The command line argument -ssl
can be used to configure SSL support in PGAdapter. The following
three values are supported:
: This is the default. SSL connections will be rejected and the client will be asked to connect using a plain-text connection.Enabled
: SSL connections are accepted. Plain-text connections are also accepted.Required
: Only SSL connections are accepted. Plain-text connections will be rejected.
SSL modes Enabled
and Required
require that a private key and a public certificate is added to
the Java keystore.
PGAdapter can use a self-signed private key and certificate for SSL connections. You can generate this using the following commands:
- Generate a private key. Replace the CN and SAN (Subject Alternative Name) with the actual host name(s) of your server.
keytool \
-genkey \
-keystore pgadapter.p12 \
-alias pgadapter \
-storetype PKCS12 \
-keypass password \
-storepass password \
-keyalg RSA \
-validity 3650 \
-dname,OU="My Organization Unit",O="My Organization",L="My Location",C=NO \
-ext ",IP:,DNS:localhost"
- Export a public certificate from the private key and copy this to the client(s) that will be connecting.
keytool \
-exportcert \
-keystore pgadapter.p12 \
-storepass password \
-alias pgadapter \
-rfc \
-file pgadapter-public-key.pem
- Start PGAdapter with SSL enabled and connect with
with SSL. The SSL keystore and password is specified using Java system properties.
java \ \ \
-jar pgadapter.jar \
-p my-project \
-i my-instance \
-s 5432 \
-ssl enable
psql "\
sslmode=verify-full \
sslrootcert=pgadapter-public-key.pem \
host=localhost \
port=5432 \
This section shows how to generate and use a self-signed private key when running PGAdapter with Docker.
- Start an interactive shell session using the PGAdapter Docker image. This will also map the
current directory to the
directory in the container. Everything that is written to that directory will also be written to the current directory on the host machine.
docker pull
docker run -it \
--entrypoint /bin/bash \
-v $(pwd):/data \
-w /data \
- Generate a private key. Replace the CN and SAN (Subject Alternative Name) with the actual host name of your server. Note: This host name must also be used by your Docker container (see step 5).
keytool \
-genkey \
-keystore pgadapter.p12 \
-alias pgadapter \
-storetype PKCS12 \
-keypass password \
-storepass password \
-keyalg RSA \
-validity 3650 \
-dname,OU="My Organization Unit",O="My Organization",L="My Location",C=NO \
-ext ""
- Export a public certificate from the private key and copy this to the client(s) that will be connecting.
keytool \
-exportcert \
-keystore pgadapter.p12 \
-storepass password \
-alias pgadapter \
-rfc \
-file pgadapter-public-key.pem
- Exit the interactive shell session in the Docker container.
- Start the PGAdapter Docker container with SSL enabled and the specified host name. Connect with
with SSL. The SSL keystore and password is specified using Java system properties.
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/path/to/credentials.json
docker run \
-p 5432:5432 \
--hostname \
-v $(pwd):/data \ \ \ \
-p my-project \
-i my-instance \
-ssl enable
psql "\
sslmode=verify-full \
sslrootcert=pgadapter-public-key.pem \
host=localhost \
port=5432 \
You can add a private key to use for SSL connections to PGAdapter by adding it to a Java key store and setting this as the key store to use when starting PGAdapter.