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CASS Notes --- RISC-V Programming --- Exception Handling & RARS System Calls

Privilege Modes

  • For security and virtualisation reasons, RISC-V processors can run in different modes of privilege. Some instructions are reserved for higher degrees of privilege, and if in the wrong mode, the processor will trap instruction execution and forward control of the situation to the OS's trap handler.

    • All RISC-V processors support at least a single mode, being machine mode, which is allowed to issue any executable instruction.
    • Most processors support an additional mode with a slightly lower privilege degree, called supervisor/system mode. It cannot, in particular, alter vital processor hardware signals like the enabling of the floating-point unit. This mode is what we'd want the OS to be in.
    • Experimentally, a third, lower-privileged user mode has been suggested by RISC-V's N extension. RARS emulates a user-mode environment, such that it makes real sense to talk about privileged vs. underprivileged instructions.
  • Exceptions - problems halting execution, as discussed in the next section - are most often handled in supervisor mode, by branching to the OS.

    • Why not use machine mode, if that has more problem-resolving power? Alas, if an exception cannot be handled by the supervisor, it's probably so bad machine mode can't either. This is why machine mode is better dubbed boot mode, and supervisor mode operational mode, if you will. That's why Patterson & Hennessy only mention supervisor mode.
    • The effect of an exception is, in the best case, slightly more than a branch, as it will raises the privilege level. This in particular makes system calls possible (see final section).

Exception/interrupt ISA

  • Sometimes, regular CPU operation is stopped by a bad machine event taking place (that is, inside the CPU), requiring the CPU to jump to a safe address without being asked to do so by a branch or jump instruction. These events are exceptions, which we classify into "FAT"s:
    • Faults: unintentional but fixable invalid hardware behaviour. Examples:
      • Divide by zero;
      • Page table faults (virtual page address not in page table, so it needs to be fetched from disk);
      • Undecodable instruction (e.g. unimplemented opcode);
      • Misaligned stack pointer;
      • Misaligned load address;
    • Aborts: unintentional and unfixable hardware behaviour. Example:
      • The magic of micro-electronical quirkiness causes single-parity RAM to become corrupted;
    • Traps: intentional halts. Examples:
      • Unprivileged instructions (see above);
      • Very explicit calls on an OS service, like system calls;
  • Similar to traps, the CPU has pins allowing the outside world to raise an interrupt to grab the CPU's attention. This can happen asynchronously, so the CPU will wait a while before sending back an acknowledgement of having handled it. Examples include:
    • Human input via keystrokes or mouse movements;
    • I/O completion (a hard disk drive, a particularly slow device, returns the result of a data request);
  • RISC-V hardware is equipped for suspending CPU operation to catch exceptions/interrupts and let them be handled properly, including dedicated registers and instructions. This hardware is discussed next.


  • Control/Status Registers (CSRs) are one-off registers outside of the register file (x0-x31) and apart from the pc register. They hold information about peculiar events during execution (especially exceptions, in RISC-V).

    • As such, CSRs are fundamentally not accessible like the registers in the register file, because they do not live there. Specifically, they are not read during decoding, and they are not written during writeback.
    • For CSR access, special CSR instructions are implemented in hardware (see next sections).
  • Each privilege mode has its own set of CSRs, prefixed by the first letter of the mode (m for machine, s for supervisor/system, u for user). They are as follows:

    CSR (x=m/s/u) Full name Usage
    xstatus Status Various status bits informing about the CPU state
    xcause Cause Cause code of exception
    xepc Exception Program Counter Instruction address where exception occured
    xtvec Trap Vectored handler Address to exception handling procedure
    xscratch Scratch Free register for manipulation by the exception handler

CSR instructions

  • As noted, reading from and writing to CSRs needs specialised instructions.

    • All such instructions are prefixed by csr.
    • The processor implements 3 register-based instructions (and their 3 immediate-based counterparts, suffixed by i).
    CSR instruction Full name Meaning
    csrrs Rd, Csr, Rs Read-set Read Csr into Rd, and set Csr to Csr OR Rs
    csrrw Rd, Csr, Rs Read-write Read Csr into Rd, and set Csr to Rs
    csrrc Rd, Csr, Rs Read-clear Read Csr into Rd, and set Csr to 0
    mret/sret/uret Return from handler Copy xepc into pc to resume execution
  • The RARS assembler offers additional meaningful pseudo-instructions that exploit the x0 register internally:

    CSR pseudo Full name Meaning
    csrr Rd, Csr Read Read Csr into Rd
    csrw Csr, Rs Write Write Csr from Rs
    csrwi Csr, Imm Write immediate Write Csr from immediate Imm
    • Notice the operand orders. They follow the same rule as the actual CSR instructions: data move from right to left. This differs from sw.
  • Obviously, since CSRs are not accessible during decode nor writeback, they cannot function as ALU operands/destinations: if an exception handler wants to manipulate values found in any of the CSRs, it'll need to load those into regular registers, which do have connections to the ALU.

    • Sadly for the handler, non-immediate values can only be written to xscratch from a regular register, not a CSR (see above csrw). We'll deal with this conundrum in the next section.

