基于原 superbank
合约添加新功能(使用可迭代的链表保存 token 余额的排名信息),现已升级至 superbank_V2_4
// 合约层级声明双向 mapping 状态变量
mapping(address tokenAddress => mapping(uint256 rankIndex => address userAddress)) internal tokenRankIndexToAddr;
mapping(address tokenAddress => mapping(address userAddress => uint256 rankIndex)) internal tokenRankAddrToIndex;
为了在用户存入 token 后可以快速定位到其排名的位置(如果可以跻身排名的话),我采用双向 mapping 变量实现新增功能,两变量分别为“自 index 至 address”的映射(tokenRankIndexToAddr
)和“自 address 至 index”的映射(tokenRankAddrToIndex
)。(两者互为逆向映射,且均为嵌套映射;外层的 key 为存入的 ERC20 token 的合约地址,以方便接收多种 token。)
:为地址“标记”其排名位置,当该地址对应的用户后续存款且影响了排名,则可以快速获知其排名变动的“出发点”,由此免去了每次存款都要自 mapping 变量的“起点”开始遍历。
以上两个 mapping 变量的组合模拟了“地址数组”的特性,但同时由于数据类型为 mapping,在占用的存储方面,比“地址数组”明显更好。
// 合约层级声明 origin 地址常量,作为起点地址
address constant origin = address(1);
function _executeRankMappingOfTokenBalance(address _tokenAddr, uint256 _amountInRank) internal {
// 初始化双向 mapping 变量的起点(地址为`origin`,`index`为 0 )
if (tokenRankIndexToAddr[_tokenAddr][0] == address(0)) {
tokenRankIndexToAddr[_tokenAddr][0] = origin;
tokenRankAddrToIndex[_tokenAddr][origin] = 0;
// 其他逻辑...
为 0 ,地址为origin
为 0 。
function _executeRankMappingOfTokenBalance(address _tokenAddr, uint256 _amountInRank) internal {
// 其他逻辑...
bool isInRank = tokenRankAddrToIndex[_tokenAddr][msg.sender] != 0;
// `maxIndexToStartLoop`,存款用户向前比较余额的用户的最大`index`,即从自身位置开始遍历与比较余额。
uint256 maxIndexToStartLoop;
// `indexToStartMoving`,当某用户存款且影响了排名,比该用户余额少但仍在排名之中的用户均向后挪动一个名次,此变量记录需要挪动的最大的index(自高位至低位逐一执行“向后挪动的操作”)。
uint256 indexToStartMoving;
// 其他逻辑...
if (isInRank) {
// 场景 1 :存款之前,用户已在排名之中
maxIndexToStartLoop = tokenRankAddrToIndex[_tokenAddr][msg.sender];
indexToStartMoving = tokenRankAddrToIndex[_tokenAddr][msg.sender];
} else {
// 场景 2 :存款之前,用户不在排名之中
maxIndexToStartLoop = _amountInRank + 1;
indexToStartMoving = _amountInRank;
用户是否在排名之中,影响着排名变动的算法(双向 mapping 变量所实现的排名算法为_executeRankMappingOfTokenBalance
function _executeRankMappingOfTokenBalance(address _tokenAddr, uint256 _amountInRank) internal {
// 其他逻辑...
for (uint256 i = maxIndexToStartLoop; i > 1; i--) {
uint256 userBalance = tokenBalance[_tokenAddr][msg.sender];
address previousUser = tokenRankIndexToAddr[_tokenAddr][i - 1];
uint256 previousUserBalance = tokenBalance[_tokenAddr][previousUser];
if (userBalance >= previousUserBalance) {
// If the current address has won a new index which is in front of the current index of it,
// record the new index by the variable `minIndexOccupied`.
minIndexOccupied = i - 1;
} else {
// 其他逻辑...
function _executeRankMappingOfTokenBalance(address _tokenAddr, uint256 _amountInRank) internal {
// 其他逻辑...
for (uint256 j = indexToStartMoving; j > minIndexOccupied; j--) {
address previousUser = tokenRankIndexToAddr[_tokenAddr][j - 1];
tokenRankIndexToAddr[_tokenAddr][j] = previousUser;
tokenRankAddrToIndex[_tokenAddr][previousUser] = j;
// 其他逻辑...
