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SpaceX Falcon 9 first stage Landing Prediction

Lab 1: Collecting the data

Estimated time needed: 45 minutes

In this capstone, we will predict if the Falcon 9 first stage will land successfully. SpaceX advertises Falcon 9 rocket launches on its website with a cost of 62 million dollars; other providers cost upward of 165 million dollars each, much of the savings is because SpaceX can reuse the first stage. Therefore if we can determine if the first stage will land, we can determine the cost of a launch. This information can be used if an alternate company wants to bid against SpaceX for a rocket launch. In this lab, you will collect and make sure the data is in the correct format from an API. The following is an example of a successful and launch.

Several examples of an unsuccessful landing are shown here:

Most unsuccessful landings are planned. Space X performs a controlled landing in the oceans.


In this lab, you will make a get request to the SpaceX API. You will also do some basic data wrangling and formating.

  • Request to the SpaceX API
  • Clean the requested data

Import Libraries and Define Auxiliary Functions

We will import the following libraries into the lab

# Requests allows us to make HTTP requests which we will use to get data from an API
import requests
# Pandas is a software library written for the Python programming language for data manipulation and analysis.
import pandas as pd
# NumPy is a library for the Python programming language, adding support for large, multi-dimensional arrays and matrices, along with a large collection of high-level mathematical functions to operate on these arrays
import numpy as np
# Datetime is a library that allows us to represent dates
import datetime

# Setting this option will print all collumns of a dataframe
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
# Setting this option will print all of the data in a feature
pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', None)

Below we will define a series of helper functions that will help us use the API to extract information using identification numbers in the launch data.

From the rocket column we would like to learn the booster name.

# Takes the dataset and uses the rocket column to call the API and append the data to the list
def getBoosterVersion(data):
    for x in data['rocket']:
        response = requests.get(""+str(x)).json()

From the launchpad we would like to know the name of the launch site being used, the logitude, and the latitude.

# Takes the dataset and uses the launchpad column to call the API and append the data to the list
def getLaunchSite(data):
    for x in data['launchpad']:
        response = requests.get(""+str(x)).json()

From the payload we would like to learn the mass of the payload and the orbit that it is going to.

# Takes the dataset and uses the payloads column to call the API and append the data to the lists
def getPayloadData(data):
    for load in data['payloads']:
        response = requests.get(""+load).json()

From cores we would like to learn the outcome of the landing, the type of the landing, number of flights with that core, whether gridfins were used, wheter the core is reused, wheter legs were used, the landing pad used, the block of the core which is a number used to seperate version of cores, the number of times this specific core has been reused, and the serial of the core.

# Takes the dataset and uses the cores column to call the API and append the data to the lists
def getCoreData(data):
    for core in data['cores']:
            if core['core'] != None:
                response = requests.get(""+core['core']).json()
            Outcome.append(str(core['landing_success'])+' '+str(core['landing_type']))

Now let's start requesting rocket launch data from SpaceX API with the following URL:

response = requests.get(spacex_url)

Check the content of the response


You should see the response contains massive information about SpaceX launches. Next, let's try to discover some more relevant information for this project.

Task 1: Request and parse the SpaceX launch data using the GET request

To make the requested JSON results more consistent, we will use the following static response object for this project:


We should see that the request was successfull with the 200 status response code


Now we decode the response content as a Json using .json() and turn it into a Pandas dataframe using .json_normalize()

# Use jsonstatic_json_url._normalize meathod to convert the json result into a dataframe
import json
data = pd.json_normalize(response.json())

