From dff2ff6ce97831a3ce4873239a70cae17037a4dd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Audrey Yeo <>
Date: Tue, 21 May 2024 17:38:31 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 01/36] delete helpers

 R/helpers.R                   | 77 -----------------------------------
 tests/testthat/test-helpers.R | 13 ------
 2 files changed, 90 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 R/helpers.R
 delete mode 100644 tests/testthat/test-helpers.R

diff --git a/R/helpers.R b/R/helpers.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b7b9c41..00000000
--- a/R/helpers.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-#' Checking for scalar
-#' @param x the input
-#' @return Returns \code{TRUE} if \code{x} is a length one vector
-#' (i.e., a scalar)
-#' @keywords internal
-is.scalar <- function(x) {
-  return(identical(length(x), 1L))
-#' Predicate checking for a boolean option
-#' @param x the object being checked
-#' @return Returns \code{TRUE} if \code{x} is a length one logical vector (i.e., a
-#' scalar)
-#' @keywords internal
-is.bool <- function(x) {
-  return(is.scalar(x) && is.logical(x))
-#' Predicate checking for a probability
-#' @param x the object being checked
-#' @param bounds whether to include the bounds 0 and 1 (default)
-#' @return Returns \code{TRUE} if \code{x} is a probability
-#' @keywords internal
-is.probability <- function(x,
-                           bounds = TRUE) {
-  return(is.scalar(x) &&
-    if (bounds) {
-      0 <= x && 1 >= x
-    } else {
-      0 < x && 1 > x
-    })
-#' Predicate checking for a probability range
-#' @param x the object being checked
-#' @param bounds whether to include the bounds 0 and 1 (default)
-#' @return Returns \code{TRUE} if \code{x} is a probability range
-#' @keywords internal
-is.probRange <- function(x,
-                         bounds = TRUE) {
-  return(identical(length(x), 2L) &&
-    x[1] < x[2] &&
-    if (bounds) {
-      0 <= x[1] && 1 >= x[2]
-    } else {
-      0 < x[1] && 1 > x[2]
-    })
-#' The Logit Function
-#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
-#' This just calculates the logit.
-#' @typed x: numeric
-#'   probabilities to transform.
-#' @return The logit of `x`.
-#' @example examples/logit.R
-#' @export
-logit <- function(x) {
-  assert_numeric(x, lower = 0, upper = 1, finite = TRUE)
-  stats::qlogis(x)
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-helpers.R b/tests/testthat/test-helpers.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 332acd98..00000000
--- a/tests/testthat/test-helpers.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-test_that("logit works as expected", {
-  probs <- seq(0, 1, length = 100)
-  result <- logit(probs)
-  expect_numeric(result, len = length(probs), sorted = TRUE, unique = TRUE)
-  expect_identical(result[1], -Inf)
-  expect_identical(result[100], Inf)
-test_that("logit gives expected value for example value 0.2", {
-  result <- logit(0.2)
-  expected <- -1.386294
-  expect_equal(result, expected, tolerance = 1e-4)

From 37561fcab0a269e17ae1253a1b676bc086e871cb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "27856297+dependabot-preview[bot]"
Date: Tue, 21 May 2024 15:53:55 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 02/36] [skip roxygen] [skip vbump] Roxygen Man Pages Auto

 DESCRIPTION           |  1 -
 man/is.bool.Rd        | 19 -------------------
 man/is.probRange.Rd   | 20 --------------------
 man/is.probability.Rd | 20 --------------------
 man/is.scalar.Rd      | 19 -------------------
 man/logit.Rd          | 23 -----------------------
 6 files changed, 102 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 man/is.bool.Rd
 delete mode 100644 man/is.probRange.Rd
 delete mode 100644 man/is.probability.Rd
 delete mode 100644 man/is.scalar.Rd
 delete mode 100644 man/logit.Rd

index a7e3765b..bfdb50be 100644
@@ -52,7 +52,6 @@ Collate:
-    'helpers.R'
diff --git a/man/is.bool.Rd b/man/is.bool.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index 23ff5261..00000000
--- a/man/is.bool.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/helpers.R
-\title{Predicate checking for a boolean option}
-\item{x}{the object being checked}
-Returns \code{TRUE} if \code{x} is a length one logical vector (i.e., a
-Predicate checking for a boolean option
diff --git a/man/is.probRange.Rd b/man/is.probRange.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index e27fd5f6..00000000
--- a/man/is.probRange.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/helpers.R
-\title{Predicate checking for a probability range}
-is.probRange(x, bounds = TRUE)
-\item{x}{the object being checked}
-\item{bounds}{whether to include the bounds 0 and 1 (default)}
-Returns \code{TRUE} if \code{x} is a probability range
-Predicate checking for a probability range
diff --git a/man/is.probability.Rd b/man/is.probability.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index c8335609..00000000
--- a/man/is.probability.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/helpers.R
-\title{Predicate checking for a probability}
-is.probability(x, bounds = TRUE)
-\item{x}{the object being checked}
-\item{bounds}{whether to include the bounds 0 and 1 (default)}
-Returns \code{TRUE} if \code{x} is a probability
-Predicate checking for a probability
diff --git a/man/is.scalar.Rd b/man/is.scalar.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index e8735c12..00000000
--- a/man/is.scalar.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/helpers.R
-\title{Checking for scalar}
-\item{x}{the input}
-Returns \code{TRUE} if \code{x} is a length one vector
-(i.e., a scalar)
-Checking for scalar
diff --git a/man/logit.Rd b/man/logit.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index 3eb2ad42..00000000
--- a/man/logit.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/helpers.R
-\title{The Logit Function}
-\item{x}{(\code{numeric}):\cr probabilities to transform.}
-The logit of \code{x}.
-\ifelse{html}{\href{}{\figure{lifecycle-experimental.svg}{options: alt='[Experimental]'}}}{\strong{[Experimental]}}
-This just calculates the logit.
-x <- seq(0.1, 0.9, 0.1)

From ab9ba06d6dabefa1d0a2f9d9e7c4dd3cb1a67299 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Audrey Yeo <>
Date: Fri, 24 May 2024 13:48:38 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 03/36] clean

 R/boundsPostprob.R                   |  48 +++++++----
 man/boundsPostprob.Rd                |  30 ++++---
 man/ocPredprob.Rd                    | 121 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/testthat/test-boundsPostProb.R |  28 +++++++
 4 files changed, 200 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 tests/testthat/test-boundsPostProb.R

diff --git a/R/boundsPostprob.R b/R/boundsPostprob.R
index 09822eda..1493ec80 100644
--- a/R/boundsPostprob.R
+++ b/R/boundsPostprob.R
@@ -5,15 +5,11 @@
 #' Efficacy boundary: find minimum x (xU) where Pr(P>p0|x,n,a,b) >= tU and
 #' Futility boundary: find maximum x (xL) where Pr(P>p1|x,n,a,b) <= tL
-#' @param nvec a vector of number of patients
-#' @param p0 the efficacy threshold parameter in the postprob function
-#' @param p1 the futility threshold parameter in the postprob function
-#' (default = p0)
-#' @param tL futility boundary probability threshold
-#' @param tU efficacy boundary probability threshold
-#' @param a  the alpha parameter of the beta prior of treatment group
-#' @param b  the beta parameter of the beta prior of treatment group
-#' @return A matrix where for each sample size in \code{nvec}, this function
+#' @inheritParams postprob
+#' @inheritParams ocPostprob
+#' @typed nvec : numeric
+#'  a vector of number of patients in each look.
+#' @return A matrix where for each sample size in `nvec`, this function
 #' returns the maximum number of responses that meet the futility
 #' threshold (xL), its corresponding response rate (pL), posterior probability
 #' (postL), upper bound of one sided 95% CI for the response rate based on an
@@ -23,7 +19,19 @@
 #' the lower bound of one sided 95% CI for the response rate based on exact
 #' binomial test (LciU).
-#' @importFrom stats binom.test
+#' A matrix for each same size in `nvec`. For each sample size, the following is returned:
+#' - `xL` : the maximum number of responses that meet the futility.
+#'          threshold
+#' - `pL` : posterior probability corresponding to `xL`.
+#' - `postL`: posterior probability.
+#' - `Ucil` : upper bound of one sided 95% CI for the response rate based on an
+#'            exact binomial test.
+#' - `xU` : the minimal number of responses that meet the efficacy threshold.
+#' - `pU` : the corresponding response rate.
+#' - `postU` : posterior probability.
+#' - `LciU` : lower bound of one sided 95% CI for the response rate based on exact
+#'            binomial test.
 #' @example examples/boundsPostprob.R
 #' @export
@@ -43,30 +51,36 @@ boundsPostprob <- function(nvec, p0, p1 = p0, tL, tU, a, b) {
   k <- 0
   for (n in nvec) {
     k <- k + 1
-    # initialize so will return NA if 0 or n in "continue" region
     xL <- NA
     xU <- NA
     for (x in 0:n) {
       postp <- postprob(x, n, p1, parE = c(a, b))
       if (postp <= tL) {
         xL <- x
+        postL <- postp
       if (p0 != p1) {
         postp <- postprob(x, n, p0, parE = c(a, b))
       if (postp >= tU) {
         xU <- x
-        # done: leave innermost for loop
-        break
+        postU <- postp
+        break # needed ?
-    # calculate posterior probabilities at boundaries
-    postL <- postprob(xL, n, p1, parE = c(a, b))
-    postU <- postprob(xU, n, p0, parE = c(a, b))
     # calculate lower CI at boundaries
     UciL <- ifelse(!, stats::binom.test(xL, n, alt = "less")$[2], NA)
     LciU <- ifelse(!, stats::binom.test(xU, n, alt = "greater")$[1], NA)
-    z[k, ] <- c(xL, xL / n, postL, UciL, xU, xU / n, postU, LciU)
+    z[k, ] <- c(
+      xL,
+      xL / n,
+      postL,
+      UciL,
+      xU,
+      xU / n,
+      postU,
+      LciU
+    )
   return(round(data.frame(nvec, z), 4))
diff --git a/man/boundsPostprob.Rd b/man/boundsPostprob.Rd
index 1cb2ae60..a26478ff 100644
--- a/man/boundsPostprob.Rd
+++ b/man/boundsPostprob.Rd
@@ -7,20 +7,15 @@
 boundsPostprob(nvec, p0, p1 = p0, tL, tU, a, b)
-\item{nvec}{a vector of number of patients}
+\item{nvec}{(\code{numeric}):\cr a vector of number of patients in each look.}
-\item{p0}{the efficacy threshold parameter in the postprob function}
+\item{p0}{(\code{number}):\cr lower Futility threshold of response rate.}
-\item{p1}{the futility threshold parameter in the postprob function
-(default = p0)}
+\item{p1}{(\code{number}):\cr upper Efficacy threshold of response rate.}
-\item{tL}{futility boundary probability threshold}
+\item{tL}{(\code{number}):\cr posterior probability threshold for being below \code{p0}.}
-\item{tU}{efficacy boundary probability threshold}
-\item{a}{the alpha parameter of the beta prior of treatment group}
-\item{b}{the beta parameter of the beta prior of treatment group}
+\item{tU}{(\code{number}):\cr posterior probability threshold for being above \code{p1}.}
 A matrix where for each sample size in \code{nvec}, this function
@@ -32,6 +27,21 @@ the minimal number of responses that meet the efficacy threshold (xU),
 the corresponding response rate (pU), posterior probability (postU) and
 the lower bound of one sided 95\% CI for the response rate based on exact
 binomial test (LciU).
+A matrix for each same size in \code{nvec}. For each sample size, the following is returned:
+\item \code{xL} : the maximum number of responses that meet the futility.
+\item \code{pL} : posterior probability corresponding to \code{xL}.
+\item \code{postL}: posterior probability.
+\item \code{Ucil} : upper bound of one sided 95\% CI for the response rate based on an
+exact binomial test.
+\item \code{xU} : the minimal number of responses that meet the efficacy threshold.
+\item \code{pU} : the corresponding response rate.
+\item \code{postU} : posterior probability.
+\item \code{LciU} : lower bound of one sided 95\% CI for the response rate based on exact
+binomial test.
 This function is used to identify the efficacy and futility
diff --git a/man/ocPredprob.Rd b/man/ocPredprob.Rd
index 25c8d9e2..fa79aa7c 100644
--- a/man/ocPredprob.Rd
+++ b/man/ocPredprob.Rd
@@ -117,3 +117,124 @@ The criteria for Decision 2 for Futility looks are :
+# Here we illustrate an example for Decision 1 with the following assumptions :
+# True response rate or truep of the treatment group = 40\%
+# The following are the Final Stop rules respectively :
+# - Final look for Efficacy: Pr( response rate > 25\% ) > 60\% or P(response rate > p0) > tT
+# - Final look for Futility: Pr( response rate < 25\% ) < 60\% or P(response rate > p0) < tT
+# - Interim look for Efficacy: Pr( success at final ) > 80\% or P(success at final) > phiU
+# - Interim look for Futility: Pr( failure at final ) < 20\% or P(success at final) < phiL
+# We assume a prior of treatment arm parE = Beta(1,1), unless otherwise indicated.
+# Decision 1 with no wiggle.
+result <- ocPredprob(
+  nnE = c(10, 20),
+  truep = 0.4,
+  p0 = 0.25,
+  tT = 0.6,
+  phiL = 0.2,
+  phiU = 0.8,
+  parE = c(1, 1),
+  sim = 100,
+  wiggle = FALSE,
+  decision1 = TRUE
+# Decision 1 with wiggle.
+result <- ocPredprob(
+  nnE = c(10, 20),
+  truep = 0.4,
+  p0 = 0.25,
+  tT = 0.6,
+  phiL = 0.2,
+  phiU = 0.8,
+  parE = c(1, 1),
+  sim = 50,
+  wiggle = TRUE,
+  nnF = c(10, 20),
+  decision1 = TRUE
+# Decision 1 with separate Futility and Efficacy looks at interim and final without wiggle.
+result <- ocPredprob(
+  nnE = c(10, 25, 30),
+  truep = 0.4,
+  p0 = 0.25,
+  p1 = 0.2,
+  tT = 0.6,
+  phiL = 0.2,
+  phiU = 0.8,
+  parE = c(1, 1),
+  sim = 50,
+  wiggle = FALSE,
+  nnF = c(10, 15, 20),
+  decision1 = TRUE
+# Decision 1 with separate Futility and Efficacy looks at interim and final with wiggle.
+result <- ocPredprob(
+  nnE = c(10, 25, 30),
+  truep = 0.4,
+  p0 = 0.25,
+  p1 = 0.2,
+  tT = 0.6,
+  phiL = 0.2,
+  phiU = 0.8,
+  parE = c(1, 1),
+  sim = 50,
+  wiggle = TRUE,
+  nnF = c(10, 15, 20),
+  decision1 = TRUE
+# Here we illustrate an example for Decision 2 with the following assumptions :
+# True response rate or truep of the treatment group = 60\%
+# The following are the Final Stop rules respectively :
+# - Final look for Efficacy: Pr( response rate > 25\% ) > 60\% or P(response rate > p0) > tT
+# - Final look for Futility: Pr( response rate < 25\% ) < 60\% or P(response rate < p1) > tF
+# - Interim look for Efficacy: Pr( success at final ) > 80\% or P(success at final) > phiU
+# - Interim look for Futility: Pr( failure at final ) > 80\% or P(failure at final) > phiFu
+# We assume a prior of treatment arm parE = Beta(1,1), unless otherwise indicated.
+# Decision 2 without wiggle.
+result <- ocPredprob(
+  nnE = c(10, 20),
+  truep = 0.6,
+  p0 = 0.25,
+  p1 = 0.25,
+  tT = 0.6,
+  tF = 0.6,
+  phiU = 0.8,
+  phiFu = 0.8,
+  parE = c(1, 1),
+  sim = 50,
+  wiggle = FALSE,
+  nnF = c(10, 20),
+  decision1 = FALSE
+# Decision 2 with wiggle and with Futility only at final with non-uniform beta prior parE.
+result <- ocPredprob(
+  nnE = c(10, 25, 30),
+  truep = 0.6,
+  p0 = 0.25,
+  p1 = 0.25,
+  tT = 0.6,
+  tF = 0.6,
+  phiL = 0.8,
+  phiU = 0.8,
+  parE = c(11, 19),
+  sim = 50,
+  wiggle = TRUE,
+  nnF = 30,
+  decision1 = FALSE
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-boundsPostProb.R b/tests/testthat/test-boundsPostProb.R
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0ae6eadf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-boundsPostProb.R
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# boundsPostProb ----
+test_that("h_decision_one_RctPredProbDist gives correct result and list when relativeDelta = TRUE", {
+  result <- boundsPostprob(
+    nvec = c(10, 20, 30, 40),
+    p0 = 0.2,
+    p1 = 0.2,
+    tL = 0.10,
+    tU = 0.90,
+    a = 1,
+    b = 1
+  )
+  expected <- data.frame(
+    list(
+      nvec = c(10, 20, 30, 40),
+      xL = c(0, 1, 2, 4),
+      pL = c(0, 0.05, 0.0667, 0.1),
+      postL = c(0.0859, 0.0576, 0.0374, 0.0664),
+      UciL = c(0.2589, 0.2161, 0.1953, 0.2144),
+      xU = c(4, 7, 9, 12),
+      pU = c(0.4, 0.35, 0.3, 0.3),
+      postU = c(0.9496, 0.9569, 0.9254, 0.9479),
+      LciU = c(0.15, 0.1773, 0.1663, 0.1831)
+    )
+  )
+  expect_equal(result$xL, c(0, 1, 2, 4))
+  expect_equal(result$pL, c(0.0000, 0.0500, 0.0667, 0.1000))
+  expect_equal(result$UciL, c(0.2589, 0.2161, 0.1953, 0.2144))

From ab510302661d18d4368c4f46c358b7565a643525 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "27856297+dependabot-preview[bot]"
Date: Fri, 24 May 2024 11:51:21 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 04/36] [skip roxygen] [skip vbump] Roxygen Man Pages Auto

 man/ocPredprob.Rd | 121 ----------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 121 deletions(-)

diff --git a/man/ocPredprob.Rd b/man/ocPredprob.Rd
index fa79aa7c..25c8d9e2 100644
--- a/man/ocPredprob.Rd
+++ b/man/ocPredprob.Rd
@@ -117,124 +117,3 @@ The criteria for Decision 2 for Futility looks are :
-# Here we illustrate an example for Decision 1 with the following assumptions :
-# True response rate or truep of the treatment group = 40\%
-# The following are the Final Stop rules respectively :
-# - Final look for Efficacy: Pr( response rate > 25\% ) > 60\% or P(response rate > p0) > tT
-# - Final look for Futility: Pr( response rate < 25\% ) < 60\% or P(response rate > p0) < tT
-# - Interim look for Efficacy: Pr( success at final ) > 80\% or P(success at final) > phiU
-# - Interim look for Futility: Pr( failure at final ) < 20\% or P(success at final) < phiL
-# We assume a prior of treatment arm parE = Beta(1,1), unless otherwise indicated.
-# Decision 1 with no wiggle.
-result <- ocPredprob(
-  nnE = c(10, 20),
-  truep = 0.4,
-  p0 = 0.25,
-  tT = 0.6,
-  phiL = 0.2,
-  phiU = 0.8,
-  parE = c(1, 1),
-  sim = 100,
-  wiggle = FALSE,
-  decision1 = TRUE
-# Decision 1 with wiggle.
-result <- ocPredprob(
-  nnE = c(10, 20),
-  truep = 0.4,
-  p0 = 0.25,
-  tT = 0.6,
-  phiL = 0.2,
-  phiU = 0.8,
-  parE = c(1, 1),
-  sim = 50,
-  wiggle = TRUE,
-  nnF = c(10, 20),
-  decision1 = TRUE
-# Decision 1 with separate Futility and Efficacy looks at interim and final without wiggle.
-result <- ocPredprob(
-  nnE = c(10, 25, 30),
-  truep = 0.4,
-  p0 = 0.25,
-  p1 = 0.2,
-  tT = 0.6,
-  phiL = 0.2,
-  phiU = 0.8,
-  parE = c(1, 1),
-  sim = 50,
-  wiggle = FALSE,
-  nnF = c(10, 15, 20),
-  decision1 = TRUE
-# Decision 1 with separate Futility and Efficacy looks at interim and final with wiggle.
-result <- ocPredprob(
-  nnE = c(10, 25, 30),
-  truep = 0.4,
-  p0 = 0.25,
-  p1 = 0.2,
-  tT = 0.6,
-  phiL = 0.2,
-  phiU = 0.8,
-  parE = c(1, 1),
-  sim = 50,
-  wiggle = TRUE,
-  nnF = c(10, 15, 20),
-  decision1 = TRUE
-# Here we illustrate an example for Decision 2 with the following assumptions :
-# True response rate or truep of the treatment group = 60\%
-# The following are the Final Stop rules respectively :
-# - Final look for Efficacy: Pr( response rate > 25\% ) > 60\% or P(response rate > p0) > tT
-# - Final look for Futility: Pr( response rate < 25\% ) < 60\% or P(response rate < p1) > tF
-# - Interim look for Efficacy: Pr( success at final ) > 80\% or P(success at final) > phiU
-# - Interim look for Futility: Pr( failure at final ) > 80\% or P(failure at final) > phiFu
-# We assume a prior of treatment arm parE = Beta(1,1), unless otherwise indicated.
-# Decision 2 without wiggle.
-result <- ocPredprob(
-  nnE = c(10, 20),
-  truep = 0.6,
-  p0 = 0.25,
-  p1 = 0.25,
-  tT = 0.6,
-  tF = 0.6,
-  phiU = 0.8,
-  phiFu = 0.8,
-  parE = c(1, 1),
-  sim = 50,
-  wiggle = FALSE,
-  nnF = c(10, 20),
-  decision1 = FALSE
-# Decision 2 with wiggle and with Futility only at final with non-uniform beta prior parE.
-result <- ocPredprob(
-  nnE = c(10, 25, 30),
-  truep = 0.6,
-  p0 = 0.25,
-  p1 = 0.25,
-  tT = 0.6,
-  tF = 0.6,
-  phiL = 0.8,
-  phiU = 0.8,
-  parE = c(11, 19),
-  sim = 50,
-  wiggle = TRUE,
-  nnF = 30,
-  decision1 = FALSE