- 若存款用户在存款前已在排名中,则受到“向后挪动的操作”影响的排名用户为“自存款用户原排名位置之前的一名至存款用户新排名位置”(由高位向低位)的所有用户。
- 若存款用户在存款前未在排名中,则受到“向后挪动的操作”影响的排名用户为“排名末位至存款用户新排名位置”(由高位向低位)的所有用户,原末位的用户将被“挤出”排名。
function _executeRankMappingOfTokenBalance(address _tokenAddr, uint256 _amountInRank) internal {
// 其他逻辑...
if (minIndexOccupied != type(uint256).max - 1) {
tokenRankAddrToIndex[_tokenAddr][msg.sender] = minIndexOccupied;
tokenRankIndexToAddr[_tokenAddr][minIndexOccupied] = msg.sender;
// 其他逻辑...
将该存款用户地址的映射赋值为新排名位置。 -
// 直接存款(需提前 approve):触发排名算法
function depositToken(address _tokenAddr, uint256 _tokenAmount) public {
// 存款逻辑和其他逻辑...
// ERC2612离线签名 + 存款:触发排名算法
function depositTokenWithPermit(
address _tokenAddr,
uint256 _tokenAmount,
uint256 _deadline,
uint8 _v,
bytes32 _r,
bytes32 _s
) public {
// 验签逻辑、存款逻辑和其他逻辑...
// 该方法包含了用映射实现 token 余额排名的方法
function _handleRankOfTokenBalance(address _tokenAddr) internal {
// 其他逻辑...
_executeRankMappingOfTokenBalance(_tokenAddr, limitAmountOfRank[_tokenAddr]);
// 其他逻辑...
function getTokenRankAccountsByMapping(address _tokenAddr, uint256 _amountInRank)
returns (address[] memory)
if (limitAmountOfRank[_tokenAddr] == 0) {
revert noSuchTokenInBank(_tokenAddr);
if (_amountInRank > limitAmountOfRank[_tokenAddr]) {
revert exceededRankLimit(_tokenAddr, _amountInRank, limitAmountOfRank[_tokenAddr]);
address[] memory rankList = new address[](_amountInRank);
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _amountInRank; i++) {
rankList[i] = tokenRankIndexToAddr[_tokenAddr][i + 1];
return rankList;
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import "./Bank.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/utils/SafeERC20.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/extensions/ERC20Permit.sol";
* @title SuperBank can receive ETH and any ERC20 tokens tokens. And also, token balance rank is supported.
* @author Garen Woo
contract SuperBank_V2_4 is Bank {
mapping(address tokenAddress => mapping(address userAddress => uint256 balance)) internal tokenBalance;
// Array realization: state variable `tokenBalanceRank` records the rank of the token balance.
mapping(address tokenAddress => address[] rankList) internal tokenBalanceRank;
// The state variable `limitAmountOfRank` only influence the Rank of token balance and its query.
mapping(address tokenAddress => uint256 limit) internal limitAmountOfRank;
* @dev Mapping realization: two mapping variables record the info related to the rank of the token balance.
* First, state variable `tokenRankIndexToAddr` maps the index to address.
* Second, state variable `tokenRankAddrToIndex` maps the address to index.
address constant origin = address(1);
mapping(address tokenAddress => mapping(uint256 rankIndex => address userAddress)) internal tokenRankIndexToAddr;
mapping(address tokenAddress => mapping(address userAddress => uint256 rankIndex)) internal tokenRankAddrToIndex;
using SafeERC20 for IERC20;
IERC20 internal iERC20Token;
event tokenReceived(address sender, uint256 amount);
event tokenWithdrawn(address tokenAddr, uint256 amount);
error exceededRankLimit(address tokenAddr, uint256 inputAmount, uint256 limitAmount);
error noSuchTokenInBank(address queriedToken);
error zeroAmountOfWithdrawal();
error insufficientTokenBalance(address tokenAddr, uint256 withdrawnAmount, uint256 balance);
* @dev In the parent contract `Bank`, the constructor has already declared the owner of the contract.