Using the dataframe data print the first 5 rows

# Get the head of the dataframe
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
static_fire_date_utc static_fire_date_unix net window rocket success failures details crew ships capsules payloads launchpad flight_number name date_utc date_unix date_local date_precision upcoming cores auto_update tbd launch_library_id id fairings.reused fairings.recovery_attempt fairings.recovered fairings.ships links.patch.small links.patch.large links.reddit.campaign links.reddit.launch links.reddit.recovery links.presskit links.webcast links.youtube_id links.article links.wikipedia fairings
0 2006-03-17T00:00:00.000Z 1.142554e+09 False 0.0 5e9d0d95eda69955f709d1eb False [{'time': 33, 'altitude': None, 'reason': 'merlin engine failure'}] Engine failure at 33 seconds and loss of vehicle [] [] [] [5eb0e4b5b6c3bb0006eeb1e1] 5e9e4502f5090995de566f86 1 FalconSat 2006-03-24T22:30:00.000Z 1143239400 2006-03-25T10:30:00+12:00 hour False [{'core': '5e9e289df35918033d3b2623', 'flight': 1, 'gridfins': False, 'legs': False, 'reused': False, 'landing_attempt': False, 'landing_success': None, 'landing_type': None, 'landpad': None}] True False None 5eb87cd9ffd86e000604b32a False False False [] None None None None [] [] None 0a_00nJ_Y88 NaN
1 None NaN False 0.0 5e9d0d95eda69955f709d1eb False [{'time': 301, 'altitude': 289, 'reason': 'harmonic oscillation leading to premature engine shutdown'}] Successful first stage burn and transition to second stage, maximum altitude 289 km, Premature engine shutdown at T+7 min 30 s, Failed to reach orbit, Failed to recover first stage [] [] [] [5eb0e4b6b6c3bb0006eeb1e2] 5e9e4502f5090995de566f86 2 DemoSat 2007-03-21T01:10:00.000Z 1174439400 2007-03-21T13:10:00+12:00 hour False [{'core': '5e9e289ef35918416a3b2624', 'flight': 1, 'gridfins': False, 'legs': False, 'reused': False, 'landing_attempt': False, 'landing_success': None, 'landing_type': None, 'landpad': None}] True False None 5eb87cdaffd86e000604b32b False False False [] None None None None [] [] None Lk4zQ2wP-Nc NaN
2 None NaN False 0.0 5e9d0d95eda69955f709d1eb False [{'time': 140, 'altitude': 35, 'reason': 'residual stage-1 thrust led to collision between stage 1 and stage 2'}] Residual stage 1 thrust led to collision between stage 1 and stage 2 [] [] [] [5eb0e4b6b6c3bb0006eeb1e3, 5eb0e4b6b6c3bb0006eeb1e4] 5e9e4502f5090995de566f86 3 Trailblazer 2008-08-03T03:34:00.000Z 1217734440 2008-08-03T15:34:00+12:00 hour False [{'core': '5e9e289ef3591814873b2625', 'flight': 1, 'gridfins': False, 'legs': False, 'reused': False, 'landing_attempt': False, 'landing_success': None, 'landing_type': None, 'landpad': None}] True False None 5eb87cdbffd86e000604b32c False False False [] None None None None [] [] None v0w9p3U8860 NaN
3 2008-09-20T00:00:00.000Z 1.221869e+09 False 0.0 5e9d0d95eda69955f709d1eb True [] Ratsat was carried to orbit on the first successful orbital launch of any privately funded and developed, liquid-propelled carrier rocket, the SpaceX Falcon 1 [] [] [] [5eb0e4b7b6c3bb0006eeb1e5] 5e9e4502f5090995de566f86 4 RatSat 2008-09-28T23:15:00.000Z 1222643700 2008-09-28T11:15:00+12:00 hour False [{'core': '5e9e289ef3591855dc3b2626', 'flight': 1, 'gridfins': False, 'legs': False, 'reused': False, 'landing_attempt': False, 'landing_success': None, 'landing_type': None, 'landpad': None}] True False None 5eb87cdbffd86e000604b32d False False False [] None None None None [] [] None dLQ2tZEH6G0 NaN
4 None NaN False 0.0 5e9d0d95eda69955f709d1eb True [] None [] [] [] [5eb0e4b7b6c3bb0006eeb1e6] 5e9e4502f5090995de566f86 5 RazakSat 2009-07-13T03:35:00.000Z 1247456100 2009-07-13T15:35:00+12:00 hour False [{'core': '5e9e289ef359184f103b2627', 'flight': 1, 'gridfins': False, 'legs': False, 'reused': False, 'landing_attempt': False, 'landing_success': None, 'landing_type': None, 'landpad': None}] True False None 5eb87cdcffd86e000604b32e False False False [] None None None None [] [] yTaIDooc8Og NaN

You will notice that a lot of the data are IDs. For example the rocket column has no information about the rocket just an identification number.

