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GlitchyTurtle edited this page Aug 1, 2022 · 14 revisions

This addon simply adds the four nations bending abilities from the show Avatar the last Airbender, without needing experimental gameplay enabled, so it works on servers, realms, and already modded worlds with virtually no lag. Create realms, and customize the addon to fit your playstyle using the in-game settings.

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When you start out, nothing will happen. First, run the command !scroll. After that, you can choose your bending by opening it (long press or right click). The options are avatar, fire, earth, water, air, and human (normal vanilla Minecraft, with the ability to learn chi-blocking).

When you pick a bending style, nothing will happen - you need to choose your moves for each of your “slots”. For instance, if you sneak then punch you will use whatever move is bound to slot 4. Let’s say you are an Airbender, and used the scroll to set slot 4 to Air Blast - when you sneak and punch, you will use Air Blast. You can use your scroll to bind moves to slots. Just right click on your scroll, and click on the sub-menu button “Choose Slots”. Try picking slot 4 first, since it’s the simplest. Eventually, you’ll have your slots memorized, and a set of 6 moves you like best. These 6 that you have “slot loaded” is what makes you different from other benders of the same type.

Each type of bender will have a different moveset, and each individual bender will have an even more varied set of moves. As you level up, you get access to more moves. To level up, simply go about as normal - using moves will help you level up, but don’t try to afk, it won’t work.

Sometimes, bending can get annoying while just going about your normal tasks, so you can turn it off for a bit by holding arrows in your off-hand, or by typing !bending in chat.

The moves and abilities of these classes are outlined below, and also in-game with the !info moves or !info slots.

Have fun playing!

Airbenders (in this pack, at least) are centered around avoiding and then countering with a powerful counterattack. Your moves are super strong, but you have little health, so speed and dodging is important.

Slot Choice:

  • Slot 1: Look up and sneak to trigger whatever move you have for slot 1.
  • Slot 2: Look down and punch to trigger whatever move you have for slot 2.
  • Slot 3: Double sneak (sneak twice quickly) to trigger whatever move you have for slot 3.
  • Slot 4: Sneak and punch to trigger whatever move you have for slot 4.


  • Air Launch: Launch yourself into the air!
  • Airscooter: Jump on a bubble of air you can control! If you ram into entities, it does damage.
  • Air Escape Launch all entities near you 20 blocks away.
  • Air Blast: Shoots a focused beam of air that does damage and knockback.
  • Air Vanish: Allows you to vanish in a cloud of smoke.
  • Air Rush: Shoots you forward fast.
  • Air Shockwave: Shoots out a shockwave that does damage.
  • Air Blade: Shoot out a massive blade of air that you can steer by moving left and right.
  • Air Artillery: Shoots a blast of air that locks on and targets the closest entity.
  • Air Pull: The opposite of air push, pulls all nearby entities close to you.
  • Air Dodge: Blast youself over 4 blocks to the side to dodge other moves.

Firebending is known for its intense and aggressive attacking style and general lack of adequate defensive moves, although firebenders can modify offensive maneuvers to function as a defense.

Slot Choice:

  • Slot 1 - Look down and sneak to trigger whatever move you have for slot 1.
  • Slot 2 - Look up and sneak to trigger whatever move you have for slot 2.
  • Slot 3 - Sneak and punch to trigger whatever move you have for slot 3.
  • Slot 4 - Double sneak to trigger whatever move you have for slot 4.


  • Fire Blast - Shoots lava 5 blocks in front of you!
  • Fire Sprint - Give yourself speed and leave a fire trail untill the cooldown is over.
  • Fire Circle - Set the area around you on fire in the shape of a circle.
  • Fire Boosters - Lets you fly by shooting out fire.
  • Lightning - Makes lightning strike 5 blocks out where you look.
  • Fire Shield - Makes you invulnerable for a few seconds, can be used to negate fall damage.
  • Fireball - Shoot the same kind of fireball that ghasts do.
  • Fire Boosted Jump - Jump higher than ever before.
  • Last Ditch Effort - Punch a massive combustive impact into the ground, killing you and all nearby entities. Hopefully you never use it.
  • Fire Smite - Hits all entities in a radius of 10 with lightning, but hurts you too.
  • FireFinder - Shoots a blast of fire that locks on and targets the closest entity and hits with a combustive impact.


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