A friendly introduction to "HJ-580XP" tiny BLE Module, resorces and example of use with Arduino Uno.
Apart from its tiny 5*6.2mm size, this ble is also quite cheap but the best of all is that it runs on 2.5V - 3.7V and it has Ultra-low power consumption mode of 2uA - 11.5uA !!!
Seems like to be one of the smallest BLE modules i've ever found out there on the Internet! and i feel amazing that i finally got it working after so many Issues and dificulties i came across, especially based on my experience with such so tiny electronics and my knowledge of electronics in general [...]
- Based on the first image under:
ARDUINO BLE Description Pages GND P06 Enables Uart RX Pin d10, s6 D11 P05/RX Receives From D11 d10, s17 D10 P04/TX Transmits To D10 d10, s17 D7 P00 Configuration Mode d9, s7 3.3V 3.3V 3.3V Source d10 GND GND Ground d10
- This type of connection series, allows you not to have all, but most of the functionalities of BLE available.
- s stands for shoftware-manual and d for datasheet
Some examples to get you started, can be found under this repository i forked (in case of anything happening to the original one)
which ended up helping me create my own example, under the folder examples here in this repository.
- Resorces
L Type Sources Description 0 Shoftware Manual dialog AT Comands & etc. 1 Datasheet dialog Datasheet 2 A Project aprbrother BLE - Old Framework? 3 BLE Part EasyEda BLE Part on EasyEda 4 Serial arduino Serial Comunication 5 BLE Part Ebay Where I bought it 6 3D Model grabcad 3D model of BLE 7 Discussion Forum Arduino Forum
L : All files needed are "localy" stored in this repository or forked too, in case of any URL or repository expiration
- Make sure you have "HJ-580XP" and not "HJ-580LA" version.
XP comes PREPROGRAMMED insted of LA which is not
In case you bought **LA** check this:
- It is called "HJ-580XP" althought seems like it's called "HJ-580X" too.
- If P06 is not grounded for at least 5ms before sending data from arduino's D10 to P05/RX pin, the data won't be read from the BLE.
- As much as i can be aware, at least mine "HJ-580XP", doesn't look like the one on the seller's image which is what it suposed to seem based on my search (it should have been black and with a tiny cut and etc.), which makes me think if that is the "HJ-580LA" version but programmed by them? doesn't "really" matter as it is the same in dimensions and has only minor and not that important deferences [...]