From 008502dd2c31565eb6ea5e1942897da76afe4102 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Audrey Yeo <>
Date: Fri, 24 May 2024 14:00:43 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 05/36] clean

 R/boundsPostprob.R    | 13 +++++++------
 man/boundsPostprob.Rd | 13 ++++++++-----
 2 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/R/boundsPostprob.R b/R/boundsPostprob.R
index 1493ec80..f1f32fc8 100644
--- a/R/boundsPostprob.R
+++ b/R/boundsPostprob.R
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
 #' Efficacy boundary: find minimum x (xU) where Pr(P>p0|x,n,a,b) >= tU and
 #' Futility boundary: find maximum x (xL) where Pr(P>p1|x,n,a,b) <= tL
+#' Efficacy boundary: find minimum x (xU) where Pr(P>p0|x,n,a,b) >= tU and
+#' Futility boundary: find maximum x (xL) where Pr(P>p1|x,n,a,b) <= tL
 #' @inheritParams postprob
 #' @inheritParams ocPostprob
 #' @typed nvec : numeric
@@ -22,20 +25,18 @@
 #' A matrix for each same size in `nvec`. For each sample size, the following is returned:
 #' - `xL` : the maximum number of responses that meet the futility.
 #'          threshold
-#' - `pL` : posterior probability corresponding to `xL`.
-#' - `postL`: posterior probability.
+#' - `pL` : response rate corresponding to `xL`.
+#' - `postL`: posterior probability corresponding to `xL`.
 #' - `Ucil` : upper bound of one sided 95% CI for the response rate based on an
 #'            exact binomial test.
 #' - `xU` : the minimal number of responses that meet the efficacy threshold.
-#' - `pU` : the corresponding response rate.
-#' - `postU` : posterior probability.
+#' - `pU` : response rate corresponding to `xU`.
+#' - `postU` : posterior probability corresponding to `xU`.
 #' - `LciU` : lower bound of one sided 95% CI for the response rate based on exact
 #'            binomial test.
 #' @example examples/boundsPostprob.R
 #' @export
-#' @keywords graphics
 boundsPostprob <- function(nvec, p0, p1 = p0, tL, tU, a, b) {
   z <- matrix(NA, length(nvec), 6)
   dimnames(z) <- list(nvec, c(
diff --git a/man/boundsPostprob.Rd b/man/boundsPostprob.Rd
index a26478ff..860636e2 100644
--- a/man/boundsPostprob.Rd
+++ b/man/boundsPostprob.Rd
@@ -32,13 +32,13 @@ A matrix for each same size in \code{nvec}. For each sample size, the following
 \item \code{xL} : the maximum number of responses that meet the futility.
-\item \code{pL} : posterior probability corresponding to \code{xL}.
-\item \code{postL}: posterior probability.
+\item \code{pL} : response rate corresponding to \code{xL}.
+\item \code{postL}: posterior probability corresponding to \code{xL}.
 \item \code{Ucil} : upper bound of one sided 95\% CI for the response rate based on an
 exact binomial test.
 \item \code{xU} : the minimal number of responses that meet the efficacy threshold.
-\item \code{pU} : the corresponding response rate.
-\item \code{postU} : posterior probability.
+\item \code{pU} : response rate corresponding to \code{xU}.
+\item \code{postU} : posterior probability corresponding to \code{xU}.
 \item \code{LciU} : lower bound of one sided 95\% CI for the response rate based on exact
 binomial test.
@@ -49,6 +49,10 @@ boundaries based on posterior probabilities, i.e.:
 Efficacy boundary: find minimum x (xU) where Pr(P>p0|x,n,a,b) >= tU and
 Futility boundary: find maximum x (xL) where Pr(P>p1|x,n,a,b) <= tL
+Efficacy boundary: find minimum x (xU) where Pr(P>p0|x,n,a,b) >= tU and
+Futility boundary: find maximum x (xL) where Pr(P>p1|x,n,a,b) <= tL
 ## 40 pts trial with interim looks after each 10 pts.,
 ## efficacy decision if more than 90\% probability to be above 20\% ORR,
@@ -61,4 +65,3 @@ boundsPostprob(
 ## From this we see e.g. that at the third IA at 30 pts, we would stop for futility
 ## if 5 or less patients responded, and for efficacy if 9 or more pts responded.

From 34a2313c0cb2011300a200919c1f8e2e929229e1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Audrey Yeo <>
Date: Fri, 24 May 2024 14:51:35 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 06/36] empty

From 0cd95a75ad572ad32d77147a31485cac1156703e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Audrey Yeo <>
Date: Sun, 26 May 2024 18:08:04 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 07/36] examples and test there

 R/boundsPostprob.R                   |  37 +++-----
 examples/boundsPostprob.R            |  14 ++--
 man/boundsPostprob.Rd                |  34 +++-----
 man/ocPredprob.Rd                    | 121 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/testthat/test-boundsPostProb.R |  31 ++++---
 5 files changed, 167 insertions(+), 70 deletions(-)

diff --git a/R/boundsPostprob.R b/R/boundsPostprob.R
index f1f32fc8..f7b5415d 100644
--- a/R/boundsPostprob.R
+++ b/R/boundsPostprob.R
@@ -1,28 +1,16 @@
 #' Decision cutpoints for boundary (based on posterior probability)
 #' This function is used to identify the efficacy and futility
-#' boundaries based on posterior probabilities, i.e.:
-#' Efficacy boundary: find minimum x (xU) where Pr(P>p0|x,n,a,b) >= tU and
-#' Futility boundary: find maximum x (xL) where Pr(P>p1|x,n,a,b) <= tL
+#' boundaries based on the following rules:
-#' Efficacy boundary: find minimum x (xU) where Pr(P>p0|x,n,a,b) >= tU and
-#' Futility boundary: find maximum x (xL) where Pr(P>p1|x,n,a,b) <= tL
+#' Efficacy boundary: find minimum x (xU) where Pr(P > p1 |x, n, a, b) >= tU and
+#' Futility boundary: find maximum x (xL) where Pr(P < p0 | x, n, a, b) >= tL
 #' @inheritParams postprob
 #' @inheritParams ocPostprob
 #' @typed nvec : numeric
-#'  a vector of number of patients in each look.
-#' @return A matrix where for each sample size in `nvec`, this function
-#' returns the maximum number of responses that meet the futility
-#' threshold (xL), its corresponding response rate (pL), posterior probability
-#' (postL), upper bound of one sided 95% CI for the response rate based on an
-#' exact binomial test (UciL), and the same boundary parameters for efficacy:
-#' the minimal number of responses that meet the efficacy threshold (xU),
-#' the corresponding response rate (pU), posterior probability (postU) and
-#' the lower bound of one sided 95% CI for the response rate based on exact
-#' binomial test (LciU).
-#' A matrix for each same size in `nvec`. For each sample size, the following is returned:
+#'  A vector of number of patients in each look.
+#' @return A matrix for each same size in `nvec`. For each sample size, the following is returned:
 #' - `xL` : the maximum number of responses that meet the futility.
 #'          threshold
 #' - `pL` : response rate corresponding to `xL`.
@@ -52,21 +40,20 @@ boundsPostprob <- function(nvec, p0, p1 = p0, tL, tU, a, b) {
   k <- 0
   for (n in nvec) {
     k <- k + 1
+    # initialize so will return NA if 0 or n in "continue" region
     xL <- NA
     xU <- NA
     for (x in 0:n) {
-      postp <- postprob(x, n, p1, parE = c(a, b))
-      if (postp <= tL) {
-        xL <- x
+      postp <- 1 - postprob(x, n, p0, parE = c(a, b)) # futility look
+      if (postp >= tL) {
         postL <- postp
+        xL <- x
-      if (p0 != p1) {
-        postp <- postprob(x, n, p0, parE = c(a, b))
-      }
+      postp <- postprob(x, n, p0, parE = c(a, b)) # efficacy look
       if (postp >= tU) {
-        xU <- x
         postU <- postp
-        break # needed ?
+        xU <- x
+        break
     # calculate lower CI at boundaries
diff --git a/examples/boundsPostprob.R b/examples/boundsPostprob.R
index 97491a9f..f4377968 100644
--- a/examples/boundsPostprob.R
+++ b/examples/boundsPostprob.R
@@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
-## 40 pts trial with interim looks after each 10 pts.,
-## efficacy decision if more than 90% probability to be above 20% ORR,
-## futility decision if less than 10% probability to be above 20% ORR,
-## with uniform prior (i.e. beta(1, 1)) on the ORR:
+# 40 pts trial with interim looks after each 10 pts.,
+# Efficacy decision if more than 60% probability to be above 20% ORR,
+# Futility decision if less than 60% probability to be below 20% ORR,
+# with uniform prior (i.e. beta(1, 1)) on the ORR:
-  nvec = c(10, 20, 30, 40), p0 = 0.20,
-  tL = 0.10, tU = 0.90, a = 1, b = 1
+  nvec = c(10, 20, 30, 40), p0 = 0.20, p1 = 0.2,
+  tL = 0.60, tU = 0.60, a = 1, b = 1
-## From this we see e.g. that at the third IA at 30 pts, we would stop for futility
-## if 5 or less patients responded, and for efficacy if 9 or more pts responded.
diff --git a/man/boundsPostprob.Rd b/man/boundsPostprob.Rd
index 860636e2..b405a75c 100644
--- a/man/boundsPostprob.Rd
+++ b/man/boundsPostprob.Rd
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 boundsPostprob(nvec, p0, p1 = p0, tL, tU, a, b)
-\item{nvec}{(\code{numeric}):\cr a vector of number of patients in each look.}
+\item{nvec}{(\code{numeric}):\cr A vector of number of patients in each look.}
 \item{p0}{(\code{number}):\cr lower Futility threshold of response rate.}
@@ -18,16 +18,6 @@ boundsPostprob(nvec, p0, p1 = p0, tL, tU, a, b)
 \item{tU}{(\code{number}):\cr posterior probability threshold for being above \code{p1}.}
-A matrix where for each sample size in \code{nvec}, this function
-returns the maximum number of responses that meet the futility
-threshold (xL), its corresponding response rate (pL), posterior probability
-(postL), upper bound of one sided 95\% CI for the response rate based on an
-exact binomial test (UciL), and the same boundary parameters for efficacy:
-the minimal number of responses that meet the efficacy threshold (xU),
-the corresponding response rate (pU), posterior probability (postU) and
-the lower bound of one sided 95\% CI for the response rate based on exact
-binomial test (LciU).
 A matrix for each same size in \code{nvec}. For each sample size, the following is returned:
 \item \code{xL} : the maximum number of responses that meet the futility.
@@ -45,23 +35,19 @@ binomial test.
 This function is used to identify the efficacy and futility
-boundaries based on posterior probabilities, i.e.:
-Efficacy boundary: find minimum x (xU) where Pr(P>p0|x,n,a,b) >= tU and
-Futility boundary: find maximum x (xL) where Pr(P>p1|x,n,a,b) <= tL
+boundaries based on the following rules:
-Efficacy boundary: find minimum x (xU) where Pr(P>p0|x,n,a,b) >= tU and
-Futility boundary: find maximum x (xL) where Pr(P>p1|x,n,a,b) <= tL
+Efficacy boundary: find minimum x (xU) where Pr(P > p1 |x, n, a, b) >= tU and
+Futility boundary: find maximum x (xL) where Pr(P < p0 | x, n, a, b) >= tL
-## 40 pts trial with interim looks after each 10 pts.,
-## efficacy decision if more than 90\% probability to be above 20\% ORR,
-## futility decision if less than 10\% probability to be above 20\% ORR,
-## with uniform prior (i.e. beta(1, 1)) on the ORR:
+# 40 pts trial with interim looks after each 10 pts.,
+# Efficacy decision if more than 60\% probability to be above 20\% ORR,
+# Futility decision if less than 60\% probability to be below 20\% ORR,
+# with uniform prior (i.e. beta(1, 1)) on the ORR:
-  nvec = c(10, 20, 30, 40), p0 = 0.20,
-  tL = 0.10, tU = 0.90, a = 1, b = 1
+  nvec = c(10, 20, 30, 40), p0 = 0.20, p1 = 0.2,
+  tL = 0.60, tU = 0.60, a = 1, b = 1
-## From this we see e.g. that at the third IA at 30 pts, we would stop for futility
-## if 5 or less patients responded, and for efficacy if 9 or more pts responded.
diff --git a/man/ocPredprob.Rd b/man/ocPredprob.Rd
index 25c8d9e2..fa79aa7c 100644
--- a/man/ocPredprob.Rd
+++ b/man/ocPredprob.Rd
@@ -117,3 +117,124 @@ The criteria for Decision 2 for Futility looks are :
+# Here we illustrate an example for Decision 1 with the following assumptions :
+# True response rate or truep of the treatment group = 40\%
+# The following are the Final Stop rules respectively :
+# - Final look for Efficacy: Pr( response rate > 25\% ) > 60\% or P(response rate > p0) > tT
+# - Final look for Futility: Pr( response rate < 25\% ) < 60\% or P(response rate > p0) < tT
+# - Interim look for Efficacy: Pr( success at final ) > 80\% or P(success at final) > phiU
+# - Interim look for Futility: Pr( failure at final ) < 20\% or P(success at final) < phiL
+# We assume a prior of treatment arm parE = Beta(1,1), unless otherwise indicated.
+# Decision 1 with no wiggle.
+result <- ocPredprob(
+  nnE = c(10, 20),
+  truep = 0.4,
+  p0 = 0.25,
+  tT = 0.6,
+  phiL = 0.2,
+  phiU = 0.8,
+  parE = c(1, 1),
+  sim = 100,
+  wiggle = FALSE,
+  decision1 = TRUE
+# Decision 1 with wiggle.
+result <- ocPredprob(
+  nnE = c(10, 20),
+  truep = 0.4,
+  p0 = 0.25,
+  tT = 0.6,
+  phiL = 0.2,
+  phiU = 0.8,
+  parE = c(1, 1),
+  sim = 50,
+  wiggle = TRUE,
+  nnF = c(10, 20),
+  decision1 = TRUE
+# Decision 1 with separate Futility and Efficacy looks at interim and final without wiggle.
+result <- ocPredprob(
+  nnE = c(10, 25, 30),
+  truep = 0.4,
+  p0 = 0.25,
+  p1 = 0.2,
+  tT = 0.6,
+  phiL = 0.2,
+  phiU = 0.8,
+  parE = c(1, 1),
+  sim = 50,
+  wiggle = FALSE,
+  nnF = c(10, 15, 20),
+  decision1 = TRUE
+# Decision 1 with separate Futility and Efficacy looks at interim and final with wiggle.
+result <- ocPredprob(
+  nnE = c(10, 25, 30),
+  truep = 0.4,
+  p0 = 0.25,
+  p1 = 0.2,
+  tT = 0.6,
+  phiL = 0.2,
+  phiU = 0.8,
+  parE = c(1, 1),
+  sim = 50,
+  wiggle = TRUE,
+  nnF = c(10, 15, 20),
+  decision1 = TRUE
+# Here we illustrate an example for Decision 2 with the following assumptions :
+# True response rate or truep of the treatment group = 60\%
+# The following are the Final Stop rules respectively :
+# - Final look for Efficacy: Pr( response rate > 25\% ) > 60\% or P(response rate > p0) > tT
+# - Final look for Futility: Pr( response rate < 25\% ) < 60\% or P(response rate < p1) > tF
+# - Interim look for Efficacy: Pr( success at final ) > 80\% or P(success at final) > phiU
+# - Interim look for Futility: Pr( failure at final ) > 80\% or P(failure at final) > phiFu
+# We assume a prior of treatment arm parE = Beta(1,1), unless otherwise indicated.
+# Decision 2 without wiggle.
+result <- ocPredprob(
+  nnE = c(10, 20),
+  truep = 0.6,
+  p0 = 0.25,
+  p1 = 0.25,
+  tT = 0.6,
+  tF = 0.6,
+  phiU = 0.8,
+  phiFu = 0.8,
+  parE = c(1, 1),
+  sim = 50,
+  wiggle = FALSE,
+  nnF = c(10, 20),
+  decision1 = FALSE
+# Decision 2 with wiggle and with Futility only at final with non-uniform beta prior parE.
+result <- ocPredprob(
+  nnE = c(10, 25, 30),
+  truep = 0.6,
+  p0 = 0.25,
+  p1 = 0.25,
+  tT = 0.6,
+  tF = 0.6,
+  phiL = 0.8,
+  phiU = 0.8,
+  parE = c(11, 19),
+  sim = 50,
+  wiggle = TRUE,
+  nnF = 30,
+  decision1 = FALSE
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-boundsPostProb.R b/tests/testthat/test-boundsPostProb.R
index 0ae6eadf..ccbc3458 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-boundsPostProb.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-boundsPostProb.R
@@ -4,25 +4,30 @@ test_that("h_decision_one_RctPredProbDist gives correct result and list when rel
     nvec = c(10, 20, 30, 40),
     p0 = 0.2,
     p1 = 0.2,
-    tL = 0.10,
-    tU = 0.90,
+    tL = 0.60,
+    tU = 0.60,
     a = 1,
     b = 1
   expected <- data.frame(
       nvec = c(10, 20, 30, 40),
-      xL = c(0, 1, 2, 4),
-      pL = c(0, 0.05, 0.0667, 0.1),
-      postL = c(0.0859, 0.0576, 0.0374, 0.0664),
-      UciL = c(0.2589, 0.2161, 0.1953, 0.2144),
-      xU = c(4, 7, 9, 12),
-      pU = c(0.4, 0.35, 0.3, 0.3),
-      postU = c(0.9496, 0.9569, 0.9254, 0.9479),
-      LciU = c(0.15, 0.1773, 0.1663, 0.1831)
+      xL = c(1, 3, 5, 6),
+      pL = c(0.1, 0.15, 0.1667, 0.15),
+      postL = c(0.6779, 0.6296, 0.6069, 0.739),
+      UciL = c(0.3942, 0.3437, 0.319, 0.2747),
+      xU = c(2, 5, 7, 9),
+      pU = c(0.2, 0.25, 0.2333, 0.225),
+      postU = c(0.6174, 0.7693, 0.73, 0.704),
+      LciU = c(0.0368, 0.1041, 0.115, 0.1227)
-  expect_equal(result$xL, c(0, 1, 2, 4))
-  expect_equal(result$pL, c(0.0000, 0.0500, 0.0667, 0.1000))
-  expect_equal(result$UciL, c(0.2589, 0.2161, 0.1953, 0.2144))
+  expect_equal(result$xL, c(1, 3, 5, 6))
+  expect_equal(result$pL, c(0.1, 0.15, 0.1667, 0.15))
+  expect_equal(result$postL, c(0.6779, 0.6296, 0.6069, 0.739))
+  expect_equal(result$UciL, c(0.3942, 0.3437, 0.319, 0.2747))
+  expect_equal(result$xU, c(2, 5, 7, 9))
+  expect_equal(result$pU, c(0.2, 0.25, 0.2333, 0.225))
+  expect_equal(result$postU, c(0.6174, 0.7693, 0.73, 0.704))
+  expect_equal(result$LciU, c(0.0368, 0.1041, 0.115, 0.1227))

