Client Library for processing payments through Genesis Payment Processing Gateway. Its highly recommended to checkout "Genesis Payment Gateway API Documentation" first, you can discover it here, in order to get an overview of Genesis's Payment Gateway API and functionality.
- .NET framework 4.5 or later
- clone this repo / download the archive
git clone genesis_dotnet && cd genesis_dotnet
- run build.cmd to build the library
You can use the following request types to initialize various transactions supported by Genesis.
* Authorize
* Authorize3d
* Avs
* InitRecurringSale
* InitRecurringSale3d
* Payout
* Sale
* Sale3d
* WpfCreate
* GooglePay
* ApplePay
* OnlineBanking
* BankPayout
* ContinueRequest
* Blacklist
* SingleChargeback
* MultiChargeback
* SingleReconcile
* MultiReconcile
* SingleRetrievalRequest
* MultiRetrievalRequest
* Capture
* Credit
* RecurringSale
* Refund
* VoidRequest
* WpfReconcile
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Net;
using System.IO;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Reflection;
using Genesis.NetCore;
namespace ExampleConsoleApplication
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
public static void SendRequest()
// Set connection settings
ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = true;
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;
ServicePointManager.CheckCertificateRevocationList = true;
// Set merchant credentials
string username = "YOUR_USERNAME";
string password = "YOUR_PASSWORD";
string token = "YOUR_TOKEN";
// Initialize configuration - endpoint and env
Configuration configuration = new Configuration(
// Initialize Genesis Client
var genesis = Genesis.NetCore.GenesisClientFactory.Create(configuration);
// Create Authorize request
var request = new Genesis.NetCore.Entities.Requests.Initial.Authorize();
// Set request info
var random = new Random();
request.Id = random.Next(1000000, 9000000).ToString();
request.Usage = "Test Genesis.NET SDK";
request.RemoteIp = "";
// Set amount & currency
request.Amount = 3.14M;
request.Currency = Genesis.NetCore.Common.Iso4217CurrencyCodes.EUR;
// Set card info
request.CardHolder = "John Smith";
request.CardNumber = "4200000000000000";
request.ExpirationMonth = "6";
request.ExpirationYear = "2029";
request.Cvv = "888";
request.Moto = false;
// Set customer info
request.CustomerEmail = "";
request.CustomerPhone = "888888888";
// Set Billing Address
request.BillingAddress = new Genesis.NetCore.Entities.Address
Country = Genesis.NetCore.Common.Iso3166CountryCodes.BG,
City = "Sofia",
State = "Sofia",
Address1 = "Street 1",
ZipCode = "1407",
FirstName = "John",
LastName = "Smith"
// Set Shipping Address
request.ShippingAddress = new Genesis.NetCore.Entities.Address
Country = Genesis.NetCore.Common.Iso3166CountryCodes.BG,
City = "Sofia",
State = "Sofia",
Address1 = "Street 1",
ZipCode = "1407",
FirstName = "John",
LastName = "Smith"
// Business Attributes
request.BusinessAttributes = new Genesis.NetCore.Entities.Attributes.Request.Financial.Business.BusinessAttributes
// Business Airlines Air Carriers
FlightArrivalDate = "23-12-2030",
FlightDepartureDate = "23-12-2030",
AirlineCode = "C0D3",
AirlineFlightNumber = "FLIGHT_NUMBER",
FlightTicketNumber = "TICKET_NUMBER",
FlightOriginCity = "ORIGIN_CITY",
FlightDestinationCity = "DESTINATION_CITY",
AirlineTourOperatorName = "TOUR_OPERATOR",
// Event Management
EventStartDate = "23-12-2030",
EventEndDate = "24-12-2030",
EventOrganizerId = "ORGANIZER_ID",
EventId = "EVENT_ID",
// Furniture
DateOfOrder = "23-12-2030",
DeliveryDate = "24-12-2030",
NameOfTheSupplier = "SUPPLIER_NAME",
// Hotels and Real estate rentals
CheckInDate = "23-12-2030",
CheckOutDate = "24-12-2030",
TravelAgencyName = "TRAVEL_AGENCY",
// Car, Plane and Boat Rentals
VehiclePickUpDate = "23-12-2030",
VehicleReturnDate = "24-12-2030",
SupplierName = "SUPPLIER_NAME",
// Cruise Lines
CruiseStartDate = "23-12-2030",
