1 | 1 | package org.zikula.modulestudio.generator.cartridges.symfony.smallstuff.techdocs
2 | 2 |
3 | 3 | import de.guite.modulestudio.metamodel.Application
4 |
| -import de.guite.modulestudio.metamodel.ApplicationDependencyType |
5 | 4 | import de.guite.modulestudio.metamodel.DataObject
6 | 5 | import de.guite.modulestudio.metamodel.Entity
7 | 6 | import de.guite.modulestudio.metamodel.Variables
@@ -30,46 +29,13 @@ class TechStructure {
30 | 29 |
31 | 30 | def private content(Application it) '''
32 | 31 | «helper.basicInfo(it, language)»
33 |
| - «IF !referredApplications.empty» |
34 |
| - <h2><i class="fas fa-link"></i> «IF language == 'de'»Abhängigkeiten«ELSE»Dependencies«ENDIF»</h2> |
35 |
| - «helper.table(it, dependenciesColumns, dependenciesHeader, dependenciesContent)» |
36 |
| - «ENDIF» |
37 | 32 | «entityInfo»
38 | 33 | «IF needsConfig»
39 | 34 | «variableInfo»
40 | 35 | «ENDIF»
41 | 36 | «settingsInfo»
42 | 37 | '''
43 | 38 |
44 |
| - def private dependenciesColumns(Application it) ''' |
45 |
| - <colgroup> |
46 |
| - <col id="cDepApplicationName" /> |
47 |
| - <col id="cDepMinVersion" /> |
48 |
| - <col id="cDepMaxVersion" /> |
49 |
| - <col id="cDepType" /> |
50 |
| - </colgroup> |
51 |
| - ''' |
52 |
| - |
53 |
| - def private dependenciesHeader(Application it) ''' |
54 |
| - <tr> |
55 |
| - <th id="hDepApplicationName" scope="col">«IF language == 'de'»Anwendung«ELSE»Application«ENDIF»</th> |
56 |
| - <th id="hDepMinVersion" scope="col">«IF language == 'de'»Min. Version«ELSE»Min version«ENDIF»</th> |
57 |
| - <th id="hDepMaxVersion" scope="col">«IF language == 'de'»Max. Version«ELSE»Max version«ENDIF»</th> |
58 |
| - <th id="hDepType" scope="col">«IF language == 'de'»Art der Abhängigkeit«ELSE»Dependency type«ENDIF»</th> |
59 |
| - </tr> |
60 |
| - ''' |
61 |
| - |
62 |
| - def private dependenciesContent(Application it) ''' |
63 |
| - «FOR referredApp : referredApplications» |
64 |
| - <tr> |
65 |
| - <th id="hDep«referredApp.name.formatForCodeCapital»" scope="row" headers="hDepApplicationName">«referredApp.name.formatForCodeCapital»</th> |
66 |
| - <td headers="hDepMinVersion hDep«referredApp.name.formatForCodeCapital»">«referredApp.minVersion»</td> |
67 |
| - <td headers="hDepMaxVersion hDep«referredApp.name.formatForCodeCapital»">«referredApp.maxVersion»</td> |
68 |
| - <td headers="hDepType hDep«referredApp.name.formatForCodeCapital»">«referredApp.dependencyType.literal» – «referredApp.dependencyType.dependencyTypeDescription»</td> |
69 |
| - </tr> |
70 |
| - «ENDFOR» |
71 |
| - ''' |
72 |
| -
73 | 39 | def dispatch private CharSequence entityInfo(Application it) '''
74 | 40 | <h2><i class="fas fa-database"></i> «IF language == 'de'»Datentabellen«ELSE»Data tables«ENDIF»</h2>
75 | 41 | «FOR entity : entities»
@@ -135,15 +101,4 @@ class TechStructure {
135 | 101 | <h2><i class="fas fa-puzzle-piece"></i> «IF language == 'de'»Integrationseinstellungen«ELSE»Integration settings«ENDIF»</h2>
136 | 102 | «new TechStructureSettings().generate(it, language)»
137 | 103 | '''
138 |
| -
139 |
| - def private dependencyTypeDescription(ApplicationDependencyType it) { |
140 |
| - switch (it) { |
141 |
| - case REQUIREMENT: |
142 |
| - return if (language == 'de') 'wird benötigt, zum Beispiel zum Verknüpfen verbundener Entitäten' else 'is required, for example to join related entities' |
143 |
144 |
| - return if (language == 'de') 'wird empfohlen, zum Beispiel zum Anbieten erweiterter Integrationsfunktionen' else 'is recommended, for example to provide enhanced integration functionality' |
145 |
| - case CONFLICT: |
146 |
| - return if (language == 'de') 'steht in Konflikt, zum Beispiel auf Grund überlappender Funktionalität' else 'is in conflict, for example due to overlapping functionality' |
147 |
| - } |
148 |
| - } |
149 | 104 | }
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