All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog. This project uses a custom versioning scheme (and not Semantic Versioning).
- Exchange
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for0 = 1
in UnifiedDiffUtils - preview of new Unified Diff Reader / Writer. This is not yet feature complete but passes the tests of the old version.
- feel free to issue some change requests for the api.
4.0 – 2019-01-09
- moved to organisation java-diff-utils
- changed groupid to and artifact id to java-diff-utils
3.0 – 2018-10-18
- Introduced a process listener to diff algorithms. For long running diffs one could implement some progress information.
- automatic module name for JDK 9 and higher usage
- changed generation of inline diffes, if there are different linefeeds within one diff, then these are excluded from the diff block.
- Due to licensing issues and were removed.
2.2 – 2017-11-09
- released at maven central
- included checkstyle source code conventions
- allow configurable splitting of lines to define the blocks to compare (words, characters, phrases).
- groupid changed to com.github.wumpz, due to maven central releasing
- support for inline merge
- integrated JGit (Eclipse Licensed) to provide HistogramDiff to gain speed for large datasets
- switch to maven and removed other artifacts
- changed groupid to due to different forks at github
- updated maven plugins
- JDK 1.8 compatibility, sorry if you have to stick with older versions
- restructured packages heavily
- changed API
- changed Algorithm to provide only cursor positions
- removed all kinds of helper classes in favour of new JDK 8 function classes like Predicate
- JDK 1.5 compatibility
- Ant build script
- Generate output in unified diff format (thanks for Bill James)