Agrigain Locura Ventures is a Nigerian startup agri-tech company founded in 2022 that specializes in providing comprehensive solutions to small-scale rice farmers. Our primary focus is on enhancing the agricultural value chain by offering farm inputs, engaging in rice processing, facilitating market linkages etc “We started Agrigain from the thought of having a safe means of supplying agricultural products to people with limited sourcing scope and now we are focused on not only serving the best of products but also working to change the economy of Nigeria agriculture sector and that of Africa at large through creating direct market linkage for small-Medium scale farmers and also Value addition to general Agro products. Through our comprehensive approach, we aim to empower small-scale rice farmers by providing them with quality inputs, processing their produce into a value-added product, facilitating secure market linkages, optimizing logistics solutions, and streamlining warehousing operations. By making the commodity value chain flow more efficiently, we contribute to the growth and sustainability of agriculture in Nigeria