CruiseEndDate = "23-12-2030",
// Travel Agencies
ArrivalDate = "23-12-2030",
DepartureDate = "24-12-2030",
CarrierCode = "CARRIER_CODE",
FlightNumber = "FLIGHT_NUMBER",
TicketNumber = "TICKET_NUMBER",
OriginCity = "ORIGIN_CITY",
DestinationCity = "DESTINATION_CITY",
TravelAgency = "TRAVEL_AGENCY",
ContractorName = "CONTRACTOR_NAME",
AtolCertificate = "ATOL_CERTIFICATE",
PickUpDate = "22-12-2030",
ReturnDate = "25-12-2030",
// Payment Type
PaymentType = "deposit"
Genesis.NetCore.Entities.Responses.Error.CardTransactionErrorResponse> result = genesis.Execute(request);
Console.WriteLine($"{nameof(result.IsSuccessful)}: {result.IsSuccessful}");
if (result.IsSuccessful)
Console.WriteLine($"{nameof(result.SuccessResponse.Status)}: {result.SuccessResponse.Status}");
Console.WriteLine($"{nameof(result.SuccessResponse.TransactionId)}: {result.SuccessResponse.TransactionId}");
Console.WriteLine($"{nameof(result.SuccessResponse.UniqueId)}: {result.SuccessResponse.UniqueId}");
Console.WriteLine($"{nameof(result.ErrorResponse.Status)}: {result.ErrorResponse.Status}");
Console.WriteLine($"{nameof(result.ErrorResponse.TransactionId)}: {result.ErrorResponse.TransactionId}");
Console.WriteLine($"{nameof(result.ErrorResponse.UniqueId)}: {result.ErrorResponse.UniqueId}");
Console.WriteLine($"{nameof(result.ErrorResponse.Message)}: {result.ErrorResponse.Message}");
Console.WriteLine($"{nameof(result.ErrorResponse.TechnicalMessage)}: {result.ErrorResponse.TechnicalMessage}");
Example WPF request
Random random = new Random();
Genesis.NetCore.Entities.Requests.Initial.WpfCreate request = new Genesis.NetCore.Entities.Requests.Initial.WpfCreate()
TransactionId = random.Next(1000000, 9000000).ToString(),
Usage = "Genesis.NET test",
Amount = 1,
Currency = Iso4217CurrencyCodes.EUR,
ConsumerId = "123456", // only avaialable with enabled Tokenization, contact your Account Manager
RememberCard = "true", // only avaialable with enabled Tokenization, contact your Account Manager
CustomerEmail = "",
CustomerPhone = "3598888888888",
Description = "description",
TransactionTypes = new Composite[] {
new Composite() { { "name", TransactionTypes.Sale.ToString() } },
new Composite() { { "name", TransactionTypes.Authorize.ToString() } }
ReturnCancelUrl = "",
ReturnFailureUrl = "",
ReturnSuccessUrl = "",
NotificationUrl = "",
BillingAddress = new Address()
Address1 = "billing address1",
Address2 = "billing address2",
City = "billing city",
Country = Iso3166CountryCodes.BG,
FirstName = "billing first name",
LastName = "billing last name",
State = "BS",
ZipCode = "1000"
ShippingAddress = new Address()
Address1 = "shipping address1",
Address2 = "shipping address2",
City = "shipping city",
Country = Iso3166CountryCodes.BG,
FirstName = "shipping first name",
LastName = "shipping last name",
State = "BS",
ZipCode = "1000"
BusinessAttributes = new Genesis.NetCore.Entities.Attributes.Request.Financial.Business.BusinessAttributes()
// Business Airlines Air Carriers
FlightArrivalDate = "23-12-2030",
FlightDepartureDate = "23-12-2030",
AirlineCode = "C0D3",
AirlineFlightNumber = "FLIGHT_NUMBER",
FlightTicketNumber = "TICKET_NUMBER",
FlightOriginCity = "ORIGIN_CITY",
FlightDestinationCity = "DESTINATION_CITY",
AirlineTourOperatorName = "TOUR_OPERATOR",
// Event Management
EventStartDate = "23-12-2030",
EventEndDate = "24-12-2030",
EventOrganizerId = "ORGANIZER_ID",
EventId = "EVENT_ID",
// Furniture
DateOfOrder = "23-12-2030",
DeliveryDate = "24-12-2030",
NameOfTheSupplier = "SUPPLIER_NAME",
// Hotels and Real estate rentals
CheckInDate = "23-12-2030",
CheckOutDate = "24-12-2030",
TravelAgencyName = "TRAVEL_AGENCY",
// Car, Plane and Boat Rentals
VehiclePickUpDate = "23-12-2030",
VehicleReturnDate = "24-12-2030",
SupplierName = "SUPPLIER_NAME",
// Cruise Lines
CruiseStartDate = "23-12-2030",
CruiseEndDate = "23-12-2030",
// Travel Agencies
ArrivalDate = "23-12-2030",
DepartureDate = "24-12-2030",