From 51db59a10385b06a25807d86c7984374f14a9d28 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "27856297+dependabot-preview[bot]"
Date: Sun, 26 May 2024 16:10:51 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 08/36] [skip roxygen] [skip vbump] Roxygen Man Pages Auto

 man/ocPredprob.Rd | 121 ----------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 121 deletions(-)

diff --git a/man/ocPredprob.Rd b/man/ocPredprob.Rd
index fa79aa7c..25c8d9e2 100644
--- a/man/ocPredprob.Rd
+++ b/man/ocPredprob.Rd
@@ -117,124 +117,3 @@ The criteria for Decision 2 for Futility looks are :
-# Here we illustrate an example for Decision 1 with the following assumptions :
-# True response rate or truep of the treatment group = 40\%
-# The following are the Final Stop rules respectively :
-# - Final look for Efficacy: Pr( response rate > 25\% ) > 60\% or P(response rate > p0) > tT
-# - Final look for Futility: Pr( response rate < 25\% ) < 60\% or P(response rate > p0) < tT
-# - Interim look for Efficacy: Pr( success at final ) > 80\% or P(success at final) > phiU
-# - Interim look for Futility: Pr( failure at final ) < 20\% or P(success at final) < phiL
-# We assume a prior of treatment arm parE = Beta(1,1), unless otherwise indicated.
-# Decision 1 with no wiggle.
-result <- ocPredprob(
-  nnE = c(10, 20),
-  truep = 0.4,
-  p0 = 0.25,
-  tT = 0.6,
-  phiL = 0.2,
-  phiU = 0.8,
-  parE = c(1, 1),
-  sim = 100,
-  wiggle = FALSE,
-  decision1 = TRUE
-# Decision 1 with wiggle.
-result <- ocPredprob(
-  nnE = c(10, 20),
-  truep = 0.4,
-  p0 = 0.25,
-  tT = 0.6,
-  phiL = 0.2,
-  phiU = 0.8,
-  parE = c(1, 1),
-  sim = 50,
-  wiggle = TRUE,
-  nnF = c(10, 20),
-  decision1 = TRUE
-# Decision 1 with separate Futility and Efficacy looks at interim and final without wiggle.
-result <- ocPredprob(
-  nnE = c(10, 25, 30),
-  truep = 0.4,
-  p0 = 0.25,
-  p1 = 0.2,
-  tT = 0.6,
-  phiL = 0.2,
-  phiU = 0.8,
-  parE = c(1, 1),
-  sim = 50,
-  wiggle = FALSE,
-  nnF = c(10, 15, 20),
-  decision1 = TRUE
-# Decision 1 with separate Futility and Efficacy looks at interim and final with wiggle.
-result <- ocPredprob(
-  nnE = c(10, 25, 30),
-  truep = 0.4,
-  p0 = 0.25,
-  p1 = 0.2,
-  tT = 0.6,
-  phiL = 0.2,
-  phiU = 0.8,
-  parE = c(1, 1),
-  sim = 50,
-  wiggle = TRUE,
-  nnF = c(10, 15, 20),
-  decision1 = TRUE
-# Here we illustrate an example for Decision 2 with the following assumptions :
-# True response rate or truep of the treatment group = 60\%
-# The following are the Final Stop rules respectively :
-# - Final look for Efficacy: Pr( response rate > 25\% ) > 60\% or P(response rate > p0) > tT
-# - Final look for Futility: Pr( response rate < 25\% ) < 60\% or P(response rate < p1) > tF
-# - Interim look for Efficacy: Pr( success at final ) > 80\% or P(success at final) > phiU
-# - Interim look for Futility: Pr( failure at final ) > 80\% or P(failure at final) > phiFu
-# We assume a prior of treatment arm parE = Beta(1,1), unless otherwise indicated.
-# Decision 2 without wiggle.
-result <- ocPredprob(
-  nnE = c(10, 20),
-  truep = 0.6,
-  p0 = 0.25,
-  p1 = 0.25,
-  tT = 0.6,
-  tF = 0.6,
-  phiU = 0.8,
-  phiFu = 0.8,
-  parE = c(1, 1),
-  sim = 50,
-  wiggle = FALSE,
-  nnF = c(10, 20),
-  decision1 = FALSE
-# Decision 2 with wiggle and with Futility only at final with non-uniform beta prior parE.
-result <- ocPredprob(
-  nnE = c(10, 25, 30),
-  truep = 0.6,
-  p0 = 0.25,
-  p1 = 0.25,
-  tT = 0.6,
-  tF = 0.6,
-  phiL = 0.8,
-  phiU = 0.8,
-  parE = c(11, 19),
-  sim = 50,
-  wiggle = TRUE,
-  nnF = 30,
-  decision1 = FALSE

From df9a7cacba18258425b9e91e57af6ef286e051f3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Audrey Yeo <>
Date: Sun, 26 May 2024 18:13:31 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 09/36] clean

 R/boundsPostprob.R                   | 1 -
 man/boundsPostprob.Rd                | 2 --
 tests/testthat/test-boundsPostProb.R | 2 +-
 3 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/R/boundsPostprob.R b/R/boundsPostprob.R
index f7b5415d..617d3095 100644
--- a/R/boundsPostprob.R
+++ b/R/boundsPostprob.R
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
 #' This function is used to identify the efficacy and futility
 #' boundaries based on the following rules:
 #' Efficacy boundary: find minimum x (xU) where Pr(P > p1 |x, n, a, b) >= tU and
 #' Futility boundary: find maximum x (xL) where Pr(P < p0 | x, n, a, b) >= tL
diff --git a/man/boundsPostprob.Rd b/man/boundsPostprob.Rd
index b405a75c..4488c20d 100644
--- a/man/boundsPostprob.Rd
+++ b/man/boundsPostprob.Rd
@@ -36,8 +36,6 @@ binomial test.
 This function is used to identify the efficacy and futility
 boundaries based on the following rules:
 Efficacy boundary: find minimum x (xU) where Pr(P > p1 |x, n, a, b) >= tU and
 Futility boundary: find maximum x (xL) where Pr(P < p0 | x, n, a, b) >= tL
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-boundsPostProb.R b/tests/testthat/test-boundsPostProb.R
index ccbc3458..cbc28b7b 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-boundsPostProb.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-boundsPostProb.R
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 # boundsPostProb ----
-test_that("h_decision_one_RctPredProbDist gives correct result and list when relativeDelta = TRUE", {
+test_that("boundsPostProb gives correct result and list", {
   result <- boundsPostprob(
     nvec = c(10, 20, 30, 40),
     p0 = 0.2,

From bd327cc140ad1750c5edd26c1a8915c10edde5f7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Audrey Yeo <>
Date: Sun, 26 May 2024 18:14:56 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 10/36] NAMESPACE stuff

 NAMESPACE         |   1 -
 man/ocPredprob.Rd | 121 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 121 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

index 3af942e9..9b572e48 100644
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ export(dbetaMix)
diff --git a/man/ocPredprob.Rd b/man/ocPredprob.Rd
index 25c8d9e2..fa79aa7c 100644
--- a/man/ocPredprob.Rd
+++ b/man/ocPredprob.Rd
@@ -117,3 +117,124 @@ The criteria for Decision 2 for Futility looks are :
+# Here we illustrate an example for Decision 1 with the following assumptions :
+# True response rate or truep of the treatment group = 40\%
+# The following are the Final Stop rules respectively :
+# - Final look for Efficacy: Pr( response rate > 25\% ) > 60\% or P(response rate > p0) > tT
+# - Final look for Futility: Pr( response rate < 25\% ) < 60\% or P(response rate > p0) < tT
+# - Interim look for Efficacy: Pr( success at final ) > 80\% or P(success at final) > phiU
+# - Interim look for Futility: Pr( failure at final ) < 20\% or P(success at final) < phiL
+# We assume a prior of treatment arm parE = Beta(1,1), unless otherwise indicated.
+# Decision 1 with no wiggle.
+result <- ocPredprob(
+  nnE = c(10, 20),
+  truep = 0.4,
+  p0 = 0.25,
+  tT = 0.6,
+  phiL = 0.2,
+  phiU = 0.8,
+  parE = c(1, 1),
+  sim = 100,
+  wiggle = FALSE,
+  decision1 = TRUE
+# Decision 1 with wiggle.
+result <- ocPredprob(
+  nnE = c(10, 20),
+  truep = 0.4,
+  p0 = 0.25,
+  tT = 0.6,
+  phiL = 0.2,
+  phiU = 0.8,
+  parE = c(1, 1),
+  sim = 50,
+  wiggle = TRUE,
+  nnF = c(10, 20),
+  decision1 = TRUE
+# Decision 1 with separate Futility and Efficacy looks at interim and final without wiggle.
+result <- ocPredprob(
+  nnE = c(10, 25, 30),
+  truep = 0.4,
+  p0 = 0.25,
+  p1 = 0.2,
+  tT = 0.6,
+  phiL = 0.2,
+  phiU = 0.8,
+  parE = c(1, 1),
+  sim = 50,
+  wiggle = FALSE,
+  nnF = c(10, 15, 20),
+  decision1 = TRUE
+# Decision 1 with separate Futility and Efficacy looks at interim and final with wiggle.
+result <- ocPredprob(
+  nnE = c(10, 25, 30),
+  truep = 0.4,
+  p0 = 0.25,
+  p1 = 0.2,
+  tT = 0.6,
+  phiL = 0.2,
+  phiU = 0.8,
+  parE = c(1, 1),
+  sim = 50,
+  wiggle = TRUE,
+  nnF = c(10, 15, 20),
+  decision1 = TRUE
+# Here we illustrate an example for Decision 2 with the following assumptions :
+# True response rate or truep of the treatment group = 60\%
+# The following are the Final Stop rules respectively :
+# - Final look for Efficacy: Pr( response rate > 25\% ) > 60\% or P(response rate > p0) > tT
+# - Final look for Futility: Pr( response rate < 25\% ) < 60\% or P(response rate < p1) > tF
+# - Interim look for Efficacy: Pr( success at final ) > 80\% or P(success at final) > phiU
+# - Interim look for Futility: Pr( failure at final ) > 80\% or P(failure at final) > phiFu
+# We assume a prior of treatment arm parE = Beta(1,1), unless otherwise indicated.
+# Decision 2 without wiggle.
+result <- ocPredprob(
+  nnE = c(10, 20),
+  truep = 0.6,
+  p0 = 0.25,
+  p1 = 0.25,
+  tT = 0.6,
+  tF = 0.6,
+  phiU = 0.8,
+  phiFu = 0.8,
+  parE = c(1, 1),
+  sim = 50,
+  wiggle = FALSE,
+  nnF = c(10, 20),
+  decision1 = FALSE
+# Decision 2 with wiggle and with Futility only at final with non-uniform beta prior parE.
+result <- ocPredprob(
+  nnE = c(10, 25, 30),
+  truep = 0.6,
+  p0 = 0.25,
+  p1 = 0.25,
+  tT = 0.6,
+  tF = 0.6,
+  phiL = 0.8,
+  phiU = 0.8,
+  parE = c(11, 19),
+  sim = 50,
+  wiggle = TRUE,
+  nnF = 30,
+  decision1 = FALSE

From e25e4fd3df8e84bfc647c591ff9cbe9237a5dd7f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "27856297+dependabot-preview[bot]"
Date: Sun, 26 May 2024 16:17:30 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 11/36] [skip roxygen] [skip vbump] Roxygen Man Pages Auto

 man/ocPredprob.Rd | 121 ----------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 121 deletions(-)

diff --git a/man/ocPredprob.Rd b/man/ocPredprob.Rd
index fa79aa7c..25c8d9e2 100644
--- a/man/ocPredprob.Rd
+++ b/man/ocPredprob.Rd
@@ -117,124 +117,3 @@ The criteria for Decision 2 for Futility looks are :
-# Here we illustrate an example for Decision 1 with the following assumptions :
-# True response rate or truep of the treatment group = 40\%
-# The following are the Final Stop rules respectively :
-# - Final look for Efficacy: Pr( response rate > 25\% ) > 60\% or P(response rate > p0) > tT
-# - Final look for Futility: Pr( response rate < 25\% ) < 60\% or P(response rate > p0) < tT
-# - Interim look for Efficacy: Pr( success at final ) > 80\% or P(success at final) > phiU
-# - Interim look for Futility: Pr( failure at final ) < 20\% or P(success at final) < phiL
-# We assume a prior of treatment arm parE = Beta(1,1), unless otherwise indicated.
-# Decision 1 with no wiggle.
-result <- ocPredprob(
-  nnE = c(10, 20),
-  truep = 0.4,
-  p0 = 0.25,
-  tT = 0.6,
-  phiL = 0.2,
-  phiU = 0.8,
-  parE = c(1, 1),
-  sim = 100,
-  wiggle = FALSE,
-  decision1 = TRUE
-# Decision 1 with wiggle.
-result <- ocPredprob(
-  nnE = c(10, 20),
-  truep = 0.4,
-  p0 = 0.25,
-  tT = 0.6,
-  phiL = 0.2,
-  phiU = 0.8,
-  parE = c(1, 1),
-  sim = 50,
-  wiggle = TRUE,
-  nnF = c(10, 20),
-  decision1 = TRUE
-# Decision 1 with separate Futility and Efficacy looks at interim and final without wiggle.
-result <- ocPredprob(
-  nnE = c(10, 25, 30),
-  truep = 0.4,
-  p0 = 0.25,
-  p1 = 0.2,
-  tT = 0.6,
-  phiL = 0.2,
-  phiU = 0.8,
-  parE = c(1, 1),
-  sim = 50,
-  wiggle = FALSE,
-  nnF = c(10, 15, 20),
-  decision1 = TRUE
-# Decision 1 with separate Futility and Efficacy looks at interim and final with wiggle.
-result <- ocPredprob(
-  nnE = c(10, 25, 30),
-  truep = 0.4,
-  p0 = 0.25,
-  p1 = 0.2,
-  tT = 0.6,
-  phiL = 0.2,
-  phiU = 0.8,
-  parE = c(1, 1),
-  sim = 50,
-  wiggle = TRUE,
-  nnF = c(10, 15, 20),
-  decision1 = TRUE
-# Here we illustrate an example for Decision 2 with the following assumptions :
-# True response rate or truep of the treatment group = 60\%
-# The following are the Final Stop rules respectively :
-# - Final look for Efficacy: Pr( response rate > 25\% ) > 60\% or P(response rate > p0) > tT
-# - Final look for Futility: Pr( response rate < 25\% ) < 60\% or P(response rate < p1) > tF
-# - Interim look for Efficacy: Pr( success at final ) > 80\% or P(success at final) > phiU
-# - Interim look for Futility: Pr( failure at final ) > 80\% or P(failure at final) > phiFu
-# We assume a prior of treatment arm parE = Beta(1,1), unless otherwise indicated.
-# Decision 2 without wiggle.
-result <- ocPredprob(
-  nnE = c(10, 20),
-  truep = 0.6,
-  p0 = 0.25,
-  p1 = 0.25,
-  tT = 0.6,
-  tF = 0.6,
-  phiU = 0.8,
-  phiFu = 0.8,
-  parE = c(1, 1),
-  sim = 50,
-  wiggle = FALSE,
-  nnF = c(10, 20),
-  decision1 = FALSE
-# Decision 2 with wiggle and with Futility only at final with non-uniform beta prior parE.
-result <- ocPredprob(
-  nnE = c(10, 25, 30),
-  truep = 0.6,
-  p0 = 0.25,
-  p1 = 0.25,
-  tT = 0.6,
-  tF = 0.6,
-  phiL = 0.8,
-  phiU = 0.8,
-  parE = c(11, 19),
-  sim = 50,
-  wiggle = TRUE,
-  nnF = 30,
-  decision1 = FALSE

From c6ec5cc4851db079b1edb3a8e15fdaa3ebb10098 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Audrey Yeo <>
Date: Mon, 27 May 2024 12:08:37 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 12/36] empty

From fe22df674048ba24a13c9d07195b58dfdec8e804 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Audrey Yeo <>
Date: Mon, 27 May 2024 14:14:43 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 13/36] add rmarkdown to DESCRIPTIOPM

 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

index bfdb50be..6fd25763 100644
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ BugReports:
     R (>= 3.6)
+    rmarkdown,

From 95a6080e5eb1a143a6e57db3d2042451c4fd6e40 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Audrey Yeo <>
Date: Mon, 27 May 2024 15:27:51 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 14/36] clean

 DESCRIPTION                          |   2 +
 R/boundsPostprob.R                   |  16 ++--
 man/boundsPostprob.Rd                |   4 +-
 man/ocPredprob.Rd                    | 121 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/testthat/test-boundsPostProb.R |   8 +-
 5 files changed, 137 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