We will now use the API again to get information about the launches using the IDs given for each launch. Specifically we will be using columns rocket, payloads, launchpad, and cores.

# Lets take a subset of our dataframe keeping only the features we want and the flight number, and date_utc.
data = data[['rocket', 'payloads', 'launchpad', 'cores', 'flight_number', 'date_utc']]

# We will remove rows with multiple cores because those are falcon rockets with 2 extra rocket boosters and rows that have multiple payloads in a single rocket.
data = data[data['cores'].map(len)==1]
data = data[data['payloads'].map(len)==1]

# Since payloads and cores are lists of size 1 we will also extract the single value in the list and replace the feature.
data['cores'] = data['cores'].map(lambda x : x[0])
data['payloads'] = data['payloads'].map(lambda x : x[0])

# We also want to convert the date_utc to a datetime datatype and then extracting the date leaving the time
data['date'] = pd.to_datetime(data['date_utc'])

# Using the date we will restrict the dates of the launches
data = data[data['date'] <=, 11, 13)]
  • From the rocket we would like to learn the booster name

  • From the payload we would like to learn the mass of the payload and the orbit that it is going to

  • From the launchpad we would like to know the name of the launch site being used, the longitude, and the latitude.

  • From cores we would like to learn the outcome of the landing, the type of the landing, number of flights with that core, whether gridfins were used, whether the core is reused, whether legs were used, the landing pad used, the block of the core which is a number used to seperate version of cores, the number of times this specific core has been reused, and the serial of the core.

The data from these requests will be stored in lists and will be used to create a new dataframe.

#Global variables 
BoosterVersion = []
PayloadMass = []
Orbit = []
LaunchSite = []
Outcome = []
Flights = []
GridFins = []
Reused = []
Legs = []
LandingPad = []
Block = []
ReusedCount = []
Serial = []
Longitude = []
Latitude = []

These functions will apply the outputs globally to the above variables. Let's take a looks at BoosterVersion variable. Before we apply getBoosterVersion the list is empty:


Now, let's apply getBoosterVersion function method to get the booster version

# Call getBoosterVersion

the list has now been update

['Falcon 1', 'Falcon 1', 'Falcon 1', 'Falcon 1', 'Falcon 9']

we can apply the rest of the functions here:

# Call getLaunchSite
# Call getPayloadData
# Call getCoreData

Finally lets construct our dataset using the data we have obtained. We we combine the columns into a dictionary.

launch_dict = {'FlightNumber': list(data['flight_number']),
'Date': list(data['date']),
'Longitude': Longitude,
'Latitude': Latitude}

Then, we need to create a Pandas data frame from the dictionary launch_dict.

# Create a data from launch_dict
data = pd.DataFrame(launch_dict)

Show the summary of the dataframe

# Show the head of the dataframe
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
FlightNumber Date BoosterVersion PayloadMass Orbit LaunchSite Outcome Flights GridFins Reused Legs LandingPad Block ReusedCount Serial Longitude Latitude
0 1 2006-03-24 Falcon 1 20.0 LEO Kwajalein Atoll None None 1 False False False None NaN 0 Merlin1A 167.743129 9.047721
1 2 2007-03-21 Falcon 1 NaN LEO Kwajalein Atoll None None 1 False False False None NaN 0 Merlin2A 167.743129 9.047721
2 4 2008-09-28 Falcon 1 165.0 LEO Kwajalein Atoll None None 1 False False False None NaN 0 Merlin2C 167.743129 9.047721
3 5 2009-07-13 Falcon 1 200.0 LEO Kwajalein Atoll None None 1 False False False None NaN 0 Merlin3C 167.743129 9.047721
4 6 2010-06-04 Falcon 9 NaN LEO CCSFS SLC 40 None None 1 False False False None 1.0 0 B0003 -80.577366 28.561857

Task 2: Filter the dataframe to only include Falcon 9 launches

Finally we will remove the Falcon 1 launches keeping only the Falcon 9 launches. Filter the data dataframe using the BoosterVersion column to only keep the Falcon 9 launches. Save the filtered data to a new dataframe called data_falcon9.