CarrierCode = "CARRIER_CODE",
FlightNumber = "FLIGHT_NUMBER",
TicketNumber = "TICKET_NUMBER",
OriginCity = "ORIGIN_CITY",
DestinationCity = "DESTINATION_CITY",
TravelAgency = "TRAVEL_AGENCY",
ContractorName = "CONTRACTOR_NAME",
AtolCertificate = "ATOL_CERTIFICATE",
PickUpDate = "22-12-2030",
ReturnDate = "25-12-2030",
// Payment Type
PaymentType = "deposit"
PayLater = "true",
ReminderLanguage = WpfLocales.EN,
Reminders = new List<Reminder>
new Reminder
After = 40,
Channel = "email"
new Reminder
After = 10,
Channel = "sms"
Sca = new Sca
Exemption = ScaExemptions.LowValue
WebPaymentFormId = "1"
> res = genesis.Execute(request);
Example Sale3D v2 request with "Continue" request
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Net;
using Genesis.NetCore;
using Genesis.NetCore.Common;
using Genesis.NetCore.Entities;
using Genesis.NetCore.Entities.Attributes.Request.Financial.Cards.ThreedsV2;
using Genesis.NetCore.Entities.Attributes.Request.Financial.Cards.ThreedsV2.Enums;
using Genesis.NetCore.Entities.Enums;
using Genesis.NetCore.Entities.Requests.Initial;
using Genesis.NetCore.Entities.Requests.Initial.Threedsv2;
namespace ConsoleTest3dv2Requests
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("End. Press any key...");
static void TestSale3d()
// Set connection settings
ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = true;
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;
ServicePointManager.CheckCertificateRevocationList = true;
// Set merchant credentials
string username = "YOUR_USERNAME";
string password = "YOUR_PASSWORD";
string token = "YOUR_TOKEN";
// Initialize configuration - endpoint and env
var configuration = new Configuration(
// Initialize Genesis Client
var client = GenesisClientFactory.Create(configuration);
Random random = new Random();
var request = new Sale3d()
Id = random.Next(1000000, 9000000).ToString(),
Usage = "40208 concert tickets",
RemoteIp = "",
Amount = 50,
Currency = Genesis.NetCore.Common.Iso4217CurrencyCodes.USD,
CardHolder = "FirstName LastName",
CustomerEmail = "",
CustomerPhone = "+1678678678678",
// Test Cases
CardNumber = "4012000000060085", // Test Case: Synchronous 3DSv2 Request with Frictionless flow
// CardNumber = "4066330000000004", // Test Case: Asynchronous 3DSv2 Request with 3DS-Method and Frictionless flow
// CardNumber = "4918190000000002", // Test Case: Asynchronous 3DSv2 Request with Challenge flow
// CardNumber = "4938730000000001", // Test Case: Asynchronous 3DSv2 Request with 3DS-Method Challenge flow
// CardNumber = "4901170000000003", // Test Case: Asynchronous 3DSv2 Request with Fallback flow
// CardNumber = "4901164281364345", // Test Case: Asynchronous 3DSv2 Request with 3DS-Method Fallback flow
ExpirationMonth = "1",
ExpirationYear = "2029",
Cvv = "888",
BillingAddress = new Address()
Address1 = "Muster Str. 18",
City = "Los Angeles",
Country = Iso3166CountryCodes.US,
FirstName = "John",
LastName = "Smith",
State = "CA",
ZipCode = "10178"
ShippingAddress = new Address()
Address1 = "Muster Str. 18",
City = "Los Angeles",
Country = Iso3166CountryCodes.US,
FirstName = "John",
LastName = "Smith",
State = "CA",
ZipCode = "10178"
NotificationUrl = "",
ReturnSuccessUrl = "",
ReturnFailureUrl = "",
ThreeDSv2 = new ThreeDSv2
ThreedsMethod = new ThreedsMethod()
CallbackUrl = "",
Control = new Control()
DeviceType = DeviceTypes.Browser,
ChallengeWindowSize = ChallengeWindowSizes.FullScreen,
ChallengeIndicator = ChallengeIndicators.Preference
Purchase = new Purchase()
Category = PurchaseCategories.Service
MerchantRisk = new MerchantRisk()
ShippingIndicator = ShippingIndicators.VerifiedAddress,
DeliveryTimeframe = DeliveryTimeframes.Electronic,
ReorderItemsIndicator = ReorderItemsIndicators.Reordered,
PreOrderPurchaseIndicator = PreOrderPurchaseIndicators.MerchandiseAvailable,
PreOrderDate = new DateTime(2030, 12, 31).Date,
GiftCard = true,
GiftCardCount = 99
CardHolderAccount = new CardHolderAccount()