Custom exception handling

  • ustatus's first bit is also called uie (for interrupt enable). This bit needs to be set for custom exception handling.

    • In RARS, uie is 0 by default, hence it needs to be set.
    • After that, utvec can be set to the address of the first instruction of the exception handler.
    • Example setup:
      csrsi   uie, 1      # Enable custom interrupts in RARS
      la      x5, handler
      csrw     utvec, x5  # Set User Trap VECtorised handler address
  • The big conundrum of exception handlers is handler memory allocation. The handler likely wants to compute or retrieve at least one piece of data, or perhaps perform a system call (see next section). Yet, to perform any operation or load or argument pass ... you need a free register.

    • Assuming an exception can occur at any point in time, there is no guarantee that caller-callee conventions have been followed. Hence, all registers we normally assume to be safe to manipulate (x5-x7, x10-x17 and x28-x31), aren't safe.

    • Furthermore, since stack pointer misalignment may have caused the exception, the stack is not available for storing operands to.

    • Hence, this leaves two ways to allocate free memory for the exception handler:

      1. Use the data segment (use .data to reserve .space) => fixed-size allocation
      2. Use dynamic memory (use an ecall to call sbrk) => ever-expandable allocation, though not freeable :(
    • Lastly, both need at least one free register (the first to store the address to the preallocated space in memory using la ..., free_space_label_here, the second to store the address to the created heap space as returned by sbrk). We have a free CSR uscratch, but ...

      • Sadly, it can't be loaded to by la nor sbrk.
      • Furthermore, even if we wanted to use only one register in space, uscratch wouldn't suffice in the important use-case of loading data from informative CSRs (ucause, uepc ...).
      • Additionally, uscratch can't be used for passing arguments, nor arithmetic, nor branching.
  • Doomsday scenario: a stack pointer aligned on any byte that doesn't delimit a doubleword, right as we're pushing a link register to the stack at procedure startup.

    • Not only does this cause a trap (sp should be doubleword-aligned),
    • and not only does this make the procedure jump without having backed up its temporaries,
    • but also, it makes the stack unusable to the handler.
  • The solution to the conundrum:

    • uscratch is really only good for storing a non-CSR register.
    • x10 is the ideal working space: it can be operated on, written to freely (like the address to fixed .space), passed as an argument, and used for return values (like the address of sbrk to "infinitely more" heap memory).
    • The solution: start the handler with csrrw x0, uscratch, x10, end it with csrrw x10, uscratch, x0 and uret.
  • A full exception handler, using the .data method of allocation:

        handler_stash:  .space 4  # Space for spilling a register
        msg_exception1: .string "Exception with cause "
        msg_exception2: .string " occurred at address "
    .globl main
        # 1. Stash one register to uscratch, so we can load in address(es) to our big stash
        csrr    uscratch, x10
        # 2. Load address into x10, and stash x17 (x10, neatly, is already stashed)
        la      x10, handler_stash
        sw      x17, 0(x10)
        # 3. Print ucause and uepc as part of a message
        la	    x10, msg_exception1
        li	    x17, 4	# PrintString(x10)
        csrr    x10, ucause
        li	    x17, 1  # PrintInt(x10)
        la	    x10, msg_exception2
        li	    x17, 4	# PrintString(x10)
        csrr    x10, uepc
        li	    x17, 1  # PrintInt(x10)
        # 4. Jump over line
        addi    x10, x10, 4
        csrw    uepc, x10
        # 5. Restore registers
        la      x10, handler_stash
        lw	    x17, 0(x10)
        csrr    x10, uscratch
        # 6. Return
        # Handler setup (enable custom handler, and set address to it)
        csrsi   uie, 1      # Enable custom interrupts in RARS
        la	    x5, handler
        csrw    utvec, x5	# Set User Trap VECtorised handler address
        # Trap
        lw      x5, 1       # Always traps (lw only allows word-aligned addresses, and 1 is byte-aligned)
        # Finish
        li      x17, 10     # Exit(0)
    • Of course, in real-life applications, the user-mode procedure wouldn't be able to reference the OS handler's reserved memory space (or any of the OS's pages, for that matter).

System Calls

  • System calls are intentional trap exceptions. They're evoked by a special instruction (an environment call in RARS), and are used to interface with basic, useful OS functionality. Examples include:

    • Printing/reading integers, floats, characters, strings ... to/from console
    • Generating a random number
    • Playing a MIDI tone
    • Allocating heap memory
    • Exiting the program with a certain exit status
  • RARS offers 42 environment calls, each referenced to by a unique code. The full documentation can be found here, and is very enlightening. Generally, environment calls work as follows:

    1. Load arguments into registers x10 to x16;
    2. Load the system call code into x17;
    3. Execute the special instruction ecall.
  • Example program:

    li      x17, 5   # ReadInt()
    ecall            # x10 = input
    mv      x5, x10  # ReadInt()   (note: x17 hasn't changed)
    ecall	         # x10 = input
    add     x10, x5, x10
    li      x17, 1   # PrintInt(x10)
    li      x17, 10  # Exit(0)