index a7e3765b..7f3faddd 100644
@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ BugReports:
     R (>= 3.6)
+    rmarkdown,
+    bookdown,
diff --git a/R/boundsPostprob.R b/R/boundsPostprob.R
index 617d3095..b50fee96 100644
--- a/R/boundsPostprob.R
+++ b/R/boundsPostprob.R
@@ -14,12 +14,12 @@
 #'          threshold
 #' - `pL` : response rate corresponding to `xL`.
 #' - `postL`: posterior probability corresponding to `xL`.
-#' - `Ucil` : upper bound of one sided 95% CI for the response rate based on an
+#' - `pL_upper_ci` : upper bound of one sided 95% CI for the response rate `pL` based on an
 #'            exact binomial test.
 #' - `xU` : the minimal number of responses that meet the efficacy threshold.
 #' - `pU` : response rate corresponding to `xU`.
 #' - `postU` : posterior probability corresponding to `xU`.
-#' - `LciU` : lower bound of one sided 95% CI for the response rate based on exact
+#' - `pU_lower_ci` : lower bound of one sided 95% CI for the response rate `pU` based on exact
 #'            binomial test.
 #' @example examples/boundsPostprob.R
@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ boundsPostprob <- function(nvec, p0, p1 = p0, tL, tU, a, b) {
     "xU", "pU", "postU"
   znames <- c(
-    "xL", "pL", "postL", "UciL",
-    "xU", "pU", "postU", "LciU"
+    "xL", "pL", "postL", "pL_upper_ci",
+    "xU", "pU", "postU", "pU_lower_ci"
   z <- matrix(NA, length(nvec), length(znames))
   dimnames(z) <- list(nvec, znames)
@@ -56,17 +56,17 @@ boundsPostprob <- function(nvec, p0, p1 = p0, tL, tU, a, b) {
     # calculate lower CI at boundaries
-    UciL <- ifelse(!, stats::binom.test(xL, n, alt = "less")$[2], NA)
-    LciU <- ifelse(!, stats::binom.test(xU, n, alt = "greater")$[1], NA)
+    pL_upper_ci <- ifelse(!, stats::binom.test(xL, n, alt = "less")$[2], NA)
+    pU_lower_ci <- ifelse(!, stats::binom.test(xU, n, alt = "greater")$[1], NA)
     z[k, ] <- c(
       xL / n,
-      UciL,
+      pL_upper_ci,
       xU / n,
-      LciU
+      pU_lower_ci
   return(round(data.frame(nvec, z), 4))
diff --git a/man/boundsPostprob.Rd b/man/boundsPostprob.Rd
index 4488c20d..4394ef94 100644
--- a/man/boundsPostprob.Rd
+++ b/man/boundsPostprob.Rd
@@ -24,12 +24,12 @@ A matrix for each same size in \code{nvec}. For each sample size, the following
 \item \code{pL} : response rate corresponding to \code{xL}.
 \item \code{postL}: posterior probability corresponding to \code{xL}.
-\item \code{Ucil} : upper bound of one sided 95\% CI for the response rate based on an
+\item \code{pL_upper_ci} : upper bound of one sided 95\% CI for the response rate \code{pL} based on an
 exact binomial test.
 \item \code{xU} : the minimal number of responses that meet the efficacy threshold.
 \item \code{pU} : response rate corresponding to \code{xU}.
 \item \code{postU} : posterior probability corresponding to \code{xU}.
-\item \code{LciU} : lower bound of one sided 95\% CI for the response rate based on exact
+\item \code{pU_lower_ci} : lower bound of one sided 95\% CI for the response rate \code{pU} based on exact
 binomial test.
diff --git a/man/ocPredprob.Rd b/man/ocPredprob.Rd
index 25c8d9e2..fa79aa7c 100644
--- a/man/ocPredprob.Rd
+++ b/man/ocPredprob.Rd
@@ -117,3 +117,124 @@ The criteria for Decision 2 for Futility looks are :
+# Here we illustrate an example for Decision 1 with the following assumptions :
+# True response rate or truep of the treatment group = 40\%
+# The following are the Final Stop rules respectively :
+# - Final look for Efficacy: Pr( response rate > 25\% ) > 60\% or P(response rate > p0) > tT
+# - Final look for Futility: Pr( response rate < 25\% ) < 60\% or P(response rate > p0) < tT
+# - Interim look for Efficacy: Pr( success at final ) > 80\% or P(success at final) > phiU
+# - Interim look for Futility: Pr( failure at final ) < 20\% or P(success at final) < phiL
+# We assume a prior of treatment arm parE = Beta(1,1), unless otherwise indicated.
+# Decision 1 with no wiggle.
+result <- ocPredprob(
+  nnE = c(10, 20),
+  truep = 0.4,
+  p0 = 0.25,
+  tT = 0.6,
+  phiL = 0.2,
+  phiU = 0.8,
+  parE = c(1, 1),
+  sim = 100,
+  wiggle = FALSE,
+  decision1 = TRUE
+# Decision 1 with wiggle.
+result <- ocPredprob(
+  nnE = c(10, 20),
+  truep = 0.4,
+  p0 = 0.25,
+  tT = 0.6,
+  phiL = 0.2,
+  phiU = 0.8,
+  parE = c(1, 1),
+  sim = 50,
+  wiggle = TRUE,
+  nnF = c(10, 20),
+  decision1 = TRUE
+# Decision 1 with separate Futility and Efficacy looks at interim and final without wiggle.
+result <- ocPredprob(
+  nnE = c(10, 25, 30),
+  truep = 0.4,
+  p0 = 0.25,
+  p1 = 0.2,
+  tT = 0.6,
+  phiL = 0.2,
+  phiU = 0.8,
+  parE = c(1, 1),
+  sim = 50,
+  wiggle = FALSE,
+  nnF = c(10, 15, 20),
+  decision1 = TRUE
+# Decision 1 with separate Futility and Efficacy looks at interim and final with wiggle.
+result <- ocPredprob(
+  nnE = c(10, 25, 30),
+  truep = 0.4,
+  p0 = 0.25,
+  p1 = 0.2,
+  tT = 0.6,
+  phiL = 0.2,
+  phiU = 0.8,
+  parE = c(1, 1),
+  sim = 50,
+  wiggle = TRUE,
+  nnF = c(10, 15, 20),
+  decision1 = TRUE
+# Here we illustrate an example for Decision 2 with the following assumptions :
+# True response rate or truep of the treatment group = 60\%
+# The following are the Final Stop rules respectively :
+# - Final look for Efficacy: Pr( response rate > 25\% ) > 60\% or P(response rate > p0) > tT
+# - Final look for Futility: Pr( response rate < 25\% ) < 60\% or P(response rate < p1) > tF
+# - Interim look for Efficacy: Pr( success at final ) > 80\% or P(success at final) > phiU
+# - Interim look for Futility: Pr( failure at final ) > 80\% or P(failure at final) > phiFu
+# We assume a prior of treatment arm parE = Beta(1,1), unless otherwise indicated.
+# Decision 2 without wiggle.
+result <- ocPredprob(
+  nnE = c(10, 20),
+  truep = 0.6,
+  p0 = 0.25,
+  p1 = 0.25,
+  tT = 0.6,
+  tF = 0.6,
+  phiU = 0.8,
+  phiFu = 0.8,
+  parE = c(1, 1),
+  sim = 50,
+  wiggle = FALSE,
+  nnF = c(10, 20),
+  decision1 = FALSE
+# Decision 2 with wiggle and with Futility only at final with non-uniform beta prior parE.
+result <- ocPredprob(
+  nnE = c(10, 25, 30),
+  truep = 0.6,
+  p0 = 0.25,
+  p1 = 0.25,
+  tT = 0.6,
+  tF = 0.6,
+  phiL = 0.8,
+  phiU = 0.8,
+  parE = c(11, 19),
+  sim = 50,
+  wiggle = TRUE,
+  nnF = 30,
+  decision1 = FALSE
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-boundsPostProb.R b/tests/testthat/test-boundsPostProb.R
index cbc28b7b..3d74d3bc 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-boundsPostProb.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-boundsPostProb.R
@@ -15,19 +15,19 @@ test_that("boundsPostProb gives correct result and list", {
       xL = c(1, 3, 5, 6),
       pL = c(0.1, 0.15, 0.1667, 0.15),
       postL = c(0.6779, 0.6296, 0.6069, 0.739),
-      UciL = c(0.3942, 0.3437, 0.319, 0.2747),
+      pL_upper_ci = c(0.3942, 0.3437, 0.319, 0.2747),
       xU = c(2, 5, 7, 9),
       pU = c(0.2, 0.25, 0.2333, 0.225),
       postU = c(0.6174, 0.7693, 0.73, 0.704),
-      LciU = c(0.0368, 0.1041, 0.115, 0.1227)
+      pU_lower_ci = c(0.0368, 0.1041, 0.115, 0.1227)
   expect_equal(result$xL, c(1, 3, 5, 6))
   expect_equal(result$pL, c(0.1, 0.15, 0.1667, 0.15))
   expect_equal(result$postL, c(0.6779, 0.6296, 0.6069, 0.739))
-  expect_equal(result$UciL, c(0.3942, 0.3437, 0.319, 0.2747))
+  expect_equal(result$pL_upper_ci, c(0.3942, 0.3437, 0.319, 0.2747))
   expect_equal(result$xU, c(2, 5, 7, 9))
   expect_equal(result$pU, c(0.2, 0.25, 0.2333, 0.225))
   expect_equal(result$postU, c(0.6174, 0.7693, 0.73, 0.704))
-  expect_equal(result$LciU, c(0.0368, 0.1041, 0.115, 0.1227))
+  expect_equal(result$pU_lower_ci, c(0.0368, 0.1041, 0.115, 0.1227))

From 670558da97cd2b4da3246b84013dd105cf89b64f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "27856297+dependabot-preview[bot]"
Date: Mon, 27 May 2024 13:31:18 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 15/36] [skip roxygen] [skip vbump] Roxygen Man Pages Auto

 man/ocPredprob.Rd | 121 ----------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 121 deletions(-)

diff --git a/man/ocPredprob.Rd b/man/ocPredprob.Rd
index fa79aa7c..25c8d9e2 100644
--- a/man/ocPredprob.Rd
+++ b/man/ocPredprob.Rd
@@ -117,124 +117,3 @@ The criteria for Decision 2 for Futility looks are :
-# Here we illustrate an example for Decision 1 with the following assumptions :
-# True response rate or truep of the treatment group = 40\%
-# The following are the Final Stop rules respectively :
-# - Final look for Efficacy: Pr( response rate > 25\% ) > 60\% or P(response rate > p0) > tT
-# - Final look for Futility: Pr( response rate < 25\% ) < 60\% or P(response rate > p0) < tT
-# - Interim look for Efficacy: Pr( success at final ) > 80\% or P(success at final) > phiU
-# - Interim look for Futility: Pr( failure at final ) < 20\% or P(success at final) < phiL
-# We assume a prior of treatment arm parE = Beta(1,1), unless otherwise indicated.
-# Decision 1 with no wiggle.
-result <- ocPredprob(
-  nnE = c(10, 20),
-  truep = 0.4,
-  p0 = 0.25,
-  tT = 0.6,
-  phiL = 0.2,
-  phiU = 0.8,
-  parE = c(1, 1),
-  sim = 100,
-  wiggle = FALSE,
-  decision1 = TRUE
-# Decision 1 with wiggle.
-result <- ocPredprob(
-  nnE = c(10, 20),
-  truep = 0.4,
-  p0 = 0.25,
-  tT = 0.6,
-  phiL = 0.2,
-  phiU = 0.8,
-  parE = c(1, 1),
-  sim = 50,
-  wiggle = TRUE,
-  nnF = c(10, 20),
-  decision1 = TRUE
-# Decision 1 with separate Futility and Efficacy looks at interim and final without wiggle.
-result <- ocPredprob(
-  nnE = c(10, 25, 30),
-  truep = 0.4,
-  p0 = 0.25,
-  p1 = 0.2,
-  tT = 0.6,
-  phiL = 0.2,
-  phiU = 0.8,
-  parE = c(1, 1),
-  sim = 50,
-  wiggle = FALSE,
-  nnF = c(10, 15, 20),
-  decision1 = TRUE
-# Decision 1 with separate Futility and Efficacy looks at interim and final with wiggle.
-result <- ocPredprob(
-  nnE = c(10, 25, 30),
-  truep = 0.4,
-  p0 = 0.25,
-  p1 = 0.2,
-  tT = 0.6,
-  phiL = 0.2,
-  phiU = 0.8,
-  parE = c(1, 1),
-  sim = 50,
-  wiggle = TRUE,
-  nnF = c(10, 15, 20),
-  decision1 = TRUE
-# Here we illustrate an example for Decision 2 with the following assumptions :
-# True response rate or truep of the treatment group = 60\%
-# The following are the Final Stop rules respectively :
-# - Final look for Efficacy: Pr( response rate > 25\% ) > 60\% or P(response rate > p0) > tT
-# - Final look for Futility: Pr( response rate < 25\% ) < 60\% or P(response rate < p1) > tF
-# - Interim look for Efficacy: Pr( success at final ) > 80\% or P(success at final) > phiU
-# - Interim look for Futility: Pr( failure at final ) > 80\% or P(failure at final) > phiFu
-# We assume a prior of treatment arm parE = Beta(1,1), unless otherwise indicated.
-# Decision 2 without wiggle.
-result <- ocPredprob(
-  nnE = c(10, 20),
-  truep = 0.6,
-  p0 = 0.25,
-  p1 = 0.25,
-  tT = 0.6,
-  tF = 0.6,
-  phiU = 0.8,
-  phiFu = 0.8,
-  parE = c(1, 1),
-  sim = 50,
-  wiggle = FALSE,
-  nnF = c(10, 20),
-  decision1 = FALSE
-# Decision 2 with wiggle and with Futility only at final with non-uniform beta prior parE.
-result <- ocPredprob(
-  nnE = c(10, 25, 30),
-  truep = 0.6,
-  p0 = 0.25,
-  p1 = 0.25,
-  tT = 0.6,
-  tF = 0.6,
-  phiL = 0.8,
-  phiU = 0.8,
-  parE = c(11, 19),
-  sim = 50,
-  wiggle = TRUE,
-  nnF = 30,
-  decision1 = FALSE

From a29fd0fd1921d2e89390f3e1dd3293cf7d62d1f6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Audrey Yeo <>
Date: Sun, 2 Jun 2024 19:37:45 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 16/36] should pass CMD checks

From fe3f37fac2d62b821404a5ebbf9b93b57cccb041 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Audrey Yeo <>
Date: Mon, 3 Jun 2024 08:43:45 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 17/36] see if CMD checks pass now

From d4759efe3f9f5940e3025052ba573127ed637a6b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Audrey Yeo <>
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2024 10:49:30 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 18/36] clean

 NAMESPACE           |   2 +-
 R/plotBeta.R        |  36 +++++++------
 inst/WORDLIST       |   1 +
 man/myPlotDiff.Rd   |  33 ------------
 man/ocPredprob.Rd   | 121 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 man/plotBetaDist.Rd |  33 ++++++++++++
 6 files changed, 177 insertions(+), 49 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 man/myPlotDiff.Rd
 create mode 100644 man/plotBetaDist.Rd

index 9b572e48..7221e4b2 100644
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ export(dbetabinom)
@@ -18,6 +17,7 @@ export(ocRctPostprobDist)
diff --git a/R/plotBeta.R b/R/plotBeta.R
index d4ebf5a3..00ae90f9 100644
--- a/R/plotBeta.R
+++ b/R/plotBeta.R
@@ -41,14 +41,20 @@ myPlot <- function(alpha, beta, ...) {
 #' This function will plot the PDF of a diffience between two Beta distributions
-#' @param parY non-negative parameters of the treatment Beta distribution.
-#' @param parX non-negative parameters of the historical control Beta distribution
-#' @param cut_B a meaningful improvement threshold
-#' @param cut_W a poor improvement throshold
-#' @param shade paint the two areas under the curve, default value=1 as "yes". other numbers stands for "no";
-#' @param note show values of the colored area, default value=1 as "yes". other numbers stands for "no"
-#' @param \dots additional arguments to \code{plot}
-#' @return nothing, only produces the plot as side effect
+#' @typed parY : numeric
+#'  non-negative parameters of the treatment Beta distribution.
+#' @typed parX : numeric
+#'  non-negative parameters of the historical control Beta distribution
+#' @typed cut_B : number
+#'  a meaningful improvement threshold, the lower boundary of a meaningfully improvement in response rate
+#' @typed cut_W : number
+#'  a poor improvement throshold, the upper boundary of a meaningfully poor improvement in response rate
+#' @typed shade :
+#'  paint the two areas under the curve, default value=1 as "yes". other numbers stands for "no";
+#' @typed note : number
+#'  show values of the colored area, default value=1 as "yes". other numbers stands for "no"
+#' @typed \dots additional arguments to \code{plot}
+#' @return a ggplot object
 #' @example examples/myPlotDiff.R
@@ -57,13 +63,13 @@ myPlot <- function(alpha, beta, ...) {
 #' @export
 #' @keywords graphics
-myPlotDiff <- function(parY, # parameters of phase Ib trial;
-                       parX, # parameters of HC;
-                       cut_B = 0.20, # a meaningful improvement threshold;
-                       cut_W = 0.1, # a poor improvement threshold;
-                       shade = 1, # paint the two areas under the curve, default: yes. other numbers stands for "no";
-                       note = 1, # show values of the colored area, default: yes. other numbers stands for "no";
-                       ...) {
+plotBetaDist <- function(parY, # parameters of phase Ib trial;
+                         parX, # parameters of HC;
+                         cut_B = 0.20, # a meaningful improvement threshold;
+                         cut_W = 0.1, # a poor improvement threshold;
+                         shade = 1, # paint the two areas under the curve, default: yes. other numbers stands for "no";
+                         note = 1, # show values of the colored area, default: yes. other numbers stands for "no";
+                         ...) {
   if (note == 1) {
     graphics::par(mar = c(5, 15, 1, 15) + .1)
   } else {
diff --git a/inst/WORDLIST b/inst/WORDLIST
index f6be2e38..178e3901 100644
--- a/inst/WORDLIST
+++ b/inst/WORDLIST
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@ frac
diff --git a/man/myPlotDiff.Rd b/man/myPlotDiff.Rd
deleted file mode 100644
index 6be1ecbf..00000000
--- a/man/myPlotDiff.Rd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/plotBeta.R
-\title{Plot Diff Between two Beta distributions}
-myPlotDiff(parY, parX, cut_B = 0.2, cut_W = 0.1, shade = 1, note = 1, ...)
-\item{parY}{non-negative parameters of the treatment Beta distribution.}
-\item{parX}{non-negative parameters of the historical control Beta distribution}
-\item{cut_B}{a meaningful improvement threshold}
-\item{cut_W}{a poor improvement throshold}
-\item{shade}{paint the two areas under the curve, default value=1 as "yes". other numbers stands for "no";}
-\item{note}{show values of the colored area, default value=1 as "yes". other numbers stands for "no"}
-\item{\dots}{additional arguments to \code{plot}}
-nothing, only produces the plot as side effect
-This function will plot the PDF of a diffience between two Beta distributions
-myPlotDiff(c(5, 10), c(2, 5), 0.2, 0.05, 1, 0)
diff --git a/man/ocPredprob.Rd b/man/ocPredprob.Rd
index 25c8d9e2..63e17a09 100644
--- a/man/ocPredprob.Rd
+++ b/man/ocPredprob.Rd
@@ -117,3 +117,124 @@ The criteria for Decision 2 for Futility looks are :
+# Here we illustrate an example for Decision 1 with the following assumptions :
+# True response rate or truep of the treatment group = 40\%
+# The following are the Final Stop rules respectively :
+# - Final look for Efficacy: Pr( response rate > 25\% ) > 60\% or P(response rate > p0) > tT
+# - Final look for Futility: Pr( response rate < 25\% ) < 60\% or P(response rate > p0) < tT
+# - Interim look for Efficacy: Pr( success at final ) > 80\% or P(success at final) > phiU
+# - Interim look for Futility: Pr( failure at final ) < 20\% or P(success at final) < phiL
+# We assume a prior of treatment arm parE = Beta(1,1), unless otherwise indicated.
+# Decision 1 with no wiggle.
+result <- ocPredprob(
+  nnE = c(10, 20),
+  truep = 0.4,
+  p0 = 0.25,
+  tT = 0.6,
+  phiL = 0.2,
+  phiU = 0.8,
+  parE = c(1, 1),
+  sim = 50,
+  wiggle = FALSE,
+  decision1 = TRUE
+# Decision 1 with wiggle.
+result <- ocPredprob(
+  nnE = c(10, 20),
+  truep = 0.4,
+  p0 = 0.25,
+  tT = 0.6,
+  phiL = 0.2,
+  phiU = 0.8,
+  parE = c(1, 1),
+  sim = 50,
+  wiggle = TRUE,
+  nnF = c(10, 20),
+  decision1 = TRUE
+# Decision 1 with separate Futility and Efficacy looks at interim and final without wiggle.
+result <- ocPredprob(
+  nnE = c(10, 25, 30),
+  truep = 0.4,
+  p0 = 0.25,
+  p1 = 0.2,
+  tT = 0.6,
+  phiL = 0.2,
+  phiU = 0.8,
+  parE = c(1, 1),
+  sim = 50,
+  wiggle = FALSE,
+  nnF = c(10, 15, 20),
+  decision1 = TRUE
+# Decision 1 with separate Futility and Efficacy looks at interim and final with wiggle.
+result <- ocPredprob(
+  nnE = c(10, 25, 30),
+  truep = 0.4,
+  p0 = 0.25,
+  p1 = 0.2,
+  tT = 0.6,
+  phiL = 0.2,
+  phiU = 0.8,
+  parE = c(1, 1),
+  sim = 50,
+  wiggle = TRUE,
+  nnF = c(10, 15, 20),
+  decision1 = TRUE
+# Here we illustrate an example for Decision 2 with the following assumptions :
+# True response rate or truep of the treatment group = 60\%
+# The following are the Final Stop rules respectively :
+# - Final look for Efficacy: Pr( response rate > 25\% ) > 60\% or P(response rate > p0) > tT
+# - Final look for Futility: Pr( response rate < 25\% ) < 60\% or P(response rate < p1) > tF
+# - Interim look for Efficacy: Pr( success at final ) > 80\% or P(success at final) > phiU
+# - Interim look for Futility: Pr( failure at final ) > 80\% or P(failure at final) > phiFu
+# We assume a prior of treatment arm parE = Beta(1,1), unless otherwise indicated.
+# Decision 2 without wiggle.
+result <- ocPredprob(
+  nnE = c(10, 20),
+  truep = 0.6,
+  p0 = 0.25,
+  p1 = 0.25,
+  tT = 0.6,
+  tF = 0.6,
+  phiU = 0.8,
+  phiFu = 0.8,
+  parE = c(1, 1),
+  sim = 50,
+  wiggle = FALSE,
+  nnF = c(10, 20),
+  decision1 = FALSE
+# Decision 2 with wiggle and with Futility only at final with non-uniform beta prior parE.
+result <- ocPredprob(
+  nnE = c(10, 25, 30),
+  truep = 0.6,
+  p0 = 0.25,
+  p1 = 0.25,
+  tT = 0.6,
+  tF = 0.6,
+  phiL = 0.8,
+  phiU = 0.8,
+  parE = c(11, 19),
+  sim = 50,
+  wiggle = TRUE,
+  nnF = 30,
+  decision1 = FALSE
diff --git a/man/plotBetaDist.Rd b/man/plotBetaDist.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1b9c8d5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/plotBetaDist.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/plotBeta.R
+\title{Plot Diff Between two Beta distributions}
+plotBetaDist(parY, parX, cut_B = 0.2, cut_W = 0.1, shade = 1, note = 1, ...)
+\item{parY}{(\code{numeric}):\cr non-negative parameters of the treatment Beta distribution.}
+\item{parX}{(\code{numeric}):\cr non-negative parameters of the historical control Beta distribution}
+\item{cut_B}{(\code{number}):\cr a meaningful improvement threshold, the lower boundary of a meaningfully improvement in response rate}
+\item{cut_W}{(\code{number}):\cr a poor improvement throshold, the upper boundary of a meaningfully poor improvement in response rate}
+\item{shade}{(``):\cr paint the two areas under the curve, default value=1 as "yes". other numbers stands for "no";}
+\item{note}{(\code{number}):\cr show values of the colored area, default value=1 as "yes". other numbers stands for "no"}
+\item{<parse error>}{(\if{html}{\out{<parse error>}}):\cr \if{html}{\out{<parse error>}}}
+a ggplot object
+This function will plot the PDF of a diffience between two Beta distributions
+myPlotDiff(c(5, 10), c(2, 5), 0.2, 0.05, 1, 0)