* Thus, here is no need to redeclared `owner`.
constructor() {}
function depositToken(address _tokenAddr, uint256 _tokenAmount) public {
iERC20Token = IERC20(_tokenAddr);
Considering the design of those functions with the prefix of "safe" in SafeERC20 library,
if the token does not support safeTransferFrom, it will turn to call `transferFrom` instead.
iERC20Token.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _tokenAmount);
tokenBalance[_tokenAddr][msg.sender] += _tokenAmount;
function depositTokenWithPermit(
address _tokenAddr,
uint256 _tokenAmount,
uint256 _deadline,
uint8 _v,
bytes32 _r,
bytes32 _s
) public {
IERC20Permit(_tokenAddr).permit(msg.sender, address(this), _tokenAmount, _deadline, _v, _r, _s);
iERC20Token = IERC20(_tokenAddr);
Considering the design of those functions with the prefix of "safe" in SafeERC20 library,
if the token does not support safeTransferFrom, it will turn to call `transferFrom` instead.
iERC20Token.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _tokenAmount);
tokenBalance[_tokenAddr][msg.sender] += _tokenAmount;
* @notice Any user can withdraw any amount of tokens which are already deposited by him(her).
function withdrawTokenByUser(address _tokenAddr, uint256 _amount) public {
iERC20Token = IERC20(_tokenAddr);
uint256 userTokenBalanceInBank = tokenBalance[_tokenAddr][msg.sender];
if (_amount == 0) {
revert zeroAmountOfWithdrawal();
if (_amount > userTokenBalanceInBank) {
revert insufficientTokenBalance(_tokenAddr, _amount, userTokenBalanceInBank);
Considering the design of those functions with the prefix of "safe" in SafeERC20 library,
if the token does not support safeTransfer, it will turn to call `transfer` instead.
iERC20Token.safeTransfer(msg.sender, _amount);
tokenBalance[_tokenAddr][msg.sender] -= _amount;
emit tokenWithdrawn(_tokenAddr, _amount);
function tokensReceived(address _tokenAddr, address _from, uint256 _amount) external returns (bool) {
tokenBalance[_tokenAddr][_from] += _amount;
emit tokenReceived(_from, _amount);
return true;
function setLimitAmountOfRank(address _tokenAddr, uint256 _newLimit) external onlyOwner {
require(_newLimit >= 0, "invalid limit of Rank");
uint256 previousLimit = limitAmountOfRank[_tokenAddr];
limitAmountOfRank[_tokenAddr] = _newLimit;
address[] memory rankArray = new address[](_newLimit);
for (uint256 i = 0; i < previousLimit && i < _newLimit; i++) {
rankArray[i] = tokenBalanceRank[_tokenAddr][i];
tokenBalanceRank[_tokenAddr] = rankArray;
function getLimitAmountOfRank(address _tokenAddr) public view returns (uint256) {
if (limitAmountOfRank[_tokenAddr] == 0) {
revert noSuchTokenInBank(_tokenAddr);
return limitAmountOfRank[_tokenAddr];
function getTokenBalance(address _tokenAddr, address _account) public view returns (uint256) {
return tokenBalance[_tokenAddr][_account];
function getTokenRankAccountsByArray(address _tokenAddr, uint256 _amountInRank)
returns (address[] memory)
if (limitAmountOfRank[_tokenAddr] == 0) {
revert noSuchTokenInBank(_tokenAddr);
if (_amountInRank > limitAmountOfRank[_tokenAddr]) {
revert exceededRankLimit(_tokenAddr, _amountInRank, limitAmountOfRank[_tokenAddr]);
address[] memory rankList = new address[](_amountInRank);
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _amountInRank; i++) {
rankList[i] = tokenBalanceRank[_tokenAddr][i];
return rankList;
function getTokenRankAccountsByMapping(address _tokenAddr, uint256 _amountInRank)
returns (address[] memory)
if (limitAmountOfRank[_tokenAddr] == 0) {
revert noSuchTokenInBank(_tokenAddr);
if (_amountInRank > limitAmountOfRank[_tokenAddr]) {
revert exceededRankLimit(_tokenAddr, _amountInRank, limitAmountOfRank[_tokenAddr]);
address[] memory rankList = new address[](_amountInRank);
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _amountInRank; i++) {
rankList[i] = tokenRankIndexToAddr[_tokenAddr][i + 1];
return rankList;
* @dev This function is used for handle all the ranks supported in this contracts.
