- Price pod annotations scope (#2921)
- Jq -r for extracting xpub
- Bria needs restart on config change
- Restart lnd when export-secrets changes
- Export correct xpub from lnd (#2895)
- Add missing role and binding in fulcrum chart (#2863)
- Oathkeeper cookie rules (#2788)
- Use checksum/config annotation in price deployments (#2757)
- Remove authenticated smoketests (#2693)
- Removing authenticated smoketest comments (#2616)
- No special in kratos_callback_api_key (#2611)
- Remove phone and code (#2607)
- Deactivate galoy-backend auth smoketest (#2606)
- Deactivate admin-backend auth smoketest (#2605)
- Add kratos_callback_api_key to testflight (#2602)
- Move bankowner to be the first test account (#2599)
- Use non apple silicon image
- Admin panel smoketest port (#2492)
- Don't connect to postgres in galoy-testflight (#2459)
- Stablesats/Chart.lock
- PoolSize should be caml
- Reference dealerReplicas in dealer-deployment
- Stablesats/Chart.lock
- Values reference
- Use galoy_deps for signet also in Makefile (#2300)
- Use ntheile's kratos image for cors fix (#2278)
- Disable loop for testflight on signet (#2218)
- Typo in staleAfter
- New variable name for twilio verify
- Typo in tracing name and missing env var (#2188)
- Otel prom config env var syntax (#2158)
- Otel values env var syntax (#2157)
- Dev smoketests (#2147)
- Remove helm repo update (#2085)
- Run helm repo update before dev smoketest (#2083)
- Add cluster label to kafka topic (#1913)
- Add kubectl provider config block (#1911)
- Deps testflight namespace reference (#1910)
- Mount svc account in a subpath under /tmp (#1882)
- Inject kratos master passsword in testflight (#1867)
- Healthcheck for galoy/kratos - fail if err (#1865)
- Swap tls extra info, fully qualified domain name (#1843)
- Add missing providers to deps testflight (#1848)
- Add namespaces resources to deps testflight (#1847)
- Swap tls extra domain (#1841)
- Bump default galoyPollFrequency
- Indentation of oathkeeper.replicaCount
- Missing local prefix
- Galoy testflight
- Nginx websocket connections (#1730)
- Helm context for bitcoind prometheus port (#1468)
- Add galoy api ingress and use https test (#1685)
- Firebase sa creds path incorrect (#1684)
- Remove postgresql from dealer chart.lock (#1669)
- Lnd chart.lock didn't contain loopserver (#1668)
- Postgres-price-history-creds didn't get provisioned (#1661)
- Tolerate errors in smoketest loop (#1664)
- Fail galoy api smoketest on 404 (#1662)
- Fix web wallet smoketest (#1657)
- Kratos upgrade (#1656)
- Cronjob requires jwt secret (#1631)
- Cronjob name in galoy smoketest (#1630)
- Don't strip required spaces (#1626)
- Testflight galoy values (#1624)
- Use correct cronjob name (#1623)
- Add '-f' option to curl requests (#1614)
- Remove '--location' redirect option (#1599)
- Follow redirects (#1587)
- Postgres creds for dealer on testflight, dev (#1541)
- Readd dealer creds to testflight (#1540)
- Readd dealer pg database url env var (#1539)
- Testflight lnd timout (#1531)
- Loopserver enabled only in local dev (#1530)
- Lnd appVersion not in sync
- Export secret loop.fullname (#1496)
- Add condition to stablesats redis dep
- Pass correct redis pw in cronjob
- Redis auth (#1363)
- Run galoy-testflight with injected redis password (#1355)
- Remove lnd-storage mount for export-secrets (#1345)
- Loop chart yaml lint error (#1343)
- Sidecar image in loop chart (#1342)
- Disable pg persistence on dealer testflight (#1307)
- Dont create secrets for testflight (#1295)
- Use distinct value as kubemonkey id for lnd sts (#1194)
- Add common chart dep to dealer (#1187)
- Add required missing properties to test accounts yaml (#1135)
- Gcs sa key file name in testflight (#1134)
- Gcs sa key file name (#1133)
- Move jwt secret resource policy to annotations (#1059)
- Missing colon in ww values
- Add additional fail condition to init wallet
- Move set next to spawn lncli (#1088)
- Make password value a string (#1051)
- Update app version for lnd chart (#961)
- Add dependency update to auth in dev (#912)
- Web-wallet ENV vars (#899)
- Revert pg changes from PR 849 (#854)
- Make migration job name dynamic (#823)
- Kratos schema url
- Kratos values
- New js cmd filename (#806)
- Scope persistence setting correctly (#775)