From 188027d4924193f240e01c642bc8c9126b64fedc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "27856297+dependabot-preview[bot]"
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2024 09:02:38 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 19/36] [skip roxygen] [skip vbump] Roxygen Man Pages Auto

 man/ocPredprob.Rd | 121 ----------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 121 deletions(-)

diff --git a/man/ocPredprob.Rd b/man/ocPredprob.Rd
index 63e17a09..25c8d9e2 100644
--- a/man/ocPredprob.Rd
+++ b/man/ocPredprob.Rd
@@ -117,124 +117,3 @@ The criteria for Decision 2 for Futility looks are :
-# Here we illustrate an example for Decision 1 with the following assumptions :
-# True response rate or truep of the treatment group = 40\%
-# The following are the Final Stop rules respectively :
-# - Final look for Efficacy: Pr( response rate > 25\% ) > 60\% or P(response rate > p0) > tT
-# - Final look for Futility: Pr( response rate < 25\% ) < 60\% or P(response rate > p0) < tT
-# - Interim look for Efficacy: Pr( success at final ) > 80\% or P(success at final) > phiU
-# - Interim look for Futility: Pr( failure at final ) < 20\% or P(success at final) < phiL
-# We assume a prior of treatment arm parE = Beta(1,1), unless otherwise indicated.
-# Decision 1 with no wiggle.
-result <- ocPredprob(
-  nnE = c(10, 20),
-  truep = 0.4,
-  p0 = 0.25,
-  tT = 0.6,
-  phiL = 0.2,
-  phiU = 0.8,
-  parE = c(1, 1),
-  sim = 50,
-  wiggle = FALSE,
-  decision1 = TRUE
-# Decision 1 with wiggle.
-result <- ocPredprob(
-  nnE = c(10, 20),
-  truep = 0.4,
-  p0 = 0.25,
-  tT = 0.6,
-  phiL = 0.2,
-  phiU = 0.8,
-  parE = c(1, 1),
-  sim = 50,
-  wiggle = TRUE,
-  nnF = c(10, 20),
-  decision1 = TRUE
-# Decision 1 with separate Futility and Efficacy looks at interim and final without wiggle.
-result <- ocPredprob(
-  nnE = c(10, 25, 30),
-  truep = 0.4,
-  p0 = 0.25,
-  p1 = 0.2,
-  tT = 0.6,
-  phiL = 0.2,
-  phiU = 0.8,
-  parE = c(1, 1),
-  sim = 50,
-  wiggle = FALSE,
-  nnF = c(10, 15, 20),
-  decision1 = TRUE
-# Decision 1 with separate Futility and Efficacy looks at interim and final with wiggle.
-result <- ocPredprob(
-  nnE = c(10, 25, 30),
-  truep = 0.4,
-  p0 = 0.25,
-  p1 = 0.2,
-  tT = 0.6,
-  phiL = 0.2,
-  phiU = 0.8,
-  parE = c(1, 1),
-  sim = 50,
-  wiggle = TRUE,
-  nnF = c(10, 15, 20),
-  decision1 = TRUE
-# Here we illustrate an example for Decision 2 with the following assumptions :
-# True response rate or truep of the treatment group = 60\%
-# The following are the Final Stop rules respectively :
-# - Final look for Efficacy: Pr( response rate > 25\% ) > 60\% or P(response rate > p0) > tT
-# - Final look for Futility: Pr( response rate < 25\% ) < 60\% or P(response rate < p1) > tF
-# - Interim look for Efficacy: Pr( success at final ) > 80\% or P(success at final) > phiU
-# - Interim look for Futility: Pr( failure at final ) > 80\% or P(failure at final) > phiFu
-# We assume a prior of treatment arm parE = Beta(1,1), unless otherwise indicated.
-# Decision 2 without wiggle.
-result <- ocPredprob(
-  nnE = c(10, 20),
-  truep = 0.6,
-  p0 = 0.25,
-  p1 = 0.25,
-  tT = 0.6,
-  tF = 0.6,
-  phiU = 0.8,
-  phiFu = 0.8,
-  parE = c(1, 1),
-  sim = 50,
-  wiggle = FALSE,
-  nnF = c(10, 20),
-  decision1 = FALSE
-# Decision 2 with wiggle and with Futility only at final with non-uniform beta prior parE.
-result <- ocPredprob(
-  nnE = c(10, 25, 30),
-  truep = 0.6,
-  p0 = 0.25,
-  p1 = 0.25,
-  tT = 0.6,
-  tF = 0.6,
-  phiL = 0.8,
-  phiU = 0.8,
-  parE = c(11, 19),
-  sim = 50,
-  wiggle = TRUE,
-  nnF = 30,
-  decision1 = FALSE

From 40b490e433e134b8d3f24f7f2803d9d170b5ec4f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "27856297+dependabot-preview[bot]"
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 12:43:30 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 20/36] [skip roxygen] [skip vbump] Roxygen Man Pages Auto

 man/ocPredprob.Rd | 121 ----------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 121 deletions(-)

diff --git a/man/ocPredprob.Rd b/man/ocPredprob.Rd
index 63e17a09..25c8d9e2 100644
--- a/man/ocPredprob.Rd
+++ b/man/ocPredprob.Rd
@@ -117,124 +117,3 @@ The criteria for Decision 2 for Futility looks are :
-# Here we illustrate an example for Decision 1 with the following assumptions :
-# True response rate or truep of the treatment group = 40\%
-# The following are the Final Stop rules respectively :
-# - Final look for Efficacy: Pr( response rate > 25\% ) > 60\% or P(response rate > p0) > tT
-# - Final look for Futility: Pr( response rate < 25\% ) < 60\% or P(response rate > p0) < tT
-# - Interim look for Efficacy: Pr( success at final ) > 80\% or P(success at final) > phiU
-# - Interim look for Futility: Pr( failure at final ) < 20\% or P(success at final) < phiL
-# We assume a prior of treatment arm parE = Beta(1,1), unless otherwise indicated.
-# Decision 1 with no wiggle.
-result <- ocPredprob(
-  nnE = c(10, 20),
-  truep = 0.4,
-  p0 = 0.25,
-  tT = 0.6,
-  phiL = 0.2,
-  phiU = 0.8,
-  parE = c(1, 1),
-  sim = 50,
-  wiggle = FALSE,
-  decision1 = TRUE
-# Decision 1 with wiggle.
-result <- ocPredprob(
-  nnE = c(10, 20),
-  truep = 0.4,
-  p0 = 0.25,
-  tT = 0.6,
-  phiL = 0.2,
-  phiU = 0.8,
-  parE = c(1, 1),
-  sim = 50,
-  wiggle = TRUE,
-  nnF = c(10, 20),
-  decision1 = TRUE
-# Decision 1 with separate Futility and Efficacy looks at interim and final without wiggle.
-result <- ocPredprob(
-  nnE = c(10, 25, 30),
-  truep = 0.4,
-  p0 = 0.25,
-  p1 = 0.2,
-  tT = 0.6,
-  phiL = 0.2,
-  phiU = 0.8,
-  parE = c(1, 1),
-  sim = 50,
-  wiggle = FALSE,
-  nnF = c(10, 15, 20),
-  decision1 = TRUE
-# Decision 1 with separate Futility and Efficacy looks at interim and final with wiggle.
-result <- ocPredprob(
-  nnE = c(10, 25, 30),
-  truep = 0.4,
-  p0 = 0.25,
-  p1 = 0.2,
-  tT = 0.6,
-  phiL = 0.2,
-  phiU = 0.8,
-  parE = c(1, 1),
-  sim = 50,
-  wiggle = TRUE,
-  nnF = c(10, 15, 20),
-  decision1 = TRUE
-# Here we illustrate an example for Decision 2 with the following assumptions :
-# True response rate or truep of the treatment group = 60\%
-# The following are the Final Stop rules respectively :
-# - Final look for Efficacy: Pr( response rate > 25\% ) > 60\% or P(response rate > p0) > tT
-# - Final look for Futility: Pr( response rate < 25\% ) < 60\% or P(response rate < p1) > tF
-# - Interim look for Efficacy: Pr( success at final ) > 80\% or P(success at final) > phiU
-# - Interim look for Futility: Pr( failure at final ) > 80\% or P(failure at final) > phiFu
-# We assume a prior of treatment arm parE = Beta(1,1), unless otherwise indicated.
-# Decision 2 without wiggle.
-result <- ocPredprob(
-  nnE = c(10, 20),
-  truep = 0.6,
-  p0 = 0.25,
-  p1 = 0.25,
-  tT = 0.6,
-  tF = 0.6,
-  phiU = 0.8,
-  phiFu = 0.8,
-  parE = c(1, 1),
-  sim = 50,
-  wiggle = FALSE,
-  nnF = c(10, 20),
-  decision1 = FALSE
-# Decision 2 with wiggle and with Futility only at final with non-uniform beta prior parE.
-result <- ocPredprob(
-  nnE = c(10, 25, 30),
-  truep = 0.6,
-  p0 = 0.25,
-  p1 = 0.25,
-  tT = 0.6,
-  tF = 0.6,
-  phiL = 0.8,
-  phiU = 0.8,
-  parE = c(11, 19),
-  sim = 50,
-  wiggle = TRUE,
-  nnF = 30,
-  decision1 = FALSE

From 97b06858f6cf0a644a8ee77248adf18d1f1aa18f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Audrey Yeo <>
Date: Sun, 22 Sep 2024 20:37:02 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 21/36] just some first drafts

 R/plotBeta.R        | 157 +++++++++++++-------------------------------
 examples/plotBeta.R |  13 ++++
 man/ocPredprob.Rd   | 121 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 man/plotBeta.Rd     |  15 ++++-
 man/plotBetaDiff.Rd |  15 ++---
 5 files changed, 201 insertions(+), 120 deletions(-)

diff --git a/R/plotBeta.R b/R/plotBeta.R
index e22d383c..8552e6ae 100644
--- a/R/plotBeta.R
+++ b/R/plotBeta.R
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
 #' This function will plot the PDF of a beta distribution
+#' @inheritParams dbetabinom
 #' @typed alpha : number
 #'  first parameter of the Beta distribution
 #' @typed beta : number
 #'  second parameter of the Beta distribution
 #' @return A beta distribution density plot
 #' @importFrom graphics axis
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 #' @example examples/plotBeta.R
 #' @export
 #' @keywords graphics
-plotBeta <- function(alpha, beta) {
+plotBeta <- function(alpha, beta, ...) {
   x_support <- seq(from = 0, to = 1, length = 1000)
   data <- data.frame(
     grid = x_support,
@@ -57,123 +57,58 @@ plotBeta <- function(alpha, beta) {
 #' @export
 #' @keywords graphics
-plotBetaDiff <- function(parY, # parameters of phase Ib trial;
-                         parX, # parameters of HC;
-                         cut_B = 0.20, # a meaningful improvement threshold;
-                         cut_W = 0.1, # a poor improvement threshold;
-                         shade = TRUE, # paint the two areas under the curve,
-                         # default: yes. other numbers stands for "no";
-                         note = TRUE, # show values of the colored area,
-                         # default: yes. other numbers stands for "no";
-                         ...) {
-  if (note == 1) {
-    graphics::par(mar = c(5, 15, 1, 15) + .1)
-  } else {
-    graphics::par(mar = c(5, 5, 1, 5) + .1)
-  }
-  grid <- seq(from = -0.5, to = 0.75, length = 1000)
-  xticks <- seq(from = -1, to = 1, by = 0.25)
+plotBetaDiff <- function(parY, # parameters of experimental arm
+                         parX, # parameters of control or SOC
+                         Go_cut = 0.20, # a meaningful improvement threshold
+                         Stop_cut = 0.1, # a poor improvement threshold
+                         shade = TRUE, # paint the two areas under the curve
+                         note = TRUE) { # show values of the colored area
+  diff <- seq(from = -1, to = 1, length = 1000)
+  data <- data.frame(
+    grid = diff,
+    xticks = seq(from = 0, to = 1, by = 0.25),
+    density = dbetadiff(z = diff, parY = parY, parX = parX)
+  )
+  data$Stop <- ifelse(diff > -1 & diff < Stop_cut, TRUE, FALSE)
+  data$Go <- ifelse(diff > Go_cut & diff < 1, TRUE, FALSE)
+  # shade the AUC for Go if difference was `lower` :
-  graphics::plot(
-    x = grid,
-    y = dbetadiff(grid, parY = parY, parX = parX),
-    ylab = "",
-    xaxt = "n",
-    yaxt = "n",
-    type = "l",
-    xaxs = "i",
-    yaxs = "i",
-    ...
+  Go_auc <- integrate(
+    f = dbetadiff,
+    parY = parY,
+    parX = parX,
+    lower = Go_cut, # Calculate probability of Go, if difference was at least `Go_cut`.
+    upper = 1
-  graphics::axis(
-    side = 1, at = xticks,
-    labels =
-      paste(ifelse(xticks >= 0, "+", ""),
-        xticks * 100, "%",
-        sep = ""
-      )
+  Stop_auc <- integrate(
+    f = dbetadiff,
+    parY = parY,
+    parX = parX,
+    lower = -1,
+    upper = Stop_cut # Calculate probability of Stop, if difference was at most `Stop_cut`.
-  ## now color the go / stop prob areas
+  Go_label <- paste("Probability of Go is", round(Go_auc$value * 100, digits = 2), "%")
+  Stop_label <- paste("Probability of Stop is", round(Stop_auc$value * 100, digits = 2), "%")
+  plot_title <- paste("According to Beta difference density", Go_label, "and", Stop_label)
-  if (shade == 1) {
-    ## first stop:
-    stopGrid <- grid[grid <= cut_W]
-    nStop <- length(stopGrid)
-    graphics::polygon(
-      x =
-        c(
-          stopGrid,
-          rev(stopGrid)
-        ),
-      y =
-        c(
-          rep(0, nStop),
-          dbetadiff(rev(stopGrid), parY = parY, parX = parX)
-        ),
-      col = "red"
-    )
-    A_value <- stats::integrate(
-      f = dbetadiff,
-      parY = parY,
-      parX = parX,
-      lower = -1,
-      upper = cut_W
-    )
-    if (note == 1) {
-      graphics::mtext(
-        paste("Prob(diff< ", round(cut_W * 100), "%)=",
-          sprintf("%1.2f%%", 100 * as.numeric(A_value$value)),
-          sep = ""
-        ),
-        side = 2, line = 1, las = 1, cex = 1
-      )
-    }
-    ## then go:
-    goGrid <- grid[grid >= cut_B]
-    nGo <- length(goGrid)
-    graphics::polygon(
-      x =
-        c(
-          goGrid,
-          rev(goGrid)
-        ),
-      y =
-        c(
-          rep(0, nGo),
-          dbetadiff(rev(goGrid), parY = parY, parX = parX)
-        ),
-      col = "green"
-    )
+  pbetadiff_plot <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = data, mapping = aes(x = grid, y = density)) +
+    ggplot2::geom_line(colour = "#888888") +
+    xlab("Difference between treatment") +
+    ggplot2::ylab(quote(f(x))) +
+    ggplot2::ggtitle(plot_title)
-    B_value <- stats::integrate(
-      f = dbetadiff,
-      parY = parY,
-      parX = parX,
-      lower = cut_B,
-      upper = 1
-    )
+  if (shade == TRUE) {
+    pbetadiff_plot +
+      ggplot2::geom_area(data = filter(data, Go == TRUE), fill = "#009E73") +
+      ggplot2::geom_area(data = filter(data, Stop == TRUE), fill = "#D55E00")
+  }
-    if (note == 1) {
-      graphics::mtext(
-        paste(
-          sprintf("%1.2f%%", 100 * as.numeric(B_value$value)),
-          "=Prob(diff> ",
-          round(cut_B * 100), "%)",
-          sep = ""
-        ),
-        side = 4,
-        line = 1,
-        las = 1,
-        cex = 1
-      )
-    }
+  if (note == TRUE) {
+    pbetadiff_plot +
+      ggplot2::annotate("text", x = -0.5, y = 4.25, label = Go_label, colour = "#009E73") +
+      ggplot2::annotate("text", x = -0.5, y = 4.75, label = Stop_label, colour = "#D55E00")
diff --git a/examples/plotBeta.R b/examples/plotBeta.R
index 6e84087b..9fd6a98c 100644
--- a/examples/plotBeta.R
+++ b/examples/plotBeta.R
@@ -1,2 +1,15 @@
+# plotBeta
 plotBeta(alpha = 4, beta = 5)
 plotBeta(alpha = 1, beta = 1)
+# plotBetDiff
+parX <- c(1, 52) # parameters of experimental arm
+parY <- c(5.5, 20.5) # parameters of control or SOC
+  parY = parY,
+  parX = parX,
+  Go_cut = 0.3,
+  Stop_cut = 0.1,
+  shade = TRUE,
+  note = TRUE
diff --git a/man/ocPredprob.Rd b/man/ocPredprob.Rd
index 25c8d9e2..63e17a09 100644
--- a/man/ocPredprob.Rd
+++ b/man/ocPredprob.Rd
@@ -117,3 +117,124 @@ The criteria for Decision 2 for Futility looks are :
+# Here we illustrate an example for Decision 1 with the following assumptions :
+# True response rate or truep of the treatment group = 40\%
+# The following are the Final Stop rules respectively :
+# - Final look for Efficacy: Pr( response rate > 25\% ) > 60\% or P(response rate > p0) > tT
+# - Final look for Futility: Pr( response rate < 25\% ) < 60\% or P(response rate > p0) < tT
+# - Interim look for Efficacy: Pr( success at final ) > 80\% or P(success at final) > phiU
+# - Interim look for Futility: Pr( failure at final ) < 20\% or P(success at final) < phiL
+# We assume a prior of treatment arm parE = Beta(1,1), unless otherwise indicated.
+# Decision 1 with no wiggle.
+result <- ocPredprob(
+  nnE = c(10, 20),
+  truep = 0.4,
+  p0 = 0.25,
+  tT = 0.6,
+  phiL = 0.2,
+  phiU = 0.8,
+  parE = c(1, 1),
+  sim = 50,
+  wiggle = FALSE,
+  decision1 = TRUE
+# Decision 1 with wiggle.
+result <- ocPredprob(
+  nnE = c(10, 20),
+  truep = 0.4,
+  p0 = 0.25,
+  tT = 0.6,
+  phiL = 0.2,
+  phiU = 0.8,
+  parE = c(1, 1),
+  sim = 50,
+  wiggle = TRUE,
+  nnF = c(10, 20),
+  decision1 = TRUE
+# Decision 1 with separate Futility and Efficacy looks at interim and final without wiggle.
+result <- ocPredprob(
+  nnE = c(10, 25, 30),
+  truep = 0.4,
+  p0 = 0.25,
+  p1 = 0.2,
+  tT = 0.6,
+  phiL = 0.2,
+  phiU = 0.8,
+  parE = c(1, 1),
+  sim = 50,
+  wiggle = FALSE,
+  nnF = c(10, 15, 20),
+  decision1 = TRUE
+# Decision 1 with separate Futility and Efficacy looks at interim and final with wiggle.
+result <- ocPredprob(
+  nnE = c(10, 25, 30),
+  truep = 0.4,
+  p0 = 0.25,
+  p1 = 0.2,
+  tT = 0.6,
+  phiL = 0.2,
+  phiU = 0.8,
+  parE = c(1, 1),
+  sim = 50,
+  wiggle = TRUE,
+  nnF = c(10, 15, 20),
+  decision1 = TRUE
+# Here we illustrate an example for Decision 2 with the following assumptions :
+# True response rate or truep of the treatment group = 60\%
+# The following are the Final Stop rules respectively :
+# - Final look for Efficacy: Pr( response rate > 25\% ) > 60\% or P(response rate > p0) > tT
+# - Final look for Futility: Pr( response rate < 25\% ) < 60\% or P(response rate < p1) > tF
+# - Interim look for Efficacy: Pr( success at final ) > 80\% or P(success at final) > phiU
+# - Interim look for Futility: Pr( failure at final ) > 80\% or P(failure at final) > phiFu
+# We assume a prior of treatment arm parE = Beta(1,1), unless otherwise indicated.
+# Decision 2 without wiggle.
+result <- ocPredprob(
+  nnE = c(10, 20),
+  truep = 0.6,
+  p0 = 0.25,
+  p1 = 0.25,
+  tT = 0.6,
+  tF = 0.6,
+  phiU = 0.8,
+  phiFu = 0.8,
+  parE = c(1, 1),
+  sim = 50,
+  wiggle = FALSE,
+  nnF = c(10, 20),
+  decision1 = FALSE
+# Decision 2 with wiggle and with Futility only at final with non-uniform beta prior parE.
+result <- ocPredprob(
+  nnE = c(10, 25, 30),
+  truep = 0.6,
+  p0 = 0.25,
+  p1 = 0.25,
+  tT = 0.6,
+  tF = 0.6,
+  phiL = 0.8,
+  phiU = 0.8,
+  parE = c(11, 19),
+  sim = 50,
+  wiggle = TRUE,
+  nnF = 30,
+  decision1 = FALSE
diff --git a/man/plotBeta.Rd b/man/plotBeta.Rd
index bf45b581..94577edd 100644
--- a/man/plotBeta.Rd
+++ b/man/plotBeta.Rd
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 \title{Plot the Beta distribution}
-plotBeta(alpha, beta)
+plotBeta(alpha, beta, ...)
 \item{alpha}{(\code{number}):\cr first parameter of the Beta distribution}
@@ -18,7 +18,20 @@ A beta distribution density plot
 This function will plot the PDF of a beta distribution
+# plotBeta
 plotBeta(alpha = 4, beta = 5)
 plotBeta(alpha = 1, beta = 1)
+# plotBetDiff
+parX <- c(1, 52) # parameters of experimental arm
+parY <- c(5.5, 20.5) # parameters of control or SOC
+  parY = parY,
+  parX = parX,
+  Go_cut = 0.3,
+  Stop_cut = 0.1,
+  shade = TRUE,
+  note = TRUE
diff --git a/man/plotBetaDiff.Rd b/man/plotBetaDiff.Rd
index f8be7e5d..1651cf22 100644
--- a/man/plotBetaDiff.Rd
+++ b/man/plotBetaDiff.Rd
@@ -7,11 +7,10 @@
-  cut_B = 0.2,
-  cut_W = 0.1,
+  Go_cut = 0.2,
+  Stop_cut = 0.1,
   shade = TRUE,
-  note = TRUE,
-  ...
+  note = TRUE
@@ -19,14 +18,14 @@ plotBetaDiff(
 \item{parX}{(\code{numeric}):\cr non-negative parameters of the historical control Beta distribution}
-\item{cut_B}{(\code{number}):\cr a meaningful improvement threshold, the lower boundary of a meaningfully improvement in response rate}
-\item{cut_W}{(\code{number}):\cr a poor improvement threshold, the upper boundary of a meaningfully poor improvement in response rate}
 \item{shade}{(\code{flag}):\cr paint the two areas under the curve, default value = TRUE}
 \item{note}{(\code{flag}):\cr show values of the colored area, default value = TRUE}
+\item{cut_B}{(\code{number}):\cr a meaningful improvement threshold, the lower boundary of a meaningfully improvement in response rate}
+\item{cut_W}{(\code{number}):\cr a poor improvement threshold, the upper boundary of a meaningfully poor improvement in response rate}
 \item{...}{(``):\cr additional arguments to \code{ggplot()}}

