- Check redirects
- Redirect Original
- Forcefully change to preferred instance. Load a instance link use the recycle button near frontend in popup menu which forces the site to be loaded in preferred instance.
- Switch Instance
- Copy Original links
- Keyboard Shortcuts
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UsR08cY8k0A
YouTube Music (Tested with YouTube turned off)
Homepage - https://music.youtube.com Page - https://hyperpipe.surge.sh/channel/UCPC0L1d253x-KuMNwa05TpA Explore - https://hyperpipe.surge.sh/explore/
Twitch -https://www.twitch.tv/pokimane
TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@zoecolletti?lang=en
Reddit & Imgur (Embeds)
- https://www.reddit.com/61ns2w/
Medium - https://zora.medium.com/so-what-if-they-did-thoughts-on-affirmative-action-b714834da28b
Quora - https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-equivalent-weight-of-hydrocloric-acid
Pinterest - https://www.pinterest.com/aldiukstores/aldi-recipes/
IMDb - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt23556786/ [Check if new URL schemes are supported by the Dev.]
Fandom - https://naruto.fandom.com
Genius - https://genius.com/Doja-cat-demons-lyrics
Urbandictionary - https://urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Roads
Stackoverflow - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16330404/how-to-remove-remote-origin-from-a-git-repository
Goodreads - https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/3869.A_Brief_History_of_Time
Bandcamp - https://thorwegian.bandcamp.com/track/just-because
Instructables - https://instructables.com/DIY-Arduino-Obstacle-Avoiding-Car-at-Home/
P.S. I haven't been testing the extension for few releases. So, there is a lot of new and removed frontends. Remove and add them as needed.
When there is a new PR to this file. Please assign me (IkelAtomig) or request as a reviewer to merge it.