A remote access trojan to use against Santa's laptop -- shamelessly ripped off of DcRAT
Open the project in Visual Studio 2019 and press CTRL+SHIFT+B.
All credits go to qwqdanchun
as the original developer of this RAT.
Neither I (Grinchiest
) or qwqdanchun
are not responsible for any actions and/or damages caused by your use or dissemination of the software. You are fully responsible for any use of the software and acknowledge that the software is only used for educational and research purposes. If you download the software or the source code of the software, you will automatically agree with the above content.
- SiMay - @koko
- Quasar - @Quasar
- Lime-RAT - @NYAN-x-CAT
- vanillarat - @dannythesloth
- StreamLibrary - @Rut0
- SharpChromium- @djhohnstein
- AForge.NET - @andrewkirillov
- AsyncRAT - @NYAN-x-CAT
- SimpleMsgPack.Net - @ymofen
- SharpSploit - @cobbr
- and some other projects