* @notice Currently, the top3-rank and top10-rank are supported.
* @param _tokenAddr the address of the ERC20 token contract which is related to this token balance rank.
function _handleRankOfTokenBalance(address _tokenAddr) internal {
_executeRankMappingOfTokenBalance(_tokenAddr, limitAmountOfRank[_tokenAddr]);
_executeRankArrayOfTokenBalance(_tokenAddr, limitAmountOfRank[_tokenAddr]);
function _checkAndInitialLengthOfRankArray(address _tokenAddr) internal {
// If limitAmountOfRank[_tokenAddr] has not been initialized(When the deposit of this token occurs for the first time),
// initialize it with the value of 10(This value can be modified by function `setLimitAmountOfRank` which can only be called by the owner of this contract).
if (limitAmountOfRank[_tokenAddr] == 0) {
limitAmountOfRank[_tokenAddr] = 10;
uint256 limit = limitAmountOfRank[_tokenAddr];
address[] memory rankArray = new address[](limit);
tokenBalanceRank[_tokenAddr] = rankArray;
* @dev This rank algorithm of listing the top several users with the highest token balances has been realized in the form of mapping in the following function.
* The algorithm is created by Garen Woo. Withdrawal is not considered in this function.
* @param _tokenAddr the address of the ERC20 token contract which is related to this token balance rank.
* @param _amountInRank the amount of addresses need to be involved in the rank list.
* @notice First, `minIndexOccupied` is a variable declared in the function body. It‘s the minimum index that the token balance of the current address has exceeded.
* Second, `indexToStartMoving` is a variable declared in the function body. Its usage is as follows:
* When the depositor is not involved in the rank list, `indexToStartMoving` will record the largest index of the rank list.
* When the depositor has been in the rank list, `indexToStartMoving` will record the index which follows the updated index of the depositor after the deposit.
function _executeRankMappingOfTokenBalance(address _tokenAddr, uint256 _amountInRank) internal {
// Check if the index 0 of `tokenRankIndexToAddr` in the contract of `_tokenAddr` maps to address(0).
// If true, it means that the `tokenRankIndexToAddr` hasn't been ininitialized. Then, initialize it with `origin`'s address.
// If false, it means that `tokenRankIndexToAddr` has already been initialized.
if (tokenRankIndexToAddr[_tokenAddr][0] == address(0)) {
tokenRankIndexToAddr[_tokenAddr][0] = origin;
tokenRankAddrToIndex[_tokenAddr][origin] = 0;
// Except for the index of `origin` which is set to be 0, the index of any address else is defaulted to be 0 which means nonmembership of the rank.
// However, any address except for `origin` cannot reach the index of 0 after being involved in this rank ever.
bool isInRank = tokenRankAddrToIndex[_tokenAddr][msg.sender] != 0;
uint256 minIndexOccupied = type(uint256).max - 1;
uint256 maxIndexToStartLoop;
uint256 indexToStartMoving;
if (isInRank) {
// Case 1: msg.sender is already inside the rank mapping
// The maximum index of the for-loop is the one in front of the index of `msg.sender`.
maxIndexToStartLoop = tokenRankAddrToIndex[_tokenAddr][msg.sender];
indexToStartMoving = tokenRankAddrToIndex[_tokenAddr][msg.sender];
} else {
// Case 2: msg.sender is not in the rank mapping.
