This repository contains the information on how to implement a beowulf cluster over MPI on Apple Silicon. There are ways to adapt this for interchange between ARM (Apple Silicon) and the x86 (Intel) Archetectures, but that causes unwanted errors and makes things difficult due to Rosetta. This contain a step by step guide on how to create a beowulf cluster
- Homebrew must be installed on all nodes
- All Firewalls need to be disabled on all devices
- Static IPs on all devices makes things easier, otherwise after a power cycle the hosts files will need to be changed to new IPs.
- At least two apple silicon devices you want to cluster
Whenever the cluster is set up, one device will act as the "manager" node, and all other devices with act as "worker" nodes. Whenever the manager does certain tasks for setup, the manager must do this for all worker IPs.
- install open mpi by running
brew install openmpi
- Create new user called mpiuser under System Settings>Users and Groups>Add account. Make sure this account is an admin on the device. From now on, all commands should be run through the mpiuser. To switch users run
su - mpiuser
- Go to System Settings>General>Sharing and enable remote login (this allows other devices to ssh into the device)
- create ssh keys for all devices on manager run the following and follow the next prompts.
ssh-keygen -t rsa
cd .ssh/
cat >> authorized_keys
ssh-copy-id ipaddressofworker
This must be done for all workers on the manager node on worker nodes run
ssh-keygen -t rsa
cd .ssh/
cat >> authorized_keys
ssh-copy-id ipaddressofmanager
- Setup NFS, on manager node, make cloud directory
mkdir cloud
then run
sudo nano /etc/exports
/Users/mpiuser/cloud -maproot=mpiuser WorkerIPAddresses
then run
sudo nano /etc/hosts
then run
nfsd restart
to check that it is properly set up run
showmount -e
On worker nodes, run
sudo nano /etc/hosts
then run
sudo mount -t nfs manager:/home/mpiuser/cloud ~/cloud
check by running df -h
on workers
Note: need to figure out how to run these scripts on init, else have to remount storage after every reboot on all devices
Running MPI programs is easy just use mpirun
For example to run mpi_hello
mpirun -hostfile my_host ./mpi_hello
Where my_host is a file that looks like
managerIPaddress slots=4 max_slots=40
worker1IPaddress slots=4 max_slots=40
worker2IPaddress max_slots=40
worker3IPaddress slots=4 max_slots=40
In order for this to work smoothly on all devices, All program files must be included in the cloud directory
use the following the in ?make file? of the PHITS source code
### Mac gfortran (4.8, 7.0 or later)
ifeq ($(ENVFLAGS),MacGfort)
OtherGfortran = true
SRCS8 += mdp-uni90.f
FC = mpifort # you have to revise the version
FFLAGS = -O0 -fdefault-double-8 -fdefault-real-8 -fdollar-ok -std=legacy
ifeq ($(USEMPI),true)
FFLAGS += $(shell mpifort -showme:compile)
FFLAGS += -I$(shell mpifort -showme:incdirs)
LDFLAGS = $(shell mpifort -showme:link)
LDLIBS = -lmpi_usempi -lmpi_mpifh -lmpi
ifeq ($(USEOMP),true)
FFLAGS += -fopenmp