#Android Topics
- Android: Knowing the Platform
- Basic structure of Android App
- Lifecycle of Activities.
- Designing the User Interface
- Intents: Explicit and Implicit
- Introduction to Fragments
- Fragment or Activity?
- Basic Idea about adapters.
- RecyclerView Basics.
- RecyclerView Advanced
- Networking in Android
- Using AsyncTask for Networking, basic idea about threads.
- Handling JSON in Android (A quick intro to GSON and other libraries)
- Using Volley for Networking
- Using OkHTTP and Retrofit Libraries.
- Storing Data: Data Storing Strategies
- SharedPreferences
- SQLlite
- NoSQL Libraries (WaspDB, Sugar)
- Realm
- Using Baas Platforms: Firebase (preferred), Back4app
- Firebase: Database
- Firebase: Notifications and FCM.
- Firebase Analytics and RemoteConfig
##UI Specific Topics
- Getting started with Material Design.
- Brief Intro to Material Widgets
- Design Simple Material Views.
- Powering Up the UI with Custom Animations.
- Using transition framework for Awesome UI Transitions.
- Introduction to Cool UI Libraries.
- Making your own cool PageTransformer.
- UI Ergonomics and Uniformity in Data Representation