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Faster MIPs Using Custom Heuristics

Most important question

  • Q: How do you get a copy of the presentation and code?
  • A: Stay tuned until the end!

About Heuristics in MIP

  • Heuristics help make MIP faster than branch-and-cut alone
    • Find integer feasible solutions
    • Improve incumbent solutions
  • Heuristics run alongside branch-and-cut
    • At beginning of a solve
    • After the LP relaxation
    • Within the branch-and-cut tree

Types of solution heuristics

  • Construction: Find a feasible solution
  • Improvement: Modify a feasible solution to get a better solution

Why custom heuristics?

  • Gurobi provides multiple general-purpose heuristics that are effective for many MIP models, including:
    • Construction
      • Zero: Try x=0 as a candidate solution (!)
      • Zero objective: Set the objective to zero and solve
    • Improvement
      • RINS: Fix some variables and solve the reduced MIP
  • However, you may be able to do better for your model by exploiting its specific structure - that's the goal of this presentation


  • We use the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) for illustration purposes
    • Why TSP? Because it is a rich model that is easy to understand
  • This is not designed to show the fastest method for the TSP
    • Special-purpose TSP codes outperform this model
    • If you want to solve a TSP, consider a state-of-the-art system like Concorde TSP Solver

Review of the Symmetric Traveling Salesman Problem

  • Given:
    • A symmetric graph with Nodes and Edges
    • A distance value for each edge
  • Find a tour that
    • Visits each city exactly once
    • Returns to the starting point
    • Minimizes the total distance


Standard MIP model for symmetric TSP

  • Let $d_{ij}$ be the distance between nodes $i$ and $j$
  • Let binary variable $x_{ij} = 1$ if edge $i,j$ in the tour

$$ \begin{align} \min \sum_{i,j} d_{ij} x_{ij} \\ \sum_{j} x_{ij} & = 2 & \forall i \quad (1) \\ \sum_{i,j \in S : i<j} x_{ij} & \le |S|-1 & \forall S \subset N, 2 \le |S| \le |N|-2 \quad (2) \\ x_{ij} & = x_{ji} & \forall i,j \quad (3) \end{align} $$

  1. Degree constraint: ensures that two edges connect to each node.
  2. Subtour elimination constraint: there are an exponential number of these, but most are inactive. Typically, add them as needed via a lazy constraint callback that checks whether a solution contains subtours and adds the constraint.
  3. Symmetry constraints: handled by presolve or model formulation.

Status of MIP nodes

  • LP infeasible
  • LP feasible
    • Integer feasible
      • Has subtours – needs lazy constraints
      • No subtours – new tour found
    • Fractional values

Boldface values can be exploited in heuristics

MIP Heuristic: Greedy construction

Given a path in the graph, add the closest node. Repeat until you visit all nodes, then return to the start to get a tour.

MIP Heuristic: Subtour patching

Join subtours together to get a larger subtour. Repeat until there is just one tour.

MIP Heuristic: Fix and dive

Take variables $x_{ij}$ in the LP relaxation where $x_{ij} = 1$; fix those values and solve the reduced MIP.

MIP Heuristic: Swap

There are many different variations of swap heuristics. Here is a simple one where we swap 2 edges in a tour.

Model code

  • This code may seem pedantic since it's designed as a research testbed to try different heuristics
  • For a production application, you could simplify the code by including the heuristics directly and avoid some advanced (complex) Python programming.

Note This code is provided for illustration purposes and comes with no warranty or technical support.