# Hint data['BoosterVersion']!='Falcon 1'
data_falcon9 = data.loc[data['BoosterVersion']!='Falcon 1']
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
FlightNumber Date BoosterVersion PayloadMass Orbit LaunchSite Outcome Flights GridFins Reused Legs LandingPad Block ReusedCount Serial Longitude Latitude
4 6 2010-06-04 Falcon 9 NaN LEO CCSFS SLC 40 None None 1 False False False None 1.0 0 B0003 -80.577366 28.561857
5 8 2012-05-22 Falcon 9 525.0 LEO CCSFS SLC 40 None None 1 False False False None 1.0 0 B0005 -80.577366 28.561857
6 10 2013-03-01 Falcon 9 677.0 ISS CCSFS SLC 40 None None 1 False False False None 1.0 0 B0007 -80.577366 28.561857
7 11 2013-09-29 Falcon 9 500.0 PO VAFB SLC 4E False Ocean 1 False False False None 1.0 0 B1003 -120.610829 34.632093
8 12 2013-12-03 Falcon 9 3170.0 GTO CCSFS SLC 40 None None 1 False False False None 1.0 0 B1004 -80.577366 28.561857
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
89 102 2020-09-03 Falcon 9 15600.0 VLEO KSC LC 39A True ASDS 2 True True True 5e9e3032383ecb6bb234e7ca 5.0 12 B1060 -80.603956 28.608058
90 103 2020-10-06 Falcon 9 15600.0 VLEO KSC LC 39A True ASDS 3 True True True 5e9e3032383ecb6bb234e7ca 5.0 13 B1058 -80.603956 28.608058
91 104 2020-10-18 Falcon 9 15600.0 VLEO KSC LC 39A True ASDS 6 True True True 5e9e3032383ecb6bb234e7ca 5.0 12 B1051 -80.603956 28.608058
92 105 2020-10-24 Falcon 9 15600.0 VLEO CCSFS SLC 40 True ASDS 3 True True True 5e9e3033383ecbb9e534e7cc 5.0 12 B1060 -80.577366 28.561857
93 106 2020-11-05 Falcon 9 3681.0 MEO CCSFS SLC 40 True ASDS 1 True False True 5e9e3032383ecb6bb234e7ca 5.0 8 B1062 -80.577366 28.561857

90 rows × 17 columns

Now that we have removed some values we should reset the FlgihtNumber column

data_falcon9.loc[:,'FlightNumber'] = list(range(1, data_falcon9.shape[0]+1))
/home/jupyterlab/conda/envs/python/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pandas/core/ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:
  self._setitem_single_column(ilocs[0], value, pi)
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
FlightNumber Date BoosterVersion PayloadMass Orbit LaunchSite Outcome Flights GridFins Reused Legs LandingPad Block ReusedCount Serial Longitude Latitude
4 1 2010-06-04 Falcon 9 NaN LEO CCSFS SLC 40 None None 1 False False False None 1.0 0 B0003 -80.577366 28.561857
5 2 2012-05-22 Falcon 9 525.0 LEO CCSFS SLC 40 None None 1 False False False None 1.0 0 B0005 -80.577366 28.561857
6 3 2013-03-01 Falcon 9 677.0 ISS CCSFS SLC 40 None None 1 False False False None 1.0 0 B0007 -80.577366 28.561857
7 4 2013-09-29 Falcon 9 500.0 PO VAFB SLC 4E False Ocean 1 False False False None 1.0 0 B1003 -120.610829 34.632093
8 5 2013-12-03 Falcon 9 3170.0 GTO CCSFS SLC 40 None None 1 False False False None 1.0 0 B1004 -80.577366 28.561857
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
89 86 2020-09-03 Falcon 9 15600.0 VLEO KSC LC 39A True ASDS 2 True True True 5e9e3032383ecb6bb234e7ca 5.0 12 B1060 -80.603956 28.608058
90 87 2020-10-06 Falcon 9 15600.0 VLEO KSC LC 39A True ASDS 3 True True True 5e9e3032383ecb6bb234e7ca 5.0 13 B1058 -80.603956 28.608058
91 88 2020-10-18 Falcon 9 15600.0 VLEO KSC LC 39A True ASDS 6 True True True 5e9e3032383ecb6bb234e7ca 5.0 12 B1051 -80.603956 28.608058
92 89 2020-10-24 Falcon 9 15600.0 VLEO CCSFS SLC 40 True ASDS 3 True True True 5e9e3033383ecbb9e534e7cc 5.0 12 B1060 -80.577366 28.561857
93 90 2020-11-05 Falcon 9 3681.0 MEO CCSFS SLC 40 True ASDS 1 True False True 5e9e3032383ecb6bb234e7ca 5.0 8 B1062 -80.577366 28.561857

90 rows × 17 columns

Data Wrangling

We can see below that some of the rows are missing values in our dataset.

