- SDK now randomize questions, marked as random
- fix a bug, where campaigns would resize incorrectly when returning from background
- localised string file, can now be partial adopted. Missing string in customer file, will be read from default
- added properties to disable "powered by" logo click-ability
- Fixes crash under iOS 13, after dismissing campaign, and rotating device
- Build with Xcode 12.0 to support swift package
- Added Swift Package Support ( Binary Target - xcframework)
- Fixes crash under iOS 13, after dismissing campaign, and rotating device
- Fixes swipe-to-remove campaigns under iOS 13, in some situation causing a UI freeze
- build with Xcode 11.4, to support Carthage
- Fixes issue where banner could overlap safe-area
- Fixes issue where targeting on other languages could fail
- Fixes issue with font in HTML enabled paragraphs
- Fixes issue with crash under iOS 13
- Fixes issue where SDK, in some cases could crash if a campaign was canceled by user, and a new was triggered
- Fixes issue where error-text in form could overlap card components (iOS 10+)
- Framework compiled for Module Format Stability
- issue where error message is truncated
- iPad iOS 13 issue
- Font issue for title
- Truncation of title in elements
- User can, after selecting an image, draw on the image to mask or highlight features
- crash when only landscape was selected in Device Orientation
- Carthage changed to use binary (thanks to Igor Palaguta)
- User can choose between camera or image library as source when adding screenshot
- Issue where form didn't always scroll up when keyboard was presented
- Issue where jump-rules on end page didn't work correctly
- Method to mask personal identifiable information in the public interface.
- Method to remove a displayed form programmatically.
- Runtime warning
- Support for Xcode 10.2
- Developer can force a specific orientation for the SDK, overriding the device orientation
- ProgressBar hides or shows, according to settings in Form or Campaign editor
- ProgressBar displays progress correct
- Drop-downs now react correctly on touch
- Changed secondary button color to text color
- Links in Paragraphs now appears with the right text color
- Alignment issue on text in banner
- Fixed an issue where a malformed Campaign could make the SDK crash
- Header layout corrected
- Typo in "usa_localizable.strings"; usa_screnshot_placeholder changed to usa_screenshot_placeholder
- Improved SDK documentation
- Fixing rotation issue, that could occur in Campaigns
- Release issue
- Minor change to podspec file
- Support for 32 and 64 bit
- Code changed to handle statusBarStyle under iOS 12 as well
- Design changes to Forms and Campaigns
- LLVM issue
- Paragraph component cells overlay on top of other cells.
- Support for Xcode 10
- Accessibility/VoiceOver: Better Accessibilty for the slider component.
- Accessibility/VoiceOver: Change the mood component labels.
- Support for Xcode 10 beta
- Add animations to the Mood component.
- Support for Xcode 9.4
- Minor improvements in the SDK.
- Accessibility/VoiceOver: Support Dynamic type only for iOS 11+.
- Accessibility/VoiceOver: Toast duration is increased depending on the text length.
- Accessibility/VoiceOver: Fix the banner mood component moving to the next page when the campaign has no continue button.
- Fix the color of
Powered by usabilla
to be setup by the theme.
- Rename
- Remove
option from the SDK interface.
- Support for Xcode 9.3
- Accessibility/VoiceOver: Fix the NPS Component value that was not changing.
- Accessibility/VoiceOver: fix for the PickerView component.
- Accessibility/VoiceOver: fix an unhandeled jump while the screenshot component is visible.
- Accessibility/VoiceOver support for Screenshot and PickerView components.
- Added callback parameter to the initialize method to notify when it's finished. See the Readme for more information
- Accessibility/VoiceOver support for Checkboxes, radio buttons and other minor components
- Moved the cancel button to the right side on the end page
- Screenshot component UI
- Fixed the placeholder on the text area not correctly displaying on multiple lines
- Add accessibility/VoiceOver support for
- Rating control (mood, star)
- Navigation/Focus management between views
- Required fields indicator
- Fix UIBarButtonItem appearance customizations that may affect the host application
- Support for Xcode 9.1
- Ability to enable debug logs in order to have more insights from the SDK while developing:
Usabilla.debugEnabled = true
- Display Passive Feedback Forms as a formSheet on iPad by default
- Design improvements for iPhone X
- Design and interaction improvements of the picker component iPhone & iPad
- Internal networking optimisation to reducing network usage when using Campaigns
- Fix status bar colour for campaign modal window
- Fix campaign navigation bar button colour in iOS 11
- Fix capitalization behaviour in e-mail component
- Fix placeholder text display behaviour on text area component
- Fix for the ‘bold’ HTML tag in iOS 11
- Added targeted active feedback functionalities. See the readme for more detail.
- Update default smilies and stars.
- Renamed
. - Renamed
. - Renamed
method toinitialize(appID: String?)
