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File metadata and controls

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Docker setup

You can setup your project to use docker.


Getting started

  1. You need to create a .env file to store your docker environment.

    You can also copy .env.docker-example to .env. It contains some of the default env variables.

    Note: As this file is mandatory, you don't have to put variables in it. As long as it exists, it's fine.

  2. Build the docker containers docker-compose build

  3. Run the docker services docker-compose up

  4. The DjangoCMS should be running at http://localhost:8080

  5. You need to create your super user with:

    docker-compose run web python createsuperuser

Base image

The base image of our web container is located in docker/base. Its a prebuild Python 3.5-alpine image with libsass dependencies.

Its used to speedup the usage of docker.

Developer setup

The developer setup consists of a docker-compose configuration that combines:

  • A PostgreSQL database (db) mounted on pgdata_dev
  • A web container for DjangoCMS (web) mount on .

You can run the setup with: docker-compose up or ./ up

The developer setup serve the static/media files via Python. It also mount the local directory directly in the container. So every local changes will be reflected in the container.

Docker files

  • Dockerfile: The Dockerfile for the web container.
  • docker-compose.yml: The base configuration for all docker-compose setups.
  • docker-compose.override.yml: The developer setup override configuration file.

Production deployment

The production setup consists of a docker-compose configuration that combines:

  • A PostgreSQL database (db) mounted on pgdata
  • A web container for DjangoCMS (web) running Gunicorn.
  • A Nginx server to serve static files
  1. Pull the repository

  2. Build docker compose

    docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f build or ./ prod build

  3. Start docker compose

    docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f up or ./ prod up

The application will be hosted on the port :1337. For example: http://localhost:1337/

Docker files

  • docker/Dockerfile: The Dockerfile for the production web container.
  • docker/nginx: A directory containing Nginx Dockerfile and configuration files.
  • docker/gunicorn.conf: A Gunicorn configuration file to allow setting config via environment variable prefixed by GUNICORN_.
  • docker-compose.yml: The base configuration for all docker-compose setups.
  • The production configuration for docker-compose

Docker tools

At the root of the repository, you can find a script called d

This script is a shortcut for some of the docker commands.

You can always run any command on your docker-compose with: d <command>

To run command on production, you need to run: d prod <command>

Command Description Unix WIN
shell Open a shell into the web container ./ shell d shell
exec Execute something in the container ./ exec python -V d exec python -V
bash Execute a bash terminal in the container ./ bash d bash
Eventually, more commands will be added to automate some tasks.