// Since the depositor is not involved in the rank before the deposit, so this loop starts from `_amountInRank`(regard as a virtual index follows the tail-index of the rank) and ends at 2.
maxIndexToStartLoop = _amountInRank + 1;
indexToStartMoving = _amountInRank;
// For-loop: traverse elements from `maxIndexToStartLoop` to the start according to the index
// Notice that index 0 is always mapping to origin. So, index 1 is the actual first-place of the rank.
for (uint256 i = maxIndexToStartLoop; i > 1; i--) {
uint256 userBalance = tokenBalance[_tokenAddr][msg.sender];
address previousUser = tokenRankIndexToAddr[_tokenAddr][i - 1];
uint256 previousUserBalance = tokenBalance[_tokenAddr][previousUser];
if (userBalance >= previousUserBalance) {
// If the current address has won a new index which is in front of the current index of it,
// record the new index by the variable `minIndexOccupied`.
minIndexOccupied = i - 1;
} else {
// All elements located after the current index(i.e. `minIndexOccupied`) are moved back by one index.
// If minIndexOccupied is not given a value in the previous traversal, the following for-loop will be skipped.
for (uint256 j = indexToStartMoving; j > minIndexOccupied; j--) {
address previousUser = tokenRankIndexToAddr[_tokenAddr][j - 1];
tokenRankIndexToAddr[_tokenAddr][j] = previousUser;
tokenRankAddrToIndex[_tokenAddr][previousUser] = j;
// Set the two mapping variables according to `minIndexOccupied` after the completion of both the loop and the moving back of those "rear elements".
if (minIndexOccupied != type(uint256).max - 1) {
tokenRankAddrToIndex[_tokenAddr][msg.sender] = minIndexOccupied;
tokenRankIndexToAddr[_tokenAddr][minIndexOccupied] = msg.sender;
* @dev This rank algorithm of listing the top several users with the highest token balances has been realized in the form of array in the following function.
* The algorithm is created by Garen Woo. Withdrawal is not considered in this function.
* @param _tokenAddr the address of the ERC20 token contract which is related to this token balance rank.
* @param _amountInRank the amount of addresses need to be involved in the rank list.
* @notice First, `minIndexOccupied` is a variable declared in the function body. It‘s the minimum index that the token balance of the current address has exceeded.
* Second, `indexToStartMoving` is a variable declared in the function body. Its usage is as follows:
* When the depositor is not involved in the rank list, `indexToStartMoving` will record the largest index of the rank list.
* When the depositor has been in the rank list, `indexToStartMoving` will record the index which follows the updated index of the depositor after the deposit.
function _executeRankArrayOfTokenBalance(address _tokenAddr, uint256 _amountInRank) internal {
uint256 membershipIndex = _checkTokenRankMembership(_tokenAddr, _amountInRank);
uint256 minIndexOccupied = type(uint256).max - 1;
uint256 maxIndexToStartLoop;
uint256 indexToStartMoving;
if (membershipIndex != type(uint256).max - 2) {
// Case 1: msg.sender is already inside the rank array
// The maximum index of the for-loop is the one in front of the index of `msg.sender`.
maxIndexToStartLoop = membershipIndex;
indexToStartMoving = membershipIndex;
} else {
// Case 2: msg.sender is not in the rank array
// Since the depositor is not involved in the rank before the deposit, so this loop starts from `_amountInRank`(regard as a virtual index follows the tail-index of the rank) and ends at 1.
maxIndexToStartLoop = _amountInRank;
indexToStartMoving = _amountInRank - 1;
// Boundary case: membershipIndex == 0, is not suitable for this traversal. It means that the token balance of the current account have already at the index 0.