CreationDate = new DateTime(2020, 05, 25).Date,
UpdateIndicator = UpdateIndicators.MoreThan60Days,
LastChangeDate = new DateTime(2021, 02, 25).Date,
PasswordChangeIndicator = PasswordChangeIndicators.NoChange,
PasswordChangeDate = new DateTime(2021, 05, 10).Date,
ShippingAddressUsageIndicator = ShippingAddressUsageIndicators.CurrentTransaction,
ShippingAddressDateFirstUsed = new DateTime(2021, 05, 20).Date,
TransactionsActivityLast24Hours = 2,
TransactionsActivityPreviousYear = 10,
ProvisionAttemptsLast24Hours = 1,
PurchasesCountLast6Months = 5,
SuspiciousActivityIndicator = SuspiciousActivityIndicators.NoSuspiciousObserved,
RegistrationIndicator = RegistrationIndicators.From30To60Days,
RegistrationDate = new DateTime(2020, 05, 25).Date,
Browser = new Browser()
AcceptHeader = "*/*",
JavaEnabled = false,
Language = "en-GB",
ColorDepth = 24,
ScreenHeight = 900,
ScreenWidth = 1440,
TimeZoneOffset = -120,
UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/78.0.3904.97 Safari/537.36",
Sdk = new Sdk()
Interface = Interfaces.Native,
UiTypes = new List<UiTypes>
ApplicationId = Guid.Parse("fc1650c0-5778-0138-8205-2cbc32a32d65"),
EncryptedData = "encrypted-data-here",
EphemeralPublicKeyPair = "public-key-pair",
MaxTimeout = 10,
ReferenceNumber = "sdk-reference-number-here"
//Recurring = new Recurring()
// ExpirationDate = new DateTime(2022, 11, 25).Date,
// Frequency = 30,
//Sca = new Sca()
// Exemption = ScaExemptions.LowRisk
var response = client.Execute(request);
if (response.IsSuccessful)
Console.WriteLine("--- Response is successful.");
Console.WriteLine($"Unique id:\t\t{response.SuccessResponse.UniqueId}");
if (response.SuccessResponse.Status.HasValue)
Console.WriteLine($"Status: \t\t{response.SuccessResponse.Status}");
switch (response.SuccessResponse.Status.Value)
case Genesis.NetCore.Entities.Enums.TransactionStates.Approved:
Console.WriteLine("--- --- Transaction is Approved.");
Console.WriteLine("--- Test Case: Synchronous 3DSv2 Request with Frictionless flow");
case Genesis.NetCore.Entities.Enums.TransactionStates.PendingAsync:
Console.WriteLine("--- Transaction is pending - interaction between consumer and issuer is required.");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(response.SuccessResponse.RedirectUrl))
Console.WriteLine("--- 3DSv2 Challenge");
Console.WriteLine("--- Test Case: Asynchronous 3DSv2 Request with Challenge flow or Fallback flow");
Console.WriteLine($"Redirect type:\t{response.SuccessResponse.RedirectUrlType}");
Console.WriteLine($"Redirect url:\t{response.SuccessResponse.RedirectUrl}");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(response.SuccessResponse.ThreedsMethodUrl))
Console.WriteLine($"Time: \t{response.SuccessResponse.Time.ToString("o", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}");
Console.WriteLine($"ProxyAmount: \t{response.SuccessResponse.ProxyAmount}");
var signature = response.SuccessResponse.GenerateSignature(configuration);
Console.WriteLine($"Signature: \t{signature}");
var continueRequest = new Genesis.NetCore.Entities.Requests.Initial.Threedsv2.ContinueRequest(response.SuccessResponse, configuration);
var continueResponse = client.Execute(continueRequest);
if (continueResponse.IsSuccessful)
Console.WriteLine("--- --- Continue request successful.");
Console.WriteLine($"UniqueId: \t\t{continueResponse.SuccessResponse.UniqueId}");
Console.WriteLine($"TransactionId: \t\t{continueResponse.SuccessResponse.TransactionId}");
Console.WriteLine($"Amount: \t\t{continueResponse.SuccessResponse.Amount}");
Console.WriteLine($"Status: \t\t{continueResponse.SuccessResponse.Status}");
if (continueResponse.SuccessResponse.Status == TransactionStates.Approved)
Console.WriteLine("--- --- Transaction is Approved.");
Console.WriteLine("--- Test Case: Asynchronous 3DSv2 Request with 3DS-Method and Frictionless flow.");
if (continueResponse.SuccessResponse.Status == TransactionStates.PendingAsync)