. Calling this method is now mandatory to start the SDK. - Changed
formLoadedCorrectly(_ form: UINavigationController)
toformDidLoad(form: UINavigationController)
. - Changed
formFailedLoading(_ backupForm: UINavigationController)
toformDidFailLoading(error: UBError)
. - Changed
formDidClose(_ form: UINavigationController, formID: String, with feedbackResults: [FeedbackResult], isRedirectToAppStoreEnabled: Bool)
toformDidClose(formID: String, withFeedbackResults results: [FeedbackResult], isRedirectToAppStoreEnabled: Bool)
. - Changed
formWillClose(_ form: UINavigationController, formID: String, with feedbackResults: [FeedbackResult], isRedirectToAppStoreEnabled: Bool)
toformWillClose(form: UINavigationController, formID: String, withFeedbackResults results: [FeedbackResult], isRedirectToAppStoreEnabled: Bool)
. - Changed
formFailedLoading(_ backupForm: UINavigationController)
toformDidFailLoading(error: UBError)
. - Changed
loadFeedbackForm(_ appId: String, screenshot: UIImage?, customVariables: [String: Any]?, themeConfig: UsabillaThemeConfigurator)
toloadFeedbackForm(_ formID: String, screenshot: UIImage?, theme: UsabillaTheme)
. - Refactored
. See the readme for more detail. - Redesigned the NPS component
- Fixed feedback title not being displayed
- Removed
property. The cancel button will now be always displayed. - Removed the possibility to add specialised custom variables to passive forms. The global custom variables will be used instead from now on.
- Fixed an encoding problem that would sometimes corrupt the screenshot sent to our servers
- Fixed a crash that could occur in iOS 10 on specific forms
- Delegate methods
now have an extra parameter, calledisRedirectToAppStoreEnabled
, that will reflect the ratings prompt toggle present in the web interface
- New delegate method called
, that will be called when the form needs to be dismissed (see documentation for more info)
- Delegate method
will now be called only after the form has actually been closed - The redirect to the app store feature has been updated to be in accordance with Apple's new guidelines on rating and reviews
- Wrong delegate method being called when a form failed loading
- Error label being incorrectly placed behind the slider
- Crash when dealing with multiple end pages and jump rules
- Nested visibility rule #44
- Checkbox control multiple line display #42
- Scrolling issue when typing within a title #46
- Button text in Thank You Page are now limited to one line.
- The screenshot title set in the web interface is now correctly applied in the SDK
- Fixed a bug that would not restore the status bar to it's original color
- HTML in paragraph is now correctly rendered
- Added the possibility to preload a form to make it available to the user even when offline. See the wiki for more informations.
- The title of the thank you page is no longer being truncateds
- Form caching. Forms loaded from our servers will be now cached locally and will be correctly displayed even when the user is offline.
- Updated SDK to be compatible with Swift 3.1
- Removed some unecessary logs
- Redirect to App Store button not working correctly
- The mood control now correctly displays the 2 or 3 options mode
- The feedback result access level has been set to public
- Added the
parameter toformDidClose
- Importing framework issue: "cannot load underlying module for 'UsabillaFeedbackForm'"
- UsabillaFeedbackForm.dismissAutomatically Bool attribute to handle automatic or manual form dismiss
- formDidClose delegate method of UsabillaFeedbackFormDelegate protocol, take a look at the documentation
- Screenshot image picker orientation always in portrait: now showing in the same orientation as previous view controller
- Unexpected scrolling when typing in textfield
- Synchronization (thread) issue that could freeze the user interface
- Textfield position when the keyboard is showing up
- Carthage compatibility
- Caching for feedback: when there is no internet connection feedbacks are now saved and sent when a connection is back.
Follow these steps in order to enable the caching feature.
- Alamofire dependency
- PromiseKit dependency
- Issue with the rating control (star and mood) where it was not reset correctly after reuse
- The methods from
protocol are now executed in the same thread of the one where theUsabillaFeedbackForm.loadFeedbackForm
method is executed.
Be sure to execute the present(form....)
on the Main thread if you are calling UsabillaFeedbackForm.loadFeedbackForm
in a background thread and want the form to correctly show.
- Possibility to configure font size in the SDK. See the wiki for more info.
- Possibility to set the titles of the form in bold.
- Added new "Add screenshot" call to action. See the wiki for more info.
- New field specific error message. This error will appear, under the field title, when the user tries to move forward in the form without having filled all mandatory fields.
- The navigation bar now has it's own color 'headerColor', settable in the SDK. If set, it will override the default color group.
- Revamped and polsihed the UI.
- The screenshot will now keep its aspect ratio, stretching the form if necessary.
- Small bug in the paragraph component.
- Updated to compile against Swift 3.0
- Improved email validation
- Renamed 'feedbackFormLoadedCorrectly' to 'formLoadedCorrectly'
- Renamed 'feedbackFormLoadedIncorrectly' to 'formFailedLoading'
- Updated all dependencies to version '~> 4.0.0'
- Removed support to 10 button NPS, now defaults to slider
- It is now possible to set most text fields (like submit, cancel, redirect to play store) from the web interface
- Fixed a bug that could occur in the last page of the form if the thank you message was too long
- The give more feedback button is now hidden by default. It is possible to show it by setting UsabillaFeedbackForm.hideGiveMoreFeedback = false
- Fixed a bug that would cause some element to be rendered incorrectly on their first appearance
- Colour customisation from the Usabilla web interface is now supported
- Reworked the theme configuration, now every form has its own configuration object
- Renamed initSDKWithScreenshot to loadFeedbackForm
- Fixed a memory leak what could cause problems with multiple openings of a form
- Fixed a crash that would occur when using a custom font that was not bundling the bold and italic version. It is still recommended to use the whole font family when setting a custom font.
- SDK updated to be compatible with Swift 2.3
- Fixed some broken constraint
- Fixed typo on UsabillaFeedbackFormDelegate
- Reduced number of dependencies
- In UsabillaThemeConfigurator, statusBarColor has been changed from UIBarStyle to UIStatusBarStyle
- SDK no longer use custom font as default
- Minor fixes and improvements
- Fixed a crash occurring when there was no internet connection
- Fixed some localisation issues
- Removed some unnecessary dependencies