From be2e55b7fe19e0fe1becb198f4cbceefd9e73b83 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "27856297+dependabot-preview[bot]"
Date: Sun, 22 Sep 2024 18:40:30 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 22/36] [skip roxygen] [skip vbump] Roxygen Man Pages Auto

 man/ocPredprob.Rd | 121 ----------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 121 deletions(-)

diff --git a/man/ocPredprob.Rd b/man/ocPredprob.Rd
index 63e17a09..25c8d9e2 100644
--- a/man/ocPredprob.Rd
+++ b/man/ocPredprob.Rd
@@ -117,124 +117,3 @@ The criteria for Decision 2 for Futility looks are :
-# Here we illustrate an example for Decision 1 with the following assumptions :
-# True response rate or truep of the treatment group = 40\%
-# The following are the Final Stop rules respectively :
-# - Final look for Efficacy: Pr( response rate > 25\% ) > 60\% or P(response rate > p0) > tT
-# - Final look for Futility: Pr( response rate < 25\% ) < 60\% or P(response rate > p0) < tT
-# - Interim look for Efficacy: Pr( success at final ) > 80\% or P(success at final) > phiU
-# - Interim look for Futility: Pr( failure at final ) < 20\% or P(success at final) < phiL
-# We assume a prior of treatment arm parE = Beta(1,1), unless otherwise indicated.
-# Decision 1 with no wiggle.
-result <- ocPredprob(
-  nnE = c(10, 20),
-  truep = 0.4,
-  p0 = 0.25,
-  tT = 0.6,
-  phiL = 0.2,
-  phiU = 0.8,
-  parE = c(1, 1),
-  sim = 50,
-  wiggle = FALSE,
-  decision1 = TRUE
-# Decision 1 with wiggle.
-result <- ocPredprob(
-  nnE = c(10, 20),
-  truep = 0.4,
-  p0 = 0.25,
-  tT = 0.6,
-  phiL = 0.2,
-  phiU = 0.8,
-  parE = c(1, 1),
-  sim = 50,
-  wiggle = TRUE,
-  nnF = c(10, 20),
-  decision1 = TRUE
-# Decision 1 with separate Futility and Efficacy looks at interim and final without wiggle.
-result <- ocPredprob(
-  nnE = c(10, 25, 30),
-  truep = 0.4,
-  p0 = 0.25,
-  p1 = 0.2,
-  tT = 0.6,
-  phiL = 0.2,
-  phiU = 0.8,
-  parE = c(1, 1),
-  sim = 50,
-  wiggle = FALSE,
-  nnF = c(10, 15, 20),
-  decision1 = TRUE
-# Decision 1 with separate Futility and Efficacy looks at interim and final with wiggle.
-result <- ocPredprob(
-  nnE = c(10, 25, 30),
-  truep = 0.4,
-  p0 = 0.25,
-  p1 = 0.2,
-  tT = 0.6,
-  phiL = 0.2,
-  phiU = 0.8,
-  parE = c(1, 1),
-  sim = 50,
-  wiggle = TRUE,
-  nnF = c(10, 15, 20),
-  decision1 = TRUE
-# Here we illustrate an example for Decision 2 with the following assumptions :
-# True response rate or truep of the treatment group = 60\%
-# The following are the Final Stop rules respectively :
-# - Final look for Efficacy: Pr( response rate > 25\% ) > 60\% or P(response rate > p0) > tT
-# - Final look for Futility: Pr( response rate < 25\% ) < 60\% or P(response rate < p1) > tF
-# - Interim look for Efficacy: Pr( success at final ) > 80\% or P(success at final) > phiU
-# - Interim look for Futility: Pr( failure at final ) > 80\% or P(failure at final) > phiFu
-# We assume a prior of treatment arm parE = Beta(1,1), unless otherwise indicated.
-# Decision 2 without wiggle.
-result <- ocPredprob(
-  nnE = c(10, 20),
-  truep = 0.6,
-  p0 = 0.25,
-  p1 = 0.25,
-  tT = 0.6,
-  tF = 0.6,
-  phiU = 0.8,
-  phiFu = 0.8,
-  parE = c(1, 1),
-  sim = 50,
-  wiggle = FALSE,
-  nnF = c(10, 20),
-  decision1 = FALSE
-# Decision 2 with wiggle and with Futility only at final with non-uniform beta prior parE.
-result <- ocPredprob(
-  nnE = c(10, 25, 30),
-  truep = 0.6,
-  p0 = 0.25,
-  p1 = 0.25,
-  tT = 0.6,
-  tF = 0.6,
-  phiL = 0.8,
-  phiU = 0.8,
-  parE = c(11, 19),
-  sim = 50,
-  wiggle = TRUE,
-  nnF = 30,
-  decision1 = FALSE

From 7e75e6801c6b429e6d1cfeb0a284e4c6a5850e92 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Audrey Yeo <>
Date: Sun, 22 Sep 2024 20:42:35 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 23/36] exame file for plotBetaDiff.R

 R/plotBeta.R            |  3 ---
 examples/myPlotDiff.R   |  2 +-
 examples/plotBeta.R     | 12 ------------
 examples/plotBetaDiff.R | 11 +++++++++++
 man/plotBeta.Rd         | 12 ------------
 man/plotBetaDiff.Rd     |  2 +-
 6 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 examples/plotBetaDiff.R

diff --git a/R/plotBeta.R b/R/plotBeta.R
index 8552e6ae..88e2a5ea 100644
--- a/R/plotBeta.R
+++ b/R/plotBeta.R
@@ -69,12 +69,9 @@ plotBetaDiff <- function(parY, # parameters of experimental arm
     xticks = seq(from = 0, to = 1, by = 0.25),
     density = dbetadiff(z = diff, parY = parY, parX = parX)
   data$Stop <- ifelse(diff > -1 & diff < Stop_cut, TRUE, FALSE)
   data$Go <- ifelse(diff > Go_cut & diff < 1, TRUE, FALSE)
-  # shade the AUC for Go if difference was `lower` :
   Go_auc <- integrate(
     f = dbetadiff,
     parY = parY,
diff --git a/examples/myPlotDiff.R b/examples/myPlotDiff.R
index c9a4795e..991f9fc2 100644
--- a/examples/myPlotDiff.R
+++ b/examples/myPlotDiff.R
@@ -4,5 +4,5 @@ myPlotDiff(
   cut_B = 0.2, # a meaningful improvement threshold
   cut_W = 0.05, # a poor improvement threshold
   shade = 1, # paint the two areas under the curve, default: yes. other numbers stands for "no";
-  note = 0
+  note = 1
 ) # show values of the colored area, default: yes. other numbers stands for "no";
diff --git a/examples/plotBeta.R b/examples/plotBeta.R
index 9fd6a98c..712b5482 100644
--- a/examples/plotBeta.R
+++ b/examples/plotBeta.R
@@ -1,15 +1,3 @@
 # plotBeta
 plotBeta(alpha = 4, beta = 5)
 plotBeta(alpha = 1, beta = 1)
-# plotBetDiff
-parX <- c(1, 52) # parameters of experimental arm
-parY <- c(5.5, 20.5) # parameters of control or SOC
-  parY = parY,
-  parX = parX,
-  Go_cut = 0.3,
-  Stop_cut = 0.1,
-  shade = TRUE,
-  note = TRUE
diff --git a/examples/plotBetaDiff.R b/examples/plotBetaDiff.R
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0a22a11c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/plotBetaDiff.R
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# plotBetDiff
+parX <- c(1, 52) # parameters of experimental arm
+parY <- c(5.5, 20.5) # parameters of control or SOC
+  parY = parY,
+  parX = parX,
+  Go_cut = 0.3,
+  Stop_cut = 0.1,
+  shade = TRUE,
+  note = TRUE
diff --git a/man/plotBeta.Rd b/man/plotBeta.Rd
index 94577edd..a17df369 100644
--- a/man/plotBeta.Rd
+++ b/man/plotBeta.Rd
@@ -21,17 +21,5 @@ This function will plot the PDF of a beta distribution
 # plotBeta
 plotBeta(alpha = 4, beta = 5)
 plotBeta(alpha = 1, beta = 1)
-# plotBetDiff
-parX <- c(1, 52) # parameters of experimental arm
-parY <- c(5.5, 20.5) # parameters of control or SOC
-  parY = parY,
-  parX = parX,
-  Go_cut = 0.3,
-  Stop_cut = 0.1,
-  shade = TRUE,
-  note = TRUE
diff --git a/man/plotBetaDiff.Rd b/man/plotBetaDiff.Rd
index 1651cf22..6c7b9c4d 100644
--- a/man/plotBetaDiff.Rd
+++ b/man/plotBetaDiff.Rd
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ myPlotDiff(
   cut_B = 0.2, # a meaningful improvement threshold
   cut_W = 0.05, # a poor improvement threshold
   shade = 1, # paint the two areas under the curve, default: yes. other numbers stands for "no";
-  note = 0
+  note = 1
 ) # show values of the colored area, default: yes. other numbers stands for "no";

From ec5abb8d7548228ab1e30f069f0664fa362694e3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Audrey Yeo <>
Date: Mon, 27 May 2024 12:08:37 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 24/36] empty

From 2757aab2356968045c393c4ef935913772f7dc23 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Audrey Yeo <>
Date: Sun, 2 Jun 2024 19:37:45 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 25/36] should pass CMD checks

From 93f463a9cee89eab60642bf79a616d58ebefc663 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Audrey Yeo <>
Date: Sun, 22 Sep 2024 20:53:40 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 26/36] clean

 R/boundsPostprob.R                   |  15 ++--
 man/ocPredprob.Rd                    | 121 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/testthat/test-boundsPostProb.R |  36 ++++----
 3 files changed, 143 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)

diff --git a/R/boundsPostprob.R b/R/boundsPostprob.R
index b50fee96..e39be43f 100644
--- a/R/boundsPostprob.R
+++ b/R/boundsPostprob.R
@@ -25,16 +25,11 @@
 #' @example examples/boundsPostprob.R
 #' @export
 boundsPostprob <- function(nvec, p0, p1 = p0, tL, tU, a, b) {
-  z <- matrix(NA, length(nvec), 6)
-  dimnames(z) <- list(nvec, c(
-    "xL", "pL", "postL",
-    "xU", "pU", "postU"
-  ))
+  z <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(nvec), ncol = 8)
   znames <- c(
     "xL", "pL", "postL", "pL_upper_ci",
     "xU", "pU", "postU", "pU_lower_ci"
-  z <- matrix(NA, length(nvec), length(znames))
   dimnames(z) <- list(nvec, znames)
   k <- 0
   for (n in nvec) {
@@ -44,12 +39,12 @@ boundsPostprob <- function(nvec, p0, p1 = p0, tL, tU, a, b) {
     xU <- NA
     for (x in 0:n) {
       postp <- 1 - postprob(x, n, p0, parE = c(a, b)) # futility look
-      if (postp >= tL) {
+      if (postp >= tL) { # Rule is P(RR < p0) > tL
         postL <- postp
         xL <- x
-      postp <- postprob(x, n, p0, parE = c(a, b)) # efficacy look
-      if (postp >= tU) {
+      postp <- postprob(x, n, p1, parE = c(a, b)) # efficacy look
+      if (postp >= tU) { # Rule is P(RR > p1) > tU
         postU <- postp
         xU <- x
@@ -69,5 +64,5 @@ boundsPostprob <- function(nvec, p0, p1 = p0, tL, tU, a, b) {
-  return(round(data.frame(nvec, z), 4))
+  round(data.frame(nvec, z), 4)
diff --git a/man/ocPredprob.Rd b/man/ocPredprob.Rd
index 25c8d9e2..63e17a09 100644
--- a/man/ocPredprob.Rd
+++ b/man/ocPredprob.Rd
@@ -117,3 +117,124 @@ The criteria for Decision 2 for Futility looks are :
+# Here we illustrate an example for Decision 1 with the following assumptions :
+# True response rate or truep of the treatment group = 40\%
+# The following are the Final Stop rules respectively :
+# - Final look for Efficacy: Pr( response rate > 25\% ) > 60\% or P(response rate > p0) > tT
+# - Final look for Futility: Pr( response rate < 25\% ) < 60\% or P(response rate > p0) < tT
+# - Interim look for Efficacy: Pr( success at final ) > 80\% or P(success at final) > phiU
+# - Interim look for Futility: Pr( failure at final ) < 20\% or P(success at final) < phiL
+# We assume a prior of treatment arm parE = Beta(1,1), unless otherwise indicated.
+# Decision 1 with no wiggle.
+result <- ocPredprob(
+  nnE = c(10, 20),
+  truep = 0.4,
+  p0 = 0.25,
+  tT = 0.6,
+  phiL = 0.2,
+  phiU = 0.8,
+  parE = c(1, 1),
+  sim = 50,
+  wiggle = FALSE,
+  decision1 = TRUE
+# Decision 1 with wiggle.
+result <- ocPredprob(
+  nnE = c(10, 20),
+  truep = 0.4,
+  p0 = 0.25,
+  tT = 0.6,
+  phiL = 0.2,
+  phiU = 0.8,
+  parE = c(1, 1),
+  sim = 50,
+  wiggle = TRUE,
+  nnF = c(10, 20),
+  decision1 = TRUE
+# Decision 1 with separate Futility and Efficacy looks at interim and final without wiggle.
+result <- ocPredprob(
+  nnE = c(10, 25, 30),
+  truep = 0.4,
+  p0 = 0.25,
+  p1 = 0.2,
+  tT = 0.6,
+  phiL = 0.2,
+  phiU = 0.8,
+  parE = c(1, 1),
+  sim = 50,
+  wiggle = FALSE,
+  nnF = c(10, 15, 20),
+  decision1 = TRUE
+# Decision 1 with separate Futility and Efficacy looks at interim and final with wiggle.
+result <- ocPredprob(
+  nnE = c(10, 25, 30),
+  truep = 0.4,
+  p0 = 0.25,
+  p1 = 0.2,
+  tT = 0.6,
+  phiL = 0.2,
+  phiU = 0.8,
+  parE = c(1, 1),
+  sim = 50,
+  wiggle = TRUE,
+  nnF = c(10, 15, 20),
+  decision1 = TRUE
+# Here we illustrate an example for Decision 2 with the following assumptions :
+# True response rate or truep of the treatment group = 60\%
+# The following are the Final Stop rules respectively :
+# - Final look for Efficacy: Pr( response rate > 25\% ) > 60\% or P(response rate > p0) > tT
+# - Final look for Futility: Pr( response rate < 25\% ) < 60\% or P(response rate < p1) > tF
+# - Interim look for Efficacy: Pr( success at final ) > 80\% or P(success at final) > phiU
+# - Interim look for Futility: Pr( failure at final ) > 80\% or P(failure at final) > phiFu
+# We assume a prior of treatment arm parE = Beta(1,1), unless otherwise indicated.
+# Decision 2 without wiggle.
+result <- ocPredprob(
+  nnE = c(10, 20),
+  truep = 0.6,
+  p0 = 0.25,
+  p1 = 0.25,
+  tT = 0.6,
+  tF = 0.6,
+  phiU = 0.8,
+  phiFu = 0.8,
+  parE = c(1, 1),
+  sim = 50,
+  wiggle = FALSE,
+  nnF = c(10, 20),
+  decision1 = FALSE
+# Decision 2 with wiggle and with Futility only at final with non-uniform beta prior parE.
+result <- ocPredprob(
+  nnE = c(10, 25, 30),
+  truep = 0.6,
+  p0 = 0.25,
+  p1 = 0.25,
+  tT = 0.6,
+  tF = 0.6,
+  phiL = 0.8,
+  phiU = 0.8,
+  parE = c(11, 19),
+  sim = 50,
+  wiggle = TRUE,
+  nnF = 30,
+  decision1 = FALSE
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-boundsPostProb.R b/tests/testthat/test-boundsPostProb.R
index 3d74d3bc..e31397a8 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-boundsPostProb.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-boundsPostProb.R
@@ -10,24 +10,22 @@ test_that("boundsPostProb gives correct result and list", {
     b = 1
   expected <- data.frame(
-    list(
-      nvec = c(10, 20, 30, 40),
-      xL = c(1, 3, 5, 6),
-      pL = c(0.1, 0.15, 0.1667, 0.15),
-      postL = c(0.6779, 0.6296, 0.6069, 0.739),
-      pL_upper_ci = c(0.3942, 0.3437, 0.319, 0.2747),
-      xU = c(2, 5, 7, 9),
-      pU = c(0.2, 0.25, 0.2333, 0.225),
-      postU = c(0.6174, 0.7693, 0.73, 0.704),
-      pU_lower_ci = c(0.0368, 0.1041, 0.115, 0.1227)
-    )
+    nvec = c(10, 20, 30, 40),
+    xL = c(1, 3, 5, 6),
+    pL = c(0.1, 0.15, 0.1667, 0.15),
+    postL = c(0.6779, 0.6296, 0.6069, 0.739),
+    pL_upper_ci = c(0.3942, 0.3437, 0.319, 0.2747),
+    xU = c(2, 5, 7, 9),
+    pU = c(0.2, 0.25, 0.2333, 0.225),
+    postU = c(0.6174, 0.7693, 0.73, 0.704),
+    pU_lower_ci = c(0.0368, 0.1041, 0.115, 0.1227)
-  expect_equal(result$xL, c(1, 3, 5, 6))
-  expect_equal(result$pL, c(0.1, 0.15, 0.1667, 0.15))
-  expect_equal(result$postL, c(0.6779, 0.6296, 0.6069, 0.739))
-  expect_equal(result$pL_upper_ci, c(0.3942, 0.3437, 0.319, 0.2747))
-  expect_equal(result$xU, c(2, 5, 7, 9))
-  expect_equal(result$pU, c(0.2, 0.25, 0.2333, 0.225))
-  expect_equal(result$postU, c(0.6174, 0.7693, 0.73, 0.704))
-  expect_equal(result$pU_lower_ci, c(0.0368, 0.1041, 0.115, 0.1227))
+  expect_equal(result$xL, expected$xL)
+  expect_equal(result$pL, expected$pL)
+  expect_equal(result$postL, expected$postL)
+  expect_equal(result$pL_upper_ci, expected$pL_upper_ci)
+  expect_equal(result$xU, expected$xU)
+  expect_equal(result$pU, expected$pU)
+  expect_equal(result$postU, expected$postU)
+  expect_equal(result$pU_lower_ci, expected$pU_lower_ci)

