Releases: GuayabR/Beatz
3.6.0 (ALBUM 3.6! 12/07/2024)
3.6.0 (ALBUM 3.6! 12/07/2024)
Reworked album cover logic!
- All album covers are not loaded from a name of a song, now they load as one single image with the name of the album, reducing RAM usage.
- Added albums to the song list, songs now either display "Single" or their album name, and songs are searcheable by their album too.
- Added Despacito, cuz why not.
- Added different versions for songs; Finesse (feat. Cardi B) is version 2 of Finesse, version 2 will not display in the song list, and is only accessible from Finesse's screen in a dropdown.
- Multiple versions can be added to a song, they will all not be visible in the song list.
- Eminem's The Death of Slim Shady (Coup de Grâce) album will be added next week since BPM is still not available to search so i can't syncronise it xd (10COM 3.5! 11/07/2024) (10COM 3.5! 11/07/2024)
- Fixed dynamic speeds not updating beyond speed index 1.
- Fixed game still being able to pause and unpause after end screen has been drawn, this caused the song to start over while on the endscreen.
- Replaced the setting presets icon from "Font Awesome - Uikit" to "Font Awesome - Screwdriver/Wrench" (10COM 3.5! 10/07/2024) (10COM 3.5! 10/07/2024)
- Added a most recent song button to the song list layer. Plays the most recent song you've selected from the song list.
- Added 3 new songs: Grenade, 24K Magic, and Finesse, all by Bruno Mars.
- Fixed dynamic speed index not resetting after a new song is selected. (10COM 3.5! 09/07/2024)
3.5.0 (10COM 9/07/2024)
Added a new song list interface!
- 2 New interfaces: Song list, and song select.
- Song list has all of the songs listed with their index, title and artist, with a search bar so you don't have to spend much time searching for your favourite song!
- Song select interface has all of your favourite song's information: Name, cover image, artist, BPM, and note speed, or average note speed if your song has dynamic speeds!
- The search bar is filterable by index number, keyword and artist!
/ - Removed old song selector dropdown.
- Page's title now changes depending on the current song playing. (Index, Title | Beatz 3.5!)
- Fixed canvas background displaying transparently before game is initialized, background is now always the default banner, and changes once you start the game.
- Added keys being logged to the console as an option.
- Game now only needs 5 songs loaded to initialize.
3.4.0 (10COM 3.4! 7/072024)
Refactored all saving directories
- Saving settings now saves 2 arrays of data: Keybinds, and Miscellaneous.
- Keybinds store all keybinds for actions in-game: notes, changing note style, and song controllers.
- Miscellaneous store all preferences for the game, like background option, background blur, custom background, circular cover images, and logging keys to the console.
/ - Fixed saving a custom background not loading it nor drawing it.
- Fixed custom background blur not applying instantly on load.
- Fixed applied backgrounds not instantly drawing.
// (10COM 3.3! 5/07/2024)
Added more comments
Fixed closing setting presets modal not going back to settings.
Fixed pressing escape key in the setting presets modal not going back to settings.
// - (HFPS 3.3! 3/07/2024)
Added setting presets! -
Presets instantly change your settings to a selection of presets you want to use.
Presets include all settings.
Added presets: -
GuayabR's preset: ASKL Keybinds, transparent BG with 10px blur.
VERIDIAN's preset: DFJK Keybinds, default BG.
/ -
Fixed device detection not showing the unsupported message.
Added chromebooks as a device type, if you play Beatz on a chromebook, notes are easier to hit by 25 pixels.
Keys now register in uppercase.
Fixed using fullscreen while having a transparent background showing a black color, fullscreen now shows the html's background if a transparent background is in use.
// (HFPS 3.2! 30/06/2024) (HFPS 3.2! 30/06/2024)
- Added 3 new default backgrounds. (Wavy chromatic, Dark orange sunset, Copy HTML)
- Fixed saving settings not instantly switching to your preferred background.
- Code is now readable (thanks prettier) (HFPS 3.2! 30/06/2024) (HFPS 3.2! 28/06/2024)
- Cover images can now be round and spin like a vinyl record.
- Cover images spinning speed is decided by the current BPM of the song.
// (HFPS 3.2! 29/06/2024)
- Fixed saving settings not checking wether there were any changes or not.
- Fixed saving new custom background formatting the image as a fake path while loading the image looks for an image data format. All images should be formatted using image data.
- Fixed custom backgrounds instantly saving and applying, now image only applies after settings are saved
- Fixed circular cover images and vinyl rotation not saving to localStorage.
// (HFPS 3.2! 30/06/2024)
- Fixed saving new note style not toggling instantly.
- Fixed savedVinylRotation being undefined.
- Added new settings to default settings array.
- Shiawase (VIP) now has a complete Dynamic speed setting. (More to come)
- Dynamic speed settings can now end the song early by resetting the notes array at a set timestamp, and call to draw end screen at another set timestamp (Timestamp, note speed, notes, draw end screen call)
- Next update: Dynamic speeds are going to be shown below the cover image, making the switch from a slow speed to a fast speed easier.
Beatz (28/06/2024) (28/06/2024)
- Added a backdrop blur filter for the background as a customizable option
- New ingame shown version template (Codename.Release.Version.Subversion.Bugfix | Release, Subversion, Date)
// Fixes
Fixed "P" reloading the settings when settings were already opened, loading settings is now only possible when settings weren't opened beforehand.
// (HFPS 3.2! 28/06/2024)
- Added a tutorial phase to introduce the player to a new game!
Stages: - Shows the keybinds
- Shows the player where the settings are
- Socials are announced
- Youtube
- Game thanks player for playing!
Beatz 3.2! (HFPS 27/06/2024)
Beatz 3.2!
- Background can now be customized to default, transparent, and one of your choice!
- Any format is supported! (jpeg | png | webp | jfif | etcetera)
- Added hit sound volume slider, change the volume of the hit sound
- Fixed end screen showing default background when transparent background was selected
Beatz 3.1! (HFPS 26/06/2024)
Public Version Beatz 3.1!
- Added dynamic speed to HIGHEST IN THE ROOM. (More coming soon.)
- Added a button to travel to the testing version, and vice-versa.
- Added a function to restart the song after it ends in a set time in the settings.
- Added 3 new songs (HIGHEST IN THE ROOM, fantasmas, BIKE, ARCANGEL)
- Fixed next imminent speed change flickering between 2 values. (Dynamic Speeds)
- Added back onSongEnd, accidentaly deleted it in past updates. (End screen and points saving)
- Made saveScore not save your score if you somehow manage to get 0 total points. (Points saving)
- Changed the colorway of the page from dark blue to orange and purple to match the background in the canvas. (HTML)
Beatz (HFPS 3.1! 25/06/2024)
Dynamic speed are now fixed and linked to their corresponding songs
Added debug statements for dynamic speeds (Total dynamic speeds, next dynamic speed change)
Ready to release public update 3.1.