diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 6731ba8..2306a54 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,4 +1,107 @@ -# SESSION ID GENERATOR FOR WHATSAPP BOTS USING MEGA +# Session Id Generator For WhatsApp Bots Using Mega + +## It Will Uploads Your Creds To Mega And Will Sends You Id Of That File + + +## How Session Id Will Works? +
+ Click Here To View? +

+ + ```js +import { fileURLToPath } from 'url'; + +import path from 'path'; + +import { writeFileSync } from 'fs'; + +import * as mega from 'megajs'; +// This imports everything from the `megajs` module (which is a JavaScript library to interact with Mega.nz) as an object `mega`. +// This module allows interacting with files stored on the Mega cloud storage. + +async function SaveCreds(txt) { + // Declares an asynchronous function named `SaveCreds` that takes `txt` as an argument. The function will save credentials ( in JSON format) to a local file. + + const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url); + // `import.meta.url` gives the URL of the current module. The `fileURLToPath` function converts that URL to a file path for the current file. + + const __dirname = path.dirname(__filename); + // `path.dirname` extracts the directory name from the `__filename` path, so it provides the path to the directory containing the current file. + + const megaCode = txt.replace('', ''); + //if you did used some prefix before the session id + + const megaUrl = `https://mega.nz/file/${megaCode}`; + // Creates a Mega URL using the `file id` . It constructs the full URL to access the file stored on Mega. + + console.log(megaUrl); + // Logs the generated Mega URL to the console for debugging or confirmation purposes. + + const file = mega.File.fromURL(megaUrl); + // Uses the `mega.File.fromURL` method from `megajs` to create a `file` object from the Mega URL. This object represents the file to be downloaded. + + try { + + const stream = file.download(); + // Downloads the file from Mega as a stream. This returns a readable stream of the file's data. + + let data = ''; + // Initializes an empty string `data` to accumulate the chunks of data downloaded from the stream. + + for await (const chunk of stream) { + // Iterates over each chunk in the stream asynchronously (i.e., handles the data as it is downloaded). + + data += chunk.toString(); + // Converts each chunk (which may be a Buffer) to a string and appends it to the `data` variable. + } + + const credsPath = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'session', 'creds.json'); + // Joins several path segments to form the path to save the credentials file (it goes up one directory level and then to `session/creds.json`). + + writeFileSync(credsPath, data); + // Writes the `data` (credentials) to the `creds.json` file synchronously at the specified `credsPath`. + + console.log('Saved credentials to', credsPath); + // Logs a message to the console indicating that the credentials were successfully saved to the specified path. + + } catch (error) { + // If an error occurs during the download or file writing process, this block catches it. + + console.error('Error downloading or saving credentials:', error); + // Logs the error message to the console, providing feedback if something goes wrong. + } +} + +export default SaveCreds; +// Exports the `SaveCreds` function as the default export of this module, making it available for use in main file. + + +//Now Import Function In Main File +dotenv.config() +import SaveCreds from './some-file.js' + +async function main() { + const txt = process.env.SESSION_ID + + if (!txt) { + console.error('Environment variable not found.') + return + } + + try { + await SaveCreds(txt) + console.log('process SaveCreds completed.') + } catch (error) { + console.error('Error:', error) + } +} + +main() +// Now Use Further code +``` +