Console.WriteLine("--- --- Status is pending async!");
Console.WriteLine("--- Test Case: Asynchronous 3DSv2 Request with 3DS-Method Challenge flow or 3DS-Method Fallback flow");
Console.WriteLine($"RedirectUrlType: \t{continueResponse.SuccessResponse.RedirectUrlType}");
Console.WriteLine($"RedirectUrl: \t\t{continueResponse.SuccessResponse.RedirectUrl}");
Console.WriteLine("--- --- Continue request error.");
Console.WriteLine($"Status: \t\t{continueResponse.ErrorResponse.Status}");
Console.WriteLine($"UniqueId: \t\t{continueResponse.ErrorResponse.UniqueId}");
Console.WriteLine($"Message: \t\t{continueResponse.ErrorResponse.Message}");
Console.WriteLine($"TechnicalMessage: \t{continueResponse.ErrorResponse.TechnicalMessage}");
case TransactionStates.Declined:
Console.WriteLine("--- --- Transaction is Declined.");
Console.WriteLine("--- Response not successful (error).");
Console.WriteLine($"Unique id:\t\t{response.ErrorResponse.UniqueId}");
Console.WriteLine($"Status: \t\t{response.ErrorResponse.Status}");
Console.WriteLine($"Message: \t\t{response.ErrorResponse.Message}");
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("--- Exception!");
var x = ex;
while (x.InnerException != null)
x = x.InnerException;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ex.StackTrace))
Console.WriteLine("--- Stack trace:");
With the asynchronous payment flows like Web Payment Form the Gateway sends the transaction events upon status change on the defined notification_url. The library contains a Notification module that helps handle the received gateway notification and can provide easy reconciliation execution.
// Set merchant credentials
string username = "YOUR_USERNAME";
string password = "YOUR_PASSWORD";
string token = "YOUR_TOKEN";
// Initialize configuration - endpoint and env
Configuration configuration = new Configuration(
var notificationData = string.Format("transaction_id={0}&unique_id={1}&transaction_type={2}&terminal_token={3}&status={4}&signature={5}",
Notification notification = Notification.Parse(notificationData);
// Validate the Notification
// Process the notification
// Output the expected response from the Gateway
Managed Recurring provides the option to automatically schedule recurring transactions for a specific day and time. Managed Recurring is available after additional configuration.
In order to suit the gateway requirements of sending the amount
or max_amount
as an integer we are providing an option of doing such minor currency conversion with the help of the library's internal tools.
You can do it in the following way:
ManagedRecurring = new ManagedRecurring()
Mode = Mode.Automatic,
Interval = Interval.Days,
FirstDate = "2040-12-18",
TimeOfDay = 5,
Period = 22,
Amount = new Money(Iso4217CurrencyCodes.USD, 5.5M).MinorAmount,
MaxCount = 10
More example requests can be found in the library's specs class Genesis.NETCore.Specs.Mocks.RequestMocksFactory
More information about each one of the request types can be found in the Genesis API Documentation
The Smart Routing API is a higher-level abstraction that allows for simpler and more efficient gateway Processing API integration, that doesn't require the terminal token as part of the URL when creating transactions'
By default the Smart Router is disabled. Contact your account manager to use the functionality.
To enable it in the code, set useSmartRouting
parameter to true
in Configuration
// Set merchant credentials
string username = "YOUR_USERNAME";
string password = "YOUR_PASSWORD";
string token = "YOUR_TOKEN"; // <-- not used by 'Smart Routing' requests
// Initialize configuration - endpoint and env
Configuration configuration = new Configuration(
environment: Environments.Staging,
terminalToken: token,
apiLogin: username,
apiPassword: password,
endpoint: Endpoints.eMerchantPay,
useSmartRouting: true // <-- default value is: false
This software is licensed under the MIT license, quoted here.