Code to create the base model

import math
from itertools import combinations
import gurobipy as gp
from gurobipy import GRB
import random

def tspmip(n, dist, timelimit=60):
    m = gp.Model()

    # Objects to use inside callbacks
    m._n = n
    m._subtours = []
    m._tours = []
    m._dist = dict(dist)

    # Create variables
    vars = m.addVars(dist.keys(), obj=dist, vtype=GRB.BINARY, name='x')

    # Create opposite direction (i,j) -> (j,i)
    # This isn't a new variable - it's a pointer to the same variable
    for i, j in vars.keys():
        vars[j, i] = vars[i, j]
        m._dist[j, i] = dist[i, j]

    # Add degree-2 constraint
    m.addConstrs(vars.sum(i, '*') == 2 for i in range(n))

    # Set parameter for lazy constraints
    m.Params.lazyConstraints = 1
    # Set the relative MIP gap to 0 and the time limit
    m.Params.MIPGap = 0
    m.Params.TimeLimit = timelimit
    # Set the absolute MIP gap to the smallest nonzero difference in distances
    distvals = sorted(dist.values())
    m.Params.MIPGapAbs = min(v[1]-v[0] for v in list(zip(distvals[:-1],distvals[1:])) if v[1] != v[0])
    # vars object to use inside callbacks
    m._vars = vars
    return m

Subtours function

Finds all subtours from an integer solution, sorted from smallest subtour to largest.

def subtours(vals):
    # make a list of edges selected in the solution
    edges = gp.tuplelist((i, j) for i, j in vals.keys()
                         if vals[i, j] > 0.5)
    cycles = []
    while edges:
        # Trace edges until we find a loop
        i,j = edges[0]
        thiscycle = [i]
        while j != thiscycle[0]:
            i,j = next((i,j) for i,j in, '*')
                       if j != thiscycle[-2])
        for j in thiscycle:
            i = j
    return sorted(cycles, key=lambda x: len(x))

Tour cost function

A helper function to compute the cost of a tour

def tourcost(dist, tour):
    return sum(dist[tour[k-1],tour[k]] for k in range(len(tour)))

Callback function

There are several parts to the main callback function:

  1. Checks on integer solutions: if an integer solution is found, it either stores the tour or subtours
  2. A call to a heuristic function, which we specify later
  3. If subtours were found, add subtour elimination constraints
  4. If a tour was generated (like from a heuristic), set that as a candidate solution

This function is written as a closure: a function that generates the callback. The reason for this is that we want to specify the heuristic function to call inside the callback! The main logic is in the inner function basecb; the optional heuristic function is heurcb.

def tspcb(heurcb=None):
    def basecb(model, where):

        # Check MIP solution
        if where == GRB.Callback.MIPSOL:

            vals = model.cbGetSolution(model._vars)
            tours = subtours(vals)
            if len(tours) > 1:
                # Save the subtours for future use
                # Save the tour for future use

                # Record time when first tour is found
                except AttributeError:
                    model._firstsoltime = model.cbGet(GRB.Callback.RUNTIME)

        # Call inner heuristic callback function, if specified
            heurcb(model, where)
        except TypeError: # no heuristic callback specified

        # Add subtour constraints if there are any subtours
        if where == GRB.Callback.MIPSOL:
            for tours in model._subtours:
                # add a subtour elimination constraint for all but largest subtour
                for tour in tours[:-1]:
                    model.cbLazy(gp.quicksum(model._vars[i, j]
                                             for i, j in combinations(tour, 2) if (i,j) in model._vars)
                                 <= len(tour)-1)
            # Reset the subtours
            model._subtours = []

        # Inject a heuristic solution, if there is a saved one
        if where == GRB.Callback.MIPNODE:
                # There may be multiple tours - find the best one
                tour,cost = min(((tour,tourcost(model._dist, tour))
                              for tour in model._tours),
                          key=lambda x: x[-1])
                # Only apply if the tour is an improvement
                if cost < model.cbGet(GRB.Callback.MIPNODE_OBJBST):
                    # Set all variables to 0.0 - optional but helpful to suppress some warnings
                    model.cbSetSolution(model._vars.values(), [0.0]*len(model._vars))
                    # Now set variables in tour to 1.0
                    model.cbSetSolution([model._vars[tour[k-1],tour[k]] for k in range(len(tour))], [1.0]*len(tour))
                    # Use the solution - optional but a slight performance improvement
                # Reset the tours
                model._tours = []
            except ValueError: # tours list was already empty
    return basecb # the generated function

Check solution

Function to print and plot solution values.