From 27cfdc9c1645a83b71f755cb9d39389592ed0c64 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "27856297+dependabot-preview[bot]"
Date: Sun, 22 Sep 2024 18:56:58 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 27/36] [skip roxygen] [skip vbump] Roxygen Man Pages Auto

 man/ocPredprob.Rd | 121 ----------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 121 deletions(-)

diff --git a/man/ocPredprob.Rd b/man/ocPredprob.Rd
index 63e17a09..25c8d9e2 100644
--- a/man/ocPredprob.Rd
+++ b/man/ocPredprob.Rd
@@ -117,124 +117,3 @@ The criteria for Decision 2 for Futility looks are :
-# Here we illustrate an example for Decision 1 with the following assumptions :
-# True response rate or truep of the treatment group = 40\%
-# The following are the Final Stop rules respectively :
-# - Final look for Efficacy: Pr( response rate > 25\% ) > 60\% or P(response rate > p0) > tT
-# - Final look for Futility: Pr( response rate < 25\% ) < 60\% or P(response rate > p0) < tT
-# - Interim look for Efficacy: Pr( success at final ) > 80\% or P(success at final) > phiU
-# - Interim look for Futility: Pr( failure at final ) < 20\% or P(success at final) < phiL
-# We assume a prior of treatment arm parE = Beta(1,1), unless otherwise indicated.
-# Decision 1 with no wiggle.
-result <- ocPredprob(
-  nnE = c(10, 20),
-  truep = 0.4,
-  p0 = 0.25,
-  tT = 0.6,
-  phiL = 0.2,
-  phiU = 0.8,
-  parE = c(1, 1),
-  sim = 50,
-  wiggle = FALSE,
-  decision1 = TRUE
-# Decision 1 with wiggle.
-result <- ocPredprob(
-  nnE = c(10, 20),
-  truep = 0.4,
-  p0 = 0.25,
-  tT = 0.6,
-  phiL = 0.2,
-  phiU = 0.8,
-  parE = c(1, 1),
-  sim = 50,
-  wiggle = TRUE,
-  nnF = c(10, 20),
-  decision1 = TRUE
-# Decision 1 with separate Futility and Efficacy looks at interim and final without wiggle.
-result <- ocPredprob(
-  nnE = c(10, 25, 30),
-  truep = 0.4,
-  p0 = 0.25,
-  p1 = 0.2,
-  tT = 0.6,
-  phiL = 0.2,
-  phiU = 0.8,
-  parE = c(1, 1),
-  sim = 50,
-  wiggle = FALSE,
-  nnF = c(10, 15, 20),
-  decision1 = TRUE
-# Decision 1 with separate Futility and Efficacy looks at interim and final with wiggle.
-result <- ocPredprob(
-  nnE = c(10, 25, 30),
-  truep = 0.4,
-  p0 = 0.25,
-  p1 = 0.2,
-  tT = 0.6,
-  phiL = 0.2,
-  phiU = 0.8,
-  parE = c(1, 1),
-  sim = 50,
-  wiggle = TRUE,
-  nnF = c(10, 15, 20),
-  decision1 = TRUE
-# Here we illustrate an example for Decision 2 with the following assumptions :
-# True response rate or truep of the treatment group = 60\%
-# The following are the Final Stop rules respectively :
-# - Final look for Efficacy: Pr( response rate > 25\% ) > 60\% or P(response rate > p0) > tT
-# - Final look for Futility: Pr( response rate < 25\% ) < 60\% or P(response rate < p1) > tF
-# - Interim look for Efficacy: Pr( success at final ) > 80\% or P(success at final) > phiU
-# - Interim look for Futility: Pr( failure at final ) > 80\% or P(failure at final) > phiFu
-# We assume a prior of treatment arm parE = Beta(1,1), unless otherwise indicated.
-# Decision 2 without wiggle.
-result <- ocPredprob(
-  nnE = c(10, 20),
-  truep = 0.6,
-  p0 = 0.25,
-  p1 = 0.25,
-  tT = 0.6,
-  tF = 0.6,
-  phiU = 0.8,
-  phiFu = 0.8,
-  parE = c(1, 1),
-  sim = 50,
-  wiggle = FALSE,
-  nnF = c(10, 20),
-  decision1 = FALSE
-# Decision 2 with wiggle and with Futility only at final with non-uniform beta prior parE.
-result <- ocPredprob(
-  nnE = c(10, 25, 30),
-  truep = 0.6,
-  p0 = 0.25,
-  p1 = 0.25,
-  tT = 0.6,
-  tF = 0.6,
-  phiL = 0.8,
-  phiU = 0.8,
-  parE = c(11, 19),
-  sim = 50,
-  wiggle = TRUE,
-  nnF = 30,
-  decision1 = FALSE

From b569a7a316a4ea7c51df1447aed87a5fc96d5a62 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Audrey Yeo <>
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2024 15:02:25 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 28/36] clean

 R/plotBeta.R      |  10 ++--
 man/ocPredprob.Rd | 121 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 126 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/R/plotBeta.R b/R/plotBeta.R
index 88e2a5ea..8dfcf795 100644
--- a/R/plotBeta.R
+++ b/R/plotBeta.R
@@ -66,7 +66,6 @@ plotBetaDiff <- function(parY, # parameters of experimental arm
   diff <- seq(from = -1, to = 1, length = 1000)
   data <- data.frame(
     grid = diff,
-    xticks = seq(from = 0, to = 1, by = 0.25),
     density = dbetadiff(z = diff, parY = parY, parX = parX)
   data$Stop <- ifelse(diff > -1 & diff < Stop_cut, TRUE, FALSE)
@@ -98,14 +97,15 @@ plotBetaDiff <- function(parY, # parameters of experimental arm
   if (shade == TRUE) {
-    pbetadiff_plot +
-      ggplot2::geom_area(data = filter(data, Go == TRUE), fill = "#009E73") +
-      ggplot2::geom_area(data = filter(data, Stop == TRUE), fill = "#D55E00")
+    pbetadiff_plot <- pbetadiff_plot +
+      ggplot2::geom_area(data = data[data$Go == TRUE, ], fill = "#009E73") +
+      ggplot2::geom_area(data = data[data$Stop == TRUE, ], fill = "#D55E00")
   if (note == TRUE) {
-    pbetadiff_plot +
+    pbetadiff_plot <- pbetadiff_plot +
       ggplot2::annotate("text", x = -0.5, y = 4.25, label = Go_label, colour = "#009E73") +
       ggplot2::annotate("text", x = -0.5, y = 4.75, label = Stop_label, colour = "#D55E00")
+  pbetadiff_plot
diff --git a/man/ocPredprob.Rd b/man/ocPredprob.Rd
index 25c8d9e2..63e17a09 100644
--- a/man/ocPredprob.Rd
+++ b/man/ocPredprob.Rd
@@ -117,3 +117,124 @@ The criteria for Decision 2 for Futility looks are :
+# Here we illustrate an example for Decision 1 with the following assumptions :
+# True response rate or truep of the treatment group = 40\%
+# The following are the Final Stop rules respectively :
+# - Final look for Efficacy: Pr( response rate > 25\% ) > 60\% or P(response rate > p0) > tT
+# - Final look for Futility: Pr( response rate < 25\% ) < 60\% or P(response rate > p0) < tT
+# - Interim look for Efficacy: Pr( success at final ) > 80\% or P(success at final) > phiU
+# - Interim look for Futility: Pr( failure at final ) < 20\% or P(success at final) < phiL
+# We assume a prior of treatment arm parE = Beta(1,1), unless otherwise indicated.
+# Decision 1 with no wiggle.
+result <- ocPredprob(
+  nnE = c(10, 20),
+  truep = 0.4,
+  p0 = 0.25,
+  tT = 0.6,
+  phiL = 0.2,
+  phiU = 0.8,
+  parE = c(1, 1),
+  sim = 50,
+  wiggle = FALSE,
+  decision1 = TRUE
+# Decision 1 with wiggle.
+result <- ocPredprob(
+  nnE = c(10, 20),
+  truep = 0.4,
+  p0 = 0.25,
+  tT = 0.6,
+  phiL = 0.2,
+  phiU = 0.8,
+  parE = c(1, 1),
+  sim = 50,
+  wiggle = TRUE,
+  nnF = c(10, 20),
+  decision1 = TRUE
+# Decision 1 with separate Futility and Efficacy looks at interim and final without wiggle.
+result <- ocPredprob(
+  nnE = c(10, 25, 30),
+  truep = 0.4,
+  p0 = 0.25,
+  p1 = 0.2,
+  tT = 0.6,
+  phiL = 0.2,
+  phiU = 0.8,
+  parE = c(1, 1),
+  sim = 50,
+  wiggle = FALSE,
+  nnF = c(10, 15, 20),
+  decision1 = TRUE
+# Decision 1 with separate Futility and Efficacy looks at interim and final with wiggle.
+result <- ocPredprob(
+  nnE = c(10, 25, 30),
+  truep = 0.4,
+  p0 = 0.25,
+  p1 = 0.2,
+  tT = 0.6,
+  phiL = 0.2,
+  phiU = 0.8,
+  parE = c(1, 1),
+  sim = 50,
+  wiggle = TRUE,
+  nnF = c(10, 15, 20),
+  decision1 = TRUE
+# Here we illustrate an example for Decision 2 with the following assumptions :
+# True response rate or truep of the treatment group = 60\%
+# The following are the Final Stop rules respectively :
+# - Final look for Efficacy: Pr( response rate > 25\% ) > 60\% or P(response rate > p0) > tT
+# - Final look for Futility: Pr( response rate < 25\% ) < 60\% or P(response rate < p1) > tF
+# - Interim look for Efficacy: Pr( success at final ) > 80\% or P(success at final) > phiU
+# - Interim look for Futility: Pr( failure at final ) > 80\% or P(failure at final) > phiFu
+# We assume a prior of treatment arm parE = Beta(1,1), unless otherwise indicated.
+# Decision 2 without wiggle.
+result <- ocPredprob(
+  nnE = c(10, 20),
+  truep = 0.6,
+  p0 = 0.25,
+  p1 = 0.25,
+  tT = 0.6,
+  tF = 0.6,
+  phiU = 0.8,
+  phiFu = 0.8,
+  parE = c(1, 1),
+  sim = 50,
+  wiggle = FALSE,
+  nnF = c(10, 20),
+  decision1 = FALSE
+# Decision 2 with wiggle and with Futility only at final with non-uniform beta prior parE.
+result <- ocPredprob(
+  nnE = c(10, 25, 30),
+  truep = 0.6,
+  p0 = 0.25,
+  p1 = 0.25,
+  tT = 0.6,
+  tF = 0.6,
+  phiL = 0.8,
+  phiU = 0.8,
+  parE = c(11, 19),
+  sim = 50,
+  wiggle = TRUE,
+  nnF = 30,
+  decision1 = FALSE

From db9412de0505bb5006da18017f974b7729b0b985 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Audrey Yeo <>
Date: Fri, 24 May 2024 14:00:43 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 29/36] clean

 R/boundsPostprob.R    |  5 +++++
 man/boundsPostprob.Rd | 12 ++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 17 insertions(+)

diff --git a/R/boundsPostprob.R b/R/boundsPostprob.R
index e39be43f..eb490e67 100644
--- a/R/boundsPostprob.R
+++ b/R/boundsPostprob.R
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
 #' Efficacy boundary: find minimum x (xU) where Pr(P > p1 |x, n, a, b) >= tU and
 #' Futility boundary: find maximum x (xL) where Pr(P < p0 | x, n, a, b) >= tL
+#' Efficacy boundary: find minimum x (xU) where Pr(P>p0|x,n,a,b) >= tU and
+#' Futility boundary: find maximum x (xL) where Pr(P>p1|x,n,a,b) <= tL
 #' @inheritParams postprob
 #' @inheritParams ocPostprob
 #' @typed nvec : numeric
@@ -15,11 +18,13 @@
 #' - `pL` : response rate corresponding to `xL`.
 #' - `postL`: posterior probability corresponding to `xL`.
 #' - `pL_upper_ci` : upper bound of one sided 95% CI for the response rate `pL` based on an
+#' - `Ucil` : upper bound of one sided 95% CI for the response rate based on an
 #'            exact binomial test.
 #' - `xU` : the minimal number of responses that meet the efficacy threshold.
 #' - `pU` : response rate corresponding to `xU`.
 #' - `postU` : posterior probability corresponding to `xU`.
 #' - `pU_lower_ci` : lower bound of one sided 95% CI for the response rate `pU` based on exact
+#' - `LciU` : lower bound of one sided 95% CI for the response rate based on exact
 #'            binomial test.
 #' @example examples/boundsPostprob.R
diff --git a/man/boundsPostprob.Rd b/man/boundsPostprob.Rd
index 4394ef94..9a664fb9 100644
--- a/man/boundsPostprob.Rd
+++ b/man/boundsPostprob.Rd
@@ -24,12 +24,20 @@ A matrix for each same size in \code{nvec}. For each sample size, the following
 \item \code{pL} : response rate corresponding to \code{xL}.
 \item \code{postL}: posterior probability corresponding to \code{xL}.
+<<<<<<< HEAD
 \item \code{pL_upper_ci} : upper bound of one sided 95\% CI for the response rate \code{pL} based on an
+\item \code{Ucil} : upper bound of one sided 95\% CI for the response rate based on an
+>>>>>>> 008502d (clean)
 exact binomial test.
 \item \code{xU} : the minimal number of responses that meet the efficacy threshold.
 \item \code{pU} : response rate corresponding to \code{xU}.
 \item \code{postU} : posterior probability corresponding to \code{xU}.
+<<<<<<< HEAD
 \item \code{pU_lower_ci} : lower bound of one sided 95\% CI for the response rate \code{pU} based on exact
+\item \code{LciU} : lower bound of one sided 95\% CI for the response rate based on exact
+>>>>>>> 008502d (clean)
 binomial test.
@@ -39,6 +47,10 @@ boundaries based on the following rules:
 Efficacy boundary: find minimum x (xU) where Pr(P > p1 |x, n, a, b) >= tU and
 Futility boundary: find maximum x (xL) where Pr(P < p0 | x, n, a, b) >= tL
+Efficacy boundary: find minimum x (xU) where Pr(P>p0|x,n,a,b) >= tU and
+Futility boundary: find maximum x (xL) where Pr(P>p1|x,n,a,b) <= tL
 # 40 pts trial with interim looks after each 10 pts.,
 # Efficacy decision if more than 60\% probability to be above 20\% ORR,

From 6484d12727e09e28d7b7cd2009b3fb2e70c76265 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Audrey Yeo <>
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2024 15:18:16 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 30/36] clean

 inst/WORDLIST     | 3 +++
 man/ocPredprob.Rd | 3 +++
 2 files changed, 6 insertions(+)

diff --git a/inst/WORDLIST b/inst/WORDLIST
index 86e46e6c..be3cf716 100644
--- a/inst/WORDLIST
+++ b/inst/WORDLIST
@@ -202,6 +202,8 @@ renewcommand
@@ -244,6 +246,7 @@ USUBJID
diff --git a/man/ocPredprob.Rd b/man/ocPredprob.Rd
index 63e17a09..d6480b8d 100644
--- a/man/ocPredprob.Rd
+++ b/man/ocPredprob.Rd
@@ -117,6 +117,7 @@ The criteria for Decision 2 for Futility looks are :
+<<<<<<< HEAD
 # Here we illustrate an example for Decision 1 with the following assumptions :
 # True response rate or truep of the treatment group = 40\%
@@ -238,3 +239,5 @@ result <- ocPredprob(
+>>>>>>> ab51030 ([skip roxygen] [skip vbump] Roxygen Man Pages Auto Update)

From 21f0ee4fd91a8766fc769e760057098721052ddf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Audrey Yeo <>
Date: Thu, 2 Jan 2025 16:43:52 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 31/36] clean

 R/plotBeta.R | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/R/plotBeta.R b/R/plotBeta.R
index 8dfcf795..792fc0c0 100644
--- a/R/plotBeta.R
+++ b/R/plotBeta.R
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ plotBeta <- function(alpha, beta, ...) {
     ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(labels = scales::percent_format())
-#' Plot Diff Between two Beta distributions
+#' Plot difference Between two Beta distributions
 #' This function will plot the PDF of a difference between two Beta distributions
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ plotBeta <- function(alpha, beta, ...) {
 #'  additional arguments to `ggplot()`
 #' @return a ggplot object
-#' @example examples/myPlotDiff.R
+#' @example examples/plotBetaDiff.R
 #' @importFrom graphics par axis polygon mtext
 #' @importFrom stats integrate

From f922d4669d1bf4fde0f4e3af397967ff0010ebd8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Audrey Yeo <>
Date: Thu, 2 Jan 2025 22:23:26 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 32/36] clean