- Disable pg persistence on galoy testflight
- Add postgres as dependency to galoy chart (#774)
- Postgres enable condition
- Kratos values and rename GALOY_AUTH_ENDPOINT (#759)
- Remove default kratos courier setting
- Upgrade kratos in galoy-auth/Chart.lock
- Whitespace
- Kratos enabled flag
- Web wallet smoketest script (#719)
- Remove random coin selection (#702)
- Enquote test account code in local dev values
- Typo in api-service
- Lnd configmap
- Add web wallet mobile testflight secret
- Change duplicate helm release name
- ClusterIP typo
- Only expose lnd p2p port publicly (#691)
- Galoy testflight needs code as string
- Remove quotes from around boolean type
- Change wrong script name
- Dealer tracing path
- Dealer scheduler path
- Enabled testflight auto seed generation (#674)
- [breaking] Disable auto seed generation by default (#673)
- Dealer tracing_service_name
- Dealer entrypoint
- True comparison
- Only report main api to apollo
- Disable pg persistence on auth testflight
- Add pg dependency to auth
- Add dependency update to auth testflight
- Env value should be string (#639)
- Inivsible diff
- Add missing env vars to web-wallet
- Galoy auth smoketest secret
- Move labels to correct level
- Remove lnd network policy
- Allow loop to lnd connection
- Make lnd network policy name dynamic (#598)
- Image build context paths
- Force http1.1 for dropbox upload (#590)
- Sync api rate limit with prod (#568)
- Add block generation and fix tls config locally (#562)
- Simpler smoketest query
- Quote port env var
- Hardcore PORT env var
- Web wallet smoketest port
- Disable mongo backup locally (#546)
- Bind to (#544)
- Add web wallet secret (#542)
- No need for bodymindarts fork of k8s-wait-for (#513)
- Increase timeout for cronjob smoketest
- Add sleep in migration job to handle quick backups
- Cronjob should also wait for migration (#488)
- Missing create verb on galoy role
- Patch bump specter image (#484)
- Env.value type
- Temporarily remove auto-migration
- Use tag 1.3 for k8s-wait-for
- Add serviceaccount for galoy deployment
- Groundnuty image tag
- Case sensitive Never
- Remove more bad code
- Remove bad code accidentally commited
- Missing $ in release ref
- Curl grafana for monitoring smoketest
- Disable alertmanager by default
- Use exec for tor container (#412)
- Dev setup instructions with tilt and nix (#5186)
- Testing on signet (#2927)
- Dev access to rtl and grafana (#2319)
- Cala chart (#6596)
- Make lnd tls autogen configurable (#5380)
- Add notifications pod (#5271)
- Add aws backups (#4898)
- Add api keys pod (#4677)
- Api dashboard chart (#4486)
- Add consent to galoy chart (#4474)
- Github oauth env vars admin panel (#4405)
- Add hydra to galoy chart (#4383)
- Email cookie login config (#3902)
- Galoy pay config for dedicated websocket server (#3779)
galoy-v0.33.105 Release
Source Changes
Bug Fixes
- Exchange rate (#4499)
Miscellaneous Tasks
- Bump deps (#4494)
- Update block duration for request code (#4498)
- Adding voucher price as input (#4493)
- Adding server wrapper for apollo provider (#4487)
- Frontend refactor and misc fixes. (#4496)
Chart Changes
Bug Fixes
- Cala chart and dev (#6603)
- Values for otlp endpoint (#6602)
- Db creds for cala (#6600)
- ServerVersion -> apiVersion (#6599)
- Cala chart name (#6598)
- Cala testflight
- Cala chart (#6596)
Miscellaneous Tasks
admin-panel-v0.13.30 Release
galoy-v0.33.104 Release
This is a dev release.
- feat: cala chart by @thevaibhav-dixit in #6596
- fix: cala chart name by @thevaibhav-dixit in #6598
Full Changelog: galoy-pay-v0.11.43...cala-v0.1.7-dev
galoy-pay-v0.11.43 Release
galoy-v0.33.103 Release
Source Changes
Bug Fixes
- Assistant function call when multple tool are needed in the same… (#4483)
Miscellaneous Tasks
- Using knex migrate for migration (#4480)
- Updated nav-menu (#4481)
- Bump @headlessui/react from 1.7.19 to 2.0.3 (#4472)
- Bump use-react-screenshot from 3.0.0 to 4.0.0 (#4471)
- Integrate currency list fetching and validation in currency context (#4458)
- Bump postcss from 8.4.31 to 8.4.38 (#4473)
- Layout changes (#4466)
- Updated confirm voucher modal (#4469)
- Bump bria proto to '0.1.106' (#4427)
- Moving hooks to hooks folder (#4435)
Chart Changes
galoy-pay-v0.11.42 Release
ci(release): galoy-pay release v0.11.42