from bokeh.plotting import figure, show
from import output_notebook


def checksol(m, plot=True):
    if m.SolCount > 0:
        vals = m.getAttr('x', m._vars)
        tours = subtours(vals)
        if len(tours) == 1:
            if m.Status == GRB.OPTIMAL:
                status = "Optimal TSP tour"
                status = "Suboptimal TSP tour"
            output = tours[0]
            status = "%i TSP subtours" % len(tours)
            output = tours

        print('%s: %s' % (status, str(output)))
        print('Cost: %g' % m.objVal)
        if plot:
            plotsol(tours, "%s on %i cities, length=%f" % (status, n, m.objVal))
        print('No solution!')

def plotsol(tours, title="", path=False):
    fig = figure(title=title, x_range=[0,100], y_range=[0,100])
    x, y = zip(*points), y, size=8)
    for tour in tours:
        ptseq = [points[k] for k in tour]
        if not path:
        x, y = zip(*ptseq)
        fig.line(x, y)


Generate data

We create random points on a plane and compute the Euclidean distance:

n = 300

points = [(random.randint(0, 100), random.randint(0, 100)) for i in range(n)]

# Dictionary of Euclidean distance between each pair of points
dist = {(i, j):
        math.sqrt(sum((points[i][k]-points[j][k])**2 for k in range(2)))
        for i in range(n) for j in range(i)}

Collect runtimes

A dictionary and a function to collect runtimes

runtimes = {'methods': [], 'optimal': [], 'firstsol': []}

def addruntimes(runtimes, method, model):

    # remove old copy, if one exists
        i = runtimes['methods'].index(method)
        for rt in runtimes.values():
    except ValueError:

    # add new value
    except AttributeError:

Generate model and solve with basic callback

Without any customization, the callback function tspcb simply finds subtours and adds constraints to prevent them.

m = tspmip(n, dist)
addruntimes(runtimes, 'noheur', m)

Heuristic Code

A Python class that computes some standard TSP heuristics:

  1. Greedy node insertion
  2. Subtour node patching
  3. Solution improvement via swapping

In both the greedy and patch heuristics, we use Python aggreate min functions with a key function so that we can obtain the argmin value. The key is specified as a lambda function so that we don't need to define a named function.

class pytsp:
    def __init__(self, n, dist, logging=False):
        self.n = n
        self.dist = dist
        self.logging = logging
    # Construct a heuristic tour via greedy insertion
    def greedy(self, dist=None, sense=1):
        if not dist:
            dist = self.dist
        unexplored = list(range(n))
        tour = []
        prev = 0
        while unexplored:
            best = min((i for i in unexplored if i != prev), key=lambda k: sense*dist[prev,k])
            prev = best
        if self.logging:
            print("**** greedy heuristic tour=%f, obj=%f" % (tourcost(self.dist, tour), tourcost(dist, tour)))
        return tour

    # Construct a heuristic tour via Karp patching method from subtours
    def patch(self, subtours):
        if self.logging:
            print("**** patching %i subtours" % len(subtours))
        tours = list(subtours) # copy object to avoid destroying it
        while len(tours) > 1:
            # t1,t2 are tours to merge
            # k1,k2 are positions to merge in the tours
            # d is the direction - forwards or backwards
            t2 = tours.pop()
            # Find best merge
            j1, k1, k2, d, obj = min(((j1,k1,k2,d,
                                        self.dist[tours[j1][k1-1],  t2[k2-d]]      +
                                        self.dist[tours[j1][k1],    t2[k2-1+d]]    -
                                        self.dist[tours[j1][k1-1],  tours[j1][k1]] -
                                        self.dist[t2[k2-1],         t2[k2]])
                                      for j1 in range(len(tours))
                                      for k1 in range(len(tours[j1]))
                                      for k2 in range(len(t2))
                                      for d in range(2)), # d=0 is forward, d=1 is reverse
                                    key=lambda x: x[-1])
            t1 = tours[j1]
            k1 += 1 # include the position
            k2 += 1
            if d == 0: # forward
                tour = t1[:k1]+t2[k2:]+t2[:k2]+t1[k1:]
            else: # reverse
                tour = t1[:k1]+list(reversed(t2[:k2]))+list(reversed(t2[k2:]))+t1[k1:]
            tours[j1] = tour # replace j1 with new merge
        if self.logging:
            print("**** patched tour=%f" % tourcost(self.dist, tour))
        return tours[0]
    # Improve a tour via swapping
    # This is simple - just do 2-opt
    def swap(self, tour):
        if self.logging:
            beforecost = tourcost(self.dist, tour)
        for j1 in range(len(tour)):
            for j2 in range(j1+1, len(tour)):
                if self.dist[tour[j1-1],tour[j1]]+self.dist[tour[j2-1],tour[j2]] > \
                    # swap
                    tour = tour[:j1] + list(reversed(tour[j1:j2])) + tour[j2:]
        if self.logging:
            print("**** swapping: before=%f after=%f" % (beforecost, tourcost(self.dist, tour)))
        return tour