// Thus, this traversal ends at 1.
for (uint256 i = maxIndexToStartLoop; i > 0; i--) {
// i - 1, is the index whose token balance is compared with in the current loop.
address previousUser = tokenBalanceRank[_tokenAddr][i - 1];
if (tokenBalance[_tokenAddr][msg.sender] >= tokenBalance[_tokenAddr][previousUser]) {
// If the current address has won a new index which is in front of the current index of it,
// record the new index by the variable `minIndexOccupied`.
minIndexOccupied = i - 1;
} else {
// All elements located after the current index(i.e. `minIndexOccupied`) are moved back by one index.
for (uint256 j = indexToStartMoving; j > minIndexOccupied; j--) {
tokenBalanceRank[_tokenAddr][j] = tokenBalanceRank[_tokenAddr][j - 1];
// Set the value of `tokenBalanceRank[_tokenAddr][minIndexOccupied]` according to `minIndexOccupied` after the completion of both the loop and the moving back of those "rear elements".
if (minIndexOccupied != type(uint256).max - 1) {
tokenBalanceRank[_tokenAddr][minIndexOccupied] = msg.sender;
* @dev Check if the depositor is already in the rank list.
* @param _amountInRank the amount of addresses need to be involved in the rank list
function _checkTokenRankMembership(address _tokenAddr, uint256 _amountInRank) internal view returns (uint256) {
uint256 index = type(uint256).max - 2;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _amountInRank; i++) {
if (tokenBalanceRank[_tokenAddr][i] == msg.sender) {
index = i;
return index;
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
contract Bank {
// To protect personal privacy, some of the variables are set internal.
// To get those values of variables, set getter-functions to get users' values by their own instead of being queried by anyone.
mapping(address => uint) internal ETHBalance;
address[3] internal rank;
address public owner;
error NotOwner(address caller, address owner);
constructor() {
owner = msg.sender;
modifier onlyOwner() {
if (msg.sender != owner) {
revert NotOwner(msg.sender, owner);
function depositETH() public payable {
ETHBalance[msg.sender] += msg.value;
receive() external payable virtual {
function withdrawETH() public onlyOwner {
function getETHBalance(
address _account
) public view virtual returns (uint) {
return ETHBalance[_account];
function getETHTopThreeAccount()
returns (address, address, address)
return (rank[0], rank[1], rank[2]);
function _handleRankWhenDepositETH() internal {
uint membershipIndex = _checkETHRankMembership();
uint convertedIndex;
uint indexRecord = 777;
if (membershipIndex != 999) {
// Case 1: msg.sender is already inside the top3 rank.
convertedIndex = membershipIndex + 4;
for (uint i = convertedIndex - 3; i > 1; i--) {
if (membershipIndex != 0) {
if (ETHBalance[msg.sender] >= ETHBalance[rank[i - 2]]) {
indexRecord = i - 2;
for (uint j = 2; j > i - 2; j--) {
rank[j] = rank[j - 1];
// Boundry condition
if (indexRecord == 0) {
rank[indexRecord] = msg.sender;
} else {
if (indexRecord != 777) {
rank[indexRecord] = msg.sender;
} else {
// Case 2: msg.sender is not inside the top3 rank.
for (uint i = 3; i > 0; i--) {
if (ETHBalance[msg.sender] >= ETHBalance[rank[i - 1]]) {
indexRecord = i - 1;
// move backward the element(s) which is(/are) right at the index and also behind the index
for (uint j = 2; j > i - 1; j--) {
rank[j] = rank[j - 1];
// Boundry condition
if (indexRecord == 0) {
rank[indexRecord] = msg.sender;
} else {
if (indexRecord != 777) {
rank[indexRecord] = msg.sender;
function _checkETHRankMembership() internal view returns (uint) {
uint index = 999;
for (uint i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (rank[i] == msg.sender) {
index = i;
return index;