FlightNumber       0
Date               0
BoosterVersion     0
PayloadMass        5
Orbit              0
LaunchSite         0
Outcome            0
Flights            0
GridFins           0
Reused             0
Legs               0
LandingPad        26
Block              0
ReusedCount        0
Serial             0
Longitude          0
Latitude           0
dtype: int64

Before we can continue we must deal with these missing values. The LandingPad column will retain None values to represent when landing pads were not used.

Task 3: Dealing with Missing Values

Calculate below the mean for the PayloadMass using the .mean(). Then use the mean and the .replace() function to replace np.nan values in the data with the mean you calculated.

# Calculate the mean value of PayloadMass column
# Replace the np.nan values with its mean value
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
FlightNumber Date BoosterVersion PayloadMass Orbit LaunchSite Outcome Flights GridFins Reused Legs LandingPad Block ReusedCount Serial Longitude Latitude
4 1 2010-06-04 Falcon 9 6123.547647 LEO CCSFS SLC 40 None None 1 False False False 6123.547647 1.0 0 B0003 -80.577366 28.561857
5 2 2012-05-22 Falcon 9 525.000000 LEO CCSFS SLC 40 None None 1 False False False 6123.547647 1.0 0 B0005 -80.577366 28.561857
6 3 2013-03-01 Falcon 9 677.000000 ISS CCSFS SLC 40 None None 1 False False False 6123.547647 1.0 0 B0007 -80.577366 28.561857
7 4 2013-09-29 Falcon 9 500.000000 PO VAFB SLC 4E False Ocean 1 False False False 6123.547647 1.0 0 B1003 -120.610829 34.632093
8 5 2013-12-03 Falcon 9 3170.000000 GTO CCSFS SLC 40 None None 1 False False False 6123.547647 1.0 0 B1004 -80.577366 28.561857
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
89 86 2020-09-03 Falcon 9 15600.000000 VLEO KSC LC 39A True ASDS 2 True True True 5e9e3032383ecb6bb234e7ca 5.0 12 B1060 -80.603956 28.608058
90 87 2020-10-06 Falcon 9 15600.000000 VLEO KSC LC 39A True ASDS 3 True True True 5e9e3032383ecb6bb234e7ca 5.0 13 B1058 -80.603956 28.608058
91 88 2020-10-18 Falcon 9 15600.000000 VLEO KSC LC 39A True ASDS 6 True True True 5e9e3032383ecb6bb234e7ca 5.0 12 B1051 -80.603956 28.608058
92 89 2020-10-24 Falcon 9 15600.000000 VLEO CCSFS SLC 40 True ASDS 3 True True True 5e9e3033383ecbb9e534e7cc 5.0 12 B1060 -80.577366 28.561857
93 90 2020-11-05 Falcon 9 3681.000000 MEO CCSFS SLC 40 True ASDS 1 True False True 5e9e3032383ecb6bb234e7ca 5.0 8 B1062 -80.577366 28.561857

90 rows × 17 columns

You should see the number of missing values of the PayLoadMass change to zero.

Now we should have no missing values in our dataset except for in LandingPad.

We can now export it to a CSV for the next section,but to make the answers consistent, in the next lab we will provide data in a pre-selected date range.

data_falcon9.to_csv('dataset_part_1.csv', index=False)


Joseph Santarcangelo has a PhD in Electrical Engineering, his research focused on using machine learning, signal processing, and computer vision to determine how videos impact human cognition. Joseph has been working for IBM since he completed his PhD.

Change Log

Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Version Changed By Change Description
2020-09-20 1.1 Joseph get result each time you run
2020-09-20 1.1 Azim Created Part 1 Lab using SpaceX API
2020-09-20 1.0 Joseph Modified Multiple Areas

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