This is a geographic add-on for django-rest-framework. By the end of this you will have a complete gis django-rest-framework. Just follow along with the steps.
1.Create a django project
To create a project run the following command in your terminal
django-admin startproject geoapi
We have named our project as geoapi. Now change directory into the project by running the following:
cd geoapi
2.Create a django app
Now we are going to create an app inside the geoapi project. This contains files as well as many other .py files.
Run this:
django-admin startapp api
followed by ls
This will display a list of the files present in geoapi project.
Head over to geoapi/ and add api to the list of installed apps.
Run python runserver
to check our progress then open in your browser and you will see a congratulations message.
3.Create a virtual environment
Now we will create a virtual environment:
mkvirtualenv api
followed by workon api
(if env not activated)
4.Install requirements
You can do a pip freeze
to check installed requirements. There is none in the meantime. There are requiremnts we need so lets install django-rest-framework by
pip install djangorestframework
then django-rest-framework-gis by
pip install djangorestframework-gis
Next we need to add these to the installed apps in geoapi/ file.
Now lets run python migrate
5.Making our project spatial
So far so good. But it is not yet spatial. To make it geospatial head over to and add django.contrib.gis
to the list of installed apps.
We are also going to need to install pyscopg2
pip install psycopg2
and leaflet
pip install django-leaflet
add leaflet to the list of installed apps in geoapi/
Run the following command to add your installed requirements to a requirements.txt file
pip freeze > requirements.txt
6.Change database to POSTGIS
We will need to change our database to postgis So in your terminal run first