Try swap heuristic

When a tour has been discovered in the MIP, call the swap heuristic to try and improve it.

Callback for swap heuristic

Since the base callback injects a tour at a MIP node, this should be called at a MIP node.

def swapcb(model, where):
    if where == GRB.Callback.MIPNODE:
        pt = pytsp(model._n, model._dist)
        for k in range(len(model._tours)):
            model._tours[k] = pt.swap(model._tours[k])

Solve the TSP with the swap heuristic

By itself, this should be no faster at finding the first solution, but it may reduce the time to optimality.

m = tspmip(n, dist)
addruntimes(runtimes, 'swap', m)

Try greedy heuristic

  • While solving the MIP, call the greedy heuristic using the fractional values from the LP relaxation
  • The motivation is that these fractional values should guide towards a good solution
  • When values are all zero (like crossing between subtours), pick the edge with the shortest length.

Callback for greedy heuristic

def greedycb(model, where):
    if where == GRB.Callback.MIPNODE:
        if model.cbGet(GRB.Callback.MIPNODE_STATUS) == GRB.OPTIMAL:
            x = model.cbGetNodeRel(model._vars)
            for k in x:
                if x[k] < 0.001:
                    x[k] = -model._dist[k]
            pt = pytsp(model._n, model._dist)
            model._tours.append(pt.greedy(dist=x, sense=-1)) # maximize using the x values

Solve the TSP with the greedy heuristic

m = tspmip(n, dist)
addruntimes(runtimes, 'greedy', m)

Try patch heuristic

When an integer solution contains subtours, call the patching heuristic to create a tour, and try that as a heuristic solution.

Callback for patch heuristic

def patchcb(model, where):
    if where == GRB.Callback.MIPSOL:
        pt = pytsp(model._n, model._dist)
        for subtour in model._subtours:

Solve the TSP with the patch heuristic

m = tspmip(n, dist)
addruntimes(runtimes, 'patch', m)

Try fix-and-dive heuristic

  • When a fractional solution contains some variables at 1, try to fix those and solve the submodel
  • Although this is similar to a built-in MIP heuristic, this also calls the subtour callback inside.

Callback for fix-and-dive heuristic

Note that this is also written as a closure. The reason for this is that we want to specify a heuristic callback function when solving the fixed model!

def fixcb(subcb=None):
    def inner(model, where):
        if where == GRB.Callback.MIPNODE:
            if model.cbGet(GRB.Callback.MIPNODE_STATUS) == GRB.OPTIMAL:
                # Try solving the fixed submodel
                fixed = model._fixed
                # Relaxed values near 1.0 get the lower bound set to 1.0
                for k,v in model.cbGetNodeRel(model._vars).items():
                    fixed._vars[k].LB = math.floor(v+0.01)
                # Set a cutoff for the fixed model, based on the current best solution
                if model.cbGet(GRB.Callback.MIPNODE_SOLCNT) > 0:
                    fixed.Params.Cutoff = model.cbGet(GRB.Callback.MIPNODE_OBJBST)
                fixed.optimize(tspcb(subcb)) # call subproblem callback
                if fixed.status == GRB.OPTIMAL:
                    fixedvals = fixed.getAttr('x', fixed._vars)
                    model.cbSetSolution(model._vars, fixedvals)
    return inner

Create the fixed model

We create two copies of the model and disable output when solving the smaller fixed model.

def tspmipwithfixed(n, dist):
    m = tspmip(n, dist) # main model
    m._fixed = tspmip(n, dist) # fixed model
    m._fixed.Params.OutputFlag = 0
    m._fixed._parent = m
    return m

Solve the TSP with the fix-and-dive heuristic

m = tspmipwithfixed(n, dist)

Tuning the callback for the fixed model

  • One issue is that the fixed values may be infeasible due to subtours
  • Let's exploit this by passing subtours found by the fixed model back to the parent model

First, create a callback function for the fixed model that appends the subtours to the subtours for parent model:

def passfixsubtours(model, where):
    if where == GRB.Callback.MIPSOL:
        model._parent._subtours += model._subtours

Solve the TSP with the enhanced fix-and-dive heuristic

The callback function appears complicated!

  • What it's doing is to call the main callback (tspcb) on the MIP with the heuristic fixed callback fixcb
  • The fixed model uses the callback passfixsubtours, which sends subtours back to the original MIP.
m = tspmipwithfixed(n, dist)

Multiple heuristics

Why not combine multiple heuristics together?

Combination: Greedy + Swap

def combo(model, where):
    greedycb(model, where)
    swapcb(model, where)

m = tspmip(n, dist)
addruntimes(runtimes, 'GS', m)

Combination: Patch + Swap

def combo(model, where):
    patchcb(model, where)
    swapcb(model, where)

m = tspmip(n, dist)
addruntimes(runtimes, 'PS', m)

Combination: Patch + Greedy + Swap

def combo(model, where):
    patchcb(model, where)
    greedycb(model, where)
    swapcb(model, where)

m = tspmip(n, dist)
addruntimes(runtimes, 'PGS', m)


Compare performance of the different heuristics

from bokeh.transform import dodge

fig = figure(x_range=runtimes['methods'], title="Runtimes")
fig.vbar(x=dodge('methods', -0.2, range=fig.x_range),
         top='firstsol', source=runtimes, width=0.3, color="red",
         legend_label="First solution")
fig.vbar(x=dodge('methods', 0.2, range=fig.x_range),
         top='optimal', source=runtimes, width=0.3, color="blue",

General model

  • The MIP TSP does not require a Euclidean distance function
  • It does not even require the triangle inequality!

Let's try some purely random distances:

n = 300

dist = {(i, j): random.uniform(0,100)
        for i in range(n) for j in range(i)}

m = tspmip(n, dist)


checksol(m, plot=False)

Models that are likely to benefit from custom MIP heuristics

  • Where it is difficult to find integer solutions via the LP relaxation
  • Where it is easy to construct or improve an integer solution

Models that are unlikely to benefit from custom heuristics

  • Where it is easy to find integer solutions
  • Where default MIP heuristics perform well
    • Ex: knapsack problems

Example models that are likely to benefit from custom MIP heuristics

  • Models with some possibility
    • Set covering/packing: Can you do better than general MIP rounding?
  • Promising models with disjunctive constraints
    • Sequencing / disjunctive scheduling
    • 2D/3D bin packing
    • Open pit mining

Remember the Disclaimers

  • We use the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) for illustration purposes
    • Why TSP? Because it is a rich model that is easy to understand
  • This is not designed to show the fastest method for the TSP
    • Special-purpose TSP codes outperform this model
    • If you want to solve a TSP, consider a state-of-the-art system like Concorde TSP Solver

How to get this code

Available for download on Github:

NOTE: The sample data is too large to run using a free trial license; please do one of the following:

  • Commercial prospects: Contact Gurobi sales to get a time-limited evaluation license
  • Academic users: Get a free academic license (if you qualify)
  • Anyone: Reduce the value of n to get a smaller model instance