 R/plotBeta.R            | 31 ++++++++++++++++++-------------
 examples/myPlotDiff.R   |  8 --------
 examples/plotBetaDiff.R |  3 ++-
 man/ocPredprob.Rd       | 16 ++++++++--------
 man/plotBetaDiff.Rd     | 22 +++++++++++++---------
 5 files changed, 41 insertions(+), 39 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 examples/myPlotDiff.R

diff --git a/R/plotBeta.R b/R/plotBeta.R
index 792fc0c0..da475c60 100644
--- a/R/plotBeta.R
+++ b/R/plotBeta.R
@@ -86,22 +86,27 @@ plotBetaDiff <- function(parY, # parameters of experimental arm
     upper = Stop_cut # Calculate probability of Stop, if difference was at most `Stop_cut`.
-  Go_label <- paste("Probability of Go is", round(Go_auc$value * 100, digits = 2), "%")
-  Stop_label <- paste("Probability of Stop is", round(Stop_auc$value * 100, digits = 2), "%")
-  plot_title <- paste("According to Beta difference density", Go_label, "and", Stop_label)
-  pbetadiff_plot <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = data, mapping = aes(x = grid, y = density)) +
-    ggplot2::geom_line(colour = "#888888") +
-    xlab("Difference between treatment") +
-    ggplot2::ylab(quote(f(x))) +
-    ggplot2::ggtitle(plot_title)
+  Go_label <- paste("probability of Go is", round(Go_auc$value * 100, digits = 2), "%")
+  Stop_label <- paste("probability of Stop is", round(Stop_auc$value * 100, digits = 2), "%")
+  plot_title <- paste("According to Beta difference density", Go_label, "and\n", Stop_label)
   if (shade == TRUE) {
-    pbetadiff_plot <- pbetadiff_plot +
-      ggplot2::geom_area(data = data[data$Go == TRUE, ], fill = "#009E73") +
-      ggplot2::geom_area(data = data[data$Stop == TRUE, ], fill = "#D55E00")
+    pbetadiff_plot <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = data, aes(x = grid, y = density)) +
+      ggplot2::geom_line(colour = "#888888") +
+      geom_area(data = data[data$grid < Stop_cut,], fill = "#D55E00",
+                mapping = aes(x = ifelse(grid < 0.2 & grid < 0.5, grid, 0))) +
+      geom_area(data = data[data$grid > Go_cut,], fill = "#009E73",
+                mapping = aes(x = ifelse(grid > 0.3, grid, 0)))  +
+      xlab("Difference between treatment") +
+      ggplot2::ylab(quote(f(x))) +
+      ggplot2::ggtitle(plot_title)
+  } else {
+    pbetadiff_plot <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = data, aes(x = grid, y = density)) +
+      ggplot2::geom_line(colour = "#888888") +
+      xlab("Difference between treatment") +
+      ggplot2::ylab(quote(f(x))) +
+      ggplot2::ggtitle(plot_title)
   if (note == TRUE) {
     pbetadiff_plot <- pbetadiff_plot +
       ggplot2::annotate("text", x = -0.5, y = 4.25, label = Go_label, colour = "#009E73") +
diff --git a/examples/myPlotDiff.R b/examples/myPlotDiff.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 991f9fc2..00000000
--- a/examples/myPlotDiff.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-  parY = c(5, 10),
-  parX = c(2, 5),
-  cut_B = 0.2, # a meaningful improvement threshold
-  cut_W = 0.05, # a poor improvement threshold
-  shade = 1, # paint the two areas under the curve, default: yes. other numbers stands for "no";
-  note = 1
-) # show values of the colored area, default: yes. other numbers stands for "no";
diff --git a/examples/plotBetaDiff.R b/examples/plotBetaDiff.R
index 0a22a11c..fd8726ec 100644
--- a/examples/plotBetaDiff.R
+++ b/examples/plotBetaDiff.R
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-# plotBetDiff
+# The beta distribution and acceptable bounds for
+# a meaningful improvement of 0.20 and worsening of 0.05
 parX <- c(1, 52) # parameters of experimental arm
 parY <- c(5.5, 20.5) # parameters of control or SOC
diff --git a/man/ocPredprob.Rd b/man/ocPredprob.Rd
index 05595ace..63e17a09 100644
--- a/man/ocPredprob.Rd
+++ b/man/ocPredprob.Rd
@@ -97,8 +97,8 @@ The criteria for Decision 1 for Interim looks are :
 The criteria for Decision 1 for Final looks are:
-\item Final GO = P( RR > p0 | data) > tT
-\item Final STOP = P( RR > p0 | data ) < tT
+\item Final GO = P( response rate > p0 | data) > tT
+\item Final STOP = P( response rate > p0 | data ) < tT
@@ -112,8 +112,8 @@ The criteria for Decision 2 for Interim looks are :
 The criteria for Decision 2 for Futility looks are :
-\item Final GO = P( RR > p0) > tT
-\item Final STOP = P( RR  < p1) > tF
+\item Final GO = P( response rate > p0) > tT
+\item Final STOP = P( response rate  < p1) > tF
@@ -121,8 +121,8 @@ The criteria for Decision 2 for Futility looks are :
 # Here we illustrate an example for Decision 1 with the following assumptions :
 # True response rate or truep of the treatment group = 40\%
 # The following are the Final Stop rules respectively :
-# - Final look for Efficacy: Pr( RR > 25\% ) > 60\% or P( RR > p0) > tT
-# - Final look for Futility: Pr( RR < 25\% ) < 60\% or P(RR > p0) < tT
+# - Final look for Efficacy: Pr( response rate > 25\% ) > 60\% or P(response rate > p0) > tT
+# - Final look for Futility: Pr( response rate < 25\% ) < 60\% or P(response rate > p0) < tT
 # - Interim look for Efficacy: Pr( success at final ) > 80\% or P(success at final) > phiU
 # - Interim look for Futility: Pr( failure at final ) < 20\% or P(success at final) < phiL
 # We assume a prior of treatment arm parE = Beta(1,1), unless otherwise indicated.
@@ -196,8 +196,8 @@ result$oc
 # Here we illustrate an example for Decision 2 with the following assumptions :
 # True response rate or truep of the treatment group = 60\%
 # The following are the Final Stop rules respectively :
-# - Final look for Efficacy: Pr( RR > 25\% ) > 60\% or P(RR > p0) > tT
-# - Final look for Futility: Pr( RR < 25\% ) < 60\% or P(RR < p1) > tF
+# - Final look for Efficacy: Pr( response rate > 25\% ) > 60\% or P(response rate > p0) > tT
+# - Final look for Futility: Pr( response rate < 25\% ) < 60\% or P(response rate < p1) > tF
 # - Interim look for Efficacy: Pr( success at final ) > 80\% or P(success at final) > phiU
 # - Interim look for Futility: Pr( failure at final ) > 80\% or P(failure at final) > phiFu
 # We assume a prior of treatment arm parE = Beta(1,1), unless otherwise indicated.
diff --git a/man/plotBetaDiff.Rd b/man/plotBetaDiff.Rd
index 6c7b9c4d..32c0cb7f 100644
--- a/man/plotBetaDiff.Rd
+++ b/man/plotBetaDiff.Rd
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 % Please edit documentation in R/plotBeta.R
-\title{Plot Diff Between two Beta distributions}
+\title{Plot difference Between two Beta distributions}
@@ -35,13 +35,17 @@ a ggplot object
 This function will plot the PDF of a difference between two Beta distributions
-  parY = c(5, 10),
-  parX = c(2, 5),
-  cut_B = 0.2, # a meaningful improvement threshold
-  cut_W = 0.05, # a poor improvement threshold
-  shade = 1, # paint the two areas under the curve, default: yes. other numbers stands for "no";
-  note = 1
-) # show values of the colored area, default: yes. other numbers stands for "no";
+# The beta distribution and acceptable bounds for
+# a meaningful improvement of 0.20 and worsening of 0.05
+parX <- c(1, 52) # parameters of experimental arm
+parY <- c(5.5, 20.5) # parameters of control or SOC
+  parY = parY,
+  parX = parX,
+  Go_cut = 0.3,
+  Stop_cut = 0.1,
+  shade = TRUE,
+  note = TRUE

From 01b8185ab74e712fb92ab3835d241054a70124d1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Audrey Yeo <>
Date: Fri, 3 Jan 2025 14:39:38 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 33/36] plot and examples added

 R/plotBeta.R            | 12 ++++++------
 examples/plotBetaDiff.R | 19 +++++++++++++++----
 man/plotBetaDiff.Rd     | 19 +++++++++++++++----
 3 files changed, 36 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/R/plotBeta.R b/R/plotBeta.R
index da475c60..d4d71a77 100644
--- a/R/plotBeta.R
+++ b/R/plotBeta.R
@@ -86,14 +86,14 @@ plotBetaDiff <- function(parY, # parameters of experimental arm
     upper = Stop_cut # Calculate probability of Stop, if difference was at most `Stop_cut`.
-  Go_label <- paste("probability of Go is", round(Go_auc$value * 100, digits = 2), "%")
-  Stop_label <- paste("probability of Stop is", round(Stop_auc$value * 100, digits = 2), "%")
-  plot_title <- paste("According to Beta difference density", Go_label, "and\n", Stop_label)
+  Go_label <- paste("P(Go) is", round(Go_auc$value * 100, digits = 2), "%")
+  Stop_label <- paste("P(S) is", round(Stop_auc$value * 100, digits = 2), "%")
+  plot_title <- paste("According to Beta difference density", Go_label, "and", Stop_label)
   if (shade == TRUE) {
     pbetadiff_plot <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = data, aes(x = grid, y = density)) +
       ggplot2::geom_line(colour = "#888888") +
-      geom_area(data = data[data$grid < Stop_cut,], fill = "#D55E00",
+      geom_area(data = data[data$grid < Stop_cut,], fill = "#FF0046",
                 mapping = aes(x = ifelse(grid < 0.2 & grid < 0.5, grid, 0))) +
       geom_area(data = data[data$grid > Go_cut,], fill = "#009E73",
                 mapping = aes(x = ifelse(grid > 0.3, grid, 0)))  +
@@ -109,8 +109,8 @@ plotBetaDiff <- function(parY, # parameters of experimental arm
   if (note == TRUE) {
     pbetadiff_plot <- pbetadiff_plot +
-      ggplot2::annotate("text", x = -0.5, y = 4.25, label = Go_label, colour = "#009E73") +
-      ggplot2::annotate("text", x = -0.5, y = 4.75, label = Stop_label, colour = "#D55E00")
+      ggplot2::annotate("text", x = -0.5, y = 3.75, size = 5, label = Stop_label, colour = "#FF0046") +
+      ggplot2::annotate("text", x = -0.5, y = 3.25, size = 5, label = Go_label, colour = "#009E73")
diff --git a/examples/plotBetaDiff.R b/examples/plotBetaDiff.R
index fd8726ec..277e175e 100644
--- a/examples/plotBetaDiff.R
+++ b/examples/plotBetaDiff.R
@@ -1,12 +1,23 @@
 # The beta distribution and acceptable bounds for
-# a meaningful improvement of 0.20 and worsening of 0.05
-parX <- c(1, 52) # parameters of experimental arm
-parY <- c(5.5, 20.5) # parameters of control or SOC
+# a meaningful improvement of 0.20 and worsening of 0.1
+parX <- c(1, 52) # prior  parameters of experimental arm
+parY <- c(5.5, 20.5) # prior  parameters of control or SOC
   parY = parY,
   parX = parX,
   Go_cut = 0.3,
-  Stop_cut = 0.1,
+  Stop_cut = 0.1, # below a difference of 10%, is an unsuccesful trial
+  shade = TRUE,
+  note = TRUE
+# a larger Go_cut with uniform prior
+  parY = c(1, 1), # prior  parameters for experimental arm
+  parX = c(1, 1), # prior parameters for control or SOC arm
+  Go_cut = 0.3,
+  Stop_cut = 0.1, # below a difference of 10%, is an unsuccesful trial
   shade = TRUE,
   note = TRUE
diff --git a/man/plotBetaDiff.Rd b/man/plotBetaDiff.Rd
index 32c0cb7f..ac715de5 100644
--- a/man/plotBetaDiff.Rd
+++ b/man/plotBetaDiff.Rd
@@ -36,14 +36,25 @@ This function will plot the PDF of a difference between two Beta distributions
 # The beta distribution and acceptable bounds for
-# a meaningful improvement of 0.20 and worsening of 0.05
-parX <- c(1, 52) # parameters of experimental arm
-parY <- c(5.5, 20.5) # parameters of control or SOC
+# a meaningful improvement of 0.20 and worsening of 0.1
+parX <- c(1, 52) # prior  parameters of experimental arm
+parY <- c(5.5, 20.5) # prior  parameters of control or SOC
   parY = parY,
   parX = parX,
   Go_cut = 0.3,
-  Stop_cut = 0.1,
+  Stop_cut = 0.1, # below a difference of 10\%, is an unsuccesful trial
+  shade = TRUE,
+  note = TRUE
+# a larger Go_cut with uniform prior
+  parY = c(1, 1), # prior  parameters for experimental arm
+  parX = c(1, 1), # prior parameters for control or SOC arm
+  Go_cut = 0.3,
+  Stop_cut = 0.1, # below a difference of 10\%, is an unsuccesful trial
   shade = TRUE,
   note = TRUE

From c475a98d816fa45dda6bddad34a8ab401625671d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Audrey Yeo <>
Date: Fri, 3 Jan 2025 14:59:31 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 34/36] for PR review before .svg files for test

 tests/testthat/test-plotBetaDiff.R | 22 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 22 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 tests/testthat/test-plotBetaDiff.R

diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-plotBetaDiff.R b/tests/testthat/test-plotBetaDiff.R
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e7c2a091
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-plotBetaDiff.R
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# plotBetaDiff
+test_that("plotBetaDiff works as expected", {
+  result <- plotBetaDiff(
+    parY = c(1, 1),
+    parX = c(6, 10),
+    Go_cut = 0.3,
+    Stop_cut = 0.1, # below a difference of 10%, is an unsuccesful trial
+    shade = TRUE,
+    note = TRUE
+  )
+  result <- plotBetaDiff(
+    parY = c(2, 3),
+    parX = c(4, 10),
+    Go_cut = 0.3,
+    Stop_cut = 0.1, # below a difference of 10%, is an unsuccesful trial
+    shade = TRUE,
+    note = TRUE
+  )
+  vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("", result)
+  vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("", result)

From e500868b3d2d5ef5596175d338b493c1d6a867dc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Audrey Yeo <>
Date: Tue, 7 Jan 2025 10:50:31 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 35/36] some first workings

 R/plotOc.R        | 25 +++++++++++++++++++----
 examples/plotOc.R | 45 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 man/plotOc.Rd     | 51 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 3 files changed, 106 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/R/plotOc.R b/R/plotOc.R
index c4765cdd..9806db9a 100644
--- a/R/plotOc.R
+++ b/R/plotOc.R
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
 #' Display the operating characteristics using an oc object
-#' Reads results from \code{\link{ocPredprob}}, \code{\link{ocPostprob}}
+#' Reads results from [ocPredprob()]
 #' etc. and displays a bar plot of the operating characteristics
-#' @param z returned oc value
+#' @typed oc : list
+#' returned oc parameters
 #' @return nothing, only plots as side effect
 #' @importFrom graphics barplot title
@@ -11,9 +12,25 @@
 #' @example examples/plotOc.R
 #' @export
 #' @keywords graphics
-plotOc <- function(z) {
+plotOc <- function(oc) {
+  if (wiggle == FALSE) {
+    data <-  table(oc$Decision, oc$SampleSize) / oc$params$sim
+  } else {
+  }
+ggplot(oc, aes(x = name, y = value)) +
+  geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
+  ggtitle("Percentage of trials that Go and Stop per look") +
+  ylabs("Percentage %") +
+  xlabs("Looks and sample size")
   ## plot function for oc.predprob or oc.postprob, or the dist versions of them
-  graphics::barplot(table(z$Decision, z$SampleSize) / z$params$sim, beside = TRUE)
+  graphics::barplot(table(oc$Decision, oc$SampleSize) / oc$params$sim, beside = TRUE)
   ## get the parameter
   parDat <- lapply(z$params, deparse)
diff --git a/examples/plotOc.R b/examples/plotOc.R
index 930ca464..647979d1 100644
--- a/examples/plotOc.R
+++ b/examples/plotOc.R
@@ -1,9 +1,46 @@
 # get operating character result from oc.postprob
-res1 <- ocPostprob(
+oc <- ocPostprob(
   nnE = c(10, 20, 30), truep = 0.4, p0 = 0.2,
-  p1 = 0.3, tL = 0.6, tU = 0.8, parE = c(1, 1), sim = 50000
+  p1 = 0.3, tL = 0.6, tU = 0.8, parE = c(1, 1), sim = 100, wiggle = FALSE
+# plotOc(oc)
+oc <- ocPostprob(
+  nnE = c(10, 20, 30), truep = 0.4, p0 = 0.2,
+  p1 = 0.3, tL = 0.6, tU = 0.8, parE = c(1, 1), sim = 100, wiggle = TRUE
+data <- data.frame(Decision = as.factor(oc$Decision),
+           Looks = oc$SampleSize)
+table(data$Decision, data$Looks)
+data %>% group_by(Decision, Looks) %>% summarise(n = n())
+data %>% group_by(SampleSize) %>% summarise(n = n())
+ggplot(dat, aes(x = SampleSize, y = Decision)) +
+  geom_bar(stat = "identity")
+data %>% group_by(Looks, Decision) %>% summarise(tot = n())
+table(oc$Decision, oc$SampleSize) / oc$params$sim
+table(oc$Decision, oc$SampleSize)
+oc$Decision <- ifelse(oc$Decision == TRUE, "GO",
+                      ifelse(oc$Decision == FALSE, "Stop", "Grey"))
+data.frame(looks = c(res1$wiggled_nnrE))
+table(oc$Decision, oc$SampleSize)
+tt = data.frame(Decision = res$Decision,
+                look = res$SampleSize)
+tt %>% group_by(look) %>% summarise(success = per())
diff --git a/man/plotOc.Rd b/man/plotOc.Rd
index 16389213..76965376 100644
--- a/man/plotOc.Rd
+++ b/man/plotOc.Rd
@@ -4,27 +4,64 @@
 \title{Display the operating characteristics using an oc object}
-\item{z}{returned oc value}
+\item{oc}{(\code{list}):\cr returned oc parameters}
 nothing, only plots as side effect
-Reads results from \code{\link{ocPredprob}}, \code{\link{ocPostprob}}
+Reads results from \code{\link[=ocPredprob]{ocPredprob()}}
 etc. and displays a bar plot of the operating characteristics
 # get operating character result from oc.postprob
-res1 <- ocPostprob(
+oc <- ocPostprob(
   nnE = c(10, 20, 30), truep = 0.4, p0 = 0.2,
-  p1 = 0.3, tL = 0.6, tU = 0.8, parE = c(1, 1), sim = 50000
+  p1 = 0.3, tL = 0.6, tU = 0.8, parE = c(1, 1), sim = 100, wiggle = FALSE
+# plotOc(oc)
+oc <- ocPostprob(
+  nnE = c(10, 20, 30), truep = 0.4, p0 = 0.2,
+  p1 = 0.3, tL = 0.6, tU = 0.8, parE = c(1, 1), sim = 100, wiggle = TRUE
+data <- data.frame(Decision = as.factor(oc$Decision),
+           Looks = oc$SampleSize)
+table(data$Decision, data$Looks)
+data \%>\% group_by(Decision, Looks) \%>\% summarise(n = n())
+data \%>\% group_by(SampleSize) \%>\% summarise(n = n())
+ggplot(dat, aes(x = SampleSize, y = Decision)) +
+  geom_bar(stat = "identity")
+data \%>\% group_by(Looks, Decision) \%>\% summarise(tot = n())
+table(oc$Decision, oc$SampleSize) / oc$params$sim
+table(oc$Decision, oc$SampleSize)
+oc$Decision <- ifelse(oc$Decision == TRUE, "GO",
+                      ifelse(oc$Decision == FALSE, "Stop", "Grey"))
+data.frame(looks = c(res1$wiggled_nnrE))
+table(oc$Decision, oc$SampleSize)
+tt = data.frame(Decision = res$Decision,
+                look = res$SampleSize)
+tt \%>\% group_by(look) \%>\% summarise(success = per())

From 69e8517955dcb840495edce7e911138f8270a6e1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Audrey Yeo <>
Date: Tue, 7 Jan 2025 11:05:34 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 36/36] clean git commit -m clean

 examples/plotOc.R | 30 ------------------------------
 1 file changed, 30 deletions(-)

diff --git a/examples/plotOc.R b/examples/plotOc.R
index 647979d1..53216078 100644
--- a/examples/plotOc.R
+++ b/examples/plotOc.R
@@ -14,33 +14,3 @@ oc <- ocPostprob(
-data <- data.frame(Decision = as.factor(oc$Decision),
-           Looks = oc$SampleSize)
-table(data$Decision, data$Looks)
-data %>% group_by(Decision, Looks) %>% summarise(n = n())
-data %>% group_by(SampleSize) %>% summarise(n = n())
-ggplot(dat, aes(x = SampleSize, y = Decision)) +
-  geom_bar(stat = "identity")
-data %>% group_by(Looks, Decision) %>% summarise(tot = n())
-table(oc$Decision, oc$SampleSize) / oc$params$sim
-table(oc$Decision, oc$SampleSize)
-oc$Decision <- ifelse(oc$Decision == TRUE, "GO",
-                      ifelse(oc$Decision == FALSE, "Stop", "Grey"))
-data.frame(looks = c(res1$wiggled_nnrE))
-table(oc$Decision, oc$SampleSize)
-tt = data.frame(Decision = res$Decision,
-                look = res$SampleSize)
-tt %>% group_by(look) %